Good Vibration

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Good Vibration Page 56

by S M Mala

  ‘You certainly are the beauty I’ve heard so much about,’ flirted Andy and Finlay put on his fixed smile. ‘You’re a lucky man.’

  ‘Actually, we’re in the process of divorcing like I said before,’ he blurted out and watched Juliette give him the filthiest of looks as Andy let go of her hand. ‘We’re trying to be amicable.’

  ‘I’m sorry to hear that. It’s very stressful, going through a divorce,’ Andy said apologetically. ‘I should know I’ve had two.’

  ‘So how do you know Finlay?’ Juliette piped up as Finlay glared at her knowing she found him attractive.

  ‘Oh we met a few months back. I supply products for ‘Good Vibration’,’ he smiled and Finlay noticed the blank expression on Juliette’s face. ‘You don’t know what I’m talking about, do you?’

  ‘No I’m sorry,’ she laughed in her flirtatious way. ‘What is it?’

  ‘It’s the company that Piers set up a few years ago’ smiled Finlay, hoping Andy would walk away and go back to his date.

  ‘Oh, the sex toy supplier!’ she said loudly. ‘How I laughed when I found out he’d done that knowing what his wife must have thought! Is it still running?’

  ‘It’s doing really well,’ Andy smiled, before looking at him. ‘And after the video hit the internet, I think Sylvie has her job cut out!’

  ‘What video?’ Finlay asked as he noticed Juliette look at him for a moment.

  ‘Who’s Sylvie?’ she quietly asked.

  ‘She didn’t send you the link?’ Andy replied.

  ‘What link?’

  Andy glanced at Finlay and it was a look he couldn’t quite figure before he gauged Sylvie was up to something.

  ‘Sylvie runs the company for Piers,’ Finlay mumbled quickly and realised he was starting to blush as Andy smirked for a moment.

  The mention of her name made him feel hot.

  ‘You’ve not met her?’ Andy enquired. ‘She’s trying to take on ‘Chambers Caplin’ who want to shut her down and that woman’s fighting hard.’

  There was no doubting it, the man had a look of adulation and Finlay knew Andy wanted Sylvie which riled him a little before noticing his wife’s cold glare.

  ‘Is it a trend, trying to shut down companies?’ Juliette flatly asked as Finlay glanced at Andy for a second.

  ‘I do need to speak to you and your mother further about buying the shares,’ the man said quietly as Finlay felt a surge of annoyance building up. ‘I might have a few interested parties and this publicity is only going to make it more desirable.’

  The word ‘desirable’ stuck in his head for a second as he presumed Andy was speaking about Sylvie.

  ‘I have a designer shoe company that might need some backing,’ Juliette said brightly. ‘Will any of your friends help me? It seems Finlay and his mother are determined to shut out things they don’t think are suitable in their lives.’

  ‘I better get back to my friend,’ Andy replied politely and kissed Juliette’s hand again before shaking Finlay’s. ‘I think you should find out what they’ve been up to. You know what? Sylvie might have just stumbled onto something.’ He turned and glanced at Juliette. ‘Lovely to meet you.’

  Finlay realised Juliette was staring hard at him as he watched Andy Simmonds walk away.

  ‘Your face,’ she said as he realised he was still staring at Andy’s back. ‘That expression. What’s going on?’

  ‘I don’t know what you mean.’

  Finlay sat back down and wanted to call Sylvie.

  ‘When he mentioned her name it’s as if you were shocked. You can tell he’s very fond of this woman.’ Juliette was glaring now. ‘And you don’t seem happy.’

  ‘I don’t know what-.’

  ‘What’s this Sylvie got to do with you?’

  It was really warm as Sylvie sanded the cupboard doors down, making sure the hoover attachment was still sucking up the sawdust. She wasn’t convinced it actually worked but she had her ‘DIY’ head on and needed to concentrate on her next plan of action, if only to keep her mind off the fact Finlay hadn’t contacted her since early the previous evening.

  Unable to rest, she spent hours chasing up people who might be interested in ‘Good Vibration’ and put together packages which she emailed over. She was up until the early hours of the morning, fretting over the company and her lover.

