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Submersed Page 14

by Rachelle Vaughn

  Dillon pulled me into a brisk hug. “Surprise!” he said into my neck.

  I was flabbergasted to say the least. For one, I never thought I’d see his handsome face again after yesterday. And two, he’d never shown up at my door without me calling him first.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked when he released me.

  He frowned. “I thought you’d be happier to see me. You got another guy in there?” he joked, peering around the corner into the kitchen.

  “No, of course not. I just…I didn’t think you were coming over today.” Or ever.

  “Change of plans.” He clapped his hands together in delight. “Dig out your passport and pack your bags, baby. We’re going to Tahiti!”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You got a suitcase?”

  “Yeah. In the closet.”

  He moved passed me and I followed him through the bedroom and into the walk-in closet.

  He was crazy. He had come back into my life like a tornado and he was asking me if I owned a suitcase.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the doorjamb. “Dillon, what are you doing?”

  “Come to think of it, you probably won’t be needing any clothes,” he said, pulling my suitcase down from the top shelf. “Just grab your purse, throw your bikini in it and let’s go.”

  I tugged on his shirt, desperately trying to get his attention. “Dillon, please. Tell me what’s going on.”

  “We’re going to your island,” he said and walked out to set my suitcase down on the bed.

  “We’re going to Bel Ange?” I asked, following him back into the closet.

  “Yeah, that’s it. You say it a hell of a lot better than I do.” He started searching through the racks of my clothes and I put a hand up to stop him.

  “You did this? You arranged for us to go to Bel Ange?”

  “Yeah.” He dropped the hand he had been resting on one of my sundresses. “Well, your dad helped out. He made all the arrangements.”

  “You spoke to my father?” Dillon had spoken to my father on his own?

  “Yeah. He’s a nice guy. He’d bend over backwards for you, Livi.”

  “Wait, what exactly did you two talk about?”

  “I just asked him more about the island and suggested that we take a little vacation. He said it would do us both some good and I agreed. Now is the perfect time because next week I’ll be busy with the gym stuff and then supervising the remodel.”

  “Wow.” It was all I could say. Wow.

  Dillon anxiously checked his watch. “You’ve got about twenty minutes.”

  He went into the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. “Anything you need in here? Deodorant, toothpaste?”

  I hurried in behind him and shoved him out of the way. “I’ll pack my own stuff, thanks.”

  “All right, all right. Well, make it snappy. The private jet is being fueled and someone named Sisilia is already there stocking the place with groceries.”

  I smiled fondly at the familiar name. Jeez, I hadn’t been to the island in at least eight months. Of all the places in the world I’d been, it was my favorite by far. It was breathtakingly gorgeous, peaceful and best of all private and secluded.

  “Wait,” I said, pointing a stick of deodorant at his chest. “I thought you said you were retiring.”

  “This isn’t a job, Livi. We’re going on vacation.”

  My hands started to shake as I began filling my travel bag. We were going to Bel Ange. Dillon and I.


  I wanted to dance a little jig in the closet, but there wasn’t time.

  Two minutes later, while I dug through my dresser looking for my swimsuit, it hit me.

  We were going to Bel Ange to have sex.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  On the way out the door, exactly fourteen minutes later, I handed Dillon an envelope with his check inside, but he refused to take it.

  “No, Livi.” He rested his hands on my shoulders and looked deep into my eyes. “No more envelopes.”

  I knew that was bollocks. If any of his other clients hijacked him for a week, he’d be paid handsomely.

  “Okay,” I said.

  Later, I’d sneak the envelope into his shaving kit. It felt a little strange leaving money for someone who felt so much more to me than a hired…whatever he was. But the envelope was part of our arrangement. It was fifteen thousand dollars he shouldn’t be missing out on. Not exactly chump change.

  During the limo ride to the airport, Dillon turned sideways in his seat to face me. “You look excited.”

  “I am. I haven’t been to Bel Ange in nearly a year.”

  “What does Bel Ange mean anyway?”

