Xander_Kings of Denver

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Xander_Kings of Denver Page 17

by Sheridan Anne

  I slip the knife through her bound hands as gently as I can, cringing as I try to cut the rope. “Sorry, babe. This is going to hurt.” I tell her.

  She lets out a pained sob, letting me know she understands and I do what I can to make it quick for her.

  Her arms come free and she carefully brings her wrist around her body and cradles it to her chest while I work on freeing her legs. This seems to cheer the dog up as he comes forward and starts looking her over, proving to me once again that he’s protective of her. Charli stretches out her good hand and gives the dog a gentle scratch behind his ears, making him rub his large head up against her but that only makes Charli cringe in pain.

  I try my hardest not to look at the cuts and bruises on her body, to keep myself focused but I just can’t help it. My heart breaks with every new scratch I find but I need to know she is ok.

  She tries to reach for me to get to her feet but I bend down and scoop her into my arms instead. I go to leave but Charli looks back at the dog who sits on his ass pouting, clearly looking upset that I’m taking her away. Charli looks back at me, trying to convey some sort of message. “You want to bring him?” I ask.

  She nods her head ever so gently and I look back at the dog. “Come on,” I say, hoping the big guy can understand what I’m telling him.

  To my surprise he gets up and follows me as I take Charli out of the room and into the main warehouse where all three of our eyes dart around, searching for any threats.

  I see the moment her eyes land on ‘Pit Bull’ and a sigh of relief comes out of her when she takes in the damage I have caused to him, though none of it will ever make up for what he has done to her. Not with the physical scars or the mental scars he has left on her.

  Cole, Luke, Jace, and Caden have finished taking out all of Pit Bulls men and quickly look her over then give the dog curious looks before we all make our way out of this place.

  Jace opts to ride with Luke so I can lay Charli down in the back of Cole’s truck and before I know it, Cole is in the driver’s seat, the dog is in the tray and we’re gunning it all the way to the hospital. He hands me a bottle of water to help unstick the duct tape and I get to work with Charli’s head resting in my lap.

  I manage to get half of it off before Cole is pulling up to the hospital.

  “Thanks, man,” I grunt as I help Charli out of the truck.

  “No problem. Get your girl inside and checked out. I’ll deal with the dog until you’re finished here,” he says, looking annoyed with the task but I know he will do the right thing.

  I give him a grateful nod before I rush Charli inside and watch as the hospital staff immediately comes to her aid.

  Chapter 23


  I’ve spent the last two days in the hospital with a nasty concussion and it’s been driving me insane. The second Xander found me in that god awful warehouse, all I wanted was for him to take me home to the place I feel safest. Instead, I ended up in the hospital where they wouldn’t let me go.

  I mean, come on. I’ve just been kidnapped, beaten and held hostage and they wanted to hold me against my will again. Seriously? I get that I needed to get my wrist looked at and all my bumps and bruises looked over but staying in a place that wasn’t my home, just didn’t feel right.

  All I can say is it sucked. Like, really bad. Xander would stay as long as he could and then the hospital visiting hours would kick in and they would kick him out, no matter how much he protested, though I have to admit, that was a little comical.

  So there I was, during every closed visiting hour, left alone with nothing but my own thoughts and memories to haunt me. Exactly what I needed. I don’t know how I would have done it without Beast, my new dog. Xander explained that Cole had taken care of him the last few days, took him to the vet to get checked out, bought him all the things dogs need and then watched as he shitted all over his backyard.

  It’s the morning of the final at the Underground. Xander sits in the chair opposite my hospital bed, fast asleep. I tried to get him to sleep in the bed with me but he flat out refused, though, I don’t know what kind of good that’s going to do for tonight’s fight but he has promised me that with everything that has happened, he will have no problem taking the guy out again, after all, the last fight was won in seconds while ‘Pitt Bull’ wielded a knife.

