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Frank-SPrinces Page 15

by The Shadowed Princes [lit]

  Lokynen's expression hardened. Mother-swiving cockwhore. If he touches you...."

  Sugar Maple laughed, which made Lokynen blush. Don't worry about me, Loky. Worry about him. The trees are my friends. So long as we walk beneath them when he takes me home, I am safer than he is."

  "That's true, little one."

  Lokynen went on into the house to find Dynanna and tell her all that he had learned. The large house overflowed with mismatched furniture; no two pieces alike and many of them upholstered in clashing colors. Dynanna had a habit of snatching whatever caught her fancy, especially from the wealthier classes. Lokynen still chuckled at the time she stole all the doors off the Priest-King of Timbren's palace because he refused to let her inside. Like most of the yuwenghau, Dynanna and Lokynen had never been particularly monogamous. Lokynen had mostly mended his ways since marrying Amberlin and no longer left a string of bastards in his wake. He and Dynanna had been lovers for a brief period two centuries ago, and she had always liked the fact that Lokynen had used seed crystals to absorb and store his seed so that he did not get her pregnant.

  But they had more often been rivals than lovers. Lokynen's facial scars were the result of bulling his way through the trapped ruins at Lightning Strike Crest to reach Thunder, the Sword of Justice, ahead of the Trickster who had set out to steal it. She had emerged from the ruins unscathed, but Lokynen had been marked for life. Remembering that moment sent Lokynen's hand to pat the hilt of Thunder hanging at his shoulder.

  "At least I beat you to it, Dyna. He strode into the kitchen where the godling was shoving wood into an iron stove and trying to figure out how to light it.

  Dynanna straightened and flicked back her long red-gold hair. Yeah, but pulling the damned thing put you in Torrundar's debt."

  Lokynen shrugged. He doesn't tag me for favors that often."

  His eyes went to a row of barrels with spigots sitting on a rack at the other end of the kitchen. You wouldn't happen to have something nice to drink?"

  Dynanna grinned broadly. Same old Loky. Always thirsty. I have mead, ale, and dark beer. What would you like?"


  "I made a good haul in Iradrim a few months ago. I have one hundred barrels of stout, two hundred barrels of dark beer, and fifty casks of ale."

  "I hope you paid for it."

  Dynanna filled two tankards with beer and led Lokynen to the living room. I don't steal from honest merchants."

  Lokynen spotted an enormous over stuffed chair with a footstool. Looks like you were expecting me."

  "I was. She handed him a tankard and moved to a smaller chair next to his.

  Taking a long drink from his tankard, Lokynen smiled. Good beer. Did you pay for it?"

  "With fresh minted gold."

  "That you stole."

  Dynanna giggled. Of course. But the dragon had stolen it first. So I was just stealing from a thief."

  "Stealing from dragons is as dangerous as stealing from gods. I hope you had Dynarien with you."

  Dynanna gave a long sigh. I don't run with my brother much now that he's married."

  "So catch me up on the gossip. I've been away for several weeks."

  "We think Malthus murdered Searlait and Fianait Redhand."

  "Claw's sisters? Lokynen's features darkened with rage. Tell me about it."

  "The day after Fianait was murdered; Belgair Doherty, Claw's Captain of the Guard, staged a purge. Claw and Aisha are dead too."

  "I'm going to whomp someone, Lokynen muttered darkly.

  "Can't whomp Belgair. Todd did him."

  * * * *

  Regina stepped into running the day-to-day affairs of the manor with ease. Her previous father-in-law, Adderuig Balfour, had been an old-fashioned mon. Instead of having a seneschal, his wife ran the affairs of the household until her death two years ago of a fever. As the wife of his heir, Johfrit, Regina had been given her late mother-in-law's duties, so she was well acquainted with the demands of running a large household.

  Her daily routine started in the salle, working out with Reist. Once breakfast preparations were underway, Regina checked upon Merissa. The midwife, Mary Sinclair, who came by every morning to check on Merissa and Darmyk, had made it clear that she disliked Malthus. Regina's answer to that was to gather them into the Rose Room before Mary arrived and have the examinations there.

  After checking on Merissa, Regina went to look in on Emma.

