The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell

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The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell Page 8

by Douglas Howell

The Feds thought that the EOD was a religious cult for two reasons: one; it has religious overtones to it, and two; like religious cults that came before it, it saw it’s society as some utopian one that was under siege, and thus created a form of mind control. The EOD was not a religious cult because it put emphasis upon both the family and the community, not religion. Yes it did care about religion, it just didn’t put emphasis upon it the way a cult would have. As the EOD puts it, ‘Science is for the head. Religion is for the heart. Science gives you a higher standard of living. Religion gives you hope. Know the difference, and don’t confuse them.’ How could the EOD be a cult when it gave its people rights and freedom that religious cults don’t? How could the EOD be some religious cult when it wanted to give its people a higher standard of living? And that can only come from science, not religion.

  The EOD gave its people a higher standard of living because it helps to prove them right. They ARE a utopian society, and everybody else IS living in a dystopian society. That also explains why the EOD tells the truth about other nation’s problems that they are unwilling, or unable to solve. ‘What’s that you say? You just found out that when America says, “Of the people. By the people. For the people,” what that really means is, “Of the rich. By the rich. For the rich.” And what proves that? Who controls the nation’s wealth and resources? Yep, you got it. It is the rich. And what do they do with all of that wealth? Buy useless toys when all of that wealth could have been used to help the people. No wonder there is a war on the middle class. It’s all about greed. Well, let us the EOD tell you oh good people of America, “Of course all of that is true. Your society is dystopia. In our society, WE control the wealth and resources, NOT the rich. And that’s why we can give you a higher standard of living.”’ ‘What’s that you say America? Your Congress is wasting your tax dollars on Pork. Well no wonder…’ And so on, and so on… A truth that creates disillusionment and discontent within a society is what the EOD feeds off of. NOT lies about that society. And it really is true that they, the EOD, control their own wealth and resources, not the rich.

  The second catch about all that the EOD cared about was far more damaging to its own people. It was not the EOD utopian society that was under siege by dystopia, but rather it was the other way around. What’s more, the EOD Founder and the Council of the Elders considered that dystopian society to be what they called, “syntopia.” Syntopia is a contraction of synergy and utopia/dystopia, and it means middle-topia. Although syntopia means middle-topia, it did not mean that it was half-utopia and half-dystopia, but rather it meant that it went by a percentage of the two. It was this syntopia that was under siege by the so-called EOD utopian world, and the EOD had NO desire to get rid of it, even if it meant to assist it at times.

  The Founder of the EOD, and the Council of the Elders, had a practical reason why they did not want to get rid of syntopia. If syntopia were to become 100% dystopia, then everybody would join the EOD. If syntopia became 100% utopia, then the EOD would have some serious competition that they could not afford to have. And the last reason was that they HAD no desire to get rid of syntopia. But why? Why not just get rid of syntopia and be done with it? Once again they had a practical reason why. If everybody join the EOD, than nobody within the EOD would not have a siege mentally anymore. If people within the EOD, didn’t have a siege mentally than the EOD could face a civil war. If the EOD had a civil war than their utopian world could come crashing down. Even if their world didn’t come crashing down, then a civil war would prove that the EOD utopian world is not as perfect as they like to portray it as. In short, both the Founder of the EOD, and the Council of the Elders needed syntopia to legitimatize their hold on to power over their people.

  If the average person in the EOD knew of all of that in the beginning, would the EOD be done for? No. It really didn’t matter what the people knew, both the Founder and the Council of the Elders where just too clever. And then there was the Founder (and everybody else for that matter) “seeing” those events that he mentioned, come true. It was as if he had some gift of prophecy or something. The people in the beginning didn’t stand a chance. So what would happen if the people learned about syntopia later, like in Ramirez days when he was an EOD agent? Nothing. When a person asks him about how someone in the EOD would react to the knowledge of syntopia, he would always replied, ‘How did the American people in the 20th century react when they learned that their own Constitution supported slavery? They didn’t care. Did they?’ Ramirez was right, after 200 plus years, people didn’t care. It was all in the past.