  Xander tried to explain that ‘Pit Bull’ only holds boxing skills where he has extensive MMA training and that pretty much means a slam dunk in his eyes, he just has to use what he knows about him against him. Though, he also said that ‘Pitt Bull’ had been drinking when they fought so who knows how it’s really going to go.

  The doctor comes crashing into the room, bumps into a tray before stumbling the rest of the way in with my discharge papers. Xander’s eyes flick open at the sound of the commotion and is on his feet in seconds, prepared for any threat.

  In his sleepy state, it takes him a moment to realise it’s the doctor and not a threat so, the poor guy narrowly escapes getting punched.

  I quickly sign the discharge papers and we are finally free to go.

  We walk down to the parking lot and I find Xander has got Cole’s truck. He helps me up into the beast of a car, I’m pretty sure I could have managed on my own but there is something soothing about the feel of his skin on mine. “I can’t believe Cole hasn’t demanded his truck back yet,” I say when Xander hops in the driver’s seat.

  “I know,” he grunts. “But I don’t like it. I’ll go and buy one this weekend.”

  “Yeah?” I ask.

  “Mmhmm,” he murmurs as he pulls out of the car park and onto the main road. “I’ll get you one too.”

  “What?” I practically choke with wide eyes. Are we really that sure it was me who took a hit to the head and not Xander?

  “I’m thinking something big to keep you safe,” he goes on as if I’m not having a mini heart attack right next to him.

  “Hold it right there,” I demand. “Has it ever occurred to you that I don’t drive?”

  “Well, yeah, you don’t have a car,” he states flatly.

  “No, you moron,” I grin. “I don’t drive because I don’t know how. You really think the step-monster would have taken the time out of her busy drinking schedule to teach me?”

  He considers this for a moment. “All the more reason to buy you one,” he says. “I’ll teach you.”

  Let’s face it, the idea of having driving lessons from Xander is beyond awful and could only end up in an argument. Maybe Micky will teach me. “You want to buy me a car just so I can destroy it while I learn.”

  “Yup,” he announces, popping the ‘p’.

  I know a losing argument when I see one. I let out a huff and fold my arms over my chest, being careful not to bump my wrist too much but it should be ok, it’s in a cast now, a black one which reminds me of my black sheep boyfriend and my new black guard dog.

  We make it the rest of the way home and the second I step through the threshold, I feel a sudden sense of safety. I absolutely love that my home can offer me this as I’ve never felt safe at home before. Well, Micky’s was kind of a safe haven, but there were always drunken losers hanging around downstairs.

  After being in the dodgy warehouse followed by the hospital for two days, I feel I need a good scrub. I make my way to the bathroom, stripping as I go, adding a little strut to my walk, knowing Xander’s eyes are resting on my ass. I get to the door of the bathroom and I’m standing in nothing but a pair of panties.

  I hook my thumbs into the waistband and slowly pull them down, giving Xander a good look at what he has been missing for the last few days. I hear a groan from behind me and a grin instantly appears over my face.

  My panties are hardly on the floor before I feel two, rough, calloused hands on my ass, one of which is quickly making its way between my legs. I step out of my underwear and straighten up. My back presses against his chest and he winds a hand around my waist then trails it up to cup my breast.

I let out a moan, not realising how desperately I’ve been needing his touch. His lips come down on my neck and I suddenly find myself pushing my ass back into his hands like some kind of hussy.

  I turn in his arms and start undressing him while his lips come crashing down on mine. Clothes are flying everywhere and before I know it, I’m pushed up against the wall of the shower, warm water streaming down our bodies with Xander buried deep inside me.

  All the rules the doctor gave me about taking care of my cast are completely forgotten, actually, I’m pretty sure there was something about not letting it get wet but right now, I really don’t care.

  Following our shower, Xander curls up with me on the couch and watches a movie while I doze off into a blissful sleep.

