Madison's Mobster (Genoa Mafia #2)

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Madison's Mobster (Genoa Mafia #2) Page 2

by Ginger Ring


  Roman had studied the crowd in attendance since they’d stepped through the door. Unfortunately, anyone matching the description of the owner of Bells and Bows was nowhere to be found. He focused again on the gorgeous woman in the green gown. Whenever she twirled by on the dance floor it took all his will not to step out and ask for the next.

  Damn, he was restless and horny. Yesterday he’d ditched Arlo, leaving him to search a new area for leads on Andrea. It was early when he stopped by the coffee shop hoping to spot the beauty from the day before. The place was full of people talking, actually talking. Not sitting around staring in silence at the screens of their phones and tablets.

  He chuckled to himself as he caught sight of the woman sitting by herself enjoying her cake, a look of pure joy on her face. Had she come back looking for him too? As fate would have it, he received a call that couldn’t wait and he left before she spotted him. Folding his arms across his chest, he scowled. There was no way things would work out between them anyway. They were from two different worlds. Hers was a world of lake picnics and dances, his was the underworld.

  A loud growl sounded from his lips every time a man asked the woman he wanted for a dance. At least she didn’t appear to be here with a date. She’d changed partners too many times for that. Finally, after too many dances for his liking, she found a table to rest. A beauty like that shouldn’t be sitting alone. He smirked as she eased her foot out of a shoe and sighed with relief. The exhale puffed her breasts up and he bit back the urge to lick his lips. Too much work and too little play lately had kept him out of the company of women for way too long. Not to mention his father’s insistence that if he didn’t find a wife soon, the family would arrange one. To hell with tradition. There’s no way he would agree to that.

  His gaze returned to the one he was interested in. A heart shaped face, long neck, and an elegant stance. The glamourous gown fit her curves to perfection and outshone the other women. Only Valentina’s designer dress came in a close second. Her skin appeared porcelain next to the vivid coloring of the dress and complemented her deep brown hair. Roman swore and slammed the rest of his brandy in one sip. What the hell was he doing thinking about porcelain skin and complementing colors? Hell, if the men heard him talking like that, they’d have him committed to the loony bin.

  “Everything seems to be going well.” Valentina stepped to his side as quietly as a ninja. Maybe he should add her to the list of enforcers. No one would hear her coming. Yeah, considering his sis for a hitman? Maybe he did need to see a shrink.

  “Great turn out, but I can’t seem to find the woman I’m looking for.”

  Valentina lifted a shoulder and gave the group the once over. “I’m sure any number of them would like you to ‘look them over.’” Her eyebrows wiggled.

  She was a royal pain in the ass at times but he wouldn’t trade her for the world. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Then who are you looking for?”

  “The woman I told you to give the invite to.”

  Her face was blank.

  “You know, the older bridal shop owner. I was told she was around sixty with blonde hair.”

  “Oh, Romeo, sometimes you are so clueless.” She looped her arm through his and led him to the tables along the dance floor.

  Yes, she was damn lucky to be his sister because no one dared talk to him like that. If anyone had, they’d be at the bottom of a lake right now sporting some cement shoes. What the hell? Valentina dragged him toward the table with the stunning young lady in the green dress.

  “Hello, I’m so glad you came,” Valentina shouted above the loud music.

  The woman slipped her shoe back on and got to her feet. “I wouldn’t miss it. I’ve gone every year for as long as I can remember, but this location is by far my favorite.” She waved a graceful hand at their surroundings. “Thank you so much for the personal invitation.”

  “You are most welcome. The boss wanted to make sure all the local business owners would be in attendance. Giving good references is the best kind of advertising.”

  Romeo almost fell over backward. Had their information been wrong? The woman he’d followed with his eyes all night was the one he’d been searching for. His moment of glee suddenly shot down by the thought that she might be next on Diego’s hit list.

  “I agree. Being in the wedding business, I can’t help but think what a wonderful place this would be for a reception.”

  “And your dress. I love it. Is it from your store?” Valentina reached out to touch the fabric. “It’s fabulous. I must know the name of the designer.”

  “I designed it myself.”

  He could give a shit about their talk of dresses and designers and chose to concentrate on her spectacular smile. Her full lips were magnificent.

  “Really? It’s stunning. I must have you design something for me.”

  “I’d love to. Stop in the shop and we’ll talk.”

  He cleared his throat and they both turned his way. It was rare that he’d let someone else introduce him. This wasn’t his style.

  “Oh, have you met my brother Rom—ah, Roman? He owns the place.” He pinched the back of her arm in time to prevent her from calling him Romeo.

  Stepping forward, he reached for her hand. “My pleasure.”

  Those uncomfortably high but sexy shoes brought her almost to his six-foot-two eye level. “It’s wonderful to meet you again,” she said. “I’m Madison, and I promise to not throw any drinks your way this evening.”

  Valentina turned in his direction and lifted an eyebrow.

  “We bumped into each other at the coffee shop.”

  “That’s putting it nicely.” Madison spoke up. “He startled me and I spilled coffee all over the front of his nice suit.”

