Xander_Kings of Denver

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Xander_Kings of Denver Page 20

by Sheridan Anne

  I close the door behind me and drop down to one knee. I wait patiently as she takes it all in before slowly turning back to me with tears in her eyes. The second she realises what I’m doing and takes in the big diamond ring sitting in the velvet box that I’m holding out to her, she lets out another gasp and looks at me with absolute love in her eyes.

  “Charli,” I start. “Since the day I saw you working behind that bar at Micky’s, I knew you were going to be mine. I watched you grow into this beautiful strong woman and still to this day, you continue to surprise me with how far you’ve come. I’m pretty sure I fell in love with you that very first day and since then, that feeling has only grown. I no longer know how to live my life without you and what’s more is that I don’t want to,” I say, letting that sink in before I continue.

  She wipes a stray tear and I make sure she is hearing every single word I am saying. “Charli, will you do me the greatest honour of becoming my wife?”

  She drops to her knees in front of me, “Yes,” she cries, throwing her arms around me and crushing her lips to mine as she continues, “Nothing in this world could make me happier. I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too,” I say, taking the ring out of the box and sliding it onto her finger before pulling her back into me.

  Our bodies come crashing together as she reaches for my suit jacket, slipping it straight off my shoulders before grabbing my shirt and ripping the buttons right off in her desperation to feel my skin on hers.

  Her hands find purchase on my chest and begin roaming over the rest of my torso while I grab the hem of her dress and pull it up before tearing her panties from her body. She undoes my pants and pushes them down just enough to let my erection spring free.

  I take her by the waist and shuffle us around until I can bring her down on top of me. She lets out a groan as she sinks down and allows me to fill her completely. Fuck, I will never get used to the feeling of being inside her.

  She begins to move, like really move and before I know it, she is exploding around me with tears of joy in those beautiful eyes while I come inside her.

  I lean back against the door with Charli in my lap. She comes forward and rests her forehead against mine while her fingernails run through my hair. “That was amazing,” she whispers with her lips resting against mine.

  “You’re amazing,” I counter. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “Yeah, well let’s just hope you don’t need a hip replacement and you can still rock my world when we’re ninety,” she smirks.

  “Baby, no matter what, I will always rock your world.”

  Sneak Peek

  Tank – Kings of Denver (Book 4)

  Chapter 1


  I sit at my desk, putting the final touches on my story before sending it off to my editor when I hear Tank coming in through the door. “Where you at?” he calls out as I hear the familiar noise of his shoes being kicked off and his bag being dumped by the front door.

  “In the study,” I yell back with a grin, even after all this time, I still get a rush when he comes home to me.

  He comes barging into the study and I have the quickest second to press send on my email before he pulls me out of my chair and turns me to sit on the desk. “Fuck, babe. You’ve got to give me a little warning when you’re in your birthday suit.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “It was hot today,” I say.

  His hands instantly fall down to our son. “How’s this little guy doing?” he asks.

  The second Tank talks, the baby starts kicking like there is a party going on in my guts, though, it’s only very soft and you can hardly feel it on the outside, it’s still extremely rewarding to feel. “Good,” I smile. “I think he likes the sound of your voice.”

  “Of course, he does. I’m his Daddy,” Tank says before pressing a kiss to my lips. “How are you?” he asks before his lips move to my neck.

  I let out a moan but manage to concentrate on the conversation. “Good, hungry though.”

  “You’re always hungry now,” Tank comments.

  I give him an innocent smile and bat my eyelashes. “Can we head out for dinner?”

  He lets out a sigh. He really has become a homebody, ever since we found out I was pregnant, it’s as if he doesn’t want to share this moment with the rest of the world, which I guess I understand. He is taking over the captainship of his hockey team next season so the press has been a little wild on him lately. “You know I like it when you cook dinner in your underwear with that sexy little bump showing.”

  “I thought you hated my cooking?” I ask.

  “I do, it’s terrible,” he says. “But watching you strut around barefoot and pregnant, that’s something I will never get enough of.”

