To no one's surprise Terrance reached out and first smacked Dante on the shoulder gruffly before kissing him “You fucking asshole!” Terrance said as he gently let Dante’s head rest on his lap as he placed himself against the wall.
“Looks like this node was still here after all.” Dante spoke more clearly. “I had hoped I would not have to trek all the way here from one of the nearby nodes or towns as I died so tried to hit the resurrect at node button the moment I went down.”
“So,” Erchik said clearing his throat. “Along with your level did you get what we came here for?”
Shaking his head and slowly sitting up to lean against Terrance Dante answered. “Not quite,” and pulled out the items he’d looted from the special mob. “But I found a lead I think.” Inspecting first the wearable item which he quickly equipped +20 Earring of the Enchantress +50 Mana/Energy, +20 Attack, +20 Accuracy. After which he saw the small weathered piece of paper that said in green lettering in its description Quest Item: Search for the King of Demons which caused him to raise a brow as he read it off.
Quest Item: Search for the King of Demons
Search for the King of Demons and vanquish him. Return to Enchantress Seline the weapon of the legendary beast to complete the quest.
Reward: Release from servitude
Quest giver: Enchantress Seline
Location: Throne of Serlonia
Terrance gasped in shock “But…. But…” Stuttering trying to find the words.
Erchik only nodded as Dante slowly stood up and put away the quest item and dusted himself off “Looks like we may have regicide in our future boys. Hope you’re ready to have a whole kingdom after us in the near future.” Laughing heartily as he walked over and kicked dirt onto the still smoldering coals of the fire from the night before and sauntering off down the road as he headed on to the next stop on his mental list while the other two scrambled to collect their things and follow.
Dante Alexander: Knight Mage
Level: 33.00
Attack Power:134
Defense Power:326
Attack Speed +5
Casting Speed +5
Critical Hit +4
Movement Speed +4
Main Hand
+14 Blade of Chaos
Off Hand
+14 Short Sword of Chaos
+19 Hidden Circlet of Chaos +150 HP
+25 Leather Breastplate of Chaos +250 HP and +30% Damage Reduction
+14 Leather Gloves of Chaos
+14 Leather Shoes of Chaos
Set effects:
2 pieces: + 1 to casting/ attacking speed
3 Pieces: ???
Full set: ???
L Earring slot +20 Earring of the Enchantress +50 Mana/Energy, +20 Attack, +20 Accuracy
R Earring slot Empty
L Ring slot Ring of Attack +1 to attack speed
R Ring slot Empty
Necklace slot Empty
Belt slot Empty
Basic Attack
Swift Strike
Cascading Blades
Scatter Blades
Chaotic Shield
Hidden Power
Cycle of Fate
Chaos Hold
Shadows of Chaos
Intertwined Fates
Chaos Dash
Plight of Chaos
Chaotic Blast
Chaotic Subterfuge
Light of Chaos
Dominion of Chaos
Core Attack: Annihilation
Chaotic Flow
Evasive Blade Stance
Terrance Walsh: Warrior
Attack Power:121
Defense Power:312
Attack Speed +3
Casting Speed +2
Critical Hit +4
Movement Speed +4
Erchik: Crossbowman
Attack Power:143
Defense Power:191
Attack Speed +2
Casting Speed +0
Critical Hit +3
Movement Speed +1
Chapter Twenty-Two
“Are we heading directly to get ourselves slain by the guards of the Serlonian courts?” Terrance asked sarcastically.
“Of course not!” Dante responded “we need to kill the legendary beast of the Crimson Keep before we do that.”
“If they are there,” Erchik said under his breath.
“It’s on the way and if he isn’t there we will just have to figure it out one way or another” Dante retorted sticking his tongue out childishly at the imp who laughed at him.
Terrance was still a little on edge since they had been attacked a few times by the Frogue as they made their way along the road, so he was keeping an eye out as he and the others spoke. Turning to Dante for a moment he said “What can you tell us about the next legendary beast? I don’t think I’ve heard of him personally.”
“A brutal fist fighter who has no special transitions. He is a brawler type with large metal fists and lots of evasion. Moving quickly and striking really fast, the item we need from him would be his boots. They are part of the legendary beast set. No known weaknesses and he is one of the few bosses with no set pattern to his attacks” Dante said as a quick synopsis of what he remembered.
“Sounds like fun,” Terrance responded with faked enthusiasm.
Before long they broke through the overgrown forest and could see the Crimson Keep on the hill roughly a mile away from them. Normally in the game Dante would have run into mobs that surrounded the keep at this point, but nothing and nobody seemed to be prowling at the moment. While Terrance was now more visibly relaxed Dante was the one on edge expecting to be attacked any time now.
