The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell

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The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell Page 114

by Douglas Howell

  “Hey sir, did you mentioned Kronos?” Wexler asked Ramirez.

  “No.” Ramirez responded.

  “How come?” Wexler asked.

  “Because... (he stopped when a group of people came near) …it is above and beyond classified. And that includes within our employers.” Ramirez responded slightly under his breath so that only Ellis and Wexler could hear.

  “So what should we do about it?” Ellis asked Ramirez.

  “It is immediately apparent that I, and I alone, must solve this. I do believe now more than ever that it is coming from Lenkov’s contacts. Do not forget that, with them, you are dealing with those who are well connected within the EOD upper echelons. Nobody takes Kronos lightly and neither should you. I am doing all that I can in trying to figure out their attentions. But alas, I am dumbstruck.” Ramirez said with a certain heaviness of one who feels that he has the weight of the world upon his shoulders.


  “I can’t believe that we have to continue on without the captain.” Coté mentioned.

  “Yeah, I hope that she is alright.” Nakada added.

  “I’m certain that she is. We need to keep moving to our objective.” Taylor responded.

  “Boy I sure do wish that the minotaur was here.” Coté said with a fondness.

  “Who?” Nakada asked her.

  “It’s what I called my papa. He was born in the Chinese year of the ox as well as he was a Taurus. So I always called him a minotaur and he’d loved it. He was also very tall and muscular as well as a gentle giant. The nickname fit him well.” Coté responded.

  “Why don’t you tell me a little bit more about him?” Taylor asked her.

  “I rather not sir.” Coté responded.

  “You opened the door dear. I’m just here to close it.” Taylor informed her.

  “Yes sir. Well the only thing that I can say is that my father served in the Marines and is currently stationed at some penal colony. I don’t know what he does there since he doesn’t talk much about it. I haven’t heard from him in awhile. Normally he would contact me often. So I don’t know what to think. I hope that he is okay.” Coté responded.

  “I’m certain that he is.” Taylor mentioned.

  They followed the Golem and only stopped when they realized that it was heading towards the air base. They knew what it was going to do once it got there and thus their mission changed to that of trying to contact Captain Maxwell. The only way that they could do that is to find some type of a air vehicle and then hopefully make it out alive. That is, if and only if, the Golem would let them. And they had no idea if it would.


  The news, or rather the rumors, was spreading fast throughout the rank and file of Wilcox’s forces. The Golems are coming. Sooner or later they will come. But when they do it will be a nightmare for one and all. What occurred before will be nothing in comparison. It wasn’t Ramirez, Ellis or Wexler who spread the rumor, it was Wilcox slip of the tongue. It didn’t take long for the media to pick up on the rumor. And because of it the depression that everyone was feeling, combined with the rage at the way in which things are, was giving people the courage to change things for the best. The impact that it had upon all those who was still a stanch supporter of the EOD was that they started to feel like a deer caught in the headlights of a semi-trailer.

  But the powerful and the well connected will not go down without a fight. They began to subvert all efforts at ending the problems as quickly as possible. No alcohol? No problem just request more of it and make it cheaper. It all came down to sellers and buyers. Actually it all came down to their greedy selfish interest and how they won’t compromise over it. If freedom came to that world than they would become the biggest losers. (Another hidden power of the EOD. Subvert the interest of the wealthy to your own and make them serve your interests. And as a added bonus make certain that you reward them for their so-call loyalties.)

  Most of the things that the elites were doing were more of an headache for those trying to save the day. And thus, Captain Maxwell’s orders concerning alcohol now becomes null and void because a group of politicians who don’t want the lost revenue and the fact that they can score votes. The mafia is becoming too powerful and the elites are becoming more corrupt because of it. Philosophers would put it that if the bestial part of human nature doesn’t evolve along side technology and institutions then either human nature would destroy technology and institutions or vice versa. With the EOD they want greater efficiency even within human nature. Sayaka would say that efficiency will ultimately lead to the extinction of the human race because human nature at it’s very core is inefficient. So the fate of the human race is therefore extinction since the general direction is one of seeking greater efficiency. If I could do it better, I would. If a robot could do it better, it will. If I became a robot than I would become more efficient. I cannot do it all even as a robot. And that is not efficient. If I could put my conscious into cyberspace than I could control multiple robots. And then I could do it all. So what would become the purpose of humans? As useless bottom feeders? But that is not efficient. So the only solution must be that of extinction of the human race.

  Nobody ever wanted to believe what Sayaka would have said (which is one reason why she never said anything) about human extinction versa seeking greater efficiency. By the start of the 22nd century the human population reached more than 11 billion. Only the developed nations were able to leave the Earth and create space colonies. More and more people (from the develop world) wanted to leave and did because the Earth was becoming a giant shit-hole mainly because of human overpopulation. Did they learn anything? Some did, most didn’t. Despite all efforts to control the growth of the human population it still continue to grow reaching 18 billion by the mid 23rd century mark. Only 3.5 billion people lived outside the Earth. Those who left the Earth both did and didn’t care about that world. It was the only thing that connected them as a species. The Earth had become nothing more than some dystopian world of pollution, warfare, and suffering. It was only the symbolic center of humanity since world capitals were still based there. All real forms of power had long since left the Earth. Peace could only be found outside the Earth for the Earth was under almost constant warfare. Everyone is fighting over resources, religion, and politics. And with more people it means even more pollution, death, warfare and suffering.

