Fearing Regret

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Fearing Regret Page 18

by Barbara Speak









  They just kept coming. I never responded. I just laughed harder as each one was read. No one could have prepared me for all of this a week ago. The man I dreamed about is now my reality and texting me nonstop. He wants to see me, he wants to spend time with me, hell the truth is, he just wants me. And I want him right back. A smile was permanently plastered on my face throughout the day, causing co-workers to all ask what the reason for the change was. Now them too? Was I that grumpy before?

  My work day ended finally giving me perma-grin like never before. I couldn't wait to see what he had planned. I thought maybe I would find Tony waiting for me in the lobby but he wasn't there. I hoped he would be on the sidewalk outside, but he wasn't there either. Let down, I walked to the parking lot to grab my car, when low and behold, Tony stood next to it dressed in a grey suit that made him look even more unbelievably sexy, holding a dozen roses.

  A smile replaced my frown as I walked closer and eventually came to stand in front of him.

  "You never responded."

  "No, I didn't."

  "Why you do the things you do baffles me, but I love that you keep me guessing."

  I went up on my toes and pecked his beautiful lips.

  "Are these for me?"

  "I certainly have not been waiting here for two hours holding these for anyone else."

  "Two hours!"

  "Well, someone didn't want to respond and let me know when she was going to be done. You happen to know who I'm referring to by chance?"

  I wrapped my arms around him saying, "I'm so sorry, Tony! They're beautiful. I had no idea you would be waiting out in the cold. I was looking for you in the lobby."

  "It’s all good, woman and stop saying you're sorry so much. I wouldn't be standing here now if I didn't think you were worth it."

  "Worthiness comes from being willing to admit when you're wrong. Unless you want me to start lying to you and acting like it doesn't bother me?"

  "Good point. Apologize all you want. Now, are you ready to go, because I'm fucking freezing."

  "Yes, let’s get you nice and warm. I know just the way to do it too."

  "Damn, I'm loving you more and more."

  We got in his car that he failed to mention, was on the other side of a van parked next to me and was running!

  "You made me think you stood out here the whole time!"

  "No, that's what you chose to take from it. I just said I had been out here, there's a difference."

  "Nice one, Big Man."

  "Glad were back to using that in a good way."

  "Oh, I wasn't being nice at all. I guess that's just the way you chose to take it."

  He started laughing and then so did I. The way we naturally meshed was like no one I have ever been around. And don't think I failed to notice the love word flying out of his mouth either. It was all so fast but nothing about it felt wrong. We were just what the other needed and it was working for now and always would, hopefully.

  He pulled us into the parking lot of my favorite Japanese restaurant. Someone was helping him with information and I wanted to know who it was. If we weren't supposed to be telling anyone, then how was he able to?

  "All right, who?"

  "Who what?"

  "Who do you have on the inside? Oh duh! I'm an idiot. It’s Kara isn't it?"

  "What are you talking about?"

  He put the car in park and then walked around to open my door for me.

  "How you know these things, is she telling you?"

  "Kate, you lost me a long time ago. What things are you talking about?"

  "Where I live, where I work, my favorite color of rose, my favorite Japanese restaurant, who is telling you?"

  He let his head fall back, laughing uncontrollably.

  "What did I miss?"

  "There is no one who deserves the credit woman, I'm just observant and lucky I guess."

  "Explain please."

  By this time we had walked to the restaurant and Tony was holding the door for me. He waited until the greeter had seated us before speaking. I, by that point, had forgotten I had even asked him a question. I was too preoccupied with the staff that all made a point to stare at him. How rude can they be? Girls can be vicious bitches and we all know it, but this group was over the top.

  "Kate, are you even listening to me?"

  I guess to some degree I was more shocked that he was focused on talking to me, rather than giving them any attention. Any other guy I have dated would have long forgot about me in this sea of beauties.

  "Huh, oh, uh, no actually I wasn't. Please, tell me again."

  "What's got your attention?"

  He started to look around and as he did, they all miraculously had something to do again, which made me laugh, hard.

  "What's so funny? You're all over the place today."

  "Every girl in here stopped what she was doing to look at you like you are eye candy."

  "Aw, are you jealous?"

  "Not at all. Two weeks ago, I was right there with them."

  "Good to know, but it makes no sense. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen; I'm the lucky one here."

  How amazing is this man? I ask myself that constantly.

  "I'm glad to hear we both feel the same way. At least no one is going to have a big head. Now back to your insider, how?"

  "That's what I was saying. Sadie showed me where you live one day when we were out. She was impressed that you and Ash wanted to live so close to each other. Your work was a little tougher so I did have to ask someone. Ash told me the last time I saw him. The cleaning company that takes care of my office also does yours, and the lady that runs it always flirts with me, done deal. The color of rose was easy. Yellow, even though it stands for friendship, is the only color of petal on the floor that you kept playing with the other night. And finally, this is my favorite place to eat Japanese. I had no idea if you have been here before or not. So I am not cheating. We said we would keep them out of this and I am, still. Believe me now?"


