Fair Catch (Love and Sports Series)

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Fair Catch (Love and Sports Series) Page 4

by Quinn, Meghan

  She paced back and forth some more when the elevator opened and Jake walked out with a smirk on his face. It took all the energy in the world not to smack the smirk right off his face.

  “Finally!” She said while throwing her hands up in the air. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “Am I missing something? He said two, right? It’s ten till so I don’t know why you’re acting like I’m thirty minutes late.”

  “Let’s just get my phone and leave.”

  He shrugged as she turned and knocked on the professor’s door.

  “Come in.” Professor Lyon called out.

  Lexi pushed the door open and Jake leaned over her to push the door farther open for her so she could walk in. She caught a whiff of his cologne which filled her senses with urges she shouldn’t be having toward who she considered to be the devil’s child.

  Lexi stepped in the Professor’s office and instantly started to apologize. “Professor Lyon, I’m so sorry, I completely…”

  The professor held up his hand to stop her and got up from his chair. “Why Jake Taylor, I didn’t know you were the culprit on the other end of that class disturbance.” He sneered at Lexi. “How come you didn’t tell me it was Jake who text you.”

  Lexi was confused. “I didn’t know it was…”

  Jake interrupted her. “She doesn’t like to flaunt our relationship around.” He said while wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her in tight. She tried to free herself but he was too strong for her, a move that should make her incredibly mad instead made her legs feel like Jell-O. She despised herself.

  “Oh, I didn’t know you were seeing someone.” The professor said, “You’re one lucky lady.” He handed Lexi her phone back. “Just remember to put it on silent next time sweetheart.” He looked at Jake and put his hand out to shake Jake’s. “Good luck this season, boy. I’m expecting another championship from your men.”

  “You can bet on it. Take care professor and thanks for being so understanding with my girl.”

  His girl? Lexi stared at the two men, Jake had the biggest grin on his face while Professor Lyon looked like he was star struck. Lexi wanted to puke from the attention Jake received, even from the staff, it was sickening.

  They said their good byes and next thing Lexi knew, she was riding in a small elevator next to Jake wrapped up in his magnificent scent. He turned to say something to her when the elevator door dinged on the fifth floor and a pretty little brunette walked in. Lexi watched the brunette’s eyes widen when she spotted Jake.

  “Oh my God, Jake. It’s been so long. I can’t believe I’ve run into you.”

  “Bridget, hey how’s it going?”

  Bridget? Did he know every single girl on campus? Lexi rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, trying to act like the brunette’s perky attitude toward Jake didn’t bother her but it did. All Lexi envisioned was yanking on the brunette’s hair until she fell backwards on the floor. She thought about her little vehement daydream and decided not only was Jake making her crazy, he was causing her to think more violently and she didn’t like that, not one bit.

  Lexi listened to their mundane banter while they rode to the first floor. Thankful for the distraction, Lexi slipped out of the elevator and started heading toward the practice fields. She was happy she only had a little interaction with Jake, she was dreading picking up her phone all day because she would have to stumble upon the king of campus.

  What was that whole scene with the professor about anyway? Now that she thought about it, she wondered how the professor was going to treat her if the person who text her wasn’t Jake? Would he have kicked her out of his class? He couldn’t do that, he probably would have given her a good lecture and warning and then sent her on her way. Instead she was stamped as Jake’s girl and sent on her way with a damn smile and a wave.

  “Hey Lex, wait up.”

  Turning around, Lexi saw Jake jogging toward her. She let out a frustrated sound and kept walking, slightly quickening her pace but clearly not fast enough because of course he caught up to her.

  “Hey, sorry about that back there. Bridget is a family friend.”

  Lexi snorted. “Sure, is that what you’re calling them now, ‘family friends’?”

  Jake turned her around so she was facing his extremely muscular chest. She had to practically tilt her whole head back to look him in the eyes.

  “Jesus, what the hell is your problem?”