As they continued on unabated all the while Dante looking for trouble they came to the foot of the hill leading to their next goal and he was greatly surprised by what he saw. Wandering around instead of the crazed cultists in black and red as he had expected, there were monks in brown robes walking around and quietly talking. Though he relaxed a little he approached the first pair he came across.
“Um, I am not sure if I got lost or something but is this not the Crimson Keep, home of the legendary Crimson Keeper?” Dante asked.
Both men broke out in chuckles before the older gentleman spoke, “It hasn’t been called that for many years. This is the Crimson Abbey named after the Keeper who turned towards the Gods instead of continuing his bloody reign. If you would like to talk more about this you are welcome to come up to the abbey and see for yourself.” Directing the group with a wave of the hand.
Nodding in agreement but still keeping his guard up Dante agreed and followed the two monks as the ascended the hill to enter the abbey. Where the group was politely greeted by many monks in brown robes and a shy maiden who was drawing water from a well.
“An orphan to the Frogue,” the older monk said when he noticed them looking at the young woman curiously. “Normally we would not allow women here but we made an exception for her due to the circumstances, though soon one of us will have to take her to one of the villages instead since she has grown.”
Dante was in awe of the whole site. Where there was once a small army of bloodthirsty cultist following their terrifying and powerful leader, there was now only peaceful people who helped others and kept to themselves. What was once a place of fear, pain, and horrible battles only a peace and calming aura could be felt. In moments he felt himself relax and did not take notice of the younger monk wander off while the older one was leading them into the newer monastery and eventually to his office.
Shelves and shelves of books lined the walls of the office
and on almost every surface there were more lined up or open as if left in the middle of studying and forgotten for another book or scroll to peruse. The smell of books mixed with a woodsy musk and a bit of dust filled the room. It wasn’t unpleasant just not expected as the group filed into the room and sat in chairs in front of a large dark wooden desk where the older monk sat across from them.
“I apologize for the mess, I sometimes get caught up in studies and forget to clean up after myself. If you would like some water or food I can have one of the others fetch some for you. We make our own breads, cheese, and jams so feel free to help yourselves.” He pulled a rope which rang a bell in the distance at the polite nods of all three hungry and tired travelers before continuing.
“I am Brother Gregory and am the one currently in charge of the abbey and all who reside here, and the story of our little abbey is a bit long but if you would like I would be more than happy to tell it to you.” Stopping as two young men in the brown robes and the maiden all quietly walked into the room with trays of food including cheese, freshly baked bread, and jams just as Brother Gregory had promised. With that came a pitcher of the freshest water Dante had ever tasted as he gulped down a few glasses before setting himself up a plateful of food and turning back to Brother Gregory waiting for him to continue.
“Now that you are a bit more sated I believe you are ready for the story,” not waiting for the other monks or the maiden to finish their work as he began. “You may know the old lord of the Crimson Keep aptly named the Crimson Keeper was a brutal and heartless murderer and was only kept in check by the Adventurers of old. Once the adventurers left though something changed. He first tried to start a bloody war with the people of Trittaram and just as he and his cultist were on the verge of winning he simply walked away” pausing to take a drink before proceeding.
“All of his followers joined him at this abbey, and that was when he announced to them that he was done. The Crimson Keeper said that he saw what he could do and that after all the destruction and blood that he was now tired. That fighting was no longer what he desired but instead he wanted to follow a cause that was even greater. Cleaning up the keep and turning it into an abbey was grueling work and we only finished about thirty years ago when I was a young man. When it was done the Crimson Keeper set a task down for all those who stayed saying ‘Hold the fort and praise the Gods of light, when the day comes that an Adventurer returns lead them to my chamber, until then none shall disturb me only keep watch’ and then he sealed himself in his chamber in the caverns behind this abbey where no one has disturbed him since” with a sigh Brother Gregory finished the story.
Mouth agape Dante spoke up “So he just gave up and walked away?!” he asked incredulously.
Nodding, Brother Gregory responded “Yes, and many still believe he had the power to take not only this kingdom but much of the world. Something about it just didn’t sit right to him, it would seemed.”
“But, but when I fought him he was brutal and would constantly shout about the weakness of everyone and how he would take the world for himself by crushing all who opposed him!” came the breathless reply from Dante.
“Fought him?” the bushy gray brow of the older man was raised as he said that. “How could you have fought him? I am pretty sure you are not older than I and though you are an elf in blood your age would show some in your hair at the least if you were that old.”
Knowing he could not simply explain Dante turned on the title Legendary Beast Hero before saying, “I am an Adventurer, and though I have not fought the Crimson Keeper in my current form I had fought him in the past in other forms.”
Brother Gregory let out a whistle of surprise. “Well then my hunch was correct” chuckling at the shock on Dante’s face. “You are the first elf I have seen in my lifetime since the others took to their own lands leaving the world of men to fend for themselves long before I was a twinkle in my father's eye. Only thing I could surmise from that is that you might just be the Adventurer that our Keeper has been waiting for.”
