Good Vibration

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Good Vibration Page 25

by S M Mala

  ‘That’s not true. I can’t really talk to anyone about what’s happening in my life. My friends wouldn’t believe it and my mother… I think she just wants me to divorce her but there’s a chance the baby is mine. I don’t want to lose that small glimmer of hope.’

  ‘I’ll meet you at eleven in the room and then tell me,’ she said gently, seeing he really needed a shoulder to cry on. ‘Let’s not do personal here.’

  Thirty two

  ‘Are you sure you’re okay?’ Sylvie asked as Finlay sat on the bed and laughed after telling her what happened over the weekend and examined her confused expression. ‘This isn’t a normal reaction.’

  ‘It’s not a normal fucking situation,’ he said between laughing and wiping away his stray tears away. ‘She wants to protect that poor child from paternity tests but if it is the chef’s, then she wants to make out we adopted it. It’s ridiculous!’

  ‘Well, it sounds like a good plan,’ Sylvie replied as he looked at her sat on the chair by the window with a serious grimace. ‘The kid will look like her and people will say what a perfect match and want to know which company you used to purchase the child.’

  She scowled at him for a moment.

  ‘You don’t think it’s funny?’

  ‘She’s finding a way to save you any humiliation, don’t you think?’

  ‘She’s presuming I’m going to go along with it,’ he sighed, before looking at her staring out of the window and up to the sky. ‘If you were me, what would you have done?’ She turned and glanced at him for a moment before thinking very hard. ‘I’m just interested to know.’

  ‘I don’t want you to go through the same pain as I have, you know that don’t you? We might not know each other very well but you are Toby’s brother and Piers’s stepson, and in spite of Alice being your mother, I’d hate to see you upset. It hurts me, you see,’ she said pressing a finger in between her breasts. ‘I’m good at feeling people’s pain.’

  ‘I’m not in pain,’ he honestly replied and noticed she didn’t believe him. ‘I’m in confusion, which is different.’

  ‘It’s one of the feelings before pain strikes.’

  ‘You sound like a commercial,’ he grinned and lay back on the bed.

  The next thing he saw was Sylvie looking down at him, her hair falling from her clip as she sat on the bed, crossed legged and stared for a moment.

  ‘I’m not really a nice person,’ she said as he smiled. ‘Why are you grinning?’

  ‘I’d never have described you as ‘nice’.’

  ‘And don’t go confusing this with anything else because I’m listening to you.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘Like flirting and all that shit,’ she said bluntly as he put his arms behind his head and grinned.

  ‘Point taken. What would you have done if your husband got a married woman pregnant and he wasn’t sure if he was the father?’

  Finlay examined her face closely, how she was thinking hard and clicking it all over.

  ‘I’d tell her husband, regardless if she has two other children because if she’s willing to throw her marriage away on a screw, there are consequences.’

  Finlay sat up and looked at her, seeing her angry eyes staring at the wall.

  ‘And him? I’d fucking well throw him out onto the streets because he fucked someone else and he betrayed our marriage vows and I’m not having that shit. Bin the bastard and hope he dies.’ Sylvie leaned back on her hands before looking at him. ‘It’s a bit different as I wouldn’t have parental responsibility of the child but the feelings are the best I can give you, as I’m not a man.’

  ‘Yeah, you’re not very nice,’ he said laughing for a moment. ‘What if you were me, what would you do?’

  ‘Don’t ask me that Fin,’ she said gently. ‘I can’t tell you what to do or think.’

  ‘I know you’ve tried when it comes to business.’

  He smiled as she flashed him an evil glare then grinned.

  ‘Why would anyone want to cheat on you in the first place? You seem fun when you’re not being boorish.’

  ‘Thing is maybe I am boorish,’ he replied and sat up as she stared at him for a moment. ‘We don’t laugh. I don’t think Juliette has a sense of humour or she’s not happy with me.’

  ‘And if it’s your baby, you’ll stay and if it’s not, you’ll go? If you decide to finish the marriage, you might be making a mistake. Does she love this other guy?’

  ‘I don’t know if she loves me.’

  Finlay watched Sylvie’s expression turn from sympathy to shock. She moved closer on the bed and peered into his face.

