The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell

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The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell Page 21

by Douglas Howell

  “Well I um... I-I-I... um...” Vaistll then turn and left.

  “How could she have known him?” Taylor said.

  After a moment Mad Dawg spoke. “Isn’t there something that you people should be telling me?”

  Ramirez then left the room. He caught up to her and asked her how she knew him. But all she could say was, “I-I... um... I don’t want to talk about it right now Lieutenant Commander.”

  Knowing her in the way that he does, he knew that at that moment she was being more of an officer than that of a friend. It was her way of ordering him not to talk about it further.

  “Okay ma’am. Do you want to see the Apollinarians in cryo-sleep?”

  “Yes please.”

  “Right this way ma’am.”

  Ramirez started to lead the way when both Mad Dawg and Taylor caught up to them. Together the four of them went to see those Apollinarians. They all felt the same way. It was a feeling of the whole universe was turned upside down and inside out. It was a feeling of, the hallway that they were in just got much longer.

  Ramirez, Taylor and Mad Dawg went into the cryo room first. Vaistll hesitated before she went in. Mad Dawg posted two armed guards from his elite unit to guard the unarmed Apollinarians. Earlier, when they were awakened, they asked Mad Dawg, in English, if he was in charge. He said that he was. Before he could ask them, how, did they know English, one of his men told him over the intercom that he need to come to the bridge ASAP. When Mad Dawg asked what it was, he was told, “I think you need to see this.”

  While Ramirez was taking them to see the Apollinarians, Mad Dawg told them that they could speak English. Vaistll turned around and looked at him in a disturb manner. Ramirez and Taylor looked at him in a confused and deeply concerned manner.

  When Vaistll walked into the room and looked at who those Apollinarians are, her reaction said it all. Yes she did know who they are, but it only served to deepen the mystery and the confusion. Nobody say anything, neither Mad Dawg, nor Taylor, or Ramirez, they didn’t have to. They could tell from her reaction how she knew them. For when she saw them her eyes widen, she came near them trembling, speaking in Iomiyyan, and crying very deeply out of joy. Seeing her act that way had a very profound impact upon them. The names of those Apollinarians are Zyynuma, Nincylste and Unatoos her parents, Iakuoyr her sister, and Okuoyk, Ikknustll and Ryyuoxx her brothers. From the conversion she had with them, Mad Dawg, Taylor and Ramirez could tell that this was no Apollinarian trick, let alone an EOD one. They heard Vaistll ask them a question (in Iomiyyan), and from their response and her reaction, they could tell that it really was them.

  At some point during their conversion one of the males came to where Mad Dawg, Ramirez and Taylor was standing and introduced himself. “Greetings, I am Zyynuma Adnrwal, do you know where the General is by any chance?”

  “Who?” Mad Dawg asked not aware of any Generals on board.

  “General Ydxx’od’omaa (yid-icks old o-ma-a).”

  “Who’s that?” Ramirez asked in total bewilderment at the thought of who he is talking to.

  “I’m so sorry... he’s dead.” Mad Dawg said as he realize who he was talking about.

  “Oh... well how did he die?” Zyynuma asked sounding disappointed.

  “We don’t know. We found his corpse on the bridge.” Mad Dawg said.

  Mad Dawg was fixing to ask him how did they got here, when Zyynuma said, “How very tragic....” he then turn around and look at Vaistll, “... for both of them.”

  “We have a lot of questions to ask you and them.” Mad Dawg told him, trying to get things moved along so that he could learn what everybody is dying to know.

  “I’m certain that you do.” Zyynuma responded.

  “Would it be a long or short story?” Ramirez asked knowing that it took all day long for Vaistll to tell him about her past, and it would probably be the same with them.

  “Historical.” Zyynuma answered back.

  In a way Ramirez didn’t like the sound of that because he wanted to spend as much time as he could with Maria Sadowayj. But he swallowed his pride, and thought more about his friend and said. ”We have the time.”

  Mad Dawg then had to ask the question that has been eating away at him, “So.... how did you guys acquire this ship?”

  “We found it abandoned at what Ydxx’od’omaa called a cargo starbase.”

