Odyssey (The Stork Tower Book 2)

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Odyssey (The Stork Tower Book 2) Page 6

by Tony Corden

  The Dead Lord of the Trolls was fast, skilled and huge. He oversaw the four mini-bosses and then immediately attacked if they were defeated. As they stepped onto the diseased circle a message appeared:

  Atherleah, you and your companions are charged with completing the Dungeon of the dead Goblins at Altin.

  This is a special instance of the dungeon at Altin. Even though you are the first to complete this particular instance many have already completed the dungeon, and no additional rewards are offered.

  The starting level for the MOBs in this dungeon has been provisionally set at 80 as this is above the current level of your highest ranked player. There are five levels in this dungeon, and the final boss level has been increased from +8 to +15. So the Dead Lord of the Trolls is currently at Level 95.

  Also, there are several additional challenges beyond the normal. Enjoy!

  Amy ranged ahead, and the miners checked for signs of additional challenges. They completed a full circuit when one of the rocks flickered in Thad’s sight. They moved closer to the rock, and it was evident as they approached that it was worth mining. Thad and Zack took out their picks and began to work the rock. The rest kept a lookout. Finally, the protrusion gave up some pure gold pieces. By the time they completely demolished the spire they had forty-two Gold Pieces and a Tanzanite Gem. The spire was associated with one of the four sides; they guessed that this was the fourth area. They moved around the Mausoleum and found three other such spires. One produced forty-two Medium Grade Gold Ore and an Emerald, another forty-two pieces of Intermediate Grade Gold Ore and a Sapphire, the last offered-up forty-two pieces of High-Grade Gold Ore and a Diamond. They were convinced these were indicators of the order in which the areas should be attempted.

  They moved to the opening which had the Emerald bearing spire, and Amy stepped in to look around. Almost immediately she came running back out followed by a group of ten Zombie Goblins who on sensing more living bodies attacked; clawing, kicking and biting. Although caught off guard they had become a cohesive well-oiled group. Thad and Zack stepped out in front to meet the mob, Amy stepped backwards and started to shoot arrows at the edges, James and Wisp moved back and to either side and began firing fireballs at the Zombies. Leah stepped back and when a small gap appeared she waded into the melee, dodging and slicing with her knives. Their ability to steal HP kept her at full health as she devastated the inside of the mob. Within moments the fight was over. James and Wisp healed Zach and Thad and then with greater confidence they stepped into the first door.

  Forty minutes later and they had defeated seven similar mobs. At one time they had been attacked by a second mob mid fight and Leah had stepped out of one mob and destroyed the second on her own. The boss was in the middle of the area and when Leah checked its level she read:

  GOBLIN CONGLOMERATION (Level 85 x 10) 95000HP 80000 EP

  The thing was huge, it was a giant, and it was possible to see the individual arms and legs of multiple goblins and skeletons which went into making it. They could see a skull at various joints, one at each knee, two at each shoulder one looking forward the other backwards, one replacing each eye and one in the middle of the forehead where a third eye would be. The final head was in the middle of the creatures back. Each head was protected by various arms, legs and hands. Zack and Thad began attacking the legs while Amy and Wisp fired arrow after arrow at the shoulders and head. James used the staff to amplify his fire and plasma bolts. It was a war of attrition as they struggled to reach any of the heads. Finally, they cleared the way to hit the two on the knees. Its health was now at 80%. Every time someone was hurt the health of the conglomeration rose. The maximum though was now 80%. They had to destroy the heads. Suddenly Leah yelled, “Thad give me a boost.”

  He stepped back and turned to ask what she meant and saw her cup her hands together and lift them rapidly upwards. She began running directly at him with a knife in each hand. He quickly brought his hands down in front of him, and as she jumped she put a foot in them, he thrust upwards with all the strength that the Level 66 Barbarian Tank could. Leah flew upwards straight at the head of the creature. She landed splayed on the creatures face with a knife buried in the two skull-eyes. Holding on with her left hand she brought the knife around and stabbed the third eye. She allowed herself to fall off the creature and landed hard on the ground. Wisp and James cast multiple heals although she had done more damage in the fall than the jump b because her knives had stolen health when she destroyed the three heads. Grinning, she stood and gave Thad a big smile. Just then one of Amy’s arrows got through and destroyed one of the shoulder heads. After that, it was only a matter of time.

