Good Vibration

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Good Vibration Page 47

by S M Mala

  She didn’t know what to think but she knew what she wanted.


  He pulled down her trousers and knickers as she held onto his shoulders. Sylvie kicked off her lower clothing then his fingers fumbled before she felt his rock solid cock push all the way in, as Sylvie gasped, before he leaned down and started to hump her gently.

  She wanted to cry as he kissed her face, all the time her eyes closed as she knew she couldn’t look at him.

  Then he lifted her up and pushed her on the bed as she pulled off his t-shirt, wanting to touch and smell his skin. Finlay removed all her clothes before they moved to the middle of the bed, still joined and he started grinding slowly into her.

  His hand was on her face as he kissed her again and again, while pulling her hips up higher by pushing her thighs back.

  ‘Sly look at me,’ he said but she was scared, so she kept her eyes shut. ‘Please look at me.’

  Slowly she opened her eyes and met his, as he stopped for a moment and smiled. She just couldn’t figure out what was going on behind his clear green eyes.

  Finlay grabbed her face and he started to move so slowly, all the time staring at her and she didn’t want to forget him, sucking in all she could about his face, then he started to move faster until he kissed her very hard, his tongue nearly over taking her mouth.

  ‘I love you,’ he whispered into her face before he came. Sylvie thought she’d misheard as he kissed all over her cheeks and gently collapsed on her. ‘Did you hear me? I love you.’

  ‘Why?’ she replied, suddenly feeling agitated. He immediately shot up and balanced on his elbow, looking down at her with his challenging stare. ‘You didn’t care eight weeks ago, why’d you think that now?’

  ‘Seriously? You’re asking me that?’

  ‘As good as any time,’ she said as he shifted his hips but he wasn’t pulling out. ‘You think I’m going to be grateful? You knocked me sideways. I knew it was going to happen but you picked your moment when I actually needed your support.’

  ‘About that, why didn’t you tell me Rupert Harvey was your husband? The golden boy from school who did no wrong! What? You don’t think I’m good enough?’ he replied and Sylvie stared at his angry eyes. ‘I was shocked.’

  ‘You were probably shocked because he was married to me!’

  ‘I declare my love to you and in seconds you’re arguing!’

  ‘I’m not arguing, I’m just asking you why? That’s a very reasonable question considering you went back to you wife and have a baby, which is yours. And he is cute as I’ve seen the pictures,’ she sighed as he closed his eyes and shook his head from side to side.

  ‘You really know how to make a man shrivel.’

  ‘And you really know how to make a woman feel like shit.’

  He pulled out and flopped back onto the bed, putting his arms over his face.

  Sylvie immediately went under the covers then sat up, feeling drips come down her legs as she glanced at his long naked body. Half of her felt overwhelmed to be with him again and the other half was just plain angry.

  ‘I didn’t tell you about Rupert because I thought you’d have an opinion about me, knowing that his bitch of a mother is a mate of your mum’s. I thought Alice was different when I met her but no, those women are all the same. It was bad enough you came to snoop around the business but if you knew, you would have assumed I’m some money grabber and that’s not true. The thing is you did think I was a money grabber who had ulterior motives.’

  She felt his hand stroke her back as Sylvie felt her cheeks burn with rage.

  ‘You sometimes think the worse of people.’

  ‘You’ll find, Finlay, I thought correctly about you.’

  She glanced at him for a moment, realising this wasn’t the best tactic on how to keep him.

  ‘I told you things and probably exposed myself too much as you just… you just took what I had to offer and went back to something better, younger and newer,’ she mumbled through gritted teeth. ‘And that hurt… a lot.’

  ‘I didn’t tell you I loved you because I didn’t want to complicate things,’ he said gently. ‘I wanted to say it so many times, especially the day you spent with me before I flew out to Switzerland, that’s all I could think about.’

  ‘You hid it well.’

  He went under the covers, moving closer before sitting up behind her. Something inside her started to melt as his lips touched her skin.

  Sylvie turned her head as he started to laugh.

