Fair Catch (Love and Sports Series)

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Fair Catch (Love and Sports Series) Page 2

by Quinn, Meghan

  He watched her every move as Mason rambled on about the tournament the football team hosted every year. Parker, Jake recognized from the baseball team, came up behind the gorgeous blonde and scooped her up around her waist. Jake instantly wanted to send his linemen in for the kill to take out Parker, even though Jake didn’t even know the girl. She laughed as Parker twirled her around. That was when he noticed they were the team Mason was talking about. The “Unstoppables” they called themselves.

  Jake interrupted his friend. “Mason, who the hell is that?” He pointed at the beauty in front of him.

  Mason gave him a puzzled look. “Have you been dead the last three years?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Mason pointed at the girl, “That is the infamous Sexy Lexi, man.”

  Jake’s jaw nearly hit the floor. “I thought that was some locker room myth bullshit that some lonely guy made up.”

  The guys always talked about “Sexy Lexi” but he never thought the image the guys built up in the locker room was an actual living, breathing human person. Now that he looked at her, what the guys said didn’t even do her justice.

  “No, she’s the real deal.”

  “How come this is the first time I’m ever seeing her?”

  Mason laughed, “Well word on the street is she hates the football team, calls us a bunch of douchebags and she doesn’t go out much.”

  “Well, we are douchebags, look at us.”

  They both looked around the party and took in all their teammates, it was a conglomeration of idiotic asses parading around, showing off their muscles to the ladies, doing beer bongs and acting like adolescent morons by daring each other into stupid antics.

  “Dear God,” Mason said, “I hope we never acted like that.”

  Jake clinked his beer with Mason’s and said, “I’m afraid we did.”

  “That’s embarrassing to think about.”

  Jake chuckled. “Slightly. So tell me more about Lexi. She’s a senior?”

  Mason laughed at him. “Forget about it man. She is the type of girl you aren’t used to. She is no one night bang. There is no way you are getting in her pants.”

  Annoyed by his friend’s assumption, which would have been accurate last year, he got up and headed into the kitchen to get another beer. Was he really looked at as a guy who just banged any girl he saw? Jake shook his head in disappointment, he was that guy and he only had himself to blame.

  Mason caught up to him. “Dude, I didn’t mean to insult you back there.”

  Jake shook him off. “No, don’t worry about it. Something changed for me over the summer. It’s hard to explain but I don’t want to be that guy anymore.

  Mason grabbed them both another beer. “Any guy would want to be in your shoes, you know? And you just want to throw it away?”

  “Out of everyone, I would think you would understand the most, being in a serious relationship and all.”

  Mason’s face went sober. “I do understand. It gets lonely, I always wondered how you did it man.”

  Jake shrugged Mason’s comment off. “Well I’m tired of being alone.”

  “You know you’re not alone.” Mason put his hand on Jake’s shoulder.

  Ever since Jake found out about his parent’s accident, Mason had never left his side. Mason invited him to every holiday and made him a part of his family, something Jake will be forever grateful toward Mason for. Mason’s family took him in when he had nowhere else to go.

  “I know, thanks.”

  Mason shivered and said, “Alright, I need to get wasted now because we’re looking like a bunch of pansy ass fairies right now.”

  Jake laughed. “Before you get wasted and lose all ability to hold a decent conversation I have one question.”


  “Is Lexi dating Parker? They seem awfully chummy.”

  “Chummy? Really? Did you lose your balls this summer or something? You better clean up your act and get your bad boy image going before we get back on the field. Lord knows the guys won’t let that kind of shit slip.”

  Jake rolled his eyes. “Just answer the damn question.”

  Mason smirked. “Not that I know of. She hasn’t really had any kind of relationship I don’t’ think. She’s been untouchable but she has been starring in every male athlete’s dream that lives and breathes near her.”

  Jake could imagine that easily. One look and he was hooked on her. He had an incessant need to get to know her, to hold her, to touch her. He watched Lexi walk out on the deck after her and Parker won the last game in the tournament. Parker was trapped by one of the girl lacrosse players who wasn’t actually too bad to look at, so Jake decided to take the opportunity to make his move with Lexi.

  She was leaning against one of the pillars on the deck when he approached her from behind and what a fantastic behind she had. Her jeans fit her like a glove and glided over every single curve she had, as well as the purple shirt she was wearing. Her hair was cascading over her shoulders urging his hand to reach out and run his fingers through it. She wasn’t wearing heels like he normally preferred from a girl but the flats she was wearing made her seem oddly fragile, given her tough girl exterior she displayed for the world.

  “You’ve got a good shot.” He said, startling her.

  She turned around with her hand to her heart, her eyes wide with shock. They were the color of the sky on a bright sunny day and her mouth looked beyond kissable.

  “Jesus, you scared the crap out of me.”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

  “So you think sneaking up on someone isn’t going to startle them?” She said while crossing her arms over her ample chest. He averted his eyes so she didn’t catch him staring at her breasts but it was too late. Her forehead creased together in displeasure.

  “You really are some player, like everyone says. You talk to me for two seconds and you’re already staring at my breasts.”