  I wake later to the sound of someone knocking at the door and feel as Xander gets up from beside me. I watch as he makes his way to the door and opens it up, only to get barged out of the way by a massive dog forcing his way through the house. The dog sniffs me out instantly and is jumping up beside me on the couch, tail wagging and tongue hanging, coming straight for my face.

  “Hi, boy,” I say with a smile as I give him a scratch behind the ears. He tries to climb into my lap but I still have far too many injuries for that which means Xander is yelling at him from the door, telling him to get off. The dog practically gives him a death stare and I realise this is going to be a love-hate relationship between the two males in my life.

  I can’t help but laugh even though the jerky movements of my laugh causes pain to shoot through my ribs.

  Xander thanks Cole at the door and is soon coming to join me on the couch before detouring past the kitchen and bringing in lunch. I’m about to compliment Xander on his cooking skills when I see the take-out bags from Micky’s and realise Micky must have popped over to check on me.

  The old man has been checking in on me at least four times a day, whether it’s a phone call or physically dropping everything to come and check on me personally and I have to admit, I really love it. Micky has taken over the role of a father figure in my life and I couldn’t have been happier with that outcome even though it reminds me of how much I miss my own father every time I see him.

  The afternoon and night fly by and before I know it, I find myself getting up to start getting ready for Xander’s fight.

  “Uh, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Xander scolds as I pull on my jeans, well try to pull them on, it’s a little harder with only one hand. He lays back on the bed, legs crossed with one arm carelessly thrown behind his head as the dog lounges at the end of the bed, despite Xander telling him to get off a million times. Xander looks damn sexy in his dark jeans and leather jacket but right now, his attitude has me overlooking it all.

  I look at him in confusion. What the hell does he think I’m doing? “I’m getting ready,” I clarify.

  “You’re not coming,” he scoffs from his position on the bed.

  “Like hell I am,” I say, facing him front on and making sure he knows just how serious I am right now. Beast raises his head at the tone of my vice, clearly ready to back me up if need be.

  “No,” he says, sitting up in bed. “You’re not.”

  Fury takes over me in a flash. How dare he? “I didn’t just go through hell and back for this stupid fight to have my stubborn ass boyfriend tell me I can’t go, right before the big ending,” I yell.

  He lets out a regretful sigh as he gets up off the bed and makes his way around to me with Beasts eyes firmly following his movements. He places his hands on my shoulders as if trying to calm me but that only infuriates me more. I deserve to go after what I’ve been through. I want to watch him pummel the dickhead. In fact, I’m pretty sure I need to see it. “Babe,” he says, softly. “It’s too dangerous. What if he got his hands on you while I wasn’t there? I’d be worried about you the whole time rather than concentrating on the fight.”

  “That’s not going to happen,” I say. “I won’t let him. I’ll stay with someone the whole time.”

  “Babe,” he says with pain behind his eyes, hating telling me no. “No. I just… I can’t risk it like that.”

  “Please,” I whisper.

  He cups his hands around my face and gives me a gentle kiss before pulling back. “You know I would give you anything and everything I possibly could,” he says. “But this… I won’t risk your safety over a stupid fight. It’s not worth it.”

  My head drops to his shoulder and I’m pretty sure I start pouting. His arms wrap around me. “I’m sorry, babe,” he murmurs as he holds me.

  I give in as a plan starts forming in my sneaky brain. If he isn’t going to take me. I’ll find my own way there. I’m going to be fine and he needs to learn that he can’t treat me like a princess because of one bad situation. I need to be free and live my life and right now, living my life consists of one thing. Watching my boyfriend annihilate my attacker.

  I make my way over to the bed and climb under the covers. The fight doesn’t start for another two hours so I have plenty of time. I watch as Xander goes about the room, getting ready and pumping himself up, though every time he looks at me and takes in the scars that ‘Pitt Bull’ left behind, I know he is ready.

  I have absolutely no doubt that Xander will walk out of that ring tonight as the winner.

  Xander comes over to me half an hour later and gives me a kiss. “I better get going. I want to get a proper warm up in before the match,” he tells me.