  Fletcher Matheson, Thane of Ottercreek, stood in the parlor of his suite staring into the flames of the hearth. He was tall, broad through the shoulders, and sturdy. He turned when Regina entered. If you're looking for Emma, she's not here."

  "Where is she?"

  "How should I know? You're the one putting odd notions in her head."

  Regina blinked at the anger in his tone. I don't know what you're talking about."

  "Of course you don't. Odd notions are normal for you. He stalked close to her, his stance threatening. People still talk about you slicing Vertram over a kiss all those years ago."

  "He had it coming. I was only fourteen."

  "Did he?"

  "If you don't mind, I'll go look for her... Regina started to back away from him, but Fletcher's hand shot out and clamped onto her wrist.

  "I do mind."

  Regina cast a warning look at his hand. Let go. Or we'll be burying a thane."

  "Cut me up, will you? Like Vertram?"

  "I won't have to. My husband will. She stepped in and dropped her weight forward to break Fletcher's grip on her arm, whirled and lunged out of the room.

  Instinct sent her jogging through the corridors, which were too crowded at that hour for her to run without bowling someone over, and jerked open the door to the Rose Room. It had a warm, welcoming feeling as if Aisha's spirit lingered there.

  She found Emma Smythe curled up on the sofa nearest the hearth, suckling her newborn and crying. What's wrong, Emma?"

  "Fletcher. We had a fight. Percival is barely out of my belly, and Fletcher is riding me again."

  "Are you using any kind of protection? Eelskins? Herbs?"

  Emma shook her head miserably. Fletcher says it ruins his pleasures."

  "Bloody thanes! They're a bunch of fecking sodomites. Insensitive bastards. Regina snarled wordlessly for a moment, hair sprouting along her arms. Then she took hold of Emma's upper arm. You're not his wife. If he wants to keep a bitch's belly filled, let him do it to his wife."

  "Where are we going? Emma's lips trembled and she flinched from the wrath in Regina's eyes.

  "To talk to Stone."

  "I'm afraid of him."

  "Stone? Or Fletcher?"


  "Which one scares you more?"

  "Stone. Emma answered without hesitation.

  "Me too. Regina acknowledged with a wry twist. Come on. If we want you safe from Fletcher, then we must speak to Stone."

  Emma cradled her infant tight to her breast as Regina pulled her through the hallways. At the door to the study Stone used, which had once been Claw's, Regina slammed the door open and went inside.

  Stone looked up from the reports he had been reading and frowned at her. That's quite an entrance, Reggie. You'd best have a good reason for it."

  "I want to place Emma Smythe under your protection, Stone."

  "Emma? Stone gestured at the chairs and the two bitches settled into them. Do you wish to be under my protection?"

  Emma ducked her head. I don't know."

  Regina threw a furious look at Emma. Of course you do."

  "Stand down, Reggie. Stone's voice softened. You're afraid of me, Emma?"



  Reggie folded her arms, glaring at him. That should be bloody obvious, Stone. You're a great big..."

  "Uh uh. Stone wagged a finger at Regina. I want Emma to answer."

  "You raped your sister ... and you crippled Clennan Doherty. Emma kept her head down, staring at the floor. Fletcher says so."

  "Is that all?

  "You're scary."

  "I see. Do you love Fletcher?"

  Emma shook her head and her eyes leaked. I was going to marry my Jamie. He was saving for the brideprice my Dad wanted for me."

  "So how did you end up with Fletcher?"

  "My Dad's a tailor. The best in Ottercreek."

  "And? Stone coaxed.

  "Usually my Dad went to the manor. I don't remember why Fletcher came to the shop instead that day. He saw me... Emma's voice caught. Didn't get no say in it. Fletcher already had a wife. Told my Dad he was taking me and he did."

  "Fletcher had no legal right to just take you. No one is outside the law. Ask Ossian."

  "He'll ruin my Dad. That's what Clennan did to Berneen's family."

  "There is no perfect decision, Emma. I can protect you, but not your family."

  "I'll stay with Fletcher. Emma rose.

  Regina jumped to her feet, her hand closing on Emma's arm.

  "Let her go, Reggie."


  "Let her go. The edge in Stone's voice cut through Regina.