  Minutes later as the creature finally dissolved Thad walked over to Leah and said, “Next time, some warning. You scared me! Don’t do that. Please!” He then gave her a hug and walked off by himself muttering. Leah looked shocked at first and then for the first time she felt a certain something, a flutter of emotion that she couldn’t explain or describe. Her look became confused, not shocked, and she turned to stare at Thad as he wandered away. She turned to see the others watching her closely, reading something on her face that they understood, but she didn’t. Inexplicably she felt her face blushing as if she was embarrassed, but she wasn’t, not really. Amy just smiled at her, and the others all turned away and got on with looking around the area for anything hidden or worth keeping. Leah went up to Amy and said, “I don’t understand. What happened and why were you smiling?”

  Amy said, “You really don’t know, do you?”


  “Well, if you can’t work it out I’ll explain it later. It’s always better to work out on your own.”

  Amy walked away and left Leah standing there quite confused. It wasn’t that she was stupid it was just something she’d never experienced. She had no point of reference.

  “Gèng, something just happened, has anything changed in my body, any messages of poison?”

  “No messages and no poison, your body does have measurable increased levels of Adrenaline, Dopamine and Serotonin.”

  “What causes that?”

  “My research and an analysis of the last few minutes would suggest that you are physically and emotionally attracted to Thad.”


  “You exhibit the symptoms of being attracted to Thad, and without assessing his hormonal levels, I suggest from behaviour that the attraction is mutual.”

  Leah was stunned, to say the least, and found it hard to concentrate. Finally, she put the experience and Gèng’s analysis in a small compartment and locked it for later consideration. She took several deep cleansing breaths and began her own search. Zack found a section of the wall that was good for mining and while he did that Leah harvested the conglomeration after drinking a luck potion.

  You have harvested:

  60 Copper Coins minted with an image of the Dead Lord of the Trolls at Altin

  6 Linked Communication Rings made from a single Emerald*

  1 Complex Spell of Melding**

  1 Vial of Phoenix Potion

  1 Silver Sword

  * Note: The wearers of these rings can communicate telepathically across large distances

  ** Note: A powerful spell which allows the caster and her animal companion to meld their essences into a single entity (Minimum L150)

  Behind the wall was a hidden compartment that contained another 60 Coins and a collection of healing and restorative potions. They passed out the rings and found them straightforward to use. If you wanted to communicate with a single person, you just thought of talking to them, and they received the message. If you wanted to talk with multiple people, the same concept applied. The group suggested Zack take the sword and they put the Spell and Phoenix Potion aside as everyone was keen to have them.

  They made their way back out the door and to the second area. This time the fights were longer and were more about strategic thinking and the proper application of spells and who attacked what. The rings were imme
nsely helpful, and they found themselves beginning to work even more like a single organism. The mages held the key, and it was the various fire and lightning spells which destroyed the plants and made a difference. The final boss took them over twenty minutes to defeat as the plants were hard to kill and the Venus flytrap required both Zack and Thad to take a full HP restore potion. They harvested the following from the boss and the hidden compartment.

  You have harvested:

  24 Silver Coins minted with an image of the Dead Lord of the Trolls at Altin

  2 Nature Spells: ‘Sentience’ and ‘Tangle’

  1 Emeraldine Breastplate*

  1 Vial of Phoenix Potion

  1 Silver Haladie

  * Note: This breastplate has been crafted using the highest quality steel and the infused with the emerald essence that not only gives it the distinctive colour but reduces its weight and increases its durability and protection

  You have opened a secret compartment:

  12 Silver Coins minted with an image of the Dead Lord of the Trolls at Altin

  2 Emeraldine Bracer*

  1 Water Spell: ‘Desiccate’

  * Note: Each bracer has been crafted using the highest quality steel and the infused with the emerald essence that not only gives it the distinctive colour but reduces its weight and increases its durability and protection

  After much discussion James accepted the breastplate and bracers, he had little protection, and the reduced weight meant he could wear them. Everyone agreed the Haladie belonged with Leah. With the extra Phoenix Potion, both James and Thad received one each. Leah said she had already taken some. James, Wisp and Amy shared the Spells. Amy wanted to broaden her skill set, and Tangle was something she could use from a distance. They moved to the third area.

