Ice Claimed

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Ice Claimed Page 6

by Marisa Chenery

  He placed a pillow behind his back and slouched down a bit. The more he thought about Meadow the more he missed being with her. He actually ached to have her in his arms again. Durlach took a deep breath. For now, he’d have to settle for the new memories he’d made of her during their first date and hope they would last him through the night.

  * * * * *

  The next afternoon Meadow was inside the stable, waiting for Durlach to arrive. She stood in Dancer’s stall while she groomed her horse. Dancer leaned against her as she ran the brush along her side.

  “Are you still mad at me?” Taylor asked. He was in the stall beside her, grooming the gelding Durlach would ride. Bolt was unofficially Taylor’s, but he hadn’t said too much when she’d told him she wanted Durlach to ride his horse.

  “Maybe a little,” she replied.

  “I thought as much. You really haven’t said a whole lot to me since you came to the stable. I’m sorry. If I’d known you two were getting hot and heavy I wouldn’t have surprised you like that.”

  “I still don’t know why you even thought I was in any trouble in the first place. You should have been able to tell the difference between cries of pain and…pleasure.” Meadow’s cheeks heated at the memory of Taylor finding her completely naked in the kitchen in Durlach’s arms.

  Taylor cleared his throat as if he found it difficult to answer. “Well, I do. I’ve made enough women climax to know. As I said last evening, if you had been with anyone else but Durlach I wouldn’t have thought anything of it. I would have figured you were having a good time and left it at that.”

  Meadow put down the brush she used and grabbed Dancer’s saddle before she placed it onto the horse’s back. “What do you have against him?”

  Taylor took such a long time in answering that at first Meadow didn’t think he would. He finally said, “I don’t really have anything against Durlach per se. It’s just what he is that I mistrust.”

  Finished putting on Dancer’s saddle and bridle, Meadow led the mare out of her stall by the reins and walked over to the one next to it. She looked at Taylor, who was almost finished saddling Bolt.

  “What do you mean by ‘what he is’? Is it because he’s a native? Last evening you said something about ‘his kind’ as well.”

  Taylor stopped what he was doing and turned in her direction. “I have nothing against him being a native. It’s the other part of him.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t understand what you mean. There is no ‘other part’ of Durlach. He’s a great guy and I really like him. To be honest, my feelings are stronger for him than they’ve ever been for any of my past boyfriends. I can’t seem to stop thinking about him.”

  “I guess Durlach didn’t lie about that.”

  “Lie about what? Taylor, you’re really not making any sense.”

  Taylor turned back around and finished doing up the straps on Bolt’s bridle. “Durlach isn’t what he seems to be. There’s a side of him that he’s keeping from you. And you really need to know what it is before you go any further with him.” He grabbed Bolt’s reins and led him out to stand next to Dancer.

  Meadow scowled. “How would you know this? You just met Durlach yesterday. And I know for a fact you two have hardly spent any time together for him to tell you anything like what you’re insinuating.”

  Taylor sighed. “Look, you’re going to have to trust me on this, okay? I’m walking a fine line as is. If Durlach finds out I even said what I have to you, he’ll more than likely want to kick my butt. I think you need to be forewarned is all.” He stepped closer and put his hand on top of her shoulder. “And once he does reveal that side of him to you and you can’t accept it, remember I’m here. I can protect you from him.”

  “Now you have me thinking I should be more careful around Durlach.”

  “I only want to give you the heads up so you don’t blindly fall for him without knowing there is something about him that he’s kept hidden from you.”

  Meadow walked Dancer out of the stable as Taylor did the same with Bolt. He’d definitely roused her suspicions now when it came to Durlach. Before their conversation she’d hadn’t found any fault with the new man in her life. Now that had changed.

  Outside in the yard, Meadow stopped in the middle of it to wait for Durlach to arrive. Taylor brought Bolt up next to Dancer. “You seriously think Durlach is hiding something from me?” she asked.

