Xander_Kings of Denver

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Xander_Kings of Denver Page 6

by Sheridan Anne

  I told her I would see her around and I have never uttered truer words in my life. There is something about her, she has her claws in deep and talking to her in my truck just cemented the fact that she is not like the other girls. She has ambition, a goal, dreams, and a damn backbone to make it happen.

  Unlike me who is biding my time, waiting for the shit to hit the fan, rather than make the change for myself. Unlike myself, Charli is an inspiration and she is a damn sexy one at that, one that I can’t get out of my head and one that I want to see the inside of her room and never leave.

  She told me about wanting to own her own Hair Salon and I nearly died at how similar her dream was to mine, with me wanting to own my own gym. She would chat and get carried away with the conversation as if she was too excited about her future to stop but then it was almost as if she remembered she was shy and would suddenly cut herself off and start blushing. It was the funniest thing and made me desperate for more.

  One thing is for sure though, when she is on a roll, she has absolutely no filter. Whatever she’s thinking just comes flying out like word vomit and I have to admit. It was damn hilarious listening to her trying to backtrack each time she thought she had crossed some invisible line.

  Sleep came damn easy that night. With thoughts of Charli roaming around my head added with the knowledge of winning my first fight and getting that first bit of money to put towards my future. Not to mention, I’ve been absolutely exhausted with all the training I’ve been doing. I’m hoping my body will adapt to that change pretty damn soon.

  I wake on Monday morning and groan as my alarm screeches into the early morning quiet. “Damn,” I grumble to myself as I drag myself out of bed and pull on a pair of shorts.

  I head into the bathroom and take a piss before brushing my teeth and heading downstairs.

  I take a seat on my lounge and tie up my shoes before heading out into the morning chill. Most of the hockey guys are already at our morning meeting spot so I join in on a few stretches as we wait. The last thing I need is an injury.

  We go for our usual run and workout in the park and before I know it, I’m back at home showering for my business lecture.

  My lecture drags on just as I knew it would and I drag my feet back to my truck afterward, desperate for an afternoon nap before I have to go to training at Rebels Advocate. As I’m heading to my truck I see a bank and decide it’s probably a good idea to open a separate bank account for all the money I’ll win in the competition, you know, just in case my parents decide to look into my finances and realise something is up.

  I head to the bank and half an hour later, I come out with a heap of paperwork and one more step closer to my goal. The lady said she will post out my new bank card when it is ready so I can make cash deposits at an ATM whenever I need, rather than having to wait for the branch to open.

  Just excellent, it seems everything is looking up for me.

  Just as I had hoped, I have just enough time to head home and get a decent afternoon nap in before I need to head over to Rebel's Advocate.

  FML, Monday’s suck. They’re always so busy. I’ll have training with Cole in the afternoon and then a late Hockey training session before I finally get to call it a day.

  After I have finally regained some energy, I head into Rebels Advocate for my training session. Cole clocks me the moment I walk through the door and immediately puts me to work. “Alright, Kid. Drop your shit and get started. We’re doing circuit training today.”

  Great. Circuit training. My damn favourite. There is nothing more exhausting than circuit training. It’s fast and exhausting. Designed to use as many muscle groups as possible and when it is run by Cole, it’s just that much more excruciating. Though I have to be honest, he is the best trainer I’ve ever had. He just gets me, knows how to push me to my limits without getting on my nerves.

  I don’t know, maybe it’s a respect thing that I don’t find myself lashing out at him when I’m tired, the same way I used to with my old trainer. All I know is that I found Cole on my own, he wasn’t another person my father threw in my face. Maybe that has something to do with it.

  I head over to the treadmills and jump on, making sure to warm up properly before Cole comes and kicks my ass. I jog away while I watch Cole strut around the gym getting all the bits and pieces for my session.

  “Get your ass over here,” he hollers a few minutes later.

  I hit stop on the treadmill and take a quick swig of my drink before I head over.