  “It’s French for lovely angel.”

  “Say something else in French, Livi.”

  “Je suis heureux que vous veniez avec moi.”

  “That’s pretty. What did you say?”

  “I’m glad you’re coming with me.”

  “Me too,” he murmured and leaned forward and kissed me.

  “Embrasse-moi encore.” Kiss me again.

  So, I turned towards him and took his advice for living life to the fullest. I made out with Dillon Milano in a moving vehicle.

  Flying wasn’t my favorite thing to do. The flight to Bel Ange was a long one and there was too much that could go wrong. Too many variables. Weather, mechanical and pilot error, landing gear malfunction. I tried to focus on the destination instead of the flight. When we were safely on the island, the nerve-wracking turbulence wouldn’t matter. Or so I told myself.

  Dillon reclined next to me in his ivory leather seat, looking right at home just like he always did. “Who is Sisilia?” he asked.

  “Her and her husband Keoni run a resort the next island over. She looks after the Bel Ange for me when I’m not there.”

  “That’s nice.”

  “Yeah, they are incredibly nice people.” I wiggled around in my seat, trying to get comfortable enough to forget we were speeding through the sky in a tin can.

  “Come here,” Dillon said, his voice strong and sexy.

  My stomach fluttered when he looked at me with those smoldering eyes. “I should probably stay in my seat. We’re on a plane,” I reminded him. If he was thinking about joining the mile high club, he had another thing coming.

  It probably wasn’t a good idea to be moving about during a flight. Well, I suppose flight attendants did. Shoot, there was always a loophole in my harebrained ideas.

  Dillon gave me his sideways look that said bullshit. “To hell with what you think you should do. What do you want to do?”

  I wanted to be on his lap. I wanted his hands on me. I wanted to give in and check my mental baggage in the overhead compartment.

  Maybe he was right. Live life how you want. No second-guesses. Don’t be afraid to take chances.

  So, I took a chance, unbuckled my seatbelt and went across the aisle to him. I slid onto his lap and sighed as his arms enveloped me in their warmth.

  I felt his dick harden under me and I tried to shift away, but his fingers dug into my hips.

  “Don’t you dare move away.”

  “But, isn’t that…uncomfortable?”

  “Sssh.” He pulled me into a kiss. It was sweet and tender and I felt myself melting into him as the jet zoomed over the Pacific.

  As the kiss deepened, I shimmied my legs around to straddle him. When his hand slid under my shirt to caress my back, I remained calm and focused on keeping relaxed. It was when his hand moved around to my stomach that I tensed. No matter how many times Dillon touched me, I’d always feel like I needed to do a few hundred sit-ups to feel comfortable.

  He reached for the hem of my shirt. “Let me see your breasts, Livi.”

  “No!” I gasped, folding my arm across them as a shield. “I’m not taking my clothes off on this plane.” I said, a little too primly.

  He eased my wrists away from my body and kissed them. I wondered if he could
feel my pulse beating under his lips. “I promise to leave your clothes on.”

  I guess I could handle that.

  “Okay,” I sighed in agreement.

  Under my shirt, he slid his thumb under my bra and eased it up over my breasts. Even with my tee shirt still on, it felt exciting, thrilling having my bare nipple pressing against the soft cotton fabric.

  Dillon covered one nipple with his mouth and blew. A gust of hot, moist air encased the sensitive mound. I thrust forward and he licked me through my shirt. The thin fabric moistened as he took the pebbled nipple between his teeth. The tender bite sent a burst of pleasure-pain straight down between my legs. He sucked, teased and drew out my nipple until I was grinding down against his lap. He rotated his hips, his groin rubbing against my throbbing sex. I imagined him inside me, pulsing skin to skin. Flesh on flesh.

  “I want you inside of me,” I cried out.

  “Soon,” he whispered in my ear. “Very soon.”