  She sucked the air right out of his sails. She didn’t even give him a chance to put on his charm before she started shooting him down. She shook her head in disgust and started to move past him. Never had a woman so instantly rejected him without even giving him a chance to convince her otherwise. She almost got past him before he let go of the shock that took over his body and stood in front of her so she couldn’t move past him.

  She looked up at him in horror. “Are you serious right now? You aren’t going to let me through?”

  He held up his hand to stop her from talking. “Listen I think we got off on the wrong foot here.” He held out his hand. “I’m Jake.”

  She looked at him with displeasure. “I know exactly who you are. I haven’t been dead the last three years at this school. I’m just glad to see that you’re living up to your reputation.”

  Now she was making him mad. She was judging him without even letting him mutter five words out of his mouth. If she wasn’t so damn intriguing and beautiful he would let her by, but he couldn’t get himself to move.

  “Wow, you’re real quick to judge.” He found himself saying.

  “Do you blame me? I’m probably the only girl at this party you haven’t banged.”

  Jake felt fire burning in his stomach. No one had ever talked to him like this and he didn’t particularly care for her attitude, even though his instincts were telling him to rip her clothes off right now and take her to bed. What was wrong with him?”

  “You’re kind of a bitch? You know that?” The words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop himself.

  She faked horror and waved a hand in front of her face. “Oh, how you hurt me with your words.” She rolled her eyes and tried to move past him once again but his stupid body stopped her again. He really wished his body and brain would reconnect because he wasn’t happy with the miscommunication between the two.

  “What is your deal? He asked.

  She crossed her hands over her chest again but this time he made sure to keep his eyes l
ocked on hers.

  “I’m not going to be another notch on your belt.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself, babe.”

  She snorted, “Oh please, I saw you drooling earlier when you were talking to your friend, Mason. I’m not an idiot. I know when I see a dog on the prowl.”

  “What if I just wanted to get to know you?”

  His off-hand comment made her laugh out loud. It almost made him laugh if he hadn’t changed his perspective this year.

  “That would be the day. You’re just a ladies man that has always gotten his way. Not this time!”

  “That’s not true.” He objected. Then all of a sudden, as if the dating Gods were punishing him, two girls from the soccer team, twins to be exact, Judy and Julie, walked up on either side of him and rubbed their breasts against his arms as they encircled him.

  “Jake, you promised you would meet up with us after the summer was over. We’ve been waiting for you.” They whined.

  Perfect timing Jake thought. He looked back at Lexi who rolled her eyes and finally escaped past him. He watched her walk away and saddle up right next to Parker, who put an arm around her shoulder and kissed her on the head. She whispered something in his ear, causing him to look back at Jake and then nod toward the door. They were gone in a matter of seconds and he was left with the soccer twins. That went well, he thought sarcastically as the twins continued to press their bodies against his.


  Chapter 3

  Lexi was still reeling from the party the night before and the audacity Jake had of coming up to her and just staring at her boobs. She knew she was way bigger than her body called for and she was wearing a low cut shirt but could he have been any more of a pig?

  She thought about when he first told her she had a “good shot”, she was so startled he actually spoke to her that she failed to hate him for a second. When she turned around she was even more startled by how ruggedly handsome he was. She cursed and hated herself for even thinking he was handsome, but how could she not? The guy was a freaking fantasy. No man should ever be that attractive. He was muscular beyond belief, had light brown hair that was styled just perfect in a short do and he had the lightest green eyes she had ever seen. Plus his dimples and chin cleft didn’t help. She felt herself completely melting in his presence which was why she acted like a complete bitch, which thankfully he called her out on, because she didn’t want anything to do with him. He was trouble with a capital “T”.

  “Hello, Lex, come on you have two more sets to go. I would like to get out of here before my morning class starts.”

  Lexi snapped out of her thoughts. “Sorry Margo.”

  The team had morning strength and conditioning and Margo and her were always partners. They were just finishing up their bench press when Lexi got lost in thoughts.

  “What’s going on girl? Why are you so out of it today?”

  Lexi finished up her last rep and helped Margo switch the weight. Margo always lifted more than her.

  Lexi blew out a breath while Margo laid down on the bench and began her reps.

  “Jake Taylor approached me at the party last night.”

  Margo placed the bar back on the rack. “Ooo, girl. You’re lucky.”

  Lexi gave her friend a wrinkled look. “I want nothing to do with him. He is so full of himself and believes anyone who is in his presence should bow at his feet. He is so obnoxious and arrogant…”

  Margo interrupted her, “Wow, slow down. If I didn’t know any better I would say you like him?”

  Lexi huffed. “Didn’t you hear anything I just said?”

  “Loud and clear, you might as well go punch him on the playground. You’re so crushing on him.”

  “I am not!”

  Lexi felt her face starting to burn from anger…or was it embarrassment?

  Margo set the weights down and looked at Lexi. “I can tell by the way your face is all red. You like him. Join the crowd, girl. Every girl who sets eyes on him can’t help but fall under his charms.”

  They took the weights off and marked off their reps on the workout sheets provided by their trainer.