  ‘Only you could start a quarrel when I’m declaring something very special in the middle of making love to you,’ he said, before nuzzling into her neck then pulled away. ‘I love you.’

  ‘Now you’re making me feel bad,’ she groaned. ‘Do you really? You’re not playing with me? You’ve upset me three times since I laid eyes on you with your racist and blunt observations.’ He started to laugh. ‘Seriously, I don’t want to be used again.’

  He stopped laughing.

  ‘I’m not using you,’ Finlay replied and kissed her forehead before pulling her back down to the bed.

  ‘I’m not mistress material either as I have a child.’

  ‘And so do I.’

  ‘And you have a wife,’ she mumbled as he glanced away. ‘How is Julie?’

  ‘She’s amazing,’ he said as there was a low internal thud in her gut she took for annoyance and jealousy. ‘Turned into the doting wife and, well, she’s been very accommodating since I went back, in many ways. Even before I walked out, the woman just couldn’t get enough of my cock!’

  He laughed.

  She snapped.

  In a flash, Sylvie pushed him so hard he fell off the bed with a massive thump as she jumped up and threw on her clothes. There was a small groan from the other side.

  ‘You Finlay Chambers are a shit! An unprecedented fucking shit! Do you know that? You screw me then talk about how amazing your wife is in the sack! Oh for fuck’s sake, you’re a first class prick! I wish you never came back and I certainly hope you fuck off back to your perfect family!’ she said angrily, gathering all her things quickly before realising he hadn’t moved. ‘You cheapen everything we have and make me feel like an old whore!’

  Sylvie was physically shaking and knew she was going to cry.

  ‘You’re a prick!’

  She heard a faint groan.


  She dropped everything and walked to the other side of the bed. He was on his side, face down and not moving.

  ‘Oh my god!’ she said, rushing up to him, realising she’d might have knocked him out. ‘Finlay? Finlay? Can you hear me?’

  Sylvie gently picked up his head, checking for blood then noticed his eyes sprung open and he was smirking.

  ‘You’re not dead then,’ she hissed, dropping him.


  ‘Fuck you!’

  ‘I love you,’ he grinned.

  ‘So you’re concussed then! You must be mistaking me for Julie and don’t utter one of your snide comments about me not being as perfect as her!’

  ‘I realised, while my wife was being wonderful, that she didn’t really mean it and I sort of didn’t care.’ Sylvie looked at his smiling face and wanted to slap it. ‘Thing is, I think she’s in love with the man who could have knocked her up. I’m very much in love with a woman with a filthy temper, and equally filthy mouth, who just tried to knock me out.’

  ‘You’re a shit, you know that don’t you?’ Sylvie’s heart was beating faster. ‘And I’ve been a mess, a real mess since you dumped me as if I was nothing! I know you were doing the right thing. I was willing to risk my heart with you but it hurt when you threw it away.’

  Before she could hold back, Sylvie burst into tears.

  ‘You should have called me,’ he said fifteen minutes later, after getting her naked and back under the covers again, feeling the hard sharp pang of guilt on hearing her sob. ‘Oh Sly, I hate to see you like this.’

  ‘I don’t
know if it’s you or work. I hated seeing his name on that charity, hated it! ‘The Rupert Harvey Memorial Foundation’. It’s just so final, so final he’s gone.’

  Finlay held her tightly, realising the pain she was in and didn’t know what to say. He was startled to find he was jealous of her crying over her dead husband before shaking it off.

  ‘I didn’t ever go, you see, to those things, Finlay. I never belonged. His mother would have hated me being there.’

  ‘You do belong,’ he whispered. ‘And Freya, well she’s a whole different ball game.’

  ‘So you know her?’

  ‘Yeah,’ he said uncomfortably, remembering the sex and wishing he couldn’t. ‘Mum went to school with her but, here’s what I don’t get, how comes I never met you before?’

  ‘I don’t go out much due to lack of social graces,’ she mumbled as he laughed. ‘And I know a lot of his mates sort of knew his ex-fiancé, Jess, so it was pretty uncomfortable at first and I just let him do his thing.’

  ‘Last time I saw Rupert was before I met Juliette. He seemed really happy and I knew he married someone else, but Christ, the fact that it’s you is pretty weird.’

