The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell

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The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell Page 26

by Douglas Howell

  Their next move was in preparation for war against the Republic of Kase’hyn’nkk. They made the tactical decision to invade the continent of Penx’til’tota because of its strategic position. They sent Double Shock there to deal with any insurrection group that may, or may not be formed. He was sent because he had four years of experience in dealing with the Iraxxan insurrection. After two years the northern part of the continent was secured. They had no desire to take the whole continent; they only wanted a good tactical and a good strategic position for their navy.

  On western part of North Kase’aes there is a large isthmus that connects it to South Kase’aes. On the western side of the isthmus is a large island. A bit further to the east of the isthmus is a large island. North and south of that island is a group of islands. The Republic of Kase’hyn’nkk is composed of those islands, but not the isthmus or the large island to the west of the isthmus. The Kase’hyn’nkk capital lies on the mainland of the southeastern corner of North Kase’aes. The border of Kase’hyn’nkk on northern South Kase’aes, runs somewhat close to the isthmus. On North Kase’aes the border of Kase’hyn’nkk runs mainly along the eastern shore. Two hundred and fifty miles from the southern border of Kase’hyn’nkk is the equator.

  The Hau’rino Empire spent the next two years building up the strength of their military as they were preparing for war with the Republic of Kase’hyn’nkk. Their first move was to capture both the canal on the isthmus of North Kase’aes, and the large island to the west of it. Before they had the chance to consolidate their hold on the region, the Republic of Kase’hyn’nkk declared war upon them. Shortly afterwards SAW joined Kase’hyn’nkk and the Iraxxan Union joined the Hau’rino Empire.

  The war lasted for six years and was the first mass production war in the history of the Apollinarian race. Although jet power aircraft was in its infancy, both sides had them. The Hau’rino Empire had a larger number of them than any other nation, with Kase’hyn’nkk coming in at a distance second. Both sides had missile technology, but only Kase’hyn’nkk had radar. Although both sides had chemical weapons, neither side used them.”

  “What about nuclear weapons?”

  “Only Hau’rino and Kase’hyn’nkk was pursuing them. But the Emperor Zeno’y’lk felt that it was not necessary to use them since in all likelihood they would win the war. And thus, the Hau’rino Empire did not consider it be all that important to develop them. With the government of Kase’hyn’nkk they had no other choice but to hurry up and develop them.”

  “And why is that?”

  “The Republic of Kase’hyn’nkk had to hold off the Imperial Forces from invading them in western North Kase’aes. And they had to hold them off from entering into northwestern South Kase’aes. If the Imperial Forces enter into northwestern South Kase’aes they would be within a stone’s throw from invading Kase’hyn’nkk. The Kase’hyn’nkk Navy desperately had to hold off the Imperial Forces from entering into the Sea of Inuk’na (e-nuke na) which lies east of the isthmus. If I did my math right, the Sea of Inuk’na should be about roughly 600 thousand square miles. And surrounding it, were huge off shore oil reserves. Everything hinged upon the control of the canal.

  In Waldaxx the war went much easier for the Imperial Forces. Four years into Double Shock spying upon SAW he acquired their advanced encryption call Ultra Dot. Ultra Dot uses microdot technology and instead of using words it uses numbers. It then takes series of numbers and puts into groups, each group of numbers than represent a code word. Once any sequences of numbers are used they are then discarded, making it virtually impossible to decipher it.

  Sometime after Double Shock acquired Ultra Dot, the Imperial intelligence community decipher it. They were able to decipher it because some of the people who encrypt it use the same sequence of numbers more than once. After all, with or without computers, Ultra Dot is just too burdensome for people to use. After it was deciphered the intelligence community of Hau’rino was fully able to read all communiqué that SAW sent. Since SAW had a weak navy, that allowed the Imperial Forces to use the tactic of containment on SAW. The Imperial Air Core had to do the job of containment since both the Navy and Army was bogged down in North Kase’aes. With the Navy that was stationed in northern Penx’til’tota, they were afraid that if they left their position, the Navy of Kase’hyn’nkk would try to flank them and attack the Hau’rino homeland.