  ‘You must know if she loves you, deep down Finlay. If you don’t then that’s not good.’

  He smiled and shrugged starting to feel the familiar lump rise to his throat followed by the welling up of his eyes. Sylvie touched the back of his neck before wrapping her arms around him. Finlay didn’t want to cry, he just wanted some comfort as he was at a loss on what to do. Secretly sniffing her, she smelt warm and safe. That’s where he’d have preferred to stay.

  ‘She’s making a fool out of me,’ he whispered into Sylvie’s hair.

  ‘I know.’

  They stayed in each other’s arms for a while before he pulled away and let out a massive sigh as Sylvie lay back on the bed, propped up on her elbows.

  He couldn’t speak.

  Finlay didn’t know what to say, wanting Sylvie to hug him again but knowing she probably was rationing them.

  ‘I can’t tell you what to do but one thing I can see is that you’re not happy and I don’t know if this is because you’re with her or without her.’ Sylvie grimaced for a minute. ‘I think you should go dating, see other woman and find out how that figures with what you feel. At least you’ll know if you really do care when you pine for Juliette after the second drink… or fuck… or both.’ She laughed. ‘Obviously I don’t count as you’ve done it with me and that made it worse.’

  ‘It made it confusing,’ he replied and examined her up and down. ‘We have an age difference.’

  ‘A colour difference,’ she said knowingly. ‘And class, not forgetting that.’

  ‘My mother would kill me if I was seeing you plus Toby would die of a broken heart but recover the next day.’

  ‘He’s loyal like that,’ she chuckled. ‘And I have an eight year old daughter and you have a pregnant wife. Even I wouldn’t walk into that one.’

  ‘But you can be my confidant?’ he said, hoping she’d say ‘yes’, as speaking to her already made him feel better,

  ‘We are business rivals, remember. As long as what we talk about is kept out of work and work is kept out of this room, then we’ll be fine. And don’t bring people here to screw as I’ve got the other key card and that would be just too embarrassing if I walked in to find you were buggering Samina.’

  Finlay laughed out again. The image flashing into his head was unspeakably funny as he imagined Samina with a cup of tea in one hand and a samosa in the other.

  ‘A deal,’ he said putting out his hand as she put his hand in his.

  He kissed it and she pulled it away.

  ‘Yeah and use bloody condoms and disinfectant wipes when you start screwing around.’

  ‘Why we go there for party?’ Samina said, folding her arms across her chest as Sylvie tried to pass her while walking through the warehouse. ‘I not like that place!’

  ‘Give her a break, innit!’ shouted Pria who was stacking up a trolley from the aisle with another order. ‘Free food and drink, be grateful old woman!’

  ‘And restructure! Why you let Marianne be my boss!’ growled the woman as Sylvie held her breath for a moment. ‘I older. I should be boss!’

  ‘Not this again,’ moaned Sylvie as she looked up and saw Finlay flirting with Della. It had been a few weeks since their heart to heart and he was literally moving on at a speed from what Toby said. ‘Why you look at him? He like bunny on heat!’

  ‘Complain to Finlay about t
he party location. It was his idea,’ Sylvie replied and managed to escape towards the stairs and squeeze past the flirting couple, before getting to her desk.

  Admittedly, she was jealous at Finlay going full throttle with Della but smiled and gave the supportive wink when she had to. Deep down she felt deflated, like a mother to him, an agony aunt plus Finlay decided to tell her what dates he had lined up and the age ranges, from twenty two upwards saying forty was his limit. It made her feel ancient.

  Within days, he had managed to have a date every night and, though she didn’t ask, she knew he was having sex.

  Lots and lots of sex.

  He was glowing.

  And she was admittedly gutted for being easily cast aside.

  ‘Sylvie,’ she heard someone say and realised Andy Simmonds was standing at the door. This was the man who tried to kiss her at a Christmas party the previous year where Stephen, literally, nearly combusted with jealousy. ‘How are you?’

  ‘Hello!’ she said getting up and instantly putting her arms around the man, giving him a hug. ‘You look really well! We’ve not heard from you since…’ He let out a little laugh. ‘Stephen’s an idiot. He thinks he’s my guard dog but you shouldn’t have been put off!’