  Ten minutes later, I’m already dripping with sweat. I don’t know how Cole does it. I can skate for hours without breaking a sweat yet here I am with Cole and am a dripping mess in minutes.

  “That was a good fight on Friday night,” Cole mentions as I pound into the punching bag.

  “Hmm,” I grunt in agreement, not really able to manage a proper response.

  “The little show you put on seemed to excite the audience and the bets have been raised for your next one,” he explains.

  “Huh?” I grunt in interest as my exhausted arms fall to my sides.

  “Keep going,” Cole scolds making me pick my pace right back up. “As I said, you seem to have impressed some big players and they are putting more money on you. We already know you have a shot at taking this thing out but now so does everyone else. They see you as a real contender,” he explains before indicating for me to move over to the free weights for some rapid movement. “You went in there with no reputation and came out with a fucking great one.”

  Fucking A. “So, what’s my next payday?” I grunt between sets.

  “Next match is scheduled for Wednesday. Eight grand is up for grabs. I’ll find out the location the night before,” he informs me.

  “Eight grand?” I ask with raised eyebrows. If I keep going like this, I’ll be loaded… well loaded with my own money, even though it’s dirty and earned illegally. It’s still mine and I would have done it on my own.

  “Yep,” Cole confirms as he hands me the skipping rope with a wicked grin. Fuck. I hate the damn skipping rope and this bastard knows it.

  An hour later, I collapse on the ground. How the hell am I going to get through Hockey training tonight? I lay on the training mats with my eyes closed, concentrating on my breathing as I wait for the feeling to come back to my arms.

  “Get out of here, kid,” Cole says as he walks by, making sure to bump into me as he passes. “You’ll need to get something to eat before you go to hockey training. Replenish your energy.”

  Yeah, I should probably take his advice. “Fine,” I groan as I get up off the floor and head into the bathroom. I take a quick shower then drag my feet all the way out to my truck.

  I down a full bottle of water and sit in my truck for a few minutes before I find the energy to drive back towards campus. I pull over across the street from a café and hop out of my truck.

  I jog across the road and head into the café, studying the menu intently as this café apparently has a bad reputation for making people sick. I settle on a chicken salad and wait out the front for my order to be made.

  Movement across the street catches my eye and I notice a pole-dancing studio and have to grin to myself as I recall Jaxon and Bobby bitching to each other about the girls taking a class, though, to be honest, I would have loved to see that. Those girls are wicked fine.

  My eyes continue scanning the street then stop when it comes to a familiar dark-haired beauty standing inside a hair salon. Crap. I had literally parked right outside her salon and didn’t notice. A proud smile instantly comes across my face as I remember that she was starting her new job today. I go to make my way across the street when my name is called from inside the café. Shit, just seeing her had me forgetting about my food.

  I race inside and grab my lunch before ducking back out across the road. I lean up against my truck as I inhale my lunch and watch her work.

  She seems to be in deep concentration as she stands with an older lady who works on a client. From what I can
tell, the older lady is teaching her everything she knows and Charli is taking in every last bit of wisdom offered.

  Pride surges through me seeing how seriously she is taking her new role. A grin overtakes my face as I lean back on my truck and watch her like a creepy-as-fuck stalker.

  That stunning face of hers suddenly turns in my direction and a beautiful smile graces her face just moments before the blush takes over. My grin widens and I have to stop myself from going in there and taking her, right there for the world to see.

  Instead, I give her a wink and climb back in my truck, after-all, I don’t want to get her in trouble on her first day of work.

  I head off to the ice-rink and after everything I have put my body through today, I suddenly find myself with a shit-load of energy.

  Chapter 8


  The crowd roar as the buzzer sounds, declaring the reigning champions still undefeated. Coach Harris’ face is bright red from all the yelling he has done throughout the night. He claps each and every one of us on the back as we make our way off the ice.