  "Yeah, I earned a wow didn't I?"

  "Sure did, Big Man."

  His face went red all of the sudden confusing me, until I noticed the waitress standing there. She must have heard the last part of our conversation. Deciding to play around a little I said, "Just keep doing that one thing you did with your..."

  "We need another minute please."

  "Sure thing, Sir."

  The waitress walked away laughing right along with me.

  "You think you're funny?"

  "Come on, that was. Don't go getting serious on me now."

  "Pay backs suck, remember that."

  "I'm not scared."

  "You should be."

  "Not going to happen. Anyway, do you know what you want?"

  "Besides you?"

  "You already have me."

  "God, that sounds so good. Will you say it again?"

  "You already have me, Tony."

  "Damn, I am one lucky son of a bitch."

  "The feeling is mutual."

  "That you think I'm lucky or that I'm a son of a bitch?"

  "Oh that's right, you never said how you felt."

  "Well if I haven't, then maybe it's time. Kate, will you marry me?"


  "I'm kidding, but I'm not sure how long it will be before I'm not."

  Did you just shit your pants because I'm quite sure I did.

  "You're that sure that I'm what will make you happy foreve

  "I don't know about being happy all the time, but I think life would be better with you always being a part of it."

  "I don't know what to say..."

  "Here comes the waitress, so all you have to know right now is what you want to eat, the rest you can figure out later."

  We ordered and never returned to the conversation that took place before that. Tony let it go as if none of it had been said, allowing the night to fall naturally back to a place where we could just have fun and be ourselves. After dinner, he took me back to my car and kissed me good night, promising me something special over the weekend. With both of us not focusing on anything but each other, work was going to fall to the wayside and neither of us could afford to do that.

  Driving home, all that I could think about were four specific words he blurted out over dinner. No one had ever said those to me before. Even if now wasn't the right time, I would have said yes regardless. Tony was all I felt I needed to feel complete forever. None of our family or friends would understand any of this going on between us, therefore I couldn't be more grateful that we decided to keep it to ourselves and just enjoy it.


  The weekend came and I was excited more than words can explain to see him. Talking on the phone and a few random texts here and there were far from enough. I craved to be held in his arms again.

  We agreed to meet at his house after work on Friday. As soon as the clock struck five, I was out of my office and on my way. Tony had given me his garage code in the case that I arrived first, thank God, because I did.

  Walking in, I noticed things that I didn't remember being there. On the counter was a fruit basket filled with cutie oranges and papayas, my two favorites. Glancing over the space to the adjacent counter was a peach Bellini candle from Bath & Body Works, also my favorite. Across the room, next to the television was a stack of DVDs I didn't remember being there either. I walked over to get a closer look and found Pretty Woman, Steel Magnolias, What Dreams May Come and the entire Twilight series. All were movies we had discussed that he either made fun of me for liking or hadn't seen to form an opinion yet. I was in awe that he paid such close attention and that he took the time to find and purchase them all.

  "Hello, my beautiful woman."

  I may not have heard him come in but I was running the second I knew he was reachable. I jumped into his arms and held on for dear life.

  "Someone miss me much?"

  "More than I even realized until I saw you."

  "Give me your mouth."

  I pulled back from hugging him but he never let me down. Our lips touched and it felt like it had been years. He tugged and sucked on my bottom lip while I took his top. My hands found his hair and my fingers dug in. I wanted him so bad already.

  He pulled back saying, "I'm glad to see you're just as excited as me, but we have all weekend. Let me see you first."

  "See me?"

  He set me down and took a step back.

  "Hot damn! Yes, see you. Memories don't hold a candle to the real thing."

  I stood while his eyes traveled up and down my body. I had a black pencil skirt on, with a grey semi transparent top.

  "I like the bra. Hopefully no one else did today."


  "Just saying."

  "I had a jacket on. It’s over there next to the movies, thank you very much. Speaking of movies, you got all of them?"

  "I want you happy here."

  "Would it be corny if I said where ever you are will always make me happy?"


  "I kind of thought so too."

  "Come here, woman." He pulled me back into his arms. "I missed you. Talking on the phone sucks."

  "What do you expect? We both have jobs that demand a lot of time. Maybe someday we could work something else out but for now it's our only option."

  "Sooner than later is all I'm saying."

  "I'm not touching that conversation again. We agreed to wait. So, off the subject, what do you have planned for the weekend?"

  "Doing a lot of you." He raised his eyebrows up and down, laughing.

  "That was awful."

  "You set it up!"

  I walked away and fell back on the piece of heaven known as his couch. Tony followed me, sat down and said, "You really do have a thing for this couch don't you?"

  "I never want to get up from it."

  "Too bad, we have plans."

  "We do?" I sat up, ready to hear what was in store. "What are we going to do?"