  What about those 3.5 billion people who lived outside the Earth? They were too scattered about to ever be some source for the continuing the human race as a species. All ET civilizations have never attacked the Earth, they only attack human space colonies. It’s a prime reason why the human race is divided. Most of those “Spatiums (Latin for space. [the s denotes that the word is in the plural])” live on a world with at least a million people. And thus they (the space colonies) can be better described as new cities with very few (like Golden Hyperion) can truly be called a colony. Not one single one of those colonies number more than 50 million people. (Golden Hyperion is the third largest at 41 million and Vegas/Roscadia is 3.8 million.)

  If current trends continue, according to the experts, humans will go extinct within a time period of at least 300-500 years. Worse still is that it’s starting to become a form of culture with the youth having a “the party that ends the human race.” If the human race is going to go extinct why not party like there’s no tomorrow? As their thinking goes. And therefore the elites, especially on Golden Hyperion, have a selfish view on the survival of the human race. Which is why Golden Hyperion is having a such hard time on survival. God help them, one and all.


  “You shoot you die.” The unknown voice shouted down the hallway at Martinez and company.

  “We know what you are. And thank you for the heads up.” Martinez responded. Neither him nor Jaguar 42R or Viper 33X was surprise to learn that there were still some Demon Xs alive. They knew that there will always be those (0.1 percent to be exact) who mentally could be classified as a human. But the algo
rithm that the EOD scientists created ensure that with each generation the probably of such individuals would decrease over time. (The EOD called them “Renegade” for some reason.)

  “How many are you?” Viper 33X asked the alpha male.

  “There is only twenty of us. Ten males and ten females.” The alpha male responded.

  “Why are you and your group still here?” Jaguar 42R asked him.

  “Where else could we go with your people, humans that is, killing us?”

  “Can you please help us? We’re trying to figure out why that Golem is heading towards the cloning vats.” Martinez asked him.

  “Do you have any food for us by any chance?” Jaguar 42R asked him. He’d asked because they only have one day of food left.

  “I have no idea as to why the Golem is heading there. And sadly, no we don’t have any food for you. We’ve been searching for something to eat for at least ten days and only having enough to last for four days. Oh by the way, my type is not the only so-call Renegade of our group. What you call a Demon X there is twenty of us, but there is twenty-six of your type.” The alpha male responded. The last part he pointed at Viper 33X which caused both Jaguar 42R and Viper 33X to looked surprised.

  “You better not be shittin’ us. We’re the last two.” Viper 33X responded. As huge as a Demon X is, Viper 33X would not care to fight one if he is lying or joking about something like that.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, and no I am not shittin’ you.”

  “We need to get the fuck outta here.” Jaguar 42R mentioned. Although Martinez couldn’t hear what the other three could (Even without their helmets both Jaguar 42R and Viper 33X could hear it.) he trusted the ears of both of his Dragon Clones buddies.

  The four of them had the most hard time in getting to their destination (a cafeteria) because they had to avoid, not only the Golem’s protectors, but also the artillery bombardments. They were times that they came close to being killed (mostly because of the artillery bombardment) but they found that they could rely upon each other’s skills and strengths. Martinez, Jaguar 42R and Viper 33X was surprised at the strength of will of this alpha male. They could tell that he was weak from starvation but he was still determined to help. (At one point, because of the artillery bombardment, a part of the ceiling collapsed blocking their path. The alpha male grabbed the wreckage and struggling with it, picked it up and held it so that they could pass under it.)

  “Oh by the way… there is a new group who just recently join us. They’re red looking and…” The alpha male was saying as they got near to their base.

  “We know what they are. We just recently encountered them.” Jaguar 42R mentioned.

  “Hey, do they have any food for us!?” Somebody shouted out when they noticed that the alpha male returned with Martinez, Jaguar 42R and Viper 33X.

  “I’m sorry but… no! We ourselves have no food!” Martinez shouted back. Some of the Renegades moaned when they heard that. Martinez was quite calm as he walked amongst these “individuals.” Jaguar 42R was on edge and Viper 33X was visibly nervous. Not one of these individuals appeared to view Martinez, Jaguar 42R or Viper 33X as anything other than an individual.

  “Oh my god. A Dragon Clone. What is your name?” Viper 33X said when he saw one. He was happy that both him and Jaguar 42R was not the last one.

  “We don’t use the names that was given to us at our creation because that’s not who we are anymore. Until the three of you came we started to think that our fate must be one of death.” The Dragon Clone responded with a weakened voice through that of hunger.

  “Listen up everyone…” Martinez was saying. He was standing on some wreckage so that everyone could see him. “…as soon as we complete our mission we will take you out of here! Do not fear nor should you fret over your fate! For my people will give you quarter upon this world! Neither you nor the three of us can stay here much longer! There is a mechanical monstrosity that we call a Golem that is doing something that, although we have no idea as to what, we must find out what it’s attention is! I know that each and every one of you is hungry! So are the three of us! As soon as we learn why it is heading towards the cloning vats all of us, and that includes all of you, can leave here!”