  Ramirez shocked beyond belief at what he just heard, and thinking that he might know what he was referring to ask the question, “Do you know what explosives are by any chance?”

  “Yes. Ydxx’od’omaa, with the help of my son Ikknustll, found them and disarmed them. We had to abandoned our ship since it was past it’s useful lifespan. Using the technology on our ship, they found and disarmed each one of the explosives. Ikknustll mentioned that an amateur must have done it since the ship was still attached to the starbase, and because of that, the starbase automatic defense systems kept on trying to shut down the ship’s self-destruct.”

  With that Ramirez had heard enough. He was far more shocked by the thought of what all of that meant more than anything else. He then said, “Okay thank you. The three of us need to go and discuss what you told us in private. I’m glad that you and your family are here.”

  Ramirez, Mad Dawg and Taylor left and went into a room nearby where they can talk in private.

  “As the two of you know,” Ramirez informed them, “cargo starbases do not exist.”

  “Then what type of a starbase was it that they were at?” Taylor asked.

  “Emergency UCV Starbase. UCV as in Ultra Class Vessel.”

  “With all of that military protection that the EOD gives to an Ultra Class vessel, why would they give it, its own starbase?” Mad Dawg asked.

  “Whenever there is the possibility that an Ultra Class vessel might get captured, the crew would head to an Emergency UCV Starbase. All Emergency UCV Starbases are kept nearby the Ultra Class vessel for that reason. Since Emergency UCV Starbases are automated, and there is nothing of value, other than explosives, on board, there is no reason for there to be any personnel on board. What’s more, the Emergency UCV Starbases are small enough to be transported by a large ship. After all, they were designed for one ship to dock at.

  The elite units on the Ultra Class, regardless of the circumstances, must stay on board the ship during any attempt to capture the vessel. They are the only ones who know where the explosives are, and how to set them. The EOD does not use the traditional self-destruct on the grounds that it can be overridden from the bridge. And therefore, only the elite units can override the self-destruct. Although the self-destruct is not needed, the ship still use the typical self-destruct, not to destroy the ship, but rather to create a tactical deterrent in an effort to buy time for the elite units.

  In an effort to prevent a premature detonation of the explosives, which could create a chain reaction, the explosives are not kept in place during normal operation. Therefore it is the duty of the elite units to manually push each one of the explosives into place. When the elite units put one of the explosives into place, they must perform a System Self-Destruct Procedure. The System Self-Destruct Procedure must be performed to ensure that there is a connection between each one of the explosives and to allow for proper detention of the ship. Whenever a ship is destroyed using the traditional self-destruct, there is always a chance that a part of it is left behind. And as both of you know, what gets left behind may or may not, hold value to someone. And thus, with the System Self-Destruct Procedure it guarantees that nothing of value is left behind.”

  “So why go to that starbase then?” Mad Dawg asked.

  “That all depends upon whatever those scientists are working upon. They may or may not need the extra explosives. You have to remember there are no lifeboats on this type of a ship. That stops the enemy from coming in after the lifeboats leave.”

  “So why not just give this type of a ship extra defenses... like laser turrets.... or something?” Taylor asked a bit
confused by the lack of additional security for a ship like that.

  “Have you ever heard of anybody, other than today, who managed to successfully capture an Ultra Class starship before?” Ramirez asked.

  “No... I guess not.” Taylor responded.

  “So you see Richard.... the EOD never had to change its tactics of defending an Ultra Class starship.” Ramirez said.

  “Hmm... yeah. Yeah... I can see your point now.” Taylor responded.

  “See I know all of this...” Ramirez continued on, “... because I once served for five years on the ship Ultra Class T4. And judging by what Zyynuma was saying something huge, I mean really huge, must have went down in order for the elite units to abandoned ship like that. And then to leave it up to the scientific personnel to finish the job of destroying this ship. All of the elite units stationed on board an Ultra Class is trained to die then to allow the ship to get captured.”

  With that Mad Dawg nodded his head and said, “Okay. Let’s find out what went down here.”

  The three of them left and went back to where Vaistll and her family was. Ramirez and Taylor didn’t say anything. Mad Dawg walked up to Vaistll and her family and said, “I hate to break up this family reunion but we need to debrief each of you to find out what happen here.”