  She was scared he’d end up in bed with Juliette.

  But the only good thing was that the video hit of Samina and Rosalind was creating a stir, consequently driving more orders through and emails regarding the women. Smiling to herself for a moment she had a slight glimmer of hope this could help them before thinking about Finlay and his wife.

  ‘Shake it off,’ she mumbled, throwing her head furiously from side to side before looking out of the window and into the blue sky. ‘It’s fine.’

  She turned off the sander and the hoover before glancing at her mobile on the bed.

  Still no messages and he’d usually make contact by now.

  Checking the paint work, she put away her tools and let out a mournful sigh, unsure whether to contact him or not. He’d not called her and as much as she tried to trust him, deep down she knew he still had feelings for his ex and this, in turn, worried her.

  Her mobile rang and she rushed towards it before realising it was Piers.

  ‘Good morning!’ he said brightly as she slumped on the bed knowing she was disappointed it wasn’t Finlay. ‘I hear you’re not in work today.’

  ‘I’ve been emailing people for days, trying to talk to prospective companies and I’m getting nowhere fast,’ she replied, sounding like a surly teenager. ‘We’re fucked Piers or should I say, I’m fucked as your wife can’t seem to sell the company with only sixty per cent which means she’ll shut us down. Or she’s not trying!’ There was a deep sigh on the other end of the phone. ‘And I won’t sell to ‘Chambers Caplin’ as I think our company is something worth holding on to.’

  ‘I only called to say ‘hello’,’ he replied quietly. ‘I know you blame me for landing you in this.’

  ‘You’re back to a picture of health and wellness whereas I’m ageing by the second. You know on Friday my loyal bunch told me that if they found other jobs, they’d take them. I don’t blame them but I feel like I’m on my own, other than Samina and Rosalind.’

  ‘Ah talking about the pair of them what on earth have you released on the internet? I’ve had lots of messages saying that the pair of them are hysterical,’ he laughed out loudly. ‘And of course Alice found out this morning and is none too pleased, spouting out about copyright infringement. You’re not endearing yourself to her you know.’

  ‘Why should I?’

  ‘How’s Finlay?’

  She didn’t know how to reply so bit her lip for a moment.

  ‘Are you still there Sylvie?’ he asked loudly.

  ‘I’m not deaf.’

  ‘You must be as you haven’t answered my question.’

  ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘He’s been annoyingly happy for weeks,’ Piers said quietly. ‘I’m not prying but you need to be given the heads up because Juliette came storming round this morning and basically told Alice he was having an affair.’

  Something plummeted into her gut.

  ‘Is he?’ she asked and threw herself back on the bed.

  ‘You tell me.’

  ‘Piers,’ Sylvie sighed for a moment. ‘He’s stuck between hell and a hard place.’

  ‘I hate to think which one you are,’ the man laughed. ‘Juliette was beside herself, saying all sorts of things and then… your name came up.’


  Sylvie sat bolt upright and stared at her paint work realising there was a bit she missed sanding.

  ‘I’m giving you warning that things are going to kick off and, well, Juliette doesn’t seem to want to let go of Finlay. She’s not going to play nicely,’ he said quietly. ‘And Alice… I’m not quite sure what she thought but I’m keeping out of it.’ Piers let
out a long sigh. ‘Are you two happy?’

  ‘I was until you called,’ she gulped feeling panic rise in her chest. ‘I can’t get anyone to buy her shares, well your shares if we’re being honest, and Finlay won’t help me. Do you know of anyone who could help?’

  ‘If I had the money I’d buy it outright but I promised Alice I wouldn’t do anything rash and she’s fretting about my health. I’m fine but she refuses to be put through another scare.’

  ‘She’s nice like that, isn’t she?’ she replied sarcastically. ‘Caring about your health when deep down she wants to save face over the type of business you invested in.’

  ‘Be nice, she’s my wife and your lover’s mother. Does that mean I’m sort of your stepfather in law?’ He burst out laughing as Sylvie tried not to smile. ‘I always thought you were part of the family but Finlay, oh my word!’

  Someone was banging on the door as she ran down the stairs.