  “Don’t touch me.” Was all she could say and started walking toward the fields, again.

  “Listen, I’m sorry about the text, but honestly how was I supposed to know you were dumb enough to leave the volume up on your phone.”

  “You think that was my fault?” She whirled around. “Maybe if you didn’t screw with my head this morning, I would have been able to think straight and turn my phone off.”

  He smiled, causing her to think nasty thoughts of how to pluck every last inch of his gorgeous hair off his head. “You’re thinking about me?”

  “Oh. My. God! You’re so full of yourself.”

  “Just stating the facts. But hey, I’m sorry about earlier. I just want you to know that. I’ll see you tomorrow at six. Alright?”

  She looked at him, searching his features for any kind of joke he might be playing on her. “You’re serious? You actually think I’m going to that dinner with you tomorrow?”

  “Uh, yea, I won fair and square so put on your fanciest dress because I’m taking you out tomorrow. I don’t care what you say. You owe me.”

  “I owe you?”

  “Yea, I won so you need to pay up. I would have held up my end of the bet if I lost.”

  “I doubt that.” He just smiled at her. “Fine, I’ll see you at six but don’t expect anything magical from me. It is one night, one dinner that is all and then you need to go back to ignoring me and hanging out with every other girl on campus.”

  “Ignoring you is not even an option for me. See you at six, babe.”

  Lexi turned around not even whispering a good bye because his last sentence made her catch her breath. Why was he all of a sudden turning on the charm for her? He had three years to add her to his bang list, why now? She couldn’t get distracted by him, she needed to figure out what the hell she was going to do with her life, not play dreamland with the hottest guy on campus.

  Chapter 4

  “Margo, I’m not wearing that.” Lexi said while pointing at the barely there dress her friend was holding up. “It doesn’t even have a back.”

  “Duh, that’s why it’s so sexy.”

  Lexi kept searching through the racks to find something semi presentable to wear to the damn dinner Jake conned her into going to. “That dress might be fine for you but for a girl my size.” Lexi lifted her breasts in her friend’s direction, “Backless doesn’t work for me, I need a bra and I know that doesn’t have the support I need.”

  Margo looked her up and down. “You can go braless. Your boobs are still perky.”

  “I hope you’re kidding.”

  “What about this one?” Margo held out a midnight blue dress with an a-symmetrical neckline that would work well for Lexi’s breasts. Lexi studied the beautiful midnight color carefully and liked what she saw.

  “You know, I kind of like it. I could wear my glitter pumps with it.”

  “And you can borrow my silver clutch. Oh Lex, you have to try it on, it will probably look gorgeous on you.”

  A slight thrill of excitement took place in Lexi’s stomach. A date with Jake was not what she wanted but she couldn’t help but feel excited. It wasn’t very often a girl got to get all dressed up and go out to a nice dinner with an extremely good looking man.

  Lexi tried to get out of going shopping with Margo but her friend wasn’t letting her get away with the shopping trip and Lexi was a little grateful. She only wished Margo gave her a second to breathe before shoving her in Margo’s car and driving to the mall. She barely had time to take a shower after practice befo
re Margo whisked her away to Macy’s before it closed.

  The clothes that were hung up in Lexi’s closet were less than desirable for a fancy dinner. Her usual “look” consisted of her hair up in a bun with a headband, sweats or gym shorts depending on the weather and a t-shirt, so putting on such an elegant piece of clothing made her stomach flutter. She tried not to show her excitement to Margo though because Lexi knew Margo would make fun of her and Lexi was not up for teasing. She was barely able to make herself think about going out with Jake, she didn’t need the teasing to add to her anxiety.

  They headed to the dressing room to try on the dress when Lexi’s phone chimed with a text message. It was from Parker.

  Parker: Hey kid, hope the shopping is going well

  “Is that Jake?” Margo said while carrying out the last letter of his name. Lexi rolled her eyes.

