Odyssey (The Stork Tower Book 2)

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Odyssey (The Stork Tower Book 2) Page 15

by Tony Corden

  You have harvested:

  1 Skeleton from a Dragon of Life*

  1 Full set of scales from a Dragon of Life*

  1 Book of draconic life spells**

  * Note: These bones and scales belonged to a Dragon of life and have been infused over the millennia of its life with enormous amounts of mana. These are useful in potions for healing and in the making of weapons and armour. In addition, they have been infused by two millennia of close proximity to Adamantine. To work with these will require artisans of Grandmaster Status.

  **Note: To use these you must learn the Dragon Tongue.

  Leah followed A’lev as she wound her way deep into the earth. Both were silent as they travelled. After several hours, they reached an enormous cavern littered with treasures of every kind. A’lev turned to Leah and said, “One day, all this will be for my children, do you promise to take nothing un-given?”

  “I do.”

  A’lev led Leah to the centre of the cavern where there was a large nest made of ash and gold. A’lev breathed on the nest and heated the eggs. Leah could see six large eggs; three were a deep dark green and three were the same carmine as Lady A’lev. Off to one side was the seventh egg, maybe half the size and covered in a swirling pattern of red and green. After packing the six eggs, Leah turned to Lady A’lev and said, “My pardon, but what of the seventh egg.”

  “It is a mixture; it has no value. Only the pure may live as dragons. It will fade and die.”

  “Please forgive my impertinence, but even us mixtures have value. I have value. It has value. How might I help it live?”

  “You may have it. It will hatch when bathed in elemental flame and called forth with the life magic of dragons.”

  “Might you teach me Dragon Tongue so that I might learn this magic and so I might converse with Dragonkind on the Dragon Bone Islands?”

  Lady A’lev turned and breathed on Leah who stumbled as a rush of magic brought her to her knees. Then A’lev said, “The life magic is advanced. Before you kill me, I will begin the process. Know this, it will be a small dragon, never growing to even two-thirds my length and it will grow slowly. After I start the hatching process for you, it will take several days or even weeks to hatch. Now to your other gifts. First, I give you this portion of my treasure for yourself.”

  A chest appeared before Leah that was the size of a suitcase. She simply thanked A’lev. A’lev then said, “You have my mate’s scales. Please place some in this container until it is filled.” A metal bowl appeared before Leah that was probably four litres in volume. The amount of scales hardly made a dent in her supply. A’lev used a claw and scratched herself causing a multitude of her red scales to drop to the floor. Another bowl appeared, and A’lev directed Leah to fill this with the red scales. When this was done, A’lev turned to Leah and said, “Remove your clothing!” She then began to speak in Dragon Tongue, and although Leah could make out the words A’lev was speaking in riddles and spells and Leah struggled to make any sense of it. Suddenly the scales began to whirl in the bowls and then rising swirled together in a joint whirlpool. A’lev stopped speaking and blew fire on the scales so that they gleamed and shone with heat. Leah was standing in her underwear. A’lev resumed her chanting, and the scales began to spin, and then in a torrent, they covered Leah’s body. Before Leah could do anything, A’lev breathed her fire again. This time the fire washed over Leah and the scales joined together forming a magnificent set of armour. It was light and flexible, it felt as if she was wearing nothing. The primary colour was green, but there were etchings and edging in the red scales. The arms below the elbow were red as were the spines along the back and behind the legs. The armour included a helmet with spikes which swept back from the brow.

  When A’lev finally stopped, she said, “This armour is too much for you at the moment. When you reach Level 400, you will be ready to wear it. Until then keep it safe. You will require its strength and power when you reach the Dragon Bone Isles.”

  Leah unequipped the armour and dressed in the same armour she had bought in Carson’s Loop. She said, “I thank you for your gifts. I will use them wisely, I hope.”

  “Good, now please end my life. I will remove my scales from above my heart. You must thrust sure and deep. Use that spear over there. You may keep the spear. Remember your oath. Take my heart-stone, and return both to our people.”

