The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell

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The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell Page 40

by Douglas Howell

  “Fuckin’ Murphy! Look like we have a mutiny on our hands boys. Secure the bridge, the Engine Room and the Communication Room immediately! Come on… move like you got a purpose!” Mad Dawg barked orders to the crew on the bridge.

  “I need you guys to hook up with Captain Adnrwal right away. I have to hook up with my unit.” Second Lieutenant Murphy told the incarcerated members of Task Force ZH-3C.

  “And what if we encountered any of Mad Dawg’s people?” One of the incarcerated members of Task Force ZH-3C asked.

  “Kill them as a last resort. Tell Captain Adnrwal that I will try to link up with her” With that, each of them left.

  They arrived at their destination without incident. They then waited for Second Lieutenant Murphy and his unit to arrive. Under Vaistll’s direction they headed to the Computer Core. Vaistll figured (correctly) that would be the one place that Mad Dawg wouldn’t defend. There were people in the room, but they were quickly persuaded to joined them.

  “Lock all doors with an encryption key. Turn on the Fire Control System on the bridge.” Vaistll told the Marine Corporal.

  “Ma’am?” The Marine Corporal said, confused by her order.

  “Ol’ Mad Dawg will get all wet. Plus the alarm will make it difficult for him to give orders.” She said. The Corporal then did as she asked.

  “I got to hand it to that girl… she sure is a handful.” Mad Dawg said out loud.

  Mad Dawg tried to give orders to the crew, but it was hard for them to hear him. When he found out that the door to the bridge is lock shut with an strong encryption key, he laughed and said. “Why am I not surprised.”

  Vaistll turned to the Corporal and gave him an order that, although he understood it, he knew that it would make their job more difficult.

  “Disable the anti-gravity pump.” She said.

  “Ma’am… are you sure? It will disable it throughout the entire ship.”

  “Don’t worry… I’m going to defeat him old school style.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Way to go girl.” Mad Dawg said when the gravity was turned off. “This… is going to be very interesting.” He added.

  Vaistll then asked the Corporal for the blueprints for the air ducts that connects it to the Life Support System Control Room and to the Medical Laboratory. She then told him to create an air pathway from the LSS Control Room and the Medical Laboratory. When he was done, she took a small unit with her to the Medical Laboratory and had the scientists there make a knock-out gas. She then had them allow the air intake to suck in the knock-out gas to the LSS Control Room. She then left with her unit and headed over to the LSS Control Room. When they got there, they tied up the Marines who were there. She then order someone in her unit to reduce the oxygen on the bridge to 17%.

  “Lieutenant Murphy… do your thing.” Vaistll told him over the intercom.

  “This is Second Lieutenant Murphy we have taken over the LSS Control Room and the Computer Room. We are also in control of the EOD plasma gun turrets on those moons. Those of you who are in support of Captain Burton must surrender immediately. You are fighting a hopeless cause. There is no chance for you to leave this system alive. If you surrender… we will allow you to return back to your duties. And then all of us can complete our mission. I strongly urge you to surrender. Think of your families not of Captain Burton’s pride. He is no longer fit for duty. So please… for the love of God… please surrender immediately.”

  With that, one unit after another started to report in that they are no longer under Mad Dawg’s chain of command. It then spread to the bridge dividing the crew. Mad Dawg, realizing that it was all over before it began, called it off and surrendered. Second Lieutenant Murphy then became the acting Captain of the ship. Murphy showed enough respect to Mad Dawg by confining him to his quarters. No one was hurt during the mutiny and that helped the crew to heal afterwards.


  Early afternoon, 18 October Starship DTS, Double Shock was in the Stellar Cartography Room on the EOD Ultra Class ship. He renamed the ship Ziin’lyi’tols (Zen lie toes) which was Hau’rino for “A New Life.” He spends most of his time in that room. Looking at the beauty of the Milky Way galaxy in deep awe. He lived in a time in which space travel was recent (the equivalent to the latter 1920’s with air travel). Although he never gave it much thought, he did find the subject of space travel fascinating. And now here he is doing just that. Each time he went to the Stellar Cartography Room it reminded him of why he would like to retire one day. Until the Tylkuoply hive, the EOD, the Necro-Mystics, and the Wol’ga’con Empire is destroyed, he will not retire anytime soon.