  “No it’s Parker.” Lexi noticed her friend perk up with more interest than if the text was actually from Jake.

  “What did he say?” She said while smoothing her hair down that was by no means out of place. Lexi studied her friend’s change of attitude. She was all of a sudden primping herself and incredibly intrigued by the message on her phone. Interesting, very interesting.

  “He just wanted to see how the shopping was going.”

  “Oh. Well, go try that on, I need to see it on you.”

  Lexi walked into the dressing room and cringed at the lights they put in the rooms, they were extremely unflattering. How anyone bought anything under this lighting was a miracle. While she was taking off her clothes, she studied her body in the mirror.

  She had to admit, she was extremely lucky in the genes department. She was blessed with a fast metabolism and a killer rack which irritated her most of the time but when she wanted to flaunt it, she was happy she had them. She was petite but still able to hold her own, thanks to the strength and conditioning department. She by no means bulked up like some of the girls on her team. Instead she toned, giving her a great body. Something she wished she put more use to throughout her college years.

  She sighed thinking about the last time she actually had a man admire her body, truly admire her, it had been years. Years! What was she doing with her life? Yes, she held practically every softball record at the school but that was going to do her jack shit when she graduated. She had nothing to say for herself. No job opportunities or even career path in mind and no man to take care of her if she wanted. Not that she would ever want to be a woman who stood smiling by her man’s side. That was her mother, not her. Lexi was a strong confident woman, who held her own. At least she thought she was.

  She slipped the dress up her body and put the asymmetrical strap over her one arm. Thankfully she was able to get the side zipper up by herself. She smoothed the dress down and looked up at her reflection. She nearly fell over from disbelief. That couldn’t be her in the mirror, she looked too good.

  The dress fit like a glove hugging every curve and offering a very generous slip that cut to her upper right thigh displaying her toned legs. Thank you squats!

  “Come on Lex, I’m dying out here.” Margo whined.

  Lexi chuckled and walked out of the dressing room, wishing her hair was not in a wet bun on top of her head.

  Margo stared at her with her mouth open. “Oh my God, you’re getting that dress and I don’t care what you say. You look beyond amazing. I’m sending a picture to Parker.”

  Lexi did a quick pose for the camera and then looked at the mirror again that was in the middle of the dressing room. “I do kind of look good, don’t I?”

  “Kind of? Girl, you look hot. Jake is not going to know what hit him. Teach him to make a bet again.”

  Lexi’s phone chimed, it was Parker.

  Parker: Uh, you are not going out in that, you look too damn good.

  Margo read the text message out loud and slightly frowned but gathered herself when she looked back at Lexi. Very interesting, Lexi thought. If Margo kept razzing her about Jake, Lexi was going to have to return the favor with Parker. Although it wasn’t like Lexi’s teasing would really affect her friend. Margo had her fair share of men throughout their years together. She probably had her share and Lexi’s share, maybe that’s where all the men went that were supposed to be paying attention to her, they were all over at Margo’s. Not that she blamed them. Margo had the longest legs she had ever seen and the prettiest brown hair, a color you can’t find in a box or at a salon and beautiful green eyes.

  “Please tell me you’re getting that.”

  Lexi played with her friend a little. “I don’t know. It shows an awful lot of leg.”

  Margo blew out a frustrated breath. “You have got to be kidding me. I’m going to shoot you. If you can’t realize that is the perfect dress for you…”

  Lexi cut her friend off before she blew a gasket right in the middle of the department store. “Margo I’m kidding, of course I’m going to get this dress. It’s perfect.”

  “Thank God, I really wasn’t in the mood for wrestling you to the ground and forcing you to buy the damn thing.”

  Lexi raised an eyebrow at her. “You really think you could take me?”

  “We’re not getting into this right now. Go get dressed, I’m starving and there is a piece of pizza at Sbarros that’s calling my name.”