  “Fuck yeah,” Shorty roars as we make it into the privacy of our locker room. “That’s one way to guarantee some easy pussy tonight,” he declares.

  We all crack into laughter, each of us high on the adrenalin of yet another win. I know my dream is to be a fighter but it still feels damn good to take out the competition.

  I sit down on the bench and start taking off my skates and gear when the boys start on their usual after game chatter. “Where are we heading tonight, boys?” Bobby asks as he pulls his shirt up over his head and throws it carelessly into his bag.

  “I vote for Micky’s,” Shorty declares as he pulls a towel out of his locker. Yep, I’m down with that.

  “Nope,” Jaxon grunts with a frustrated scowl. “Not Micky’s.” Yep. I should have seen that coming. Some dickhead grabbed at his girl a few weeks ago so it only makes sense he wants to avoid the place, which honestly, I feel for the chick but us avoiding Micky’s really sucks for me.

  “I know of a frat party not far from here,” Bobby suggests as he loses his pants, no shame at all.

  “Yeah, I’m keen,” Aaron shrugs while Shorty murmurs a ‘damn’. The rest of the guys all agree to the frat party and it's settled.

  Coach comes in and tells us just how great we did as we all finish getting cleaned up after the game. I head into the showers and return not a moment later, as fresh as a daisy.

  We try our best to make it through the crowds of fans who wait by the door. Some asking for autographs while some want pictures. Some just want to say congratulations while others are waiting to hear where we are celebrating tonight.

  I finally make it through the crowds and out to my truck with Shorty and Aaron on my heels. We throw our shit in the back and climb in. Aaron gives out directions and soon enough, were pulling up at the frat party.

  The place is packed and the moment we walk in, I instantly lose the guys as they scatter off to find a drink or in Shorty’s case, probably the chick he will be screwing later tonight.

  One-by-one the rest of the team show up and it turns from a house party into a massive rager. Within half-an-hour, the place is absolutely filled to the brim that the majority of the party has now spilled out into the street.

  After an hour, I decide I’ve had enough. It’s been a massive week and I just want to unwind. I slip out the front, dig my keys out of my pocket and before I even know what I’m doing, I’m parking my truck at Micky’s.

  It’s close to closing time and there is no doubt in my mind that she is working tonight. I slip in through the door, pleased to find the place is starting to clear out and I take a seat at the bar.

  Charli has her back to me but I really don’t mind as I take in the view of that perfect round ass wrapped in those tight jeans. She turns around and gasps as she notices me sitting here. She acts as though my very presence hadn’t startled her as she reaches under the bar and gives me a good view down her tank top.

  She pulls out a glass and begins filling it with beer. She silently places it down in front of me before moving on to fill her customer’s orders. I watch her with an intrigued grin as she goes about her duties.

  I sit here for about half-an-hour and am shocked when a steak lands in-front of me but hell, I’m not going to say no. I watch as she smiles to herself as she walks away from the bar, clearly very proud of her doings.

  I get stuck into my steak which just happens to be cooked perfectly and before I know it, the bar is practically empty and Charli is busily wiping down the tables, preparing to close. She heads into the back and turns down the music, giving the left-over customers the signal for ‘get the hell out of here’.

  “You need a hand with anything?” I ask as she returns from the back.

  She gives me a grateful smile but declines the offer. “No, it’s ok. I’m nearly done.”

  I roll my eyes at her stubbornness and get up off the stool. I make my way over to her and smirk as she freezes when she notices my approach. I silently take the spray and wipe out of her hands and make myself useful as I wipe down the tables.

  I feel those heavenly blue eyes on me as she goes about her duties, closing the bar.

  Once I’ve finished, I take my seat back at the bar and watch as she takes my plate off the bar and ducks into the back. The lights are turned out, except for the ones directly under the bar and the music is completely shut off. After such a long week, the dead silence of the bar sounds incredible.