  Did it matter that the Feds made the mistake of thinking that the EOD was a cult? Probably not. The EOD after its creation started to infiltrate the police department, Internal Review (of the police), CIA, FBI, NSA, Department of Defense, and they infiltrated all other secret societies. In truth, it wouldn’t matter if the Feds where to treat the EOD as a secret society (or a cult) that has infiltrated them. Some people thought that the EOD wanted everyone to think that they were a cult just to throw off the Feds. But nobody could prove, or disprove, that. Regardless of what the EOD was after its creation, it is a force to be reckoned with.

  The EOD, at some point after the year 2005, became a puppet master over the US Government, so much so, that people who resisted it called the Founder of the EOD “The Puppet Master.” Although the EOD never had any desire to overthrow the US Government, it saw far greater strength in being a puppet master over a government. The EOD always said (of it being the puppet master), ‘The audience sees the puppet, not the puppet master. And when they see the king beheaded, and a new king takes charge, what the audience doesn’t know, is that the puppet master orchestrated it.’

  Ten to fifteen years after the EOD became the puppet master over the US Government, it started to go global. This gave some Christians the perception that the Founder of the EOD was the anti-Christ. The only problem was the Founder (and thus the EOD) did not want the EOD to become a government, let alone a global one. Nor did the EOD wish to create some global religion. And finally, the Founder of the EOD ABSOLUTELY did not want to become the center of attention. The way that he saw it was that if he did become the center of attention, than he would be the “king,” not the puppet master of the king. People should not forget what he said of the matter, ‘The king sits upon his throne in the sun, where all of his kingdom can see. If he is a good king, then he stays upon his throne. But if he is a bad king, then he will find his head at the end of a pole. When you stand in the darkness behind the throne, you can watch the bad king fall, knowing that you are safe. Not desiring to be the hero of the people, you allow the new king to take all the glory. And when he sits upon his throne, you lean forward and whisper into his ear, reminding him of who holds the real power, and why it was so easy to topple the bad king. And by being the puppet master of the king, the new king learns that you are the puppet master of him. And if you so wish, he too can be topple, just like the bad king.’

  Despite that, the Founder of the EOD would give almost any Christian the perception that he is the anti-Christ. Some of the documentations on him (which was acquired at a high price) said that he is tall, dark, handsome, clever, cruel, charming, can speak more than 20 languages, has an IQ that is at least 200 plus, is well articulate, a non-Christian (no longer practice it), possibly anti-Semitic, has premonitions, and like Vaistll, he has hyper-sensory perception. Some people thought (Vaistll had to correct them when they thought the same about her) that he had telepathic abilities. They thought that because he has HSP. As Vaistll puts it, ‘HSP is not telepathy. It is acute senses, being far more aware of your surroundings.’ When it comes to the Founder’s ability to sense the future, some people said that it was uncanny. No wonder people thought that he was the anti-Christ.

  Ramirez just finished washing his hair. As he started to grab the soap and washcloth, he remember something that he learned about the Founder of the EOD, when he first joined Project 21, and never gave it much thought. It was an inciden
t that occurred way back in the 1990s. He remembered it because of the thought of all of those Christians who called the Founder the anti-Christ. Ramirez thought to himself that the title is fitting, not only because he founded the EOD, but also because of that incident.

  As so typical with trying to uncover any information concerning the Founder of the EOD, blood has to be spill - lots of it. But out of all of the information that was collected on him, it is the incident that Ramirez is thinking about which is the closest (that anybody knows about) that anybody came to capturing him. It can be confirmed that the incident did in fact occurred. But the documents that can help someone track down the place, the time, and the people involved, is missing. It is another hallmark of the Founder. But as the incident proves, the Founder does not need any protection. He can take care of himself quite well.