  Jake’s palms were sweating, he was actually nervous. He had never in his life been nervous when it came to taking a girl out. What was his problem? He should probably blame Parker. Jake saw him in the weight room earlier that morning and all Parker could talk about was how amazing Lexi looked in the dress she picked out for the night. Jake thought about it and wondered how amazing could a dress really be? Parker was probably just trying to fake Jake out, make him nervous.

  Parker did give him a little man to man warning though, which Jake thought was odd. If Jake didn’t know any better he would have thought Parker had feelings for Lexi. How unlucky would that be for Jake if that really was the truth? Then he would have absolutely no shot at getting to know Lexi. That’s all he really wanted, he wanted to get to know her a little better, see what made her tick and if he happened to kiss her then, oops, so be it.

  He wanted to do a lot more then kiss her but he knew she was the type of girl you had to take your time with and he was ready to put in the time. Never in his life had he ever felt this strongly about a girl that came his way. It was kind of strange. He wondered if this was what growing up and turning into a man was like?

  Completely out of place, Jake didn’t know how he felt about his feelings because if being a man meant sweating profusely before a date and getting nervous to the point of nausea then he wanted nothing to do with being a man. He adjusted his tie before he knocked on the door of Lexi’s villa. They surprisingly only lived a couple of buildings away from each other. It was an easy five minute walk to pick her up. He drove though so they could head straight to the dinner that was being held in one of the many gyms they had on campus.

  Jake smoothed down his tailored pants and brushed off a piece of lint that was on his steel grey suit that he paired with a white shirt and black tie. The suit jacket fit him to a tee, he preferred a more tailored look rather than a baggy suit that most of the guys on his team wore. He worked hard for his body and he liked to show it off when he could.

  He knocked on the door again and put his hands in his pockets so he didn’t look like a fool wringing his hands together, which would blatantly show off his nerves. Hell, he had to look as cool as a cucumber. He heard the door unlock and Margo opened the door.

  Looking him up and down, she said, “Hey Jake, you look really good.” Jake liked Margo, she was incredibly nice, easy on the eyes and she was Team Jake which was refreshing since Lexi seemed to be anti-Jake. “She will be out in a minute. Can I get you a drink?”

  At the mention of a drink, Jake felt his throat parch. “Uh, yea some water would be nice, thank you.”

  “Not a problem.” Jake watched Margo’s tall,
lithe body slide behind the bar of the kitchen and grab a glass to fill for him. “Did you get to take a look at the gym this morning where the dinner is being held?”

  “No I didn’t get a chance. Did you?”

  “Yes.” Margo sighed. “It’s so dreamy. You would never know it was a gym.”

  “Yea, the alumni go all out for this event. It’s my second year being invited, it’s kind of boring when it comes to all the networking you have to do but the dinner and dancing is great.”

  “Well Lexi is one lucky girl.” At the mention of her name, Lexi walked out of her room and Jake almost choked on the water Margo handed him. Margo patted him on the back, trying to help him regain his composure but she could do all the patting she wanted because he didn’t think he would ever recover from seeing Lexi.

  “You ok there big boy?” Margo said while grabbing the glass from him.

  Jake could only nod because he had never seen anything as beautiful as Lexi. She wore a deep blue dress that made her sky blue eyes sparkle, the slit in the dress made Jake’s mouth water and the way her hair cascaded over her shoulders in soft like waves begged for Jake’s fingers to explore the depths of her blonde locks.

  He realized he was staring, cleared his throat and tried to avert his eyes from the smug grin on Margo’s face. “Wow, Lexi, you…uh you look gorgeous.”

  Lexi fidgeted in place and that was when he saw the glitter stilettos she was wearing. It took all the energy in Jake’s body not to toss her against the wall and take what he so desperately wanted.

  “Thanks, uh should we get going? We don’t want to be late.”

  “Yes, let’s get going.” Jake felt so awkward, usually he was a lot smoother than this but Lexi seemed to drive away all coherent thoughts he developed in his brain. He was helpless around her.


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