  The Hau’rino Empire was on the verge of, not only winning the war, but also becoming the sole super power when the war is over. But that was not to be. Despite the fact that the odds were stacked against them, it was the Republic of Kase’hyn’nkk who would win the war. And it was all because of several mistakes that the Hau’rino Empire made.

  One of the mistakes that they made were not to convince their allies to build a submarine fleet to counter the Kase’hyn’nkk submarine fleet. That fleet more than once saved the Kase’hyn’nkk off shore oil derricks. They also prevented the Imperial Navy from finding an alternate route around the canal by going around either North, or South Kase’aes. The second mistake that they made was the logistical problems that their fleet in Penx’til’tota posed. The third mistake was assuming that Kase’hyn’nkk would not be able to climb out of the economic depression that they were still in. The war solved that problem for Kase’hyn’nkk. The final mistake was the most costly of them all. By not pursuing nuclear weapons it left them vulnerable to when Kase’hyn’nkk created them. The Kase’hyn’nkk Army used it upon the Imperial Forces in western North Kase’aes, the isthmus and on Hynno’e’ato (hen-no ay a-to). That was the name of the large island to the west of the isthmus. After witnessing the shock of seeing what nuclear weapons can do to an army, and the fear of what it can do to the homeland, the Hau’rino Empire sued for peace. One hundred and twenty-nine years later Ydxx’od’omaa would be promoted to the rank of General.”

  With that, Mad Dawg got up and said, “You need to excuse me... but I really need to go use the bathroom right now.”

  “Anybody else?” Taylor asked everyone. “Go for it.” With that, everyone who had to go left. Before Ikknustll could leave Taylor asked him, how much longer it would take for him to finish. And Ikknustll said not that much longer.

  After everybody got back Taylor said, “Okay Ikknustll... you were about to mention why did General Ydxx’od’omaa went back in time to collect you and your family.”

  “At the end of the Second World War the Hau’rino Empire wanted to become a nuclear power. After twelve years it finally became one. But its actions greatly upset the Republic of Kase’hyn’nkk, who was now enjoying its status as the lone super power. The Hau’rino Empire pursued nuclear weapon as a deterrent to nuclear war. Despite that, for sixty years there was a cold war between the two nations. The cold war ended when Emperor Zeno’y’lk grew tired of if and wanted to create a new era of peace and greater prosperity for his people. He also wanted to end it because he became more interested in space travel. Eight years later the Hau’rino Empire put a man on the moon Yikodota.”

  “That’s the name of our moon that looks like Earth’s moon.” Vaistll added.

  “After the Hau’rino Empire put a man on the moon it touched off a space race. Namely, who would be the first to build a space station, build a moon base, and so on. It was the Iraxxan Union who first met the Hun’narlians. Emperor Zeno’y’lk’s plan worked: instead of nuclear war, let’s pursue peace and greater prosperity through a pursuit of space travel and colonization.

  Ydxx’od’omaa was promoted to the rank of General when, during a war game, he was playing as the Imperial Forces of Hau’rino and won the Second World War. He picked the Imperial Forces because his wife was a Hau’rino national. He won the war game by doing the following: first, he totally ignored Penx’til’tota. Instead he invaded the island of Hynno’e’ato and the isthmus. The computer simulation predicted that there was a high probability that Kase’hyn’nkk would not declare war. That was mainly because of the fact that there was political turmoil in the region,
and Hau’rino and Kase’hyn’nkk had a free trade with one another. He then used the next two years convincing the Iraxxan Union to build a submarine fleet, and he used the time to build a naval base on the eastern shore of the isthmus. He then sent Double Shock to Kase’hyn’nkk. The computer simulation gave Double Shock a 88-93 % success rate. At the end of the two years he used the Imperial Air Core to crush the SAW air force. He then used the army and navy, that would have been sent to Penx’til’tota, and invade SAW. The computer simulation made the prediction that Kase’hyn’nkk would have declare war at that moment, but within four to five years SAW would have been defeated. It then becomes self-explanatory how the Imperial Forces could have won the war.