  While Leah went to retrieve the spear, A’lev breathed on the multicoloured egg with a heat surpassing anything she had yet produced, she then chanted some words and touched the egg. Turning to Leah, she said, “It is done!”

  She lay on her side and using one of her front legs she pulled the scales off a patch of skin just below her breastbone. “Thrust deep and true!” She said.

  Leah walked close and said, “I hope you find peace.” She then thrust deep and straight, piercing A’lev’s heart. With a deep sigh, A’lev died. After a few moments and a luck potion, Leah harvested what remained of A’lev.

  You have harvested:

  The Heart Stone of Lady A’lev Sevgilisi

  1 Skeleton from a Dragon of Fire*

  1 Full set of scales from a Dragon of Fire*

  1 Book of draconic fire spells**

  * Note: These bones and scales belonged to a Dragon of fire and have been infused over the millennia of its life with enormous amounts of mana. These are useful in many alchemical potions and in the making of weapons and armour. In addition, they have been infused by two millennia of proximity to Adamantine. To work with these will require artisans of Grandmaster Status and above.

  **Note: To use these you must learn the Dragon Tongue.

  Leah packed the smaller egg and the chest in her Mining Bag. As the doorway appeared she received a series of messages:

  Level 5 Named Personal Achievement

  Singlehandedly Kill a Dragon - First 10 (1, Diamond)

  You have completed the Achievement Kill a Dragon Singlehandedly. You are one of the first 10 players to gain this achievement.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 128 = 1056000 (+65%) Experience Points (290000/290000) … (226970/305000)

  Reward 2: 10 Platinum x 1 = 10 Platinum

  Reward 3: +3% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 500 Fame Points (44100 FP)

  You have achieved the title: Dragon Slayer

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Level 5 Dungeon Achievement: First 1 (2, Painite)

  Atherleah (Level 131), you have completed the dungeon:

  The Death Cave of Lord Y’sam Ejderhasi

  You are the first player to complete this area. This is your second, 'First 1 (Painite)’ achievement.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 131 = 1100400 (+68%) Experience Points (305000/305000) … (77370/325000)

  Reward 2: + 4% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 2 x 1 Diamond = 2 Diamond

  Fame: 5000 Fame Points (49100)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. Do you wish to retain your privacy?

  [Y] [N]


  Leah was far less jubilant than usual as she placed her hand on the door and disappeared. She appeared in Ejder where another message appeared:

  Odyssey Level Dungeon Achievement: First (2, Painite)

  Atherleah (Level 135), you have completed a Hidden Odyssey:

  The Goblin Mines and Dungeons

  You are the first player to complete this Odyssey.

  Reward 1: 10000 x 135 = 2322000 (+72%) Experience Points (325000/325000)…(19370/360000)

  Reward 2: + 5% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 2 x 10 Diamond = 20 Diamond

  Fame: 10000 Fame Points (59100)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. Do you wish to retain your privacy?

  [Y] [N]

  Leah said yes to r
etain her privacy.

  Level 4 Named Personal Achievement

  Quickest to Achieve 50000 Fame - First 1 (1, Diamond)

  You have completed the Achievement Quickest to Achieve 50000 Fame. You have surpassed the previous fastest by a period of 43 Dunyanin Days.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 142 = 1256700 (+77%) Experience Points (360000/360000) … (181070/375000)

  Reward 2: 10 Platinum x #L4 NPA (Diamond) = 10 Platinum

  Reward 3: +3% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 500 Fame Points (59600)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Atherleah, you achieved over 50,000 Fame points. You are now recognisable throughout the realm by NPC’s. Depending on their race and affiliation you will be treated with reverence or fear.

  Leah made her way to the Inn where she booked a room for a week. She hoped her stay would be shorter, but in her current mood, she might not hurry back. Leah went to the tavern to wait until the full nine hours was up. When no one arrived, she realised that she was the only one to make it.