  “Mr. Ikkry’o… Dr. Costa said that everything is ready if you are ready.” Dr. Verrone said. Dr. Costa is a expert on cloning.

  “Okay. Tell her I’ll be right there. I just need to finish up here.”

  After La’jyn’eu finished praying, he left and headed over to the Medical Laboratory R&D. Both Dr. Verrone and Dr. Costa were already there with some scientists. Dr. Verrone then prep Double Shock for surgery. He was in surgery to get the symbiote removed. He was out of surgery after 20:00 hours. He woke up at 23:15 hours and was placed under immediate observation.

  The information that La’jyn’eu gave them, told them how difficult it would be for them to extract the symbiote. The first problem, which was easy to solve, the Vynto’tanous (vin-to ta-news). It was a red thorn-like extension of the symbiote that connects to the spinal cord. When the symbiote becomes a cell, it can function as a one terabyte per-second USB port. It is the only part of the symbiote/cell that can connects to a electronic device.

  But the single greatest problem that confronted them was that the symbiote, once extracted, will cause a major infection in the host. It will create a fever of 110° F. Once the infection spreads to the major organs it will cause then to shut down. Within four hours the ex-host will slip into a coma. After that the lungs will fail and followed by the heart. Most people die within five-to-six hours after the ex-host develops the fever.

  After Double Shock woke up he seemed okay. Then, close to midnight, while he was drinking a soft drink his fever struck. But his temperature never exceeded 103° F. La’jyn’eu immediately took a hot bath when the fever struck, which stopped the chills. He then tried to go to sleep, but he couldn’t. He eventually took another hot bath and then laid down on the hospital bed without covering himself up. At 05:45 hours he got out of bed. His fever seemed to have subsided at that moment. He then eat some potato chips then tried to go back to bed. He slept until a little after 10:00 hours. While he took another hot bath, he got sick to his stomach. He bent over the toilet, coughed, and eventually threw up a little. He then spent the next few hours watching the news. At 15:45 hours he eat some ice cream and one slice of pizza, which he put some sweet & spicy Tabasco on it. He didn’t feel all that hungry. He then took hot bath so that he could feel a little better. Each time that he took a hot bath, he only filled it to about four inches deep. He did that because he didn’t want to waste water. Plus he won’t overheat and when the water cools down it would help him to cool down. He then went back to bed. He laid there on the bed, uncovered, and naked. He woke up and got dress at 18:28 hours and felt much better.

  Throughout his battle with the fever, he felt miserable, tired, weak, and he had a lost of appetite. At least four times Dr. Verrone came in and drew blood. The first one was immediately after he got the fever. The second time is when he woke up at 05:45 hours. The third time is when he got sick to his stomach. The final time of when his blood was drawn is when he woke up at 18:28 hours. The good news for him is that Dr. Verrone told him that his fever is now over.

  When his blood was taken for the final time, he sat in his hospital bed watching TV. He then eat some ice cream. When he was finished with his ice cream he put a fan on him because he was hot. At 19:22 hours he left and went to his quarters. His battle with the fever lasted for less than one day.

  Although he should celebrate his official f
reedom from the Tylkuoply hive, he didn’t feel, let alone think much about it. He was just glad that it was done and over with. At 21:17 hours he went to check up on the symbiote.

  “How are you feeling?” Dr. Costa asked him.

  “Much better. How’s the symbiote?”

  “Actually it’s doing just fine. Come take a look.”

  Dr. Costa led him to where the symbiote was. The symbiote was clearly visible inside a clone. The clone didn’t have any arms or legs, or any facial features. It was connected to a breathing tube and an IV. The clone had cybernetic implants in its brain and was connected to a computer.