  He felt a small thud in his chest.

  She’d gently punched him.

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean? That’s why I never told you for exactly that same reason! You think he lowered his sights!’ Sylvie snapped at him before groaning. ‘Picking imperfection over bloody perfection and you know what? I wonder if he did it to spite his old cow of a mother.’

  Finlay noticed her little smirk as he kissed her nose and wondered, for a moment, about whether that’s what she could be doing to him. He then thought twice about asking as she’d pushed him off the bed and thumped him in a span of half an hour. She nestled against his chest.

  ‘Oh god, what am I going to do?’ he heard her sigh as he frowned. ‘You, the company and … shit!’

  ‘What about me?’

  Sylvie sat up again and rested against the top of the bed head and looked down at him.

  ‘I’m not doing this to spite your mother because I like you in spite of your mother,’ she said softly.

  He sat up and looked at her for a moment, seeing her sad expression.

  Stroking her face, he realised how much he loved Sylvie Mather.

  ‘Why did Stephen and Della leave?’ He saw her frown. ‘No one’s saying anything.’

  ‘He eaves dropped a conversation between me and your aunt. Then he got all hot and bothered, shouting the odds. He insulted Samina, Rosalind and me before trying to hit Toby, who hit him back. Samina laid in a few slaps as I was pretty frustrated and kicked him in the balls.’

  ‘Sylvie!’ he said, trying not to laugh, kissing her face. ‘That’s not good management. What about Della?’

  ‘She got the wrong end of the stick and thought I hadn’t been truthful,’ she replied, glancing away and he knew she was avoiding eye contact. ‘Anyway, we can cope.’

  ‘Stephen spoke to Piers and when I asked, I was told no one was actually making sense,’ he smiled, moving closer as he stroked her breast. ‘You know you can’t re-employ anyone without my agreement, don’t you?’

  ‘I used to do most of the web updates so … look Rosalind is helping on the money side.’ Sylvie slumped. ‘We’ll cope! We have to as I have to keep the overheads down.’ Shaking his head he smiled, knowing she was holding back something. ‘What?’

  ‘Tell me what you were talking about?’ Finlay watched her push out her bottom lip and swore she looked guilty. ‘Surely it can’t be that bad, can it? What would make Stephen suddenly fly off the handle? He seems a reasonable chap when he’s not drooling over you. Have you been seeing someone else, is that what tipped him over?’

  Examining her face, he was starting to go numb at the thought of her answering the question, knowing the idea hadn’t crossed his mind until then.

  ‘What’s that go to do with anything,’ she hissed.

  ‘Andy? He’s not that bad,’ Finlay laughed and even he couldn’t summon up a smile to support the statement. ‘Did you and he?’

  ‘I ran into him a couple of times and we had dinner.’ Immediately Finlay felt a stab of jealousy. ‘But he’s been flying around doing things, I don’t know and, frankly, it’s none of your business!’

  ‘You’re not going to tell me?’

  ‘How many times did you screw your wife?’

  ‘Point taken,’ he said, feeling a little sick thinking Andy might have made love to her. ‘There must have been someone or something to make Stephen-.’

  ‘I think I should be getting back to work and we can discuss it-.’

  ‘Why won’t you tell me?’

  ‘Because it was about you!’ she snapped and jumped out of bed, before he pulled her back down by wrapping his arms around her so she was on top, facing him. ‘I have to go to work.’

  ‘What aren’t you telling me?’

  ‘Okay! Rosalind sort of said she thought I was in love with you and Stephen overheard. He wasn’t impressed and got the arse. I said it was ‘like’, he got annoyed and you know the rest.’

  ‘No, I don’t,’ he smiled, seeing her break out into a little sweat. ‘Sylvie, do you still feel the same way about me? I know it’s been pretty hard and I understand if things have changed.’

  ‘How?’ Sylvie laughed. ‘It took me over three years to have sex since Roo died and then… just because I’m old doesn’t mean I forget things.’

  ‘Tell me,’ he said, seeing the smile as she stared into his eyes. ‘Just so we can cement this emotional and meaningful hour.’