  She sent a quick message to all the others that she was going to be taking Monday away from the pod to visit family. She suggested that they meet and discuss everything that happened on Tuesday at 8 am Brisbane Time, which would be midnight in Dunyanin. She sent them the IP for her virtual-world, logged out and headed into reality.

  Diary - 26 November 2073

  Sacrifice and Honour. Life and Death. What do the words mean? And what should I think of them?

  Honour seems like a good thing to have but if honour makes you fight and kill is it really worth it? Does becoming what you hate really satisfy the pain of loss? For centuries the barbarians and Goblins have been at war. What must be done, so they see the futility of the actions? I know it’s just a storyline. I know its a game, but it’s so true. The sins of the father pass on to the children. I never really understood that before. Is it really foolishness and weakness to want to stop a cycle that has gone on for generations. Why do people think that someone who wants peace is weak?

  Sacrifice is commendable. But at what price? I understand the dragon’s sacrifice as his family was saved, but I don’t understand the goblins continuing to mine when they face certain death without the promise of resurrection. I would fight differently and act differently if one death was the end. Is that why people of faith can be strong sometimes as they face certain death? But that same hope that drives great feats of self-sacrifice can also be used to drive people to kill others. Mum would say, ‘greater love has no one than this, that they lay down their life for their friends’. Sacrifice for love means something wonderful. Sacrifice for hatred is just an abomination. Can something be both?

  Life is getting harder to define. Are the dragon and his Lady still alive on some server? Has their essence been infused into the heart crystal? Is Gèng alive? Is Mĕi? Why was easy to kill the snake but hard to think of leaving the younglings? Is it some genetical thing to protect the young but not flinch when fighting a battle? I know that I was prepared to end the Odyssey rather than kill the goblin younglings or Lady A’lev. Does the fact that the MOBs regenerate mean they don’t really die? I ask the questions because they help me think.

  Being immolated in the fire was excruciating. Being stabbed, bit, poisoned, slashed and torn over the last week has given me a sense of pain but that was beyond the others. Yet somehow, the pain has faded. Does the knowledge of life after death take away the pain of dying? Lady A’lev looked forward to stepping through death to the next life. Will I? What is waiting?


  November 27,2073

  Leah was devastated at having killed the dragon. She understood it was all a story; it wasn’t real. Still, she admired the noble creature and hated to be the instrument of her death. Leah went to the garden and sat meditating, seeking to accept what was, not dismissing her feelings but examining them and finding a way to be calm in their presence. When she felt she had achieved a measure of peace, she logged out and had a late dinner. It was ten at night, and she knew Jimmy would still be up, so she called him.

  “Hi Jimmy, sorry to call so late but I am free now to come home. I’m in no rush, so you tell me what time suits your boys and that’s when I’ll exit the building.”

  “Leah, don’t worry about the time, I was still up. Using system three, let’s aim for six am. We’ll bring you across on the bridge. I’ll send some more men to make sure the area is secure. You come out at six, you’ll be in my office by seven and home by eight.”

  “That suits me fine. I’ll discuss my plans when I see you. Bye”

  System three was a simple code telling her to take two hours off all times mentioned. Leah would need to be ready by four and probably take the boat across the river to home. Until then she had five hours to get everything in order. Leah decided to have two hours deep-sleep before heading home. Working backwards she would need to be in the pod at 1.30 to give her time to shower and get dressed. That gave her two and half hours.

  Her courses were all done for the day, so she spent time helping Gèng and looking through her options at MIT. She now had enough money to pay for the whole degree. She had over fifty diamond which equated to 500,000 Virtual Credits. She decided to go ahead and pay for the first semester. The four subjects would cost her sixty-thousand virtual credits which was four diamond coins. She had Gèng transfer eight diamond coins to her account and then after choosing her first four subjects, she entered the MIT portal where she met the registrar; she enrolled in, and paid for, her chosen subjects.