  To say that Commodore Parker is upset, is to put it mildly. He just found out what the crew Galactic Prime just found, and he is upset that it took so long to inform him. He is right in thinking that as a Commodore he should have been told about it as soon as possible. But everybody was too caught up in the moment to remember to tell him. Besides, it wouldn’t matter if somebody did remember to tell him, since he turned off his phone when he went to see the mafia. He didn’t remember to turn it back on until he got back to his office.

  When Parker heard that an Ultra Class EOD ship just arrived at Roscadia, he took it to mean that it was a good sign. He was in total disbelief. It was just too good to be true to him. And because that ship was there he wanted to join the EOD more than ever. For the first time in a long time he was happy. His spirits was lifted to new heights. For all of the hardships that he endured at Roscadia, knowing that it was there (he couldn’t see it because it hasn’t docked yet) he finally felt at peace. But first he had to find out how and why was it there.

  As Commodore Parker was preparing (in his office) for his new life, his receptionist came in to give him the news about the EOD ship. As soon as saw her he bite her head off saying not to disturb him. She then told him about the ship. He then angrily told her that he was in no mood for joking. He then continued on chewing her out as she tried her best to calm him down. Finally out of desperation, she called Mad Dawg and had him tell Parker the truth. Parker just stood there in stunned silence and disbelief. After Mad Dawg finished, Parker gave the phone back to the receptionist. He apologized for his behavior saying that he was under a lot of stress. She then left without saying a word.

  Parker left his office so fast that it sounded like a sonic boom. He then headed to the shuttle port where shuttle crafts ferry people to the space station. When he arrived, much to his annoyance, he discovered that the next shuttle will arrive in about thirty minutes. But he also knew that, typically, the shuttle will arrive in about five to fifteen minutes after the posted time. As time slowly marched on, it started to feel like he was waiting for eternity in hell. With his impatient growing minute by minute, he started to think about how much better his life will be with the EOD. Just like he looked down upon Roscadia, he also was looking down upon Project 21. His hatred for Roscadia spilled over to Project 21. Has he forgotten the total number of times Project 21 came to his rescue? What about his cousins who died at the hands of the EOD? Did he forget them to? Yes he did. He forgot it all because of his intense hatred for Roscadia. After he was waiting outside for five minutes for the shuttle, it started to rain. All it did was to infuriate him more. ‘Would it kill them to put a fuckin’ shelter here?’ He thought to himself. His soul was burning with rage and vengeance.

  When Commodore Parker finally got on his shuttle he was soaking wet. He ruefully told the other commuters that he needed the shuttle for the purpose of his duties, and that they will need to catch the next shuttle. As his shuttle was leaving, he laughed a little at what he did, feeling that he scored one against the star system.

  When he got to the starbase he became deeply ticked off and frustrated by the fact that, not only is it that the Ultra Class vessel hasn’t docked yet (which is standard procedure), but he didn’t have a ride to get there. The type of a shuttle craft that he just got off of is not capable of traveling the distance to the EOD ship. The ones that are fully capable have already left. So yet again... he felt stuck in the hellhole which is Roscadia. As calm as he appeared to be, if his thoughts were words, than somebody might think that either he is crazy or he is a psychopath.

  Commodore Parker came storming into the Command Center on Starbase 231 with deep hostility in his eyes. His demeanor told everyone in the room that somebody has got to die.

  “Lieutenant! Where in the fuck is my shuttle to take me to that EOD ship!?”

  “Sir, the officers of Task Force ZH-3C took them. They said that it was urgent.” The lieutenant said in a nervous manner.

  “Did it ever occur to them that I might like to go? You know... I am responsible for protecting this quadrant.”

  “I know that sir. They said that they tried to contact you, but they couldn’t reach you.”

  “You get Mad Dawg on the Comm. right now.” Parker said through his teeth.

  “Yes sir. Right away sir.”

  After 30 seconds went by Parker said, yet again through his teeth, “I’m waiting Lieutenant!”