  Charli comes back out and pours me another beer before pouring one for herself. She comes around to my side of the bar and takes the stool beside me making me grin at her initiative, apparently I haven’t got a shy Charli tonight.

  “Thanks for helping,” she says. “You didn’t need to do that.”

  I shrug off her thanks. “Wanted to,” I tell her as I swivel on my stool to face her more directly.

  “You had a game tonight?” she asks as she takes a sip of her drink.

  “Sure did,” I say as a smirk takes over. “You keeping tabs?” I tease with a raised eyebrow.

  Her whole face flames but she recovers quickly. “You’re the one who was parked outside the salon on Monday and you have the nerve to ask if I’m keeping tabs? You expect me to think that was a coincidence?” she fights back.

  “Would you believe me if I said it really was?” She presses her lips together in a tight smile and slowly shakes her head as if I had just been caught out. I roll my eyes but continue anyway. “How was it?” I ask.

  An excited smile completely takes over her face, lighting up her features like Christmas morning. “Amazing,” she responds. “I feel like I’ve already learned so much.”

  “That’s great. Your teacher nice?”

  “Yeah,” she says. “She gets a little grouchy if she misses her afternoon coffee but otherwise she’s great, really knows what she is talking about and the best thing is, the girls are really nice too, maybe even nice enough to make proper friends,” she grins. “What about you? Win any illegal fights lately?” She smirks.

  I can’t help but laugh. “Yes, actually. Last night, I killed it.” I tell her as I launch into the details. “It was this big Scottish guy, people were still weary of me, you know, wondering if I got lucky last week but then I absolutely smashed this guy which means bets will raise again for the next one.”

  Her eyebrows crease in concern and she begins to bite her bottom lip. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  She cringes before speaking up. “When you say you smashed him, you didn’t like, hurt him did you?”

  I let out a breath. “No,” I tell her honestly. “It’s a dirty competition but I fight clean.”

  “Oh,” she sighs in relief as a small smile comes over her pink lips.

  “Besides, I want to go professional one day which means I can’t have anything that could come back and bite me in the ass,” I explain.

  “… Apart from the illegal underground fighting thing.”
  I chuckle as she gives me a smart-ass look. I shake my head at her but can’t help grinning as I do. I’m finding that I absolutely love uncovering these little traits of hers. First, it was the innocence, then the shyness and the blushing which dives me wild and now finding out she is a sarcastic smart-ass is just the cherry on top.

  I haven’t figured it out yet but this woman pulls me in for some reason and for the first time it’s not just because of the killer body or stunning good looks, this woman has something more, something that all the others simply just don’t possess.

  The one thing I do know is that I desperately need to figure it out.

  I look her over and watch as she does the same, clearly trying to figure me out just as I am her. “What’s your story, Charli?” I ask softly, so she doesn’t think I’m prying and understands that I truly want to know her.

  She considers me for a moment before her eyes drop to her glass and begins drawing patterns in the condensation on the side. She lets out a breath. “My dad died when I was 12, leaving me with a step mum and a massive debt. She wasn’t very nice but tolerated me. Well, she did at least until a few years later when she started drinking and I suddenly became a burden on her,” she explains.

  My hand desperately wants to creep along the bar and take hold of hers but I hold it back, not sure if she is ready for that, so instead, I wait for her to continue. “She became verbally abusive, always letting me know I was nothing and that she was stuck with me. So, the moment I turned fifteen she pulled me out of school, deciding that the debt was my father’s so that makes it my responsibility.”

  Fuck it. My hand has a life of its own. It makes its way across the bar and I place it right over hers, gently giving it a squeeze. An electric shock shots through my hand, right up my arm and into my body. Holy shit, who knew just touching this girl could have such an effect. Her hand flips over on the bar and I suddenly find my fingers lacing though hers. She looks down at our joined hands and I see something settle within her, though I’m not quite sure what, all I know is that it feels amazing. “You don’t have to tell me the rest,” I say, giving her an out.


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