  When General Ydxx’od’omaa closed the lid on that biohazard cryo chamber, he became obsessive with what happen to his wife. For the first time ever he was no longer a patriot. He thought that it was absurd for Kase’hyn’nkk to rely exclusively upon him. What if he died? What if the Tylkuoply hive captured him? He started to devote a large amount of his time in studying the Hau’rino culture and history. He started to realize that his people were always too weak. That they forgot that with freedom, it is an eternal struggle. With the Hau’rino people their history constantly reminds them of that. You can hear it in their national anthem.”

  “Why don’t you sing it?” Vaistll said wanting to hear her brother sing again. “Come on now... you’re a damn good singer.”

  “Yeah go for it.” Ramirez said just being very curious.

  “In English.” Mad Dawg added.

  Ikknustll held his head down with a smile, then he shook his head, look up, let out a deep breath and said, “One day Ydxx’od’omaa heard some Imperial Troops singing it and he started to cry. Not only did it remind him of his wife, but it also told him what he had to do. There are four verses to it, but I will only sing the first one in order to speed up our day. And here it goes:


  You will believe, you will see. (Repeat twice)

  What God has ordained

  What God has created

  You will remember, you will know. (Repeat twice)

  His love created life

  His love created freedom

  You will believe and you will see.

  That you cannot keep me down. (Repeat twice)

  I was imprison in your icy glove

  Taken away from all that I loved

  You broke my body, raped my soul

  And you wanted me to behold

  My chains are forever strong

  But you could not be so wrong

  Your chains are broken

  I will fly away. I will fly away.


  Evil shall fall freedom will soar. (Repeat 4 times)

  Into the hands of God. (Repeat twice)

  Vaistll was so moved by it (and hearing her brother sing) that she was crying. She finally felt free for the first time in her life of her pain. But she wasn’t the only one who felt that way. Both Ramirez and Mad Dawg felt the same way. They all felt at peace.

  “When Ynuo’stole finished his time machine the engineers placed it into a spaceship. Ydxx’od’omaa then have everybody under his aegis go on board. Under the direction of Ynuo’stole they could only go back in time to test to see what would happen. Not to make any changes. It was Ydxx’od’omaa who chose to go back to the Second World War.

  Once they got there, Ydxx’od’omaa went to see a speech that Zeno’y’lk gave right before the war. If you were to look real close in the video of that speech, you could actually see Ydxx’od’omaa. After he saw that speech it totally changed him. He said that he finally understands why people who were there said that everybody always misunderstood the speech. Everyone always thought that the speech was to show off the power of the state. But that was far from the truth.

  On the beach there was an open air beach stadium that could hold fifty thousand people. The audience faced the sea. The smell of the salty air helped to remind the people of their ancestral roots. There was no stage, just a platform ten feet above the sea level so that the Emperor can give a speech. Behind the center stage there was a large screen that could be retracted into the platform during a storm. Below the platform, on either side of the center stage, along the length of the beach stadium, there were bonfires that burned fish. That was done so that as the smoke rises, and the wind or a large fan blow the smoke over the audience, it will further remind them of their ancestral past. As a person enters the stadium there are bonfires along the length of the stadium that were symbolic of each of the regiments in the army. The stadium also took full advantage of surround sound technology. At certain locations there was a platform for music groups. When the each of the bands played the same song it would create the surround sound affect. The sweet spot was a few feet in front of the center stage.

  It was nighttime when General Ydxx’od’omaa arrived at the stadium. He then found his way to the sweet spot. Hearing the music groups playing and being skilled enough to create a echo effect. What’s more, the Imperial Navy also participated in the music. Not with their music groups... but with their ships. Whether it was the artillery, or the shells that went overhead, it added a new dimension to the music. Those shells came in a rhythmic pattern. You could actually see Ydxx’od’omaa looking up in that video.. He said that he was both nervous and excited at the same time, hearing those shells going overhead. You really had to be there in order to understand it. It overwhelmed the senses. You could feel it in your body.