  "Well, I don't really have anything planned yet, but I was hoping we could get your friends together and go out."

  "No way! I thought we were keeping everyone out of this."

  "I thought that was more for Sadie and Ash's situation, but if you don't want me to get to know your friends..."

  "No, I do, I do! Let me call Kara."

  I leapt off the couch and went for my phone.

  "Guess it was a good idea?"

  "The best!"

  Two seconds later Kara answered.

  "Hey girly, I thought you were going to Tony's for the weekend?"

  "I am. Who's up for a night out?"

  "Seriously? Hell yeah I am. Let me call the guys. They're still at the office, going over numbers. I'm sure all three of them could use a drink by now."

  "Do that and call me back."

  I hung up, ran and jumped in Tony's lap.

  "We’re going to have so much fun."

  "You're awfully cute when you get excited."

  "I just can't wait for you to get to know all of them. Kara has been my best friend since kindergarten. You're going to love her."

  "From the little I got of her at the reception, I'm sure I will. What about the guys, how did you two meet them? Did you all grow up together?"

  "No, Kara met Chad at a frat party in college. Chris and Ryan are his best friends."

  "Which one was up at your work the other day?"

  Crap, I didn't want to go here.

  "That was Ryan."

  "What's the history with you two?"

  "What do you mean? We have all been friends for years."

  "Omission is the same as lying Kate."

  "What do you want to know?"

  "Do I have anything to worry about?"

  I leaned down and brushed my lips across his. "No, you're more than I can handle as it is."

  "That's all I care about."

  "Huh, here I thought it was me that you cared about."

  "You know what I mean. I don't want to have to worry about beating his ass. You aren't going anywhere, you're mine."

  "Yes, I am."

  My phone started to ring. I grabbed it and saw it was Ryan. Could it be worse timing?

  "What's up, are you guys in for some drinks?"

  "Without a doubt. Trying to decide on remodeling is not a man’s job."

  "I didn't know you guys wanted to remodel, why not ask Kara?"

  "She wants to set the budget for two hundred grand and I thinks she's fucking crazy."

  "Good luck with that. So, what is everyone in the mood for?"

  "Lots of alcohol."

  "I meant location. Are we talking club, bar, restaurant?"

  "I'm thinking pool hall."

  "Really? That will be fun. You guys decide where and text me the address."

  "Sounds good. See you soon."


  I hung up the phone and looked down at Tony.

  "So, I guess it's a pool hall."

  Tony looked up at me with a smirk I understood all too well. "Do we have a little time before we leave?"

  "We can be late."

  Two hours later we were pulling into the address Ryan had sent me. It was a dive, but I didn't care. I was so ready for my friends to get to know Tony.

  We walked in holding hands and spotted the group immediately, minus Reed. Tony's grip got stronger the closer we got, so in return, I squeezed back, looking at him smiling.

  "It's going to be great,
I promise."

  Several steps later, I was introducing Tony to everyone again. Kara hugged him to death and all of the guys shook hands.

  "Where's Reed tonight?"

  "Bad subject."

  I looked at Kara, wondering why she would say that when Ryan said, "Chris cheated and he found out."

  I shot a dirty look over at Chris and said, "Really? He was perfect for you."

  "He didn't have what Chris needed apparently."

  Kara hit Chad, making it obvious he wasn't supposed to say anything. Tony looked at me confused, so I leaned into him and whispered, "Chris switch hits every now and again."

  "I heard that."

  "Sorry, but it's true."

  "Whatever makes you happy, dude. I'm not here to judge."

  "About time somebody comes along who doesn't. Thanks, Tony."

  "Whatever, don't act like any of us give a crap who you sleep with. I just feel bad for Reed, I liked him."

  "So did I Kate, why do you think I'm working my ass off to get him back."

  "Anybody want to grab a table?"

  I felt bad; Tony was trying to defuse the situation, not knowing we were like family. We laugh and fight but still love each other to death.

  "Sounds like a plan. I will go see if any are available."

  I wasn't sure if Ryan offered to be nice or to remove himself from the situation, either way he walked over to the bar. I turned to Tony, watching him and Chad laughing about something. Just the sight of him turned me on. He had to be the sexiest man on the planet. The way his shirt clung to every ripped muscle when he moved, made me want to drag my tongue...

  "You're a goner."

  I heard Kara but I never diverted my focus.

  "Yes, I am."

  "As long as he's worthy of you, looks alone don't make the man."

  I turned to look at her and said, "I know, but he has it all, and I mean all!"

  "Somebody got lucky enough to find the book boyfriend after all?"

  "I. Found. Her."

  Both of our heads turned to find Tony behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

  "I'm the lucky one, not her."

  "Okay, I'm all for happily ever afters but don't make me want to put the book down because it’s too unbelievably perfect. In other words, I'm gagging guys. Fight or something!"

  "Why is she comparing us to a book?"


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