  “I don’t think, I know for a fact he is.”

  Meadow let the subject drop when she saw Durlach step into the yard and head toward them. He waved to her, which she returned. Looking at him, she couldn’t see any outward sign of anything being different than what he’d shown her of him the night before. He was still gorgeous as ever and seemed a really nice guy.

  Durlach stopped in front of her and smiled before he leaned in to her, then kissed her. Meadow returned his kiss but found herself holding back just a little bit. Once he pulled away, she said, “Hi.”

  “Hi,” he said slowly in return. Durlach gave her a questioning look. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. Are you ready to go out on our ride?”


  Meadow climbed up onto Dancer’s back. “Once you mount up we can go.”

  Durlach nodded, then walked toward Taylor and Bolt. The horse did a sidestepping prance the closer Durlach came to him. Taylor pulled on his reins and whispered to him to calm the gelding down. Meadow remembered Bolt had done the same thing to Taylor when he’d first ridden him as well. Obviously, the horse was nervous around new people for some reason.

  Eventually Taylor managed to get Bolt settled down enough for Durlach to attempt to get up into the saddle. Durlach put his foot in the stirrup, then holding on to the horn, he hoisted himself onto the horse’s back. He didn’t look too comfortable when Taylor passed him Bolt’s reins.

  Meadow noticed how Durlach fisted the long pieces of leather separately in both hands instead of holding them together in one. It made her wonder how much of a horseman he was.

  “Ah, Durlach,” she said. “How many times have you been on a horse?”

  “This is my first time.”

  She was about to tell him to get down, but didn’t get the words out fast enough. Bolt was notorious for sensing when a rider wasn’t experienced and taking advantage. The gelding let out a snort, then did what he’d been named for—he bolted.

  Durlach’s yell of “oh shit” trailed behind him as the horse took off at a gallop toward one of the trails. Meadow kicked Dancer into action and raced after him. Taylor had already run in the direction Bolt had gone.

  Meadow caught up to the gelding just in time to see him suddenly buck. Durlach’s ass left the saddle. He flew through the air before landing hard on the ground on his side. Bolt continued to race down the trail.

  Seeing Taylor had caught up with them, Meadow yelled, “You stay with Durlach. I’m going to go chase down Bolt.”

  Not waiting to see if Taylor agreed or not, she set her heels to Dancer’s sides and raced after the runaway horse.

  * * * * *

  Durlach lay there as he tried to catch his breath after having it rudely slammed out of him. That had been one ride he hadn’t expected. Being on the back of a bolting horse hadn’t exactly been a thrill of a lifetime.

  “You can get up anytime,” Taylor said from somewhere close behind Durlach. “I know your kind can take a lot of abuse.”

  Durlach rolled to his back and lifted his right arm. It stung like a bugger. On closer inspection, he saw a thick broken branch had pierced his skin, sinking deep. He took hold of it and pulled it free, then tossed it aside. He then watched the puncture wound heal, not leaving a mark behind.

  Taylor kneeled at his side and took hold of his arm. “How did you do that? How did you heal yourself so quickly? I’ve never seen a werewolf do that.”

  He shoved the other man away and sat up. “I told you I wasn’t like an ordinary one. I’m a sentinel. I’m also immortal.” Durlach pushe
d to his feet, then brushed himself off.

  “You can’t be. It’s not possible.”

  Durlach turned to face Taylor. “Look, Meadow is going to be back very soon so you have to drop this. And I am immortal. I’ve been alive for over ten thousand years.”

  At the sound of horses’ hooves coming down the trail, he shifted to see his mate heading toward him and Taylor, leading Bolt by his reins. Durlach wasn’t at all sure he wanted to get back into the saddle again. Being thrown once was one too many times in his opinion.

  Out of the corner of his eye Durlach saw Taylor intently stared at him. He ignored the other man and kept his gaze on Meadow. Once she reached them she dismounted while she held the reins of both horses. She gave him a look of concern.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I think I bruised my ego more than anything. Bolt must not like me.”