  The lieutenant turned and looked at the other Communication Officer, who was sitting by him, in a nervous scared way. The lieutenant then looked back at his console hoping that Mad Dawg would hurry up and respond.

  After 20 more seconds went by Parker snapped at the lieutenant again. “Lieutenant!” Parker yelled at the lieutenant startling him.

  “Maybe he’s on the john sir.” The lieutenant said causing the other Communication Officer to look at him like ‘I can’t believe you just said that.’

  “You listen hear you little shit...!” Parker said through his teeth. “I’m in no fuckin’ mood for your...!”

  “Got him!” The second Communication Officer said, much to the relief of the lieutenant.

  “Mad Dawg here. What’s up?”

  “I’ll tell you ‘what’s up,’ Parker said in a rude manner. “I want on that EOD ship yesterday. And that’s an order Captain.” Parker then said in a rude, high-minded way, “And I will forgive you of your insubordination. Lieutenant!”

  “Yes sir.”

  “End this fuckin’ Communicational Link.”

  “Right away sir.”

  Parker then left and headed over to the lobby in the starbase and waited for his ride. Not once did it ever occurred to him that his behavior, combined with what occurred to him over the weekend, his own insubordination, is why his plan will never work upon Project 21. After all, Project 21 is three hundred years old and has dealt with people like him before. But even if there was any moment in which he thought about that, he wouldn’t have cared. In his mind’s eye the EOD would protect him from prosecution. Little did he know, the EOD don’t protect new recruits like him. Look at how they reacted when Sanchez first encountered them. In an effort to save the lives of their own people the EOD would not hesitate to turn someone like Parker over to Project 21, or even the mafia. He has very little value to them other than as a Captain. Now... if he could find some type of value... that would be a horse of a different color.


  It was 16:42 and Mad Dawg (on his ship) just got off the phone with Commodore Parker. Mad Dawg was already suspicious of Parker behavior because everything that Mad Dawg did concerning the EOD ship was standard procedure. Mad Dawg knew something serious was going on with Parker fo
r him to act that way. But Mad Dawg said and did nothing about it because he wanted to hurry it up and debrief Vaistll’s family.

  Mad Dawg went and sit down at a table were Vaistll, Taylor and Ramirez was at. In front of them, sitting a few feet away was Vaistll’s family. Behind them were several of Mad Dawg’s men. In front of Mad Dawg was a stenotype recording device.

  “Who was that?” Ramirez asked Mad Dawg as he sat down.

  “Aw... that was just ol’ Commodore Parker he... REALLY... wanted go on board that EOD ship. And he was being a major dick-hole about it.”

  “What’s a ‘dick-hole’?” Taylor asked.

  “A dick-hole... is a man who is a piss-ant who is acting like an asshole. A bitch-hole is the female equivalent.” Ramirez answered him.

  “Oh. So... what is a ‘piss-ant’?” Taylor asked causing Vaistll to put her hand over her mouth as she was laughing.

  “You gotta be shittin’ me.” Mad Dawg said then he shook his head a little.

  “What!? I don’t know what that word means. Bloody yank.” Taylor responded causing both Vaistll and Ramirez to both laugh, with Ramirez looking the other way.

  “A long time ago...” Mad Dawg was answering him. “...a piss-ant meant something like an asshole. Then it was change to mean an ignorant worthless person. Hence... the word... piss.”

  “Oh. Oh I see.”

  “Taylor... Taylor, Taylor, you were always too much of a gentleman to know what words like that means.” Vaistll was said with a smile.

  “Boy... my men would just l-loove you.” Mad Dawg said causing Ramirez to laugh out loud.

  “Can we just get on with this debriefing?” Taylor asked with his British accent coming through.

  “Sure... so long as I don’t have to be your dictionary.” Mad Dawg said causing both Vaistll and Ramirez to laugh.

  “Bloody yank.”

  “That’s ‘bloody yank’... sir.” Okuoyk said causing everybody to either laugh or smile.

  Vaistll then looked at Taylor and seeing how he is starting to get upset with everybody teasing him, over what is a trivial manner, said in a serious tone of voice, “Okay... let’s get this show boat on the roll.” Looking at Ramirez she added. “No jokes.” Ramirez then nodded in agreement.


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