  My eyes flew open at his answer, absorbing the fact that I‘d just said my deepest desire aloud. Suddenly I realized where I was. We weren’t in my secure hotel room anymore. We weren’t in the comfort of my studio. We were barreling through the sky at over five hundred mph with only a door separating us from two other people in the cockpit.

  If my shirt didn’t dry before we landed, I would be mortified.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  When we landed on the main island, we were greeted by Sisilia and her family with flower leis. I breathed in the sweet fragrance of the bright white gardenia blossoms around my neck. Oh, how I missed this place.

  After exchanging pleasantries with the entire family, Sisilia’s husband Keoni drove us the short boat ride to Bel Ange. Joy welled up inside me as we approached the dock. I felt my face break into a grin. Bel Ange never changed. I could always count on this place to be inviting and welcome like a hug from a long lost friend.

  The island of Bel Ange was about five square miles with a boat dock at the southern most tip. It was shaped like a crescent moon with a cozy little bungalow smack dab in the middle.

  One thing I liked best about the bungalow was its simplicity. Its whitewashed siding and clean lines didn’t distract from the real treasure of Bel Ange.

  The view.

  Clusters of palm trees swayed out over the calm turquoise water lapping at the white sand. A variety of fruit trees grew on the island along with coconut palms and lush ferns. Fragrant flowers such as gardenias, hibiscus and water lilies perfumed the air.

  We said goodbye to Keoni and the boat’s motor hummed away across the ocean and Dillon and I were alone again. Nerves started to flutter into my stomach and throat. It’s funny how a person can want something that they are so terribly afraid of.

  We carried our bags up the beach to the cottage. It had a thatched-roof made from pandanus leaves and was surrounded by a large deck with comfortable rattan and bamboo furniture. Inside, high ceilings made it seem bigger than it was. The red cedar walls, Tasmanian oak floors and traditional teak wood furnishings kept with the island feel. I immediately felt like I was home again.

  I set my bags down in the middle of the living room and sighed. Sisilia had left vases of fresh flowers throughout the bungalow and it smelled wonderful.

  “The bedroom is to the right and the kitchen to the left,” I told Dillon. “There are extra towels in the cupboard in the hall. Sisilia should have left the groceries and supplies…”

  Dillon moved to block my view of the house and took my hands in his. He stopped me with a kiss. “Ssh,” he whispered when he pulled back.

  “But I’m just trying to tell you about the accommodations.”

  He smirked and shook his head. “Livi, we’ll figure all that out later. Look.” He turned and gestured at the pristine beach beyond the windows. “Just look at it.”

  I looked out and saw paradise. The beach curved to make a cozy little cove. Crystal turquoise waters lapped at the white sand. Palm trees lined the beach, their leaves fanning out and fluttering in the breeze.

  “The beach is our private oasis. There’s no one around for miles, so it stays pretty quiet out here.”

  “Come on,” he said and linked my fingers with his.

  “What about our luggage? Don’t you want to unpack and settle in?”


  Dillon led me outside and down the stone path to the beach. As soon as his feet hit the white sand, he kicked off his shoes and socks and wiggled his toes in the sand. “Take your shoes off, Livi. Feel the sand in your toes.”

  I scrunched up my nose. “I don’t want to track sand back into the house.”

  He shot me a look of utter disbelief, bent down and took my shoes off for me. I flinched when his fingers brushed the ticklish part of my foot, but he moved quickly and my feet were bare in seconds.

  “Now wiggle your toes,” he instructed.

  I obeyed and no matter how hard I tried to prevent it, a smile crept over my face.

  “See? Isn’t it sublime?”

  “Pure heaven.”

  “So you’re telling me that in all the time you lived here you never walked barefoot on the beach?”

  “Well,” I chewed on my bottom lip. “No, not really…I--”

  He stopped me with a kiss. “Tsk, tsk, Olivia Sharpe. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard you say.”

  “I’m going to keep saying stupid things if you’re going to keep kissing me like that every time I do.”