  The Wights were more disciplined fighters and were reactive MOBs, they wouldn’t merely attack, they would hide and even target a specific person. The first fight was longer than necessary as both Thad and Zack failed to defend as well as they attacked. The Wights continued to syphon HP and KP almost at will until the two tanks tightened their defence. Zack found the new sword increased the damage delivered. Leah’s instinctive use of the Haladie made her more dangerous. When they arrived at the boss battle, they found the reason for this being the second hardest level; the Troll Wight. He was comfortably twelve feet tall, and fast. He held a massive mace.

  The group began by ignoring the Troll to kill off the attendants. Zack got a little reckless and provided the opportunity to see exactly what the Phoenix Potion looked like when activated. He had just removed the head of a Goblin Wight when the Troll leapt forward and brought the mace straight down on Zack’s head, he crumbled and turned grey. Everyone was stunned, but a quick mental shout from Leah reminded them of their own danger. Suddenly, Zack’s body burst into flame and was consumed by a pillar of white plasma. They could all feel the immense heat. In the flame, they could see the silhouette of his body and then it was sucked into his form. Suddenly, Zack was standing there with full health, and he was livid. Ducking and weaving he ignored the attendants and began to attack the Troll with all his skills. Skills, they all noticed that had been taken up a notch. Before, Zack had been playing a game, but now, now he was angry. The Trolls health dropped by 10%, and an attendant disappeared, but nothing stopped Zack. The others quickly worked on destroying the attendants and Zack resumed his battle. After the last attendant had died, they turned to help Zack who used the rings to say, “Stay out of it, heal me, but this fight is mine.”

  They watched as he slowly but surely destroyed the Wight. They harvested the following from the Wight and the area’s hidden compartment.

  You have harvested:

  12 Gold Coins minted with an image of the Dead Lord of the Trolls at Altin

  2 Vampiric Spells: ‘Steal HP’ and ‘Steal KP’

  1 Diamonite Breastplate*

  1 Vial of Phoenix Potion

  1 Troll Mace

  6 Vials of Troll Blood **

  * Note: This breastplate has been crafted using the highest quality steel and the infused with the diamond essence that not only makes it transparent but reduces its weight and increases its durability and protection

  ** Note: This is used in various potions

  You have opened a secret compartment:

  6 Gold Coins minted with an image of the Dead Lord of the Trolls at Altin

  2 Diamonite Bracer*

  1 Water/Life Spell: ‘Grow’

  * Note: Each bracer has been crafted using the highest quality steel and the infused with the diamond essence that not only makes it transparent but reduces its weight and increases its durability and protection

  Amy was given the Diamonite armour, Zack wanted the Mace, and everyone insisted he have the Phoenix Potion. James and Wisp got the Vampiric Spell, and Leah was given the final spell. She immediately learned it. It allowed the caster to grow or shrink in size to match an adversary. It used an enormous amount of MP but would be useful in battling a giant.

  They headed to the fourth area. As they walked, Wisp said to Leah, “Are you going to use your staff again? I’m just wondering what it might do to a troll.”

  “I hadn’t thought about it, but I'll give it a go. I'll have to have a talk with Merdiven; otherwise, it'll probably just do damage. I don’t have a spell to use.”

  “Can you use its Mana if you run out?”

  “Again, I don't know. I'll ask. Thanks for the ideas.”