  “Yes, my brother scares a lot of people.” His pesky sister baited but he ignored her.

  “I hope you have been enjoying your evening so far.” A whiff of some floral perfume teased him to step closer.

  “It’s been wonderful. A bride would be in heaven to have a reception here.” Her soft hand remained in his.

  “Do you have any plans for an upcoming wedding of your own?” The cheap trick would tell him whether she’d been taken. After watching her all night and now seeing her up close, he already wanted to stake a claim. To hell with any boyfriends who needed to be out of the picture.

  Her cheeks flushed and her eyes lowered. “No, but I do run a bridal store so I plan a lot of weddings for others.”

  “Madison runs the business for her mother.” Valentina provided the information that finally sorted out the confusion.

  He nodded and regrettably let go of her hand. The band ended the lively tone and began with a slower one. “Would you care to dance, Madison?”

  “I’d love to.” She stepped closer, and with a hand to her lower back he guided her to the dance floor already crowded with couples.

  “Madison’s a beautiful name.” Up close she was even more impressive. Her pink lips, smooth skin, and deep blue eyes had captured his full attention.

  “Thank you. I must say you’re the first Roman I’ve had the pleasure of meeting.”

  He laughed. “My parents took a trip to Italy about nine months before I was born. They won’t admit it but I think it’s a good bet I was conceived in Rome.” Roman twirled her around and pressed her closer when she returned. His smile widened when she looped both arms around his neck and grinned. Her cheeks flushed and little strands of deep brown hair framed her face.

  “What a wonderful story, but I’m not sure I would share that with my children either.” Suddenly visions of a dark haired son and daughter giggling around them appeared in his mind. He’d never had this reaction to a woman before. What it meant, he wasn’t certain but Roman intended to enjoy it while he could. Good girls didn’t end up with bad boys.

  One dance became two and in no time at all it was getting late. Valentina took care of saying goodbye to the guests when she noticed
he and Madison sitting together and talking. In the few short hours they’d spent talking and sharing drinks, he enjoyed learning more about Madison, her home town, and her future aspirations. She was smart, ambitious, and easy to talk to.

  He stopped short. This was something new. Women came and went when he needed them and that was that. Roman was in the mafia. Not just that but the eldest and only son of the boss of the family. In his short life he’d moved up fast, done a lot of bad things, and never looked back. Sweet girls from small towns were not on that list. The sole purpose in meeting her was to get information from her about Andrea, and he’d spent the whole time getting to know someone who came from a totally different lifestyle than his.

  Her soft hand touched his and she smiled. Maybe that was exactly what he needed in his life.


  Disappointment shone on his face as she touched his hand. He seemed deep in thought and her gaze dropped to her watch. “I’m sorry. I’ve been talking your ear off. I’d better go before it starts to snow.” Madison rose to her feet and clutched her purse to her side. They’d had such a nice time. At least, she had. Being in his arms had her tingling in areas that hadn’t been tingly in a long time. Had she said something wrong? The man came from the windy city and probably thought she was a country bumpkin. She’d probably bored him to death and he’d been trying to think of a way out.

  “Wait. I’m sorry, I thought of some troubling news. Let me walk with you and finish our talk.” He also stood and again she felt his comforting hand on her lower back. “I could use some fresh air.”

  Instead of walking to her car, they walked along the shore of the icy lake. It had snowed during the ball and about an inch already covered the ground. White fluffy flakes still floated down. Again, she couldn’t help but think about what a perfect place this would be for events.

  “Are you cold?”

  Her cheeks pinked. “Oh, a little. Just my hands, that is.” She rubbed them together and he took one in his.

  “I’ll keep them warm.” In an instant her fingers heated and warmth spread through her limbs.

  All thoughts seemed to disappear from her head but she needed to ask something. “What was the bad news you were thinking of? Is it something I can help with?”

  “The daughter of a friend of mine has disappeared.”

  Her breathing slowed. “I know someone who’s missing also. It’s heartbreaking.”

  “Is her name Andrea?” He spoke quietly, his gaze never leaving hers. Long, strong fingers gently entwined with her own.


  “Do you have any idea what might have happened?” Roman squeezed her hand.

  “No, but I worry her former fiancé might have something to do with it.”

  “How so?” His eyebrows furrowed.

  “She purchased her dresses from me. I didn’t care for the man.” A shiver rippled through her and it wasn’t from the cold.


  Madison pinched her lips together before speaking. “I got a bad vibe from him. He was domineering.” Thinking back on her dealings with him, the man had been terrifying. “I got the feeling that if things didn’t go his way there would be trouble.” What had Andrea seen in him in the first place?

  “Did he ever threaten her or you?”

  She shook her head and tried to concentrate on the Christmas lights decorating the homes around the lake. “No, but I know he abused her. When she came for fittings, I noticed bruises on her skin.” Madison faced him again. “I finally got her to admit they were from him.” Tears threatened her eyes. “I begged her to go to the police and call the wedding off.” She trembled as Andrea’s purple and blue blemishes flashed in her head.

  This time he let go of her hand and placed his arm over her shoulder. “You did the right thing. Hopefully we will find her soon.”