  “Really?” I question with hooded eyes.

  “Mmhmm,” he murmurs stepping into my so I can feel his erection grinding between my legs.

  I swear, the moment I became pregnant, my sex drive doubled, which, I must admit, mean’s I’m absolutely exhausting my man, I’m constantly all over him but he hasn’t complained yet.

  My hands slip in between our bodies and I quickly rid him off his shirt to put his marvellous, sculptured body on display before making quick work of his pants. His lips come down on my neck once again and before I know it, he’s sliding into me, filling me to the brim and relieving the ache that’s been there since he left for training this morning.

  That’s the one thing I have always been able to count on with Tank. When I need it, he is always ready for me, no matter if it’s at home in bed or at the ice rink during the break before the final period of the championship game. He is always ready.

  By the time we’re finished, my desk has been cleared and my laptop has clattered to the ground. Tank helps me off the desk and I pick up the laptop, checking for any damages before setting it back on the desk. “Did you finish your story?” he questions as he goes about the room picking up my papers.

  “Yeah, I found more evidence that proved he actually did murder the guy,” I tell him, pretty damn proud of myself.

  “What?” Tank questions, “I thought the guy was telling his story because he was innocent and wanted to clear his name.”

  “Yep,” I say popping the ‘P’. “Turns out he’s a liar and a murderer.”

  “Shit, Soph,” he sighs. “Should you really be chasing these types of stories while you’re pregnant?”

  I turn around and give him a big smile, one I know he can’t resist. “Babe, I’m an investigative journalist. It’s what I do. It’s in my nature to seek out these stories and put bad guys away.”

  He presses his lips into a tight line. “Did you put the bad guy away?”

  My big smile becomes extremely cheesy. “Sure did,” I tell him. “I went to the cops today and handed in the evidence. They were kind of annoyed that I was sticking my nose in places it didn’t belong again but I’m pretty sure they were jealous I got the information before they did which I pointed out but then they admitted they were grateful because they’ve been trying to catch this slimeball for ages.”

  He rolls his eyes and lets out a small huff. “You know I don’t like it.”

  “I know,” I say, stepping into his arms and looking up at his handsome face. “But you know the deal. I can either have your approval and you can know exactly where I’ll be at all times or I can do it behind your back and you’ll be in the dark, either way, I’m not stopping,” I tell him, reaching up on my toes to plant a kiss on his lips. “Take your pick, big guy.”

  “Don’t use that against me,” he warns.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I lie, knowing he absolutely loves it when I call him ‘big guy’ as it reminds him of the day we met.

  “You’re so damn stubborn,” he tells me.

  “And you’re a pushover,” I reply with a grin. “I wonder how you’ll handle it when this baby comes out with my attitude.”

  “Nope, there’s no
way. My kid is going to be an angel. It will be a good looker just like you but have my patience and excellent behaviour,” he tells me as he bends down and scoops me up into his arms.

  “You wish, big guy,” I murmur as he turns and starts to head for the door. “Wait, I need my laptop,” I tell him. He turns on his heel, stalks back towards the desk and bends so I can collect the laptop without falling out of his arms.

  I place it down gently on my bump and enjoy the ride as Tank takes us out to the lounge room. He sits down on our lounge and I make myself comfortable in his lap. “Here, I wanted to show you this,” I say as I find the webpage I had been looking at earlier today.

  A beautiful pram finally loads onto the screen and Tank looks it over. “It’s pretty damn awesome, isn’t it?” I murmur.

  “Um, I guess,” he says, having absolutely no idea about baby stuff. “I told you to just buy the stuff you want, you don’t need my approval for it.”

  “I already did buy it, you big moron. I just wanted to show you,” I say proudly. “Look,” I point out. “It has cup holders.”

  He grins at my excitement while he winds his hands around my body and lets them rest on my bump. I don’t even think he knows he’s doing it, but since the day we found out, anytime I’m near him, his hands will always be found holding my stomach, as if it’s his own little way of protecting what’s ours.