  He then noticed a disturbance at the sweet spot. An army officer was being taking down by another group of army officers. He didn’t know if that officer was an assassin, protestor, or what, but he then noticed that the audience was so transfixed on Zeno’y’lk that they didn’t even noticed what was going on. General Ydxx’od’omaa then started to listen to the lyrics of the song that was playing. It was not the national anthem, but a very beautiful song. That song could be interpreted in two different ways: the struggle between life and death; and/or, the struggle between freedom and tyranny. He then realizes what it was all about - the music, the ships, the smells, the bonfires. It represented the struggle between life and death, freedom and tyranny. That freedom is life and tyranny is death. That we are all part of some grand symphony. A symphony of life and death. A symphony of freedom and tyranny. That we are all just notes in that symphony. The symphony will continue on long after our note has stopped being played.

  When General Ydxx’od’omaa got back to his ship he knew actually what had to be done in order to win the Tylkuoply war. He had to indirectly influence Emperor Zeno’y’lk before the Second World War occurred. Like Kase’hyn’nkk, Hau’rino became too weak to win the Tylkuoply war. But if the Hau’rino Empire were to win the war instead, then the Tylkuoply war could be won as well. When Kase’hyn’nkk won the war it created doubt within the minds of the people of Hau’rino. But if they were to win the war instead, then it would confirm their beliefs within themselves.

  When Emperor Zeno’y’lk was ninety-six years old, he written a book about great military leaders throughout history. And one of the leaders that was mentioned in the book was Zell’tlaxx. If General Ydxx’od’omaa were to travel backwards into time and, in a subtle way, influence military leaders like Zell’tlaxx, then it would indirectly influence Zeno’y’lk. What’s more it would be extremely difficult for the Time Enforcement Officers to change the time line back.

  Before he travel back in time to become Zell’tlaxx aide, he read all that he could on the General. At some point he came across the stories about my sister. I guess there was something about my sister that sparked the interest of Ydxx’od’omaa. I think that it was all that she went through and how it was her arch rival who ultimately save her. If that is the case, then it sounds like what he was going through at the time, becomes the equivalent of what she was going through. With the Hau’rino Empire being the equivalent of my sister arch rival.

  When he went back to that time period to b
ecome Zell’tlaxx aide, it was another test. If the time line is messed up, then it could easily be changed back. After he got back, and nothing too negative happen to the time line, he started to become deeply depressed because he felt guilty about knowing what will happen to my sister, and not being able to do anything about it. Then one day he could no longer take it, so he convinced Ynuo’stole to help him. Ydxx’od’omaa then went back into time and got me and my siblings first. He then went back and got our parents, leaving a clone to die in their place. There was a cloning facility on RMX.

  After we got back to his time period, Ynuo’stole wanted Ydxx’od’omaa to wait until he finished creating a time shield for RMX. That was mainly because with Vaistll, unlike with us, there were too many people around on the night that she left our birth time period. Unfortunately for us, it would take years before Ynuo’stole would be able to finish the time shield. Ynuo’stole forbid Ydxx’od’omaa from doing any more time traveling until the time shield has been completed.

  While everybody was waiting for Ynuo’stole to complete the time shield, the war was going badly for everyone. At one point, and nobody knows how they learned about it, the Time Enforcement Officers learned what Ydxx’od’omaa was up to. The Tylkuoply hive then restarted their war with the Republic of Kase’hyn’nkk afterward. The actions of the Time Enforcement Officers and the Tylkuoply hive made it that much harder for Ynuo’stole to complete the time shield. After he completed the time shield Ynuo’stole committed suicide.

  Despite the lost of Ynuo’stole, we could finally leave that godforsaken time line. We travel all over the time line. Ydxx’od’omaa would do his thing, being the aide to some General. We did our thing. The Time Enforcement Officers did their thing - trying to catch us. They didn’t fully understand what Ydxx’od’omaa was trying to do. Even if they did... what could they do?


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