  “You are looking for her too?”

  “Yes, I have some men around asking questions and a friend on the police force.”

  She sighed and briefly laid her head on his shoulder. It felt good to have someone to comfort her, if only for a short time. Andrea’s disappearance had weighed more on her than she thought. What if it wasn’t Diego and there was a murderer in their midst? Neither was a good thing. A knot settled in her stomach and the rest of their walk was spent in silence.

  Regretfully, their time together would end soon. He gave her Valentina’s card to set up a meeting with her next week. Firenza’s would be ideal for a bridal fashion show next month, for all the new brides getting rings during the holidays.

  “Thanks for accompanying me. I had a wonderful time.” She chatted, hoping to spend a few more minutes with Roman. “Do you live near here?” Maybe they would be able to meet up again and talk about something more than work.

  “My driver, Arlo, is waiting to take me to my place on the lake.” Roman nodded toward the black SUV that sat near the edge of the parking lot. The linebacker-sized guy from the coffee shop stepped out of the car and closed the door. The hem of his long black coat waved in the evening air. Another man sat in the driver’s seat. The vehicle and men both stood out from the usual sights she saw in town. The reason why escaped her. Sure, there were lots of SUVs and men, but something wasn’t quite the same.

  “My car is right over there.” Her gray four-door sat alone in the distant parking lot, isolated except for a van and two college-aged men she recognized as waiters from the ball. They were engaging in a snowball fight. One narrowly missed the head of the other with a large white missile. The young men’s laughter broke the silence of the night.

  Roman accompanied her in the direction of the parking lot. Their footsteps crunched on the fresh snow. The moon poked in and out of the cloudy night sky. He held tight to her hand as if worried she might slip on the snowy ground. She already mourned the loss of it when he would finally let go. Madison felt like Cinderella right before midnight. The tick-tock of a clock in her head counted off the seconds before she’d return to her humdrum life. It was time to say goodnight. He stopped by a large oak tree on the edge of the parking lot. Did he want some privacy?

  “I have to go. Thanks again for the wonderful evening.” Madison took a step but he held tight. Her heart skipped a beat as he slowly pulled her toward him.

  “I want to see you again.” She could see his breath when he spoke.

  “To talk business?”

  “No, for a date.”

  Her heart leaped. “I’d like that.” A big smile spread across her face.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered along with some unknown words in Italian. He lifted his free hand to smooth a lock of hair that had blown in her face. It had to be below freezing but she didn’t feel the chill.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” she managed to whisper, and Roman laughed.

  What a stupid thing to say. When had she become as giddy as a teenager? She was thirty years old but sure wasn’t acting like it. His buddies in the car were probably having a good laugh.

  He leaned closer.

  She may be giddy but she wasn’t stupid. To hell with tomorrow, she would enjoy tonight.

  His lips touched hers. Suddenly her heart beat faster than it had on the dance floor. Despite the cold, she was melting inside. He pulled her tighter and deepened the kiss. Roman tasted like brandy and peppermint. A strange combination that was better than anything that had ever touched her lips before.

  The kiss deepened and a moan rumbled in her throat. Suddenly his mouth was gone. Roman smiled and stared into her eyes. When had her arms become wrapped about his neck?

  “I love a woman with passion.” He nipped her neck and she finally got a chance to thread her fingers through his hair. It was smooth and she softened into the heat of his body, with no thought…only feeling. She wasn’t one to be making out in the middle of the night with some man she just met, but it felt right.

  He pulled her closer and the evidence of his desire was hard against her stomach. The delicious assault on her lips conti
nued and there was no way she would put an end it to. Her ears burned and her pulse raced.

  Cold attacked her mouth when the warmth of his lips left hers. His brown eyes were dark as coal and he rested his forehead against hers. “I’ll call you.” Roman kissed her again and walked her to her car.

  “Thanks again.” Madison beamed as she settled into the seat and turned the key. She drove several miles before the heat kicked in but she hadn’t noticed, her thoughts busy with the events of the night.

  Not expecting there to be much more snow, she parked her car outside her home and hummed a tune as she strolled up the front steps.

  Out of nowhere, a white cloth was pressed to her face. Madison fought but the man was too strong. She couldn’t breathe, her eyes watered, and her limbs went weak.

  When she awoke, Madison realized she was in a van and her hands and feet were tied. How long they drove, she didn’t know. It could have been hours or mere minutes before they stopped. Moving her head was agony but she finally saw the driver. A lump lodged in her throat. It was Diego.


  She jerked in bed but couldn’t move. Rough hands pulled her to sitting. “Wake up,” Diego spat. Madison screamed and huddled back in the bed which was little more than a dirty cot. “I have to go see to Andrea but then I’ll be back.” His face contorted in a twisted smile. The man was insane. Why had she not noticed it before? “Then…” He grabbed her jaw in his clammy hands. “You and I will have a little fun.” Vomit threatened to rise and she struggled to get out of his hold. When he finally let go, she was on auto pilot. Her hand quickly connected with his face. The loud slap echoed in the room.


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