  “I don’t like him. If anything, I despise the guy. He just noticed me for the first time last night! We’ve been in the same class since we were freshman. That is just insulting.”

  “How is he supposed to notice you when you’ve been a hermit your entire college career. Plus, he doesn’t really have to notice girls when they’re always throwing their bodies in front of his face.”

  Lexi flipped her friend off and went to return her training sheet back to her file where the trainer kept all of the athlete’s workouts. Lexi was annoyed with Margo’s accusations.

  She did not like Jake Taylor, not even close. Yea, he was attractive, she would give him that but he was a player, he had his dick in almost every girl who was willing in the athletic department and he was completely and overly full of himself. Why would she want anything to do with him?

  She was mad at Parker for dragging her to the stupid party in the first place. Yea, she should be living up her senior year like he said, but she didn’t need complications like Jake Taylor getting in her way. She still had to figure out what she was doing with her life after softball. Parker was lucky, he would be able to continue to play the sport that he loved and make millions by doing so, but Lexi, she had to actually go out into the real world and find what interested her.

  She walked over to the water fountain to fill up her water bottle while she replayed her encounter with Cal U’s one and only ladies’ man over in her head. She cursed herself for envisioning his smile and remembering the little flutter that took place at the bottom of her stomach when he stopped her from walking away. No, she would not think about him, that was exactly what he would want.

  She turned to grab Margo when she ran straight into a tall muscular mass. The impact caused her to fall back and stumble until she fell straight on her ass. Embarrassment laced through her body as she looked up and made eye contact with those light green eyes she couldn’t stop thinking about since last night.

  “Whoa, sorry there Lexi.” Jake said, while reaching out a hand to help her up. She ignored his hand and got up herself. Margo caught up to her and the smirk on Margo’s face made Lexi want to punch her best friend square in the boob.

  “Hey Jake.” Margo said. “Looks like you took down our little center fielder. No one ever knocks her down.”

  Lexi looked at Margo as if she was insane for talking to him. She grabbed her friends arm and started walking away from the massive football player. Margo was mumbling something under her breath when Lexi was yanked back by the arm.

  “Hold up” Jake said. “I want to talk to you.”

  Lexi looked at Margo and said, “Go ahead talk away. Margo I’ll catch up with you later.”

  Margo stopped her. “Deary, he wants to talk to you, not me.”

  Lexi turned to Jake to confirm and he just smiled. Lexi folded her arms in front of her chest putting off the most defensive stance she knew and asked, “What do you want? And why they hell are you up this early? The football team never has to work out this early.”

  “I wanted to catch you before you went to class.”

  Lexi shook her head. “How do you even know I have class this morning?” She held up her hand. “Wait, I don’t care, just tell me what you want.”

  “Fine, I’ll get right down to the point. I want you to be my date for the alumni dinner this Friday.”

  Lexi felt her mouth drop to the floor. He wants her to be his date? Want? He didn’t even ask, he just stated his needs. She was about to open her mouth in protest when Margo beat her to it and said, “She would love to. What time?” Margo’s interjection made Jake smile, causing Lexi to slightly melt but then she realized what Margo said and she was able to regain her senses.

  “No, I would not love to. Where the hell do you get off going around demanding what you want people to do? You can find yourself another date. Lord
knows any girl will trade her left tit to go on a date with you.”

  Her comment made Jake laugh, causing rage to take residence in Lexi’s body. “What is so funny?” She asked.

  “You, you’re so stubborn.”

  “I’m stubborn? Because I don’t want to go out with you? That’s not stubborn, that’s just knowing what I don’t want and I’m sorry to say but that’s you.”

  Jake feigned an attack to his heart as he put his hands to his chest. “Your words kill me.” She rolled her eyes. He straightened up and said, “I’ll bet you for it.”

  Lexi wanted to take out whoever told him all about her. How the hell did he know she never turned down a bet? It was her one weakness, whenever someone said they would bet her, it was practically impossible for her to refuse. She looked at Jake and knew no matter what he said, she wouldn’t be able to refuse because she wanted to put him in his place and wipe that damn smirk off his gorgeous mug.

  “What are you thinking about?” She asked. She saw Margo rub her hands together in excitement next to her.

  Jake stepped closer so he was inches from her. She had to crank her head up to look at him in the eyes because he was significantly taller than she was. He drew her in with those green eyes and his all-male scent pulled at her very core. Damn him.

  “I challenge you to a race?”

  Margo laughed. “A race? How is that fair?”

  Lexi wanted to shut her friend up but she knew she might be right. Yes, Lexi was the fastest girl in her conference but Jake was Jake Taylor, about to be a first round draft pick. She didn’t stand much of a chance.

  “A race on the slide board.” Jake finished.

  Lexi couldn’t help but smile. She owned the slide board, it was the one thing she could beat anybody at. When she was first introduced to the contraption she was intimidated by it, now she couldn’t get enough of it.

  “You’re on! What are the rules?” Lexi was practically shaking with excitement.

  “We slide for a minute. Whoever gets the most touches wins.”


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