  Leah held Merdiven near and looking closely at the Morningstar. She asked the question about sharing Mana, and an information box appeared:


  Using the MP and KP stored in Merdiven is possible. You can transfer a percentage to be shared from Merdiven when you are at zero MP or KP. Merdiven must be equipped to share Mana and Ki.

  Do you want to automatically share With Merdiven when you are at 0MP or 0KP? Currently set at 5%.

  [Y] [N]

  She indicated ‘No’. Then said to Merdiven, “Maybe later, but for now I need to find my limits. However, if there is something you can teach me, I'd appreciate it.”

  Before entering the next area, they discussed what they knew. There were six to ten groups of Trolls and goblins, several of the trolls had giant spears. Every five minutes a gong would sound, and the radius of aggression would increase. The first gong increased the radius by one meter, the second increased it an additional two meters and so on. When they got to the boss, it raised two new goblins every minute until it was defeated. It began with ten attendants. From the entrance, they could see the entire room. There were ten groups, a single group in front of them and then what looked like three rows of three. Behind them all, they could see the necromancer surrounded by his attendants.

  As they stepped in, a quiet ticking began, and they knew the clock had started. Leah said she would deal with the Troll to begin with, while the rest dealt with the goblins. She wanted to see if Merdiven would help. The first group attacked when they walked within ten metres of the Troll. Leah started by casting Chain Lightning on the Troll. It only hampered it for a moment, but it was enough for Leah to step in and cut through the Trolls right hamstring. She spun around and equipping Merdiven tried to shatter the Troll’s left knee. Merdiven had obviously heard Leah’s request as not only did Leah feel the rush of Mana expended through her hands, she also felt the impact of the blow. It was like hitting a rock. She glanced at what was now an amazing statue of the Troll. She checked the others had the goblins covered and then began to harvest the Troll. Nothing happened so she glanced at the statue through her Mining skill and saw that there were places to mine. She equipped her pick and began mining as the others fought around her. As soon as they finished Thad and Zack rushed to help her. It took eight minutes, and the gong had sounded twice when the statue crumbled and she was able to harvest:

  You have harvested:

  1 Troll Heart transformed into Tanzanite

  1 Earth Spell: ‘Petrify’

  She qu
ickly asked if she could take it and with everyone’s agreement, she began reading it while they moved to the next Troll. The others began to fight as she learned the spell. As soon as she had it, she waded in and after helping to dispatch the goblins used the spell on the Troll. She was only able to reach his leg, and the spell was nowhere as powerful as that cast by Merdiven, and so she ended up petrifying only the Troll’s leg. Nevertheless, this made it much easier to kill. In the next fight, she came behind a goblin and petrified the torso, killing the goblin. The cool-down meant she could only use the spell once each fight unless the fight lasted for more than five minutes. In the fifth battle, she convinced Thad to boost her again, and she petrified the region around the Troll’s heart killing it. The two final fights both attracted two Trolls and their attendants. After the last group had been killed, they all took potions to rapidly restore their low levels of health, stamina and mana.

  The necromancer didn’t give them time to recover as it began the battle immediately after the tenth Troll had perished. It's ten attendants immediately attacked, and sixty seconds later he raised another two goblins who joined the fight. At the five minute mark, he raised a Troll. Leah checked her MP and then looked at the Necromancer while casting Grow. Immediately she began to grow until she had tripled in size. A countdown appeared. She started with 17314MP and after casting Grow was left with 2914MP, this was good for 72 seconds. If she wanted to cast Petrify she needed just over 2000MP which meant she had 25 seconds to deal with the necromancer and the troll. Stepping to the troll she had a knife in one hand and the Haladie in the other. It took fifteen seconds, and the troll dropped with the Haladie driven deep into the skull, leaving it there she stepped toward the Necromancer who was preparing another spell but saw her coming. It held its staff like a sword and took a swing at her. Ducking under the swing, she stepped into the necromancer and made a deep cut along his arm, then placing her hand over the heart she cast ‘Petrify’. She had made it with one second to spare. As she shrunk to her usual size, she saw there were still 12 goblins to kill. She joined the fray, and the area was finished three minutes later.


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