  ‘You’re taking the piss. Why’d you come to see me this morning?’

  ‘Why’d ya think?’

  ‘When I saw you yesterday I thought you’d moved on and…’ Sylvie rubbed her head for a moment. ‘I don’t get it.’

  ‘I heard your laugh then I saw you. It was like a shock, a good one,’ he said, putting hands up. ‘So don’t punch me.’ Finlay moved closer. ‘And I haven’t stopped thinking about you. I couldn’t sleep because I wanted to see you, to tell you how I felt. I love you Sylvie and I have done for a long time. I just didn’t want to admit it to myself, that’s all.’

  ‘You’re the one who thinks by uttering three little words makes it all better. You’re still married, now with a child, run part of the company that wants to sell their share knowing full well I can’t buy it and not forgetting has a mother who doesn’t like me. And the list goes on and on.’

  Finlay pulled her head closer and kissed her very gently before searching her mouth with his tongue. As they touched, he felt something stir in his gut as she pulled away and smiled, before saying.

  ‘Of course I love you, you pompous prick.’

  For the next hour he didn’t leave her alone, kissing and stroking her all over as he surprised himself by making love again. As he took her from behind, he felt her warm soft skin and her insides were wet and hot, as his thighs slapped against the back of hers.

  ‘Don’t stop,’ she said as his hand slowly rubbed her clit, feeling all the juices on his fingertips.

  She jolted with a massive groan.

  ‘I love you,’ she said as he moved faster. ‘I love you Finlay.’

  Sylvie turned her head so their tongues and mouth could touch. He was suddenly overcome with passion and a very warm feeling as he shot off his love inside her.

  ‘I don’t see why you won’t let me see your feet. I can see your slit from the way you’re sitting,’ he said, laying across the bed and looking up the towel as she sat drinking a cup of tea, examining his beautiful face.

  ‘Slit? Are you that romantic?’ Sylvie closed her thighs tightly. ‘What a thing to say!’

  ‘You want me to call it something else?’ he said, propping himself up on his elbows. ‘There are several other-.’

  ‘Your size ten socks look nice on my size fives,’ she said, wiggling her toes before sitting crossed legged so he wouldn’t get any bright ideas for her f
eet or what was between her legs.

  ‘I won’t be put off if you flash me your toes.’

  ‘I’m not sure.’

  ‘Why don’t you trust me?’

  She looked at him, totally comfortable with his body, not an ounce of insecurity and wondered if this was because he confidently knew he looked good.

  ‘I’m eleven years older than you and your wife is lots of years younger than me,’ she began.

  ‘Oh not this old shit!’ he groaned, lying back on the bed.

  ‘What are we supposed to do next? I don’t get it. I love you and you say you love me. We’ve had sex twice and I really should be getting into work.’

  Sylvie finished her tea and put the cup down. She slowly stood up and checked her watch. It was after midday and she’d texted Gillian to say she had to work from home, seeing her computer on the side.

  ‘You know, I’ve never seen you smile or laugh as much as you’ve done in the past few hours,’ she grinned at him. ‘Are you on medication?’


  Taking her clothes, she slowly started to get dressed as he watched. Then he got up and stood there naked, towering over her.

  ‘I don’t know if I’m supposed to say this or if it’s what people do, but will you go out with me?’ he mumbled.

  Doing a double take she realised he was serious.

  ‘You’re married,’ she said slowly, still fearing it was a quickie and he didn’t mean anything that he said.

  ‘Soon to be divorced, so there’s nothing holding me back.’






  Fully dressed, she looked up at his sparking green eyes. Sylvie laughed, shaking her head, knowing she didn’t have the foggiest what they were supposed to do next.

  All she knew was that she wasn’t going to let Finlay Chambers slip through her fingers again, unless push came to shove, then she’d have to do whatever it took to keep him.

  Fifty four

  ‘You can’t just stay there without coming back?’ Juliette literally screamed down the phone, the following morning. ‘In the past few weeks I’ve only see you for a day! I can’t cope alone with a baby.’


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