  ‘I’ve got to open the door to the postman with bills I won’t be able to afford to pay soon, so I’ll speak later. Piers, can’t you sell a kidney or something?’

  ‘Sweet girl.’

  ‘I’m not joking.’

  He hung up.

  She flung the door open now totally fed up.

  Finlay was standing on the doorstep.

  Her heart somersaulted when she saw him before realising he didn’t look too happy.

  ‘Firstly,’ he said, before looking at her up and down with a scowl. ‘Why are you dressed as a workman?’

  Sylvie looked down at her ripped and old dungarees, seeing the exposed flesh.

  ‘Secondly, why didn’t you call or text me?’

  ‘I knew you were busy and I could say the same thing, Finlay Chambers.’

  ‘Thirdly, when-.’

  ‘Are you coming in?’

  ‘Like I was saying, thirdly when did you put the video up on the web?’ Then he smiled for a moment as she grinned back, her heart flipping rapidly. ‘I don’t expect you even considered getting permission to bastardise the song?’

  ‘I used to work in telly, I thought about it but then thought ‘what the fuck!’ as we’ll be closing down or sold to some porno sight sooner than later. Anyway, you can foot the bill.’

  He stepped in as she stepped back then shut the door behind him.

  ‘Why did you send Andy Simmonds the link?’ he asked as she glanced over at her laptop on the kitchen table. ‘Why not me?’

  ‘How’d you know that and how was last night?’

  He didn’t seem tired but then there was a look of disdain.

  ‘We had frank words. Then we had to leave the restaurant to quarrel when I took her back home,’ he said with a sigh. ‘She was near hysterical and I was just angry, very angry with her. I try to forgive what she did but I can’t. I had to go into my son’s nursery to calm down before realising what a mess this whole thing is.’

  ‘Does that include me?’ she asked hesitantly before seeing his warm smile return.

  ‘You, my dear, are a devious bitch, do you know that? My company still owns the majority share so you’re in trouble with me. My mother called me this morning saying she’d just found out about your attempts at making a musical production and wants us to pull it.’

  ‘Blame Caplin junior as he filmed it when I was out of the office and I just uploaded it for fun,’ she lied and looked at the faint grains of saw dust on her skin. ‘And you can’t pull it. You need my log in and password and I’m not telling you.’

  ‘I could close you down for this.’

  ‘Go on then!’ she snapped back and put her hands on her hips noticing the twinkle in his eyes. ‘You better pay me until the end of December and I want a good price for my shares.’

  ‘God Sly, I really want to make love to you,’ he groaned before laughing. ‘I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.’

  ‘Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something as well as working like a dog to save my company?’ she replied as he stepped forward, raising his eyebrows. ‘Our company. And I’ve got to get this DIY done now because in a few weeks, it’ll be the school summer holidays and-.’

  He kissed her gently as she peered into his eyes. Finlay leaned down and he pulled her up, so she was on her tip toes, as his tongue searched for hers. Lost in the moment, she wrapped her arms around him before stepping back.

  ‘I have to get on with this and the bedroom is in a state,’ she sighed as he grinned back. ‘And what did you quarrel about?’

  He shrugged and kicked off his trainers before walking up the stairs. Sylvie examined his arse disappearing until she heard footsteps in her bedroom.

  ‘Come to bed and… what on earth are you doing in here?’

  Slowly she walked up the stairs as he was undressing on the other side of the bed.

  ‘I’m saving money and redoing the built in wardrobe. I think it looks nice so don’t criticise. And, I have you know, I am very good at DIY. Anyway I might need to use it more when I’m jobless.’

  ‘I’ll take your word for it,’ he smiled as he slowly peeled off his clothing and went under the covers. ‘I quite like the idea you’re hands on. Now let me get hands on with you.’

  ‘Oh yuck!’ she laughed. ‘Your lines are rubbish. And what did you quarrel about last night? And how do you know I sent Andy the link and-.’

  ‘I saw him last night when we went out for dinner. He was with some fit woman and he mentioned it.’

  Sylvie couldn’t quite figure out his expression but there was a little sneer she knew so well. Finlay glanced at her for a moment, opened his mouth and shut it again.