  He smiled, his blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight. “You’ve got to take advantage of every opportunity and enjoy the little things, Livi.” He took a step back and his eyes darkened as he studied me. “What about this?” he asked, pulling his shirt off over his head and letting it drop next to his shoes on the sand. “Have you ever done this?”

  I hoped he didn’t expect an answer because the words just wouldn’t form in my throat.

  I raised an eyebrow as he proceeded to unbutton his jeans. When he reached for the zipper, I forced myself to watch him pull it down. He slid his jeans down his narrow hips and down his muscular legs before stepping out of them and tossing them on top of his shirt. Now he was just down to his black boxer briefs.

  I swallowed in anticipation.

  He hooked his thumbs under the waistband and I could hear myself suck in a lungful of air. Without hesitating, he slid the underwear off and dropped them on the pile.

  I gasped and covered my mouth with both hands. I didn’t dare take my eyes off his face. I couldn’t let him see me look down. This was the first time I’d seen him completely naked and I was dying to take a peek, but didn’t dare.

  Not yet.

  Dillon walked back a couple steps. The split second his back was turned, I let myself peek at his butt. Instantly, I flushed red. “Dillon, what on earth are you doing?”

  He turned around and grinned from ear to naked ear. “Who cares?” He threw his arms out. His tan skin was breathtaking against the white sand. “You said yourself there’s no one around. Now it’s your turn.” He folded his arms against his chest and tapped his foot impatiently.

  I ignored his bidding and I let my eyes wander over his torso, those beautiful shoulders, his hard chest, sculpted abs.

  Lazily, I let my eyes wander south. After all, we were at an impasse and I had time to kill. My breath hitched and my pulse quickened when my eyes arrived at the mother lode. His penis was long and thick and casually hung between his muscular thighs under dark, neatly trimmed hair. He looked like Poseidon rising from the ocean. I wanted to paint him and thought myself a pervert for it. There would be time for that later.

  I clenched my toes into the sand to anchor my legs.

  He gave me a minute to look him over before huffing out a lungful of air. “I’m waiting, Livi,” he prompted, sending my eyes back up to his face in the process.

  I cleared my throat and fidgeted with the hem of my shirt. What did I have to lose? If he was repulsed by me, he might run the other way and I w
ouldn’t have to see him again. On the other hand, we were on an island and he would be stranded and I’d have to face him one way or another. At least until I could summon Keoni to come back with the boat.

  Finally, after careful deliberation, I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it next to his on the sand. Immediately, I felt the late afternoon sun baking on my shoulders. Nerves had me shivering even though the air was balmy and warm. No one had ever stood and watched me undress before. And now Dillon was just a few feet away, his dark eyes watching my every move.

  Next, I reached for the button on my jeans and it took me three tries before I could unbutton then. Eventually, I shimmied out of them, resisted the urge to fold them neatly to stall for more time and dropped them onto my shirt. I folded my arms across my stomach. It wasn’t fair. Dillon spent hours at the gym toning and sculpting and now I was expected to compete with that? This was madness. Complete and utter madness.

  I dug my toes into the sand to keep my legs from bolting and looked to him for that last boost of confidence. All that was left was my bra and underwear. They covered the same amount of skin as a bikini, but bikini be damned, I felt more exposed than ever.

  Dillon uncrossed his arms and nodded once.

  Before I could think of all the reasons this was asinine, I slowly reached back and unhooked my bra.

  Here goes nothing, I thought.

  I tossed the bra away and quickly slid my panties off and flung them onto the pile.

  After it was all done and I was naked as a jaybird, I forced myself to stand up straight and leave my hands at my sides instead of folding them over my middle. I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for Dillon’s laughter. I couldn’t hear anything over the sound of my pulse roaring inside my head. I couldn’t hear the birds chirping in the trees or the water lapping at the shore.

  Maybe Dillon had turned tail and ran down the beach, far, far away from me. Maybe he decided to risk a shark encounter and make a swim for the nearest island.

  I couldn’t bear seeing his reaction to my naked body. What would I see when I finally willed my eyes open? Disappointment, horror, disgust?


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