  Emma fled.

  "You're a bastard, Stone."

  "I'm a realist. You can't save them all, Reggie."

  "I can try."

  "Claw tried to break the power of the thanes when he was young. His reasons were much like your own. He objected to their excesses. My brother failed. If a strong chieftain can't achieve it, then what hope can you have to?"

  "Bloody thanes..."

  "Sit down. Stone scowled when Regina did not obey immediately and repeated the command in a stronger tone. Sit down."

  She dropped into a chair, glaring.

  "Now, listen to me. The sins of the thanes can't be corrected overnight. It's the work of generations. But there is a good place to start."


  "Lady Maguire. And our king to be."

  * * * *

  Hamish marched down the hallway with a superior air, the gold crown jingling in his hand along with a couple of copper pennies. He did not need the additional pennies to purchase what he planned to buy, since a crown was more than he earned in a year; he simply liked listening to the noise they made clashing together, calling everyone's attention to the fact that he had money.

  "What are you going to do with that? Rory trailed after his younger brother, his neck craned to keep his eye on his brother's hand. The most money either of them had ever had before was when Kynyr gave them two silver nobles to break the windows of Baroucha Seaver's shop following the death of his father, Branduff.

  "Buy Ma the best solstice presents she's ever had."

  "Share it? Rory asked hopefully.

  "What do you mean share it? I earned it."

  "But I want to buy her something nice too."


  Rory followed his brother into the kitchen. Todd sat there with several crates around his feet, filling sacks with small boxes of toy soldiers and pretty cloth dolls.

  "What are you doing? Rory slipped into the chair beside Todd, watching him.

  "Gifts for my tenants cubs. They can't afford a proper solstice for the young ones. Todd stuffed another sack as he spoke.

  "Are you going into town today? Hamish laid his coins on the table and made a big show of circling the pennies around the crown.

  "Ayup. Cahira wants to check some new inventory arrived at the shop."

  "Can I come? I got solstice shopping to do."


  Hamish ducked his head. I have shopping to do."

  "If you speak like an educated mon, myn will think you one. Todd tousled Hamish's hair. And you can come with us."

  "He won't share the crown. Rory cast a glare at his brother, his lower lip sliding from beneath his upper.

  "It's his coin, Rory."

  "But I can't buy Ma something nice."

  "Whatever you buy her, she'll love it. That's because she loves you, Rory."

  Rory gave up, left his chair, and paced from the room with his head down.

  * * * *

  Merissa walked with her hands pressed to her lower back, trying to relieve some of the stress that her swollen belly placed upon it. Darmyk accompanied her. He always seemed better in the mornings, more like his old self.

  "Hello, Merissa. Jocelyn fell into step beside her. Going to the Rose Room?"


  "Shall I walk with you?"


  "Well, I think I will anyway. I haven't seen the Rose Room yet."

  "It was my mother's room... Merissa's voice trailed off helplessly. She wished that Jocelyn would go away, but did not have the energy to deal with her.

  "Yes, I've been told that."

  "You don't like me."

  Jocelyn flipped her hair with a shrug of her shoulders. That has nothing to do with anything. My grandfather is going to be regent for your little heirs. So I thought we should get better acquainted."

  "I don't think so."

  "You don't think what? Jocelyn's attitude turned haughty. That my grandfather is going to be regent? Or that we should get better acquainted?"

  "Both. Merissa's hand closed on the knob of the door into the Rose Room. She entered, hoping that Jocelyn would not follow, but was disappointed.

  Jocelyn ran her hands over the fabric of the sofas as she strolled around looking at the tapestries and paintings. Nice. Your mother had nice taste."

  "Yes, she did. Merissa used the arm of a chair to lower herself into it.

  "As I was saying, Grandfather thinks we should get better acquainted. Perhaps a betrothal when your sons are born. I have a daughter. She's a pretty little thing. Just a year old."


  "Face reality, you stupid bitch. I'm trying to be nice, but you're not letting me. Jocelyn barred her teeth at Merissa. My grandfather is going to be regent. The Dohertys are going to run things, and your eldest lycan heir is going to marry a Doherty."

  "I thought I saw some lovelies hide themselves in here. Lyncoln Wescot came in without knocking.