  It was nighttime in some city in America. It is not known what led the two police detectives to the scene. Some of the people in Project 21 thought that it might have been murder. After all, the Founder did comment murder (and got away with it) before he founded the EOD It is not known how many people he killed, but some people said that it is more than likely that he killed at least eight. What made the Founder the most unique serial killer of them all came from a psychological report that a psychiatrist, working for the EOD, did on him. It basically said that, although he can kill without remorse (it did say that he killed before), there was nothing within him that drives him to comment murder. The report said that he underwent both an MRI, and a CAT scan, and both said that he has very good impulse control, in short, a normal brain. When it comes to other serial killers they have a poor impulse control.

  What that told Project 21 (when they acquired that report at a very high price), is that he is an extremely rare serial killer. Other people put it more bluntly, ‘It just proves how inhuman he really is.’ The only other person that Project 21 knows, who can kill humans without remorse, at the same time still possessing good impulse control, is Vaistll. But that is because she is an extraterrestrial, not a human being. Chimpanzees share 98% of their DNA with humans, which practically make them human. But despite that fact, look at what humans do to them that they would never do to another human being. How could they do that to another being that is almost human? It is because you don’t kill your own kind, its nature’s way. With Vaistll it makes sense why she can kill humans without remorse, she’s an ET. But with the Founder of the EOD it doesn’t make any sense, he IS a human being, not some ET from another planet.

  As the two police detectives arrived at the abandoned building they heard a familiar voice - a police psychic that assisted them in some of their cases. When they found her, she was near death. She said something to them before she died, but they didn’t give it much thought due to her strong religious convictions. All she said was, ‘He is the anti-Christ. Oh my God, he is…’ With the sound of the blood gurgling at the back of her throat, she breathes her last. And with that, the nightmare begins for both of those two detectives.

  Throughout the long night it was those two detectives that were terrorize by the Founder. It is not known why they couldn’t, or wouldn’t, call for backup, or for a medic, but they really needed both as the night wore on. For a brief period of time, they thought that they had the upper hand, but they quickly learned the hard way that they didn’t. At one point the Founder held one of them hostage, he was standing behind him with a knife to his throat. It was a tense moment as the Founder threatened to cut his throat if his partner doesn’t remove the clip and put the gun down. After his partner removed the clip, put the gun down, and then slide the gun across the floor, the Founder then back away into the darkness with his hostage. With a cruel silent sound, the detective watched as his partner came forward out of the darkness with his throat cut. His throat was not cut deep enough to kill him, but rather to slow him down a bit. Later, the Founder caught him again. Once again he crept up behind and grab him around the neck. He held him in such a way that if he wanted to, he could have snapped his neck - but he didn’t. The detective was afraid for his life, trying to cry out for his partner who was down the darken hall. Since his throat was cut, he couldn’t cry out loudly enough to be heard. The Founder then said, ‘Shhh. Give me your gun.’ The detective gave him his gun, and the Founder then dressed his wound. He then slipped away back into the darkness, removing the clip from the gun, and dropping both of them, leaving the detective perplexed by his actions.

  Did the Founder of the EOD do that out of compassion? Sadly no. The way in which the Founder treated those two detectives proves how little compassion he had. At one point the Founder shot one of them in the face, then in the right knee causing him to fall down. His partner than ran up to help him, firing at the Founder who was walking around a corner, but the detective missed him. When he got to his partner, the Founder suddenly appeared from around the corner and stood there. The detective started to yell at him to get down on the ground, but the Founder wouldn’t. Instead the Founder said, ‘Click,’ and then he started to walk around the corner again. The detective then pulled the trigger and nothing happened. As he started to reload his gun, the Founder appeared from around the corner again, and this time he shot the detective right above one of his knees.