  “KEV 74!” Someone shouted back.

  “Please come forward!” Martinez shouted back. As the person came near he could see that it is a clone of the beast that Captain Dawson indirectly created.

  “Please forgive me for my nervousness. My people just recently encountered your kind and it wasn’t good for us.” Martinez mentioned.

  “I understand. I know what you are going to ask me so let me save you the time in asking. KEV 74 is a clone in a nutshell. It contains each of our genetic material including something called the Founder and something else called Medusa Pandora. KEV is an acronym for what I do not know. Seventy-four denotes the total number of times that the EOD created this type of clone. KEV 74 contains all the best or if you like the worst, monstrosities that the EOD created. And when I say created I mean ever since the EOD was created. In my pursuit for food I realized that the machines that protects the Golem are looking for KEV 74.Until you mentioned it I never gave it much thought. And now I can only say that the Golem must be after the genetic material and the cyber brain of KEV 74. KEV 74 does in fact has a nanomorph brain. My knowledge, based upon the individual formally called Captain Dawson, is very vague as to why KEV 74 has a nanomorph brain. The best that I can give you is that it is indirect form of control of the Golem.” The individual mentioned.

  “I thank you so very much for the Intel. You have helped us in achieving our objectives. Now we, and I do mean all of you, need to find a way out of this place. And we all can finally have something to eat. The three of us…” Martinez was saying.

  “No. If you respect my rank than I must lead the way. Trust in my leadership as I must trust in your ability to deliver your promises to all of us.” The individual mention.

  “Understood. What should I call you, sir?” Martinez asked.

  “Joseph B. Dawson.” The individual responded.

  “Why that name?” Martinez asked.

  “He’d served. I served. It’s all know.” JB Dawson responded.

  “Then lead the way sir.” Martinez responded.

  “What is your experience in dealing with these machines?” JB Dawson asked Martinez after they came across the machines protecting the Golem.

  “Attack, or be attack. Ignore, or be ignore.” Martinez responded.

  “I need a diversion. I want each of you to create a choke-point at the following coordinates. My reason for thinking is that we must get these people outta here.” JB Dawson responded.

  “Understood sir.” Martinez responded.

  Martinez, Jaguar 42R and Viper 33X found themselves in a death battle. Everything change when JB Dawson came to their rescue with reinforcements. It took time but the four of them was able to achieve their objective. Nevertheless, getting this group out of the factory was no easy task. Despite the pain of the difficulties the four of them was able to collect Intel (indirectly) and get everybody out.

  “I want the three of you to head out first.” JB Dawson mentioned. The four of them was standing near the opening that will lead them to the outside.

  “What about the guns?” Viper 33X asked.

  “Don’t deviate twenty feet from this point. We are in it’s blind spot.” JB Dawson responded.

  “We have friendlies!” Martinez mentioned loudly when he got near to Wilcox’s line. The media was simply shellshock when they saw who those friendlies were. But they also loved it.

  “How did you subdue these monsters!?” A reporter shouted at Martinez.

  “First of all let me inform you that they are not monsters! Do not be deceived for the EOD will never admit to it, but contained within their so-call genetic monstrosities is a human! And with this group of individuals, yes you heard me correctly, we will be a force that will take down the EOD! Please, I beg of you, do not dis
honor me, look upon these individuals the same way that I do! As a friend! Do not look upon them as anything less! For I do believe that I will not be here without them! They are my… friend!” Martinez shouted back. He’d climbed on top a nearby news van in order to give the speech. It was quite intimidating to see him standing with those creatures.

  “Martinez… you never fail to amaze me.” Ramirez said as he was coming near.

  “Oh my god. Sir, you made it out.” Martinez responded.

  “Where’s the rest of our team?” Jaguar 42R asked.

  “Ask the Golems. Yet again one of them left and went on it’s own way.” Wexler responded.

  “Hey sir, if you don’t mind me asking you, but what is your name?” Ramirez asked JB Dawson.

  “Anything other than Dawson. What do you want Lieutenant Commander?” The creature asked Ramirez. Whatever he should be called (JB Dawson that is.), he was eating.

  “Lenkov’s contacts sent me Kronos and…” Ramirez was saying.

  “What!?” JB Dawson responded out of shock.

  “Yes sir. But it is in it’s neutral state. I know that they want me do something with it, but alas I have no idea as to what. I was hoping that you might have an idea.”

  “We have to assume that they already know about the Golems. So it must be related to them.”

  “That’s what I was thinking sir. But I don’t see how it, let alone the program that Sayaka left us could defeat the Golems.”

  “And what is that program?”

  “It is nothing more than a hacking tool in a nutshell.”

  “Now I can see the dilemma that you are in. I wish that I could help you… but alas… I cannot. I have to keep my people alive. But I do believe that we have a far more pressing problem on our hands.”

  “Wilcox?” Ramirez asked.

  “Yes. From what I could gather from his record… he is a far better ship captain than a ground one. We must, or should I say you must, avoid him.”


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