Chuckling in response to the news Dante shook his head. “You’re a devious monk you know, but I don’t really mind. When can you take me to the chamber?”
“Not today, you three seem dead on your feet. Rest, relax, maybe take a bath in the hot springs and tomorrow I will lead the Adventurer to the chamber of the Crimson Keeper” saying so matter-of-factly Brother Gregory directed the group to follow the maiden who had been waiting out in the hallway as she led them to their rooms for the night.
“I don’t like the way he said he would take the Adventurer to the chamber. Sounds like he wants to exclude us two as well” Terrance said a bit annoyed while he and Dante laid in bed.
“We are guests, and we don’t know all their rules or even what he might or might not be implying but if he wants me to enter alone I will do what I need to do. The most important thing to do is finish what we are doing here and get along to the next stop before reaching the kingdom of Serlonia and overthrowing a mad Queen” Dante said in a deadpan voice to Terrance’s annoyance.
Dante Alexander: Knight Mage
Level: 33.47
Attack Power:134
Defense Power:326
Attack Speed +5
Casting Speed +5
Critical Hit +4
Movement Speed +4
Main Hand
+14 Blade of Chaos
Off Hand
+14 Short Sword of Chaos
+19 Hidden Circlet of Chaos +150 HP
+25 Leather Breastplate of Chaos +250 HP and +30% Damage Reduction
+14 Leather Gloves of Chaos
+14 Leather Shoes of Chaos
Set effects:
2 pieces: + 1 to casting/ attacking speed
3 Pieces: ???
Full set: ???
L Earring slot +20 Earring of the Enchantress +50 Mana/Energy, +20 Attack, +20 Accuracy
R Earring slot Empty
L Ring slot Ring of Attack +1 to attack speed
R Ring slot Empty
Necklace slot Empty
Belt slot Empty
Basic Attack
Swift Strike
Cascading Blades
Scatter Blades
Chaotic Shield
Hidden Power
Cycle of Fate
Chaos Hold
Shadows of Chaos
Intertwined Fates
Chaos Dash
Plight of Chaos
Chaotic Blast
Chaotic Subterfuge
Light of Chaos
Dominion of Chaos
Core Attack: Annihilation
Chaotic Flow
Evasive Blade Stance
Terrance Walsh: Warrior
Attack Power:121
Defense Power:312
Attack Speed +3
Casting Speed +2
Critical Hit +4
Movement Speed +4
Erchik: Crossbowman
Attack Power:143
Defense Power:191
Attack Speed +2
Casting Speed +0
Critical Hit +3
Movement Speed +1
Chapter Twenty-Three
Bright early morning light and the sound of birds singing woke the group of three early the next morning. All three felt more rested and relaxed then they had felt in a long time as if the worries and stresses of the road had melted away overnight. Going through a semi-normal morning routine and getting ready for the day they met with Brother Gregory and many others in a dining hall for breakfast. Just after being served Brot
her Gregory started by offering words to the whole hall.
“Today is the day we as a fellowship have been waiting for and preparing for, an Adventurer has returned and will be seeing the Crimson Keeper today. As of today we are free to simply be and do as we like but I would suggest we continue down the road we have traveled for all this time since we became the Crimson Abbey. Spread peace, love, and care for the people of this world while worshiping the deities of light and of goodness” his strong but aged voice bellowed across the room to all present. Some gasped in shock at the news while most simply nodded agreement at the words that were presented to them.
As he sat and finished with a simple prayer everyone dug into the food. There were meats, fruits and veggies all simple but filling and hearty. Not knowing when they would have another good meal, Dante as well as Terrance and Erchik all ate their fill and drank down cool glasses of sweet fruit juice before they were led outside the abbey by Brother Gregory and a small crowd of monks. It wasn’t long before they were outside the walls and approaching a large ornate door of wood and steel covered in runes and large rubies.
Brother Gregory turned to the group shooing away the monks to give the small group room to breathe then speaking loud enough for all to hear, “I as the custodian of this door will now let the Adventurer in to see the Crimson Keeper. With this I become the last guardian of this door and holder of the burden of our keep.” Then without another word he pulled out a large key that was decorated much like the door and popped it into a small hole on the front before gently opening the door and waving Dante in.
Prepared for anything Dante did as was expected and went through the door. The moment he was past the threshold the door boomed as it slammed shut behind him with the sound echoing throughout the dark caves. Seeing nothing Dante pulled out his weapons and used their light purple pulsating light to make his way further into the caves. He saw bare stone walls obviously worked by the hands of a sentient being and not by simple ware of time. Old rusted sconces were lining the walls where torches once lit the way and black soot marks still streaked the walls and ceilings from when they had once been lit.
From the Beginning Page 13