  “I’ve isolated each of the DNA within it. I also extrapolated the difference between the DNA of the symbiote and that of the Apollinarians. Right now the computer is analyzing, and categorizing the data. When it is done, I will be able to tell the difference between family members. I will also be able to tell if they had any diseases. The computer can also generate an approximation of what the individual look like. It is 75% accurate.”

  “When will it be done?”

  “Between 03-to-05:00 hours.”

  “Alright… I’ll see you then. Bye-bye.”

  “Okay. Bye-bye.”

  At 05:08 it was done. La’jyn’eu Ikkry’o stood there looking at the images and data on the computer approximation of the Apollinarian DNA. He recognized himself, one General, and Emperor Zeno’y’lk. From that it helped the computer to narrow down the rest of the Imperial family.

  “You know…” Dr. Costa was saying. “…if I were to use your original DNA, plus the DNA of Little John… I could easily give you your old body back.”

  “How long would it take?”

  “Four months.”

  “How long before you could start?”

  “Three days.”

  “How much of me would be the original?”

  “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “On whether or not you would like to intermix with humans.” Dr. Costa said smiling.

  Dr. Costa is a very beautiful white woman – brunette, single, no boyfriend or children, never been married, could easily become a model/actress if she wanted to. Ever since Dr. Costa met La’jyn’eu Ikkry’o she started to want him even more.

  “Doctors know best.” Double Shock said causing her to smile in a affectionate way.

  He walked over to her (with butterflies in his stomach) took and held her hand. He then looked at her with deep concern in his eyes, and said. “Please do a me one favor... and tell me the honest truth about something.”


  “How do you feel about me?”

  She smiled in a affectionate way, and without hesitation she told him that she likes him.

  “This body… or the original?” He asked.

  “No… I like you… La’jyn’eu Ikkry’o. I like you a lot.”

  “Then maybe you can help me with my problem.”

  “What problem is that?”

  “I got a major case of butterflies in my stomach.” He said, causing her to laugh in a affectionate way.

  “That sounds serious. I’m gonna have to pay you a visit later and… see how you are doing.” She said with a warm smile.

  He smiled, told her that he will see her then, and reluctantly left. He then headed back to his quarters. Later in the evening his doorbell rang. It was Dr. Costa. She was wearing a dress and was looking so very beautiful to him.

  “There I go again… chasing butterflies.” He said causing her to laugh with affection.

  He took her to the Stellar Cartography Room because he had something to show her.

  “I wanted to show you something. It’s part of the reason why I spend so much time in here.” He said to her. He then spoke to the computer. “Computer. Run my program.”

  She stood there watching in amazement as she saw an alien star system. Seeing the planets, moons, and one particular planet with two moons: his home world. The computer simulation then zoomed in on one region: the Hau’rino Empire.

  “That’s where I was born… in the city of Ylk’nyn’da (e-look nen da).”

  For the next several minutes she stood there in deep fascination and asking questions. Becoming more curious with each question answered. Dr. Costa then gave him the look that she wanted more than just her questions answered: she wanted him. He then kissed her and they made love.

  “I remember now.” He said after they finished making love. He was holding her.

  “Remember what?”

  “When I was in the afterlife… I saw you. I thought you were an angel. I then heard the voice of God say, ‘Go to her.’ I thought he meant that she... uh… you would take me into heaven. Then I felt myself coming back down. I then awoke in this body.”

  “What did God sound like?”

  “I vaguely remember.”

  “What was it like? In the afterlife.”

  “Peaceful… happy.”

  After he thought for a moment he finally made his decision. It was a decision that will change, not only him, but also his people forever. It was a decision made from the love of a person.

  “I made my decision. When you give me back my original body… could you make it where I am as tall as a typical human?”

  “Yes why? Oh… I see.”

  “What about the rest of my people? Can you do the same to them?”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Believe me… they won’t care.”

  “Maybe so… but you should still let them make that decision.”

  “Look... it’s something that you wouldn’t understand.”

  “Try me.”