  Their first confrontation with the Founder should have told them that it would have been in their best interest to call for backup. They decided to split up and search for the Founder, not knowing if he was armed or not, but thinking that they could handle him either way. One of them went down a darken hallway, confident that he will captured the asshole who killed the woman that he knew for so long. As he walked by one of the darken spots in the hallway, the Founder hit him in the back of the head with a lead pipe - but not enough to knock him out. The Founder then hit him in the back of the left knee, and before he dropped to his knees, the Founder than hit him in the chest causing the detective to fall backwards. The Founder than used the lead pipe to knock the gun out of the detective right hand. The detective cried out in pain, luckily for him his hand wasn’t broken. When his partner got to him he told him which way the Founder went. He then ran into the darken area where the Founder went. Although the area was not that brightly lit, he ran in there anyway without a flashlight. He then heard the most fearful sound in that room, the sound that said; somebody is ready to shoot him with a shotgun. The detective turned in the direction of the sound, only to feel the impact of the shotgun blast. Still standing after being shot, he heard the Founder come up to him, and with the butt of the shotgun, hit him in the face knocking him out cold. The Founder then left the area and went over to the other police detective who was crawling over to his gun. When the Founder got to him, he shot him in the back with the shotgun. Luckily for both of them, they where wearing their body armor. And so it went for both of them throughout the night, being terrorized by the Founder of the EOD.

  When it was all over, the two detectives awoke in their car. They found that their feet was tied together, and their hands where bound behind their back, and a gag was in their mouth. Their car was on top of a steep hill with a block under the driver’s side front wheel. The Founder of the EOD was standing on the driver’s side of the car holding (in his left hand) a rope to the block. He was standing there moving his right arm and head in such a way that it suggested that he was listening to music that only he could hear. He then said, ‘Life… Terror… Action,’ and then he pulled the rope. The car started to slowly roll downhill. As the car past, the Founder said, ‘Goodbye... have fun.’ The detective in the driver’s side learns to his horror that there was a block under the brake pedal that he couldn’t remove. Both of them were in the car trying to free themselves as the car was slowly picking up speed. As they approach the intersection, they heard a sound that chilled them to the bone. It was a sound that caused their eyes to widen with fear and terror. They screamed in horror at the sound, and struggled to free themselves far more strongly than before. It was the sound of a semi-trailer bearing down upon them, and the
sound of the driver slamming on his brakes hard. The detectives felt the impact of the big rig as it hit their rear bumper causing their car to veer to the left. The car then hit a parked car, straightens out, and slowly came to a stop in a school’s playground.

  After both of the detectives freed themselves, they got out of the car and looked back up the hill. They could see the Founder of the EOD still standing on top of the hill, after a brief moment, he left. It was as if he knew all of that was going to happen. Both of the detectives turned to look at each other, and they saw that there was a book taped to the hood of their car. The detective on the driver side took the book off of the car and noticed that it is the Bible. The Bible had a bookmark in it to which the detective opens it up to the Book of Revelation. On the page where the bookmark was (a page was missing), written in their blood, were the words, ‘It’s all a myth…’ Later while they were lying in their hospital bed, somebody sent them some flowers with a note. When they opened the card, there was a page torn from the Bible from the Book of Revelation, once again written in their blood was the words, ‘…because I’m not in it.’

  Ramirez just got out of the shower; he dried himself off and went into the bedroom, still thinking about that incident with those two police detectives. He thought about how both of those two police detectives always said that, ‘He (the Founder) had the uncanny knack of being in the shadows. We never got a good look at him.’ But what got Ramirez the most about that incident is what one of those two detectives said about the Founder, he said that, ‘At one point it look as if his (the Founder) eyes was glowing. They were glowing like something you would see in a vampire movie. It really freaked me out when I saw that. I thought that he might have supernatural powers, or something.’ Ramirez didn’t know what to make of both of those comments, other than that it sounded like something out of a horror movie. Vaistll, when she heard about that incident, said that it reminded her of that song, “Suite Sister Mary” by Queensryche. It was that comment about the glowing eyes that Ramirez wished that he could confirm. Did it really happen? Did that detective imagined it? Was he lying? It did made the Founder seemed like he have supernatural powers. Project 21 learned something about the Founder that they never shared with either one of those two detectives. The Founder was wounded at some point, and one of the detectives wiped up the Founder’s blood off the floor. When the night was over, he kept the rag with the Founder’s blood on it, and later gave it to Project 21 when they were doing an investigation into the incident. And what did Project 21 learned about that blood? Nothing special, it was just regular type O human blood.


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