  All her courses were introductory courses and taught by AI. Two of them had no group work so she could begin these and study at her own pace. She had a maximum of twenty weeks to finish the material. The other two courses had a group component and she needed to find a four week period when she could fit into a set timetable. The next possible group time-slot was in seven days time. If she missed that she would need to wait five weeks. After reading all her material, she was still undecided on the timing, but she was ready for deep-sleep.

  At four, dressed and armed, Leah walked out of the building to the main entrance. She stood inside until John and five others arrived. Stepping outside she said, “Thanks for coming to get me. Sorry it’s so early.”

  “Don’t worry about it, we are all aware of what went down. There are several cars of suits nearby but so far the suits have stayed inside. We best be moving as I’m not sure they’ll stay that way when you move away from the building. Are you ok to run?”

  “Absolutely, lead the way.”

  John took off at a jog followed by Leah and the others. They had gone several hundred metres when John called, “They must have air cover, the cars are moving to intercept. We’re going to split up. Leah, you come with me. The rest of you know your positions, go.”

  Two of the men split to the right, one stopped and the other two ran ahead. John slowed a little and pulled a gun from inside his jacket. He took off his backpack, reached inside and pulled out a vest. “Leah put this on, it’s only basic armour but it should stop whatever they have.”

  After she had donned the jacket, they set off again. Whatever the decoys had done must have worked because John and Leah made it to the river without meeting anyone. When they got there, John said, “No boat, we’re swimming. You ok?”

  “I think so, what about all my stuff?”

  Without answering John pulled out a bag and handed it to Leah, he grabbed another and began putting his gear into it. Once Leah had placed all her knives, shoes and sticks in the bag John said, “Clothes too. Keep the underwear, the rest goes in the bag. I’ll drag the bags behind me.”

  Soon they were both in their underwear and John tied both bags and attached them to a rope he tied around his waist. He said, “Watch out for sharks,” then he walked into the river and began to slowly swim across the river.

  The comment about sharks wasn’t just a joke as Leah had seen sharks in the river before. Thankfully, they made it acro
ss without seeing any. As they left the water two more of Jimmy’s men were there with towels for John and Leah. After she dried off, she slipped back into her clothes. It was uncomfortable with wet undies but what could she do. Twenty minutes later she was ushered into Jimmy’s study.

  Jimmy stood and then did something he had never done before, he came from behind the desk and gave her a hug and a kiss on each cheek. “Leah, you’ve done well. Now sit and tell me everything you can. I know there are some things you can’t but everything else I want to hear.”

  For the next hour, Leah gave a précis of everything she had done. She left out the amount of money she had made but when she tried to pay Jimmy back, he waved it away saying, “The Switch is in your debt. The bosses, all of us, owe you. Keep the money.” He then sat and looked at her. She waited quietly, knowing he had more to say.

  “This is the start Leah, it’s not your fault but you’re a catalyst. We now know some of what has been happening. The international community can’t really help here in the everyday struggles of a divided Australian society. Here, it’s us against them and we don’t know who the ‘them’ is yet. It could be a small group of rich guys or the whole government. Most likely, it is a bit of both. Whether you want to or not I think you still have a bigger part to play in helping the people here get greater freedom, I just want you to know that I and my boys, and the bosses, are a resource you can, and must, use. I know people think we are thugs and only out for ourselves, and some of that is true, but we do care about our people, even if it is for selfish reasons. Now go see your folks. I’ll let you know when we have worked out a safe way to get you back.”

  Leah said goodbye and then made her way to her family’s apartment. Two of Jimmy’s boys shadowed her all the way. Jimmy was taking no chances. When Leah got to the apartment she stood for a moment before entering, she didn’t want to bring trouble here but knew that after what she had done, it would come some day.

  Her mother was awake and rushed to Leah giving her a hug and kiss. She said, “Ling, I have missed you. Come, sit, have breakfast and tell me everything that has happened. After you tell me, then go and tell your father, between the two tellings we will hear everything.”


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