  “Ok,” I sigh, still not happy that he isn’t willing to take me with him but I know my plan will work. “Good luck,” I say. “Maybe bring me back an eyeball or something,” I tease.

  “That’s so foul on so many levels,” he says, slightly shaking his head in disgust.

  I shrug my shoulders, “Eh, you still love me,” I grin.

  “That I do,” he says.

  “Kick his ass, ok,” I say, though this time he knows it’s more of an order rather than a simple request.

  “Babe, I promise you, I will not leave that ring until I thoroughly fucked him up.”

  “I really like the sound of that,” I grin.

  “I know you do,” he says, getting to his feet. “Be safe, ok. I’ve programmed the boy's numbers into your new phone so if anything happens and you can’t get a hold of me, you call them, okay?”

  “Ok,” I say, hating the thought of being alone for even the smallest moment but I know it won’t be for long.

  “I hate leaving you,” he tells me.

  “I’ll be okay,” I say, snuggling deeper into my bed. “Please don’t mess up that face of yours, I’m quite fond of it,” I grin.

  I finally get him out the door and the second I hear the lock click into place, the covers come flying off. I grab my phone as I dash around the room searching for the clothes I had earlier. I press a few buttons on my phone and hold it up to my ear as I try to pull a shirt over my head.

  “Hey, Slutbag,” Zara yells into the phone over the sound of what I am assuming is either a house party or Micky’s, though, from the loud dance music I’m going to go with the first option. Micky says he has no time for shit music like that despite all the objections

  “Hey, whore,” I grin. “What are you doing?”

  “Hold on,” she yells. I wait patiently as the background noise slowly fades to a dull buzz. “K, what did you say?”

  “I asked, ‘What are you doing?’.”

  “Oh, we’re at this frat party. The Dragons just won their game so everyone is pretty pumped up, though this party stinks,” she informs me.

  “We’re you guys going to Xander’s fight tonight?” I ask with my fingers and toes crossed.

  “Hell yeah, we’re going. No way am I going to miss that fight,” she says. “Hang on, shouldn’t you already be there?”

  “That’s my problem. Xander is refusing to let me go, he says ‘it’s too dangerous’,” I say mimicking his voice.

  “Ugh, that blows,” she sighs.

  “What do you mean that blow
s? I’m still going whether he likes it or not,” I tell her.

  “Oh dear, this isn’t going to go down well,” she murmurs, though I hear the smile in her voice. “Tell me,” she says. “How do you assume you’re going to get there?”

  “You’re going to get that hot boyfriend of yours to pick me up on the way, of course.”

  She lets out a sigh. “There is no way he is going to go against Xander’s wishes.”

  “Oh please, unbutton your top, push your tits up, grind against him and that man will be putty in your hands,” I tell her, “Besides, you guys are still in that stage where he’s trying to impress you, you’ve got nothing to worry about, now hurry up. I don’t want to miss anything.”

  “Fine,” she laughs, “We’ll be there in twenty.”

  She hangs up the phone and I use the time to get myself ready but doing pretty much everything one handed is extremely hard.

  A knock sounds at the door twenty minutes later and I rush downstairs with Beast by my side before subtly peeping through the window to confirm its Zara and Aaron. When I’m certain I’m not about to be kidnapped again, I fling the door open and have Zara crashing into my arms.

  “How are you feeling?” she questions straight away. “Are you sure you should be going out tonight?”

  “I’m fine,” I groan. “Now, help me do up my pants, the button is too hard with one hand.”

  She smirks at me then does as she’s told, only then does she give into the dog who is begging for her attention. I grab my bag off the front table and lock up the house before climbing into the back of Aaron’s truck. “Thanks, Aaron,” I grin as he turns in his seat and gives me a cranky look.

  “You girls are going to get me in so much trouble,” he murmurs. “Does the dog really have to come?” he asks before backing out of the driveway.


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