  ‘What were you going to say?’ she asked, flicking off the straps to her dungarees and letting them drop to the ground. His eyes widened when he realised she hadn’t got any knickers on. ‘Focus on my face not my fanny.’

  ‘I can’t believe you and he never got it on,’ he said, flinging back the covers. ‘He really fancies you, I can tell and I think he knows that you and I are an item.’

  She quickly sniffed her armpits as he grinned.

  ‘I like your stench. Come to bed,’ he sighed as she frowned. ‘I mean scent.’

  Pulling off her vest, she went under the covers as he pushed her back and lay on top. Finlay lunged for her mouth and for minutes her mouth was filled with his tongue and sweet kisses. Then she realised he was in a rush to get down to business as he spread her thighs.

  ‘What did you quarrel with your wife about?’ she asked as he buried his head in her neck and his hand squeezed her arse. ‘And why are you asking about Andy? Any why do you think he knows about us?’

  There was a hefty sigh reverberating on her neck, which gave her goose pimples as Finlay stopped what he was doing and propped himself up on his elbows. Sylvie smiled at his expression of frustration and annoyance, loving him even more than usual.

  ‘You want me to shut up?’ she whispered before kissing his arm as her grin faded. ‘Piers called me before you arrived. Your wife went round to your mother’s this morning and apparently told her you were having an affair with me.’

  Finlay’s eyes didn’t betray a thing but it was obvious he knew what had happened. He stared at her for a moment before glancing away.

  ‘Did you tell Juliette?’

  ‘She guessed but I never admitted anything.’

  ‘How would she-.’

  ‘He mentioned your name.’

  It was the way he said ‘he’ that caught her by surprise. His voice was loaded with venom.


  ‘She said she could tell from my expression when he was talking about you, something was going on.’ Finlay moved closer to her face. ‘Sylvie, why didn’t you ever go with him? It’s obvious he likes you.’

  ‘I like him but not like that,’ she gently replied, stroking his back as his eyes closed. ‘I thought about it a few times but it didn’t feel like the right time. Then you came along and I realised it wasn’t about timings, it was the person. And who’d have thought it w
ould be you?’

  ‘It’s not that I don’t like the man, he seems perfectly amiable when I meet him but … I don’t want you to go into business with him.’

  She double blinked and realised Finlay was deadly serious.

  ‘He’s the only one who seems to be making an effort regarding finding another buyer or even trying. If he’s willing to invest then I’m happy to accept,’ she said quietly and noticed his eyes were widening by the second. ‘He’ll let me keep my share which is good. I’ll have a stake in something. I’ll have an investment in a business that-.’

  ‘He’ll own a majority of it,’ he chipped in. ‘And you’ll see him every day and before you know it, your attempted suicide over dinner all those months back will be a thing of the past.’

  Sylvie let out a little laugh as the corner of his mouth began to turn up.

  ‘I have no other income. I’ll have to get another job and I’m not qualified to do that HR thing as you kindly pointed out,’ Sylvie said gently, rubbing her hand through his hair. ‘I know things from experience but-.’

  ‘I knew all along you weren’t strictly kosher,’ he smirked and she frowned.

  ‘I’m very good, I have you know.’

  ‘I might give you a job at my place.’

  ‘I might cut off my own hand and eat it.’

  ‘You do love me, don’t you? It’s not because I’m part owner of the bigger company that makes you think you like me?’

  She looked into his eyes and noticed the uncertainty which made her stop breathing for a moment. Then she felt a little pang realising he wasn’t his usual confident self.

  ‘I hate the fact you are the bigger company but in spite of that I love you very much. It’s one of your many failings including being unable to hide your true feelings from the expressions you pull.’

  The kiss was gentle as he pressed his lips against hers.

  ‘Shall I be expecting your wife and mother to turn up at work or here, shouting the odds?’ As she said it with a faint laugh, Sylvie immediately felt scared at the thought. ‘Did your mother call you and ask about what Juliette said?’

  ‘I don’t want to talk,’ he softly said.

  She knew it was time to shut up, other than when she groaned in delight as they made love.


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