  She examined the very exquisite specimen. He was tall, slim with dark brown skin and amber brown eyes. He was an extremely attractive man in his forties, divorced with two kids. When they met she had fun, though she knew he wanted to take it further but she wasn’t ready. Andy also was the owner of a factory that produced many of the products currently adorning their shelves.

  ‘Where’ve you been?’ she asked again feeling happy on seeing him, knowing the women in the building always drooled over Andy. ‘It’s been a long time Mr Simmonds.’

  ‘I went to Singapore to see if I could transfer business from there to a factory in Lancashire. It’s been pretty full on with letting people go, hiring. I had to get someone else to sort the UK and I, unfortunately…’ he grinned. ‘… had to stay out there but I’m back now and making the rounds. I moved to Kingston.’

  ‘That’s good. You’ll be near the kids,’ she smiled, really happy to see his familiar face and comforted that he was a man she liked and who liked her in return.

  ‘We should catch up,’ he said quietly.

  ‘That’d be nice but without an audience next time.’

  ‘Hello there,’ she heard Finlay say in the background as he walked into the office.

  ‘This is Finlay Chambers,’ she said stepping back and noticed Finlay wasn’t initially smiling as he put out his hand to shake Andy’s.

  ‘Very good to meet you,’ Andy replied, shaking his hand enthusiastically.

  ‘He’s one of the directors of ‘Chambers Caplin’ the bigger company that holds sixty per cent of this company,’ she said brightly. ‘I own the other forty per cent.’

  ‘Really! Well at long last you’ve been recognised for your hard work, though I suspected,’ laughed Andy. ‘Good for you!’

  ‘Good for her,’ Finlay said flatly.

  ‘You have an impressive portfolio of companies,’ Andy said turning to Finlay as Sylvie realised her business partner seemed to be forcing himself to smile.

  ‘You’ve heard of him?’ Sylvie asked, not trying to sound too shocked.

  ‘They’re very successful retailers with many luxury e-commerce brands throughout the world,’ Andy replied and looked at his watch. ‘Hey, I have to go. Maybe we could meet up for lunch or dinner Sly after all the festivities, what do you say?’

  ‘I say ‘yes’ and it would be lovely to catch up,’ she smiled, seeing Finlay frown from the corner of her eye.

  ‘But I’ll see you before then when you come to the party on 20th December,’ he said. Sylvie noticed Finlay was typing something on his laptop. ‘You did get the invitation didn’t you?’

  ‘I didn’t get one,’ she said puzzled.

  ‘That’s strange. I wondered why you hadn’t replied. I’ll get Theresa to send you one over email. And Finlay, of course you’re invited too.’

  ‘Great,’ he mumbled as Sylvie scowled at him and he looked up, putting on his false smile. ‘Look forward to it.’

  ‘Bye,’ Andy said leaning forward and kissing her gently on the cheek before giving her a massive hug. ‘See you soon.’

  ‘Bye,’ she replied and grinned as he walked out the office door and down the stairs, not before getting accosted by every single female on the ground floor, even Pria.

  She let out an impromptu sigh before sitting back at her desk and carried on with work. Then she realised Finlay was staring at her.

  ‘You’re still smiling. The guy has left the office and you’re still grinning like a mad woman,’ he said narrowing his eyes at her. ‘Do you like him?’

  ‘He’s a nice man.’

  ‘You don’t do ‘nice’.’

  ‘I’ve known him for nearly three years and he was very helpful when Piers approached him about becoming a supplier.’ Sylvie watched Finlay shrug. ‘And why were you off? He’s a really nice…’ She hesitated. ‘… an interesting person who has done really well for himself. I thought you like successful business men.’

  ‘You like them rich?’ he said with a smirk. ‘Or old?’

  ‘He’s about the same age as me. A mature grown up who happens to be extremely good looking, like me also.’ Sylvie shook her head from side to side before grinning. ‘And don’t be rude. You’ve told me in the past goodness, how many days, what you’ve been shagging and when. I haven’t made a comment even when you told me one of them was twenty two!’

  ‘You want to shag him! Not that I give two shits but seriously?’ he said loudly and she could see the shock on his face while accepting one of his regular insults. ‘Him?’