  Jocelyn's eyes widened and she put Aisha's desk between herself and Lyncoln. Get out of here."

  Merissa allowed a tiny smile to light her face. She was not fond of Lyncoln; however, she was less fond of Jocelyn. Right then Lyncoln seemed like one of the knights in shining armor from a book of human legends. Sit right there, Lyncoln. Merissa pointed at a chair close to her. Shall I ring for some tea?"

  "That would be right nice. Lyncoln settled into his seat. Terry always liked having tea with me in the mornings. He patted the arm of the chair to his opposite side. Come on, Jocelyn. Sit and talk a bit."

  "Not on your life, Lyncoln Wescot. You're a nutter. My grandfather says so. Jocelyn threw Merissa a glare. Make him leave, or I'm going to tell my grandfather."

  "Lyncoln, shall I have Kissie bring some scones and clotted cream as well? Merissa smiled at him.

  "Uhmn. Clotted cream and scones. I would like that. Lyncoln winked at Merissa. Jam too?"

  "Did you hear me, Merissa? I said..."

  Merissa ignored Jocelyn's interruption. Strawberry. I enjoy your company, Lyncoln. You should join me here for tea each morning."

  "What? You're having him for tea and scones each morning? Him? Jocelyn's eyes widened. You're both nutters."

  Lyncoln leaned back, reached around, and grabbed at Jocelyn. Come on. Be a good girl and sit with us."

  "Not on your life. Jocelyn hissed at him. She edged past them and darted out the door, nearly colliding with Regina.

  "What the bloody hell, Jocelyn? What were you doing in there?"

  "Getting out. Merissa's having tea with a nutter. Jocelyn snatched her skirts high and fled.

  * * * *

  Ossian considered his options as he listened to Gavin's report on the interrogation of Sheradyn Kelly and Gillivray Ashby.

  "Ashby's close to breaking, Ossian. But the old one ... maybe if you'd let me get rougher with him."

  "No. Ossian stared at the reports on his desk without reading them. He's
frail. I don't want to kill him."

  "They poisoned the prince, Ossian. It's cut and dried."

  "No one knows it better than I. Ossian closed the folder.

  "You could offer Ashby a deal."

  "What? Ossian raised his eyes.

  "If he confesses, you could let Kelly go."

  Ossian sucked in a deep breath. No. It would be putting words in his mouth."

  "It would work."

  "I know. But it would not feel right. Ossian rose from the desk. Come on. One more try and then I'll have to think of something else."

  Gavin followed Ossian down to the cell. Sheradyn had already had his first session of the day with Gavin. Blood oozed from the fresh tears in his back and some of the old ones that had re-opened.

  Sheradyn raised his head when they entered, his face lined by suffering, and his eyes pleading. I'm innocent, Ossian. I swear by all that's holy. I'm innocent. I didn't do it."

  Ossian winced inwardly from the look in the healer's eyes and steeled himself. He settled into his chair, propped his elbow on the arm and rested his chin upon it. You were always fond of Merissa. Fond enough to kill her children's rival for the throne?"

  "No. I would never do that."

  Gavin picked up his whip from the table of implements and moved to stand behind Sheradyn.

  Ossian gestured at Gavin. Three, Gavin."

  Gavin uncoiled his whip and laid it on in precise strokes. Sheradyn shrieked.

  "Tell me. Were you friends with Belgair Doherty?"

  "Yes. I liked the mon."

  Finally, an admission. Enough to give him poison to use on the prince?"


  "What about Malthus? Are you friends?"

  "Merissa loves him."

  "Answer my question."

  "Mercy! Please, mercy. I'm a healer. I wouldn't poison anyone."

  Ossian shrugged. You wouldn't be the first healer to have had poison as a sideline. Three more, Gavin."

  Sheradyn gasped, tears streaming down his face. My chest ... hurts."

  Gavin stopped at the second strike, glancing at Ossian.

  The lawgiver raised one finger as he considered, his young brow furrowed. Gavin, fetch a healer."

  Gavin dropped his whip on the table and darted out the door running.

  Sheradyn stiffened, the breath seeming to catch in his lungs. Oh gods ... my heart. My heart."


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