  “It’s not that. He can sense when there is an inexperienced rider on his back. When he does, he likes to use that against them.”

  “Like running away with the rider, then dumping him on his ass.”

  “Basically. You should have told me you’d never been on a horse before. I would have made you ride Dancer instead. She has the better temperament.”

  Durlach gave her a sheepish smile. “I kind of thought it wouldn’t matter.”

  “Well, as you can see, it does. You want to try again? This time on Dancer.”

  He really didn’t want to, but he also didn’t want his mate to think he was weak. Plus, he wanted to get away from Taylor. The other man’s gaze hadn’t left Durlach for even a second since he’d told Taylor about him being immortal. He didn’t need Taylor saying something in front of Meadow that he shouldn’t.

  “I guess I am, but if she sends me flying I’m done.”

  Meadow smiled. “You don’t have to worry about that. Dancer will behave.”

  With a nod, Durlach walked over to the mare’s side and climbed up onto her back. He accepted the reins from Meadow when she handed them to him. Unlike Bolt, Dancer stood perfectly still while he waited for his mate to get up onto the gelding.

  Once Meadow was all set, she headed down the trail. Durlach gave Dancer a small nudge with his heels and the mare followed after the other horse. A quick look over his shoulder showed Taylor stood in the middle of the trail, watching their departure. Durlach made a note to have a long chat with the other man very soon.

  He managed to steer Dancer out from behind Bolt so she walked beside him. Durlach looked over at Meadow. She seemed to avoid his gaze as she continued to stare straight ahead. Ever since he’d arrived he’d felt as if she was trying to put some distance between them. The kiss he’d given her, she really hadn’t been into it one hundred percent, not like she’d been on their date the night before. He decided to let it go for now and wait to see how she was once their ride was over.

  After they returned to the stable, Durlach knew for sure something had changed between him and Meadow. They talked but nothing that centered on their new relationship. She also put enough space between them so he couldn’t reach out and touch her.

  Once Durlach dismounted, Meadow did the same and took Dancer’s reins from him. She also told him to wait for her outside while she took the horses inside the stable. He had no problem with that. The building was Taylor’s territory and he wanted to stay away from the other man for the time being.

  It didn’t take very long before Meadow returned. “You want to come inside?”

  He nodded. “Sure.”

  Durlach followed Meadow inside the house, then into the living room where they sat on the couch. He didn’t wait for her to start the conversation. “What’s the matter, Meadow? I know there’s something.”

  She let out a breath. “All right, there is. I need to ask you something and I need you to answer me truthfully.”

  “Okay.” Durlach wasn’t sure what Meadow would ask but he had a feeling he wasn’t going to like it.

  “It’s come to my attention that you’re hiding something from me about yourself. And that it’s important that I know what it is before our relationship goes any further. Are you keeping something from me?”

  “Who told you that?” He knew damn well who it was but needed to hear Meadow say it.

  “It’s not relevant.”

  “Yes, it is.” He couldn’t keep a hint of a growl out of his voice. His wolf always so close to the surface nudged even closer.

  “Can’t you just answer the question without knowing that?”

  Durlach’s temper flared as he realized Taylor was probably behind all this. His mating urge riding him, and his wolf wanting to be let lose, Durlach stood. “It was Taylor who told you I was keeping something from you, wasn’t it?”

  Meadow came to her feet in front of him. “He only said it to help spare my feelings if things don’t work out between us.” She paused and took a half a step back. “Durlach, why are your eyes glowing?”

  The unease he saw on his mate’s face, and her thinking she needed to have more space between them, made something snap inside Durlach. He didn’t need Taylor coming between him and Meadow, especially since Durlach hadn’t claimed her yet. The idea of another unmated male having any influence over Meadow didn’t sit well.

  A full-blown growl rumbled out of him as he left the living room. He heard Meadow calling his name but ignored her as he stomped out of the house. Durlach turned in the direction of the stable, ready to have it out with Taylor right then and there.