  Joy springs to life in his eyes when the baby begins to kick and I know with one hundred percent certainty that Tank is going to make an excellent Daddy, our son isn’t even born yet and yet he loves him unconditionally.

  “What are your plans for tomorrow?” he asks, once the baby has settled down.

  “Dani and I are having our girl’s day, remember?” I remind him. “You told Miller you’d watch little Mia with him.”

  “Oh yeah,” he says. “That’s going to be interesting.”

  “Just keep in mind that she’s only a few months old which means she is still fragile, so you can’t use her as a football like you did with Jaxon’s son the other week.”

  “What?” he questions, “But that kid loved it.”

  “He’s nearly one, of course, he loved it. Mia is basically still a newborn, so I don’t think that’s going to go down in quite the same way.” I inform him.

  “Whatever,” he scoffs.

  “Oh, and I’m pretty sure Miller will deck you for even thinking about it.” I laugh.

  “Ha,” he smirks, “Let him, he couldn’t touch me even if he tried.”

  I can’t help but roll my eyes at him, no matter what, these boys will never change. “I think you’ll be surprised to see how far he would go to protect his little girl. He’d put you in the ground if he had to.”

  “I know he would,” he tells me. “We’re you serious about going out for dinner?” he asks.

  “Yeah,” I say. “I could really go for one of Micky’s burgers.”

  “Sure, I’ll just fly back to Denver and get right on that,” he teases.

  “There’s no need to be a smart-ass,” I sulk as my stomach starts the grumble thinking about the oily goodness of one of Micky’s burgers. God, I haven’t had one in so long.

  “Yeah, there is,” Tank deadpans. “Now, as much as I hate to say this, go get dressed. I can’t take you out naked, other’s will stare and I don’t like people seeing what’s mine.”

  “You sure seemed to like it those few times in college,” I remind him.

  “That was different,” he grunts as he starts scooting me forward so I’d get up and moving. “I did that for you and besides, you weren’t my wife who’s carrying my child then.”

  I get up to my feet and I turn to face it. “It was fun though,” I grin.

  He rolls his eyes but I see the grin slowly starting to make its way across his face. No matter how much he denies it, he liked it. “Go,” he demands.

  I turn and start making my way down the hallway, giving my hips an extra little sway. I look back over my shoulder to see him watching me walk away. “I’m ready for round two, if you are,” I tell him with a wink.

  “Get dressed, Sophie,” he tells me with a warning in his voice, knowing it would only take the slightest push for me to get him to cave to my will and take me on the kitchen floor but I also know that when he heard my stomach growling, his first thought was about getting food into my stomach to feed this beautiful baby within me.

  “Love you,” I call out, giving in and being a good girl. I mean, there is only so far you can push this caveman.

  “Damn straight you do.”

  I emerge ten minutes later, dressed and ready. “Where are you taking me?”

  He looks at me like I’ve spoken another language. “To the burger joint, down the road?”

  “No,” I demand. “I don’t want to go there.”

  “What?” he questions, “You said you wanted a burger.”

  “No, I said I wanted one of Micky’s burgers. You can’t take me to get some other cheap ass burger that isn’t going to compare to one of Micky’s because then I’ll be disappointed and left unsatisfied.”

  “Are you shitting me?” he asks.

  “No,” I say with attitude. “I’m not shitting you, I’m dead serious.”

  He lets out a sigh in frustration. “Then what do you want?”

  I cringe, knowing exactly how he is going to react. “I…uh… don’t know,” I tell him.

  “For fuck’s sake,” he groans, looking at me like I’ve grown another head. “Get that fine ass of yours in my truck. We’ll figure it out on the way.”

  With a grin, I grab my bag off the bench and strut past him, stopping on the way to give him a big sloppy kiss. “You’re going to be a great Daddy,” I tell him.

  With yet another roll of his eyes, he turns and follows me out the door.

  Thanks for reading!

  For more information on the Kings of Denver (including cover reveals and new releases), like me on Facebook - www.facebook.com/SheridanAnneAuthor/




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