  ‘I never said that!’

  ‘You fancy him?’

  ‘He’s a lovely mature man who’s easy on the eye. That’s rare!’

  ‘I suppose your husband was mature?’

  ‘Oh no! He was an immature prick, like you’re being right now! Don’t you like him? Is it the colour of his skin putting you off? I think he’s very handsome,’ she teased receiving a filthy look. ‘Piers likes him.’

  ‘It’s got nothing to do with his colour and what do you mean ‘immature’? I’m not immature,’ he said glaring at her.

  ‘You’ve never once asked me what type of men I like. I know you prefer tall thin type women who look like horses… or had horses when they were younger. Posh women!’

  ‘No I don’t! That’s absurd! I never said that,’ Finlay replied sharply.

  ‘Della might be the exception though she is tall and slim plus over forty.’

  ‘I’m not screwing Della,’ he mumbled under his breath.

  ‘Too old and common?’

  ‘Too close to the business and you shouldn’t even consider playing around with a supplier as that complicates things,’ he said sharply standing up. ‘I’m going to get a coffee!’

  ‘Jesus! I wish! I haven’t been given the chance yet!’ she laughed out and watched him walk out of the office, slamming the door and stomping down the stairs before turning and flashing one of his dagger looks.

  For a moment she wondered if he was jealous then shrugged it off, putting it down to him probably being deprived of sleep from screwing about.

  Her heart sunk for a moment.

  Half an hour later, Sylvie was on a mission to find the missing invitations from Simmonds Products when she got an email invite for Finlay and herself. She forwarded it to him as he frowned looking at his screen. Taking off her reading glasses, she cleaned the lenses then realised Finlay was smiling.

  ‘Are you going?’ he asked. ‘To this Simmonds Product thing so you can get touched up by that man?’

  ‘You’re pathetic! If I can get a baby sitter, I might go. It’s the same week as our Christmas party so I can’t abuse my mother’s good will.’ Sylvie noticed he glanced at her. ‘You can take Della if I can’t make it.’

a sitter then I can suss out the man, on your behalf, to make sure he’s honourable,’ he said forcing a fake smile. ‘You know we give him a lot of business. It isn’t because you fancy him, is it?’

  ‘I do not fancy him!’ she snapped back and was met with an unconvinced smirk as her cheeks reddened. ‘I can’t win with you!’

  ‘I want to call an employee meeting in five minutes,’ he said getting to his feet. ‘But I need a word with Della in private first.’


  ‘You’ll see.’

  They all stood in the packing area waiting for Finlay to come down the stairs. Sylvie was wondering what he was up to as Samina kept flashing dirty looks. She ignored her then noticed Stephen was staring.

  ‘He looks like he needs to get put down with that face, innit,’ whispered Pria in her ear as Sylvie laughed. ‘Have you got over his declaration of love?’

  ‘Put it this way, he loves his job more than he loves me,’ hissed Sylvie flashing Stephen a dirty look.

  Then she noticed Toby shuffling away from Wanda who was trying to press herself up against his side. He then bolted towards Sylvie.

  ‘Help me,’ he said quietly, bending down to whisper in her ear. ‘She’s sexually harassing me.’

  ‘Toby mate, she fancies the arse off you, innit,’ said Pria who then started to laugh. ‘Who upset her?’

  Sylvie turned to see Della’s face was like thunder as she marched down the stairs and stood next to Matthew. Then Samina walked over towards them and pushed herself in between.

  ‘And that’s her idea of trying to get Matthew to notice her?’ laughed Marianne standing behind Pria. ‘What’s your man up to now?’

  ‘He’s not my man and I have no idea,’ dismissed Sylvie.

  ‘Too much shagging’s making him act a little strange,’ said Toby before grinning at Sylvie. ‘Don’t you think he’s acting strange?’

  ‘As long as he’s not shouting and trying to undo anything I’ve decided, then he’s perfectly normal,’ she sighed, but noticed, as he was walking down the stairs, she felt an involuntary spasm in her chest along with slight breathlessness. Sylvie used her fist and gently hit her chest plate. ‘Must be the coffee.’


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