  Chapter Seven

  Meadow wished she’d kept her big mouth shut, or at least found a better way to bring up the subject. There was no disguising the fact Durlach wasn’t too happy with Taylor right now. She also didn’t like the fact his eyes had taken on a peculiar muted glow. If she hadn’t been worried about what Durlach was going to do to Taylor she would more than likely be freaking about Durlach’s eye change.

  “Durlach, stop,” she said as she had to almost run to keep up with him. “I don’t think you’re in the right frame of mind to confront Taylor about this.”

  “I have to disagree with you on that. He had to have known this is how I would react when I found out. He had no right.”

  Meadow’s gut clenched at the animalistic growl that laced every word Durlach spoke. This was so not good. She didn’t need the two men to get into a fist fight, and that’s exactly what she thought was going to happen.

  Durlach walked into the stable and bellowed Taylor’s name. Taylor came out of the tack room and came to a standstill once he saw Durlach.

  “By your glowing eyes, I see you finally told Meadow what you are,” Taylor said.

  “No, I haven’t. She didn’t cause them to be like this. You did. And since you know so much you’ll have already figured out why you did. You had no right to fill my mate’s head with crap so she feels she can’t trust me.”

  Taylor closed more of the distance between him and Durlach. “But she had a right to know from the start. You should have introduced yourself by saying, ‘Hi, my name is Durlach and I’m a werewolf’.”

  Durlach growled. “Look who’s talking about keeping secrets from Meadow. You’ve known her for years and you haven’t told her yours.”

  Meadow stared at the two pissed-off men. Had she heard him right? Had Taylor called Durlach a werewolf? And what was Durlach referring to about Taylor having a secret? Had the world suddenly gone crazy and she hadn’t received the memo?

  “You’re walking a fine line, wolf boy,” Taylor said through clenched teeth.

  “Then how about we see if I can go over it?”

  Durlach’s body shimmered and blurred. Meadow’s jaw dropped and her whole body became frozen in place as he shifted to what she had thought was a wolf hybrid. It was Kèitel, right down to the black fur and size. Kèitel was Durlach.

  Meadow didn’t have too much time to freak out about that as Durlach launched himself at Taylor. Instead of trying to run as any sane person should, Taylor stood his ground, his body s
hifting as Durlach’s had, though a large cougar took his place.

  The wolf and cougar met in a flurry of sharp teeth and claws. Meadow’s heart tried to beat out of her chest as she watched two creatures she would never have guessed existed go at each other. The stable filled with the snarls of a large cat and the growls of a wolf. The horses neighed in fright and kicked the sides of their stalls. She remained frozen where she stood, unable to make a sound or run. All she could do was watch.

  With brute force of will, Meadow slowly took one sidestep and then another. Her gaze locked on to the two fighting animals, she inched her way toward one of the empty stalls. Once she reached it she ducked inside and carefully closed the door without making a sound. The last thing she wanted was to draw attention to herself. She tiptoed over to the stacked bales of straw, then climbed near the top where she knew was a little opening for her to hide inside.

  There she sat with her knees drawn up to her chest. The sounds of the fight eventually stopped. Meadow couldn’t tell who the winner was and didn’t really care. She just didn’t want them to find her. But the sound of the stall door opening had her covering her mouth with her hand to cover any noise she couldn’t hold back.

  “Meadow?” Durlach called from inside the small space. “It’s okay. I know you’re in here. I can smell your scent. Taylor and I have worked out our differences now. You don’t have to be afraid of us.”

  “Yeah, Meadow,” Taylor added. “We didn’t mean to scare you like that. Come on out.”

  No way in hell was she going to come out of her hiding spot. She heard the two men say something to each other so quietly she couldn’t make out the words. Meadow wrapped her free arm around her legs and held tight. Maybe if she sat very still they wouldn’t be able to find her and would give up.


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