  “Apollinarians would find your species as beautiful as they would one of their own. But they have that slave holding gene within them, whereas humans do not. For the Hau’rino people we have fought for our freedom for thousands of years. So naturally it would change our DNA. But not the rest of our species. So we would perceive it to be quite liberating if we were a human-Apollinarian hybrid. They wouldn’t care.”

  “Alright… I start work tomorrow.” Dr. Costa reluctantly said.

  Over the next few days Dr. Costa worked tirelessly to create a DNA modifier. On the first night that she started, La’jyn’eu asked her if she would like to move-in with him. She agreed with a smile and without hesitation to it. They got along quite well. They never got on each other nerves. His behavior alleviated her stress giving her the drive to carry on. Her behavior and outlook on life helped him to find peace with himself from the Tylkuoply war. They were meant for each other.

  Long after Task Force ZH-3C’s mission on Golden Hyperion ended, the crew of Ziin’lyi’tols was in orbit above the third planet in the Omicron Ultra star system, which the EOD converted into a Supply, Storage, Industrial & Manufacturing world. The planet was as big as the Earth, roughly 38% of it was covered in water, and like Mars, it was a dead planet with no real moons. Like the Earth, it is a mineral rich world. The EOD did terraformed it somewhat, but only enough to walk upon its surface without a spacesuit. They wanted people to periodically go there (robots did most of the work), not to live there.

  Before the crew of Galactic Prime, or Task Force ZH-3C, learned about, and confronted something that the EOD called “Flip Jumpers,” the crew of Ziin’lyi’tols learned that the entire Omicron Ultra star system, minus Golden Hyperion, was robotic controlled. But they didn’t know if the star system is the sole reason why the EOD wanted a near monopoly on robots. It would turn out that Task Force ZH-3C would learn that the hard way. It had everything to do with Flip Jumpers. They are not entirely robots, nor are they cyborgs. They’re something new, they’re something different. What they are, are the most dangerous weapons in the known galaxy.

  Over the four month time period that Double Shock was changing into a human-Apollinarian hybrid, he was starting to become depressed. Dr. Costa got him to tell her why. Whenever he looks at himself in the mirror, he sees a freak. She didn’t like that. She told him that he is not
a freak and that she loves him blindly.

  130 days after he was injected with the DNA modifier, Double Shock woke up in his original body. (Minus the fact that he is now shorter and can now breed with humans.) From that point forward he no longer considered himself a Wol’ga’con or a human (he never really did), but as a true Apollinarian. He didn’t consider Vaistll as an Apollinarian but as a Wol’ga’con. Throughout his transformation, not once did he ever noticed that Dr. Costa didn’t see him any differently. She still saw him as La’jyn’eu Ikkry’o. Her love for him truly was blind. Although her first pregnancy was a miscarriage and the next one was a still birth, she saw it as a sign of how successful his transformation is turning out. Since he wanted to become a father, it contributed to his depression that he couldn’t get her pregnant. Once his transformation was completed, they started to talk about marriage. While they were talking about it, their conversation turned to Golden Hyperion and the fate of Galactic Prime and Task Force ZH-3C. They then talked it over with the rest of the crew and they decided to go to Golden Hyperion.

  When they got to Golden Hyperion they saw the battle scars left over from the mission. Everybody was too shocked and horrified to say anything. They then went to the capital city and learn the truth. What they learned scared the hell out of them, even Double Shock.

  The people mentioned that they were afraid of the EOD and wanted to leave them. Seeing that the crew of Ziin’lyi’tols captured an EOD Ultra Class vessel, the people found their new rulers. At that moment, the Omicron Ultra star system now belong to them. Both Project 21 and the EOD lost value in the system by that point in time and neither side would challenge their claim to independence. They truly were free of the EOD.

  Throughout Double Shock transformation, Tech Specialist Torrio, Dr. Verrone, Dr. Costa, and the other scientists, were working on the symbiote trying to solve the problem of communicating with it. They wanted to do what Mynik’ny’nuta did when she brought Double Shock back. And one month after they arrived on Golden Hyperion, they finally succeeded.


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