The Quillan Games

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The Quillan Games Page 35

by D. J. MacHale

  “You are a very brave young boy,” she said softly. “We are all very proud of you.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “You said you were looking for inspiration?” she said, and held up a dark necklace made of stone beads. It wasn’t fancy, the only unique thing about it was a single gold bead that was slightly larger than the rest. I’d say it was about the size of a large pea. “This once belonged to someone who sacrificed everything for what he believed in. I wish you would wear it. For luck.”

  I reached for the beads, but the woman gently pushed my hands aside and put it around my neck herself.

  “Who was it?” I asked.

  The old woman put her hands over my eyes to close them. She didn’t answer, and I fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, I thought for sure it was a dream. But when I touched my throat, the necklace was there. I had no idea who that old woman was, or whose necklace this was, but I had no intention of taking it off. I needed all the luck I could get.

  Finally, after so many weeks of hard work, the day came to take the next step. I had just finished a megalong run through the mall, when I got back to the department store to see Nevva and Tylee waiting for me. They looked tense. I didn’t have to ask why.

  “It’s time, isn’t it?” I asked.

  Nevva was carrying a sack. She reached inside and pulled out something I hadn’t seen in quite a while. I hoped I would never see it again, but as things turned out, that wasn’t meant to be.

  It was a red shirt with five black diagonal stripes—the jersey of Challenger Red. My uniform.

  “Get dressed,” Tylee said.

  Soon afterward I was in the back of a car being driven through the streets of Rune. The older man whose name I hadn’t learned was driving. Tylee was in the passenger seat. Nevva was next to me.

  “The campaign has been incredible,” Nevva said. It sounded like she was talking about my run for class president or something. “The anticipation is huge. Everybody wants to know when you’ll reappear. The mystery has only helped build excitement.”

  “It’s going to work, Pendragon,” Tylee said. “We’ve positioned you as being the first challenger to compete on your own terms. You’ve stood up to Blok, and now you’re going back voluntarily. That’s never happened before. I almost want to say that it doesn’t matter what happens with the Grand X. You’re already being spoken about in awe, all over Quillan.”

  “So what you’re saying is we’re in a no-lose situation. Depending on what happens I’ll either be a hero . . . or a martyr.”

  Tylee looked at me, debating about how to answer. She knew she had to be honest with me. I was too smart. “We’d much prefer you to be a hero.”

  I smiled. “Good answer.”

  “I’ll be there the day of the Grand X,” Nevva said. “In case . . .”

  She didn’t finish. I knew what she meant. She was going to be there in case I was killed. She would do all she could, as a Traveler, to bring me back.

  “It won’t come to that,” I said defiantly.

  Nevva nodded.

  I added with a smile, “But try to be there.”

  “I will,” she said.

  “So when does this big doo-da begin?” I asked.

  “Soon,” Nevva said. “I’m sure Veego and LaBerge are going to want to show you off a little and whip up some excitement. They have no idea that the entire territory is already primed and waiting.”

  “Are they expecting me?” I asked.

  “No, of course not,” Nevva answered quickly. “But the trustees have promised them that they would bring you back. Or should I say, Mr. Kayto made that promise.”

  Nevva and I exchanged looks. Saint Dane knew I’d be back. He knew I’d compete. I hated his confidence. I just hoped he was ready to live up to his end of the bargain.

  “We’re almost there,” Tylee said. “Get out quickly. We don’t want to be seen.”

  “Got it,” I said. “Just slow down enough so I don’t break my leg. How stupid would that be?”

  The old man said, “We’re proud of you, Pendragon. And more grateful than words can say.”

  “Good luck,” Tylee said. “I’d say we’ll be watching, but that’s a pretty big understatement. Millions will be watching right along with us.”

  “Good thing I’m not camera shy,” I said.

  Nevva touched my arm in a show of support. I winked and said, “I’m doing this for Remudi, too.”

  She smiled and nodded.

  The car slowed and Tylee shouted, “Go!”

  I threw open the door and jumped out. My feet barely hit the road when the old man hit the throttle and sped off. As I watched the car disappear into traffic, I felt very much alone. For a quick moment I wondered if I was doing the right thing. I had the sudden urge to take off into the city and disappear into the crowds. It didn’t last. I knew I was in the right place. Slowly I turned to see that I had been deposited exactly where I needed to be. I was standing directly in front of the big, ornate golden gates that led into the garden of Veego and LaBerge. I stood there with my hands on my hips, not entirely sure what to do. Ten seconds later the big metal gates slowly swung open with an eerie creeaaaaaaak. I stood watching until they had opened the whole way and stopped with a loud clang!

  I was headed back into the fire.




  “I never thought we’d see you again!” LaBerge said, all bubbly and happy as I walked up the marble stairs toward the front door of the castle. Behind me were the two security dados that had met me as soon as I set foot back inside the front gate. “This is just incredible! Do you know how much excitement is building for the Grand X? It’s impossible! It’s phenomenal! It’s—”

  “Yeah, I get it,” I said.

  “Oh,” LaBerge said, looking all pouty. “Just wanted to let you know how happy we are to see you back.”

  He turned with a huff and stormed into the castle. Veego stood at the top of the stairs, staring at me with those cold, calculating eyes.

  “Miss me?” I said, faking a smile.

  “They told me you’d be back,” she said coldly. “I didn’t believe them. Yet here you are. I must admit, I don’t understand.”

  I walked right up to her and said, “I’m here to win your dumb little contest. Is that a problem?”

  Veego said, “Absolutely not. This is going to be the most widely seen Grand X in the history of the games. Your running away has only raised the interest. And now that you’ve come back on your own, well, let’s just say we expect the wagering to be very high.”

  “Then we’re all good,” I said. “I want to compete and you want to look good to your bosses. Everybody’s happy.” I was being kind of obnoxious, but couldn’t help myself.

  Veego continued to stare at me suspiciously. “Don’t push your luck, Challenger Red,” she said. “We aren’t as dumb as you seem to think.”

  “Really? How dumb are you?” I asked.

  Veego didn’t fight back. “Your quarters haven’t been touched,” she said. “Settle in and we’ll begin the preparations.”

  “Terrific,” I said, and walked past her, headed into the castle.

  The woman grabbed me by the arm and said, “Just one more thing.”

  Before I realized what was happening, she deftly slipped something over my hand and pushed it all the way up my arm. I instantly felt the tight grip of the loop as it grasped my biceps.

  “Welcome back, Challenger Red,” she said with a sneer.

  I didn’t give her the satisfaction of reacting, though the feeling of being constrained again by one of their leashes made my skin crawl. I continued on into the castle, where someone was waiting for me in the grand entryway.

  “Hello, Challenger Red,” Fourteen said formally. “I’ll bring you to your room.”

  “Hi, Fourteen,” I said. “Or maybe by now you’re Fifteen.”

  My robot friend didn’t even crack a smile. />
  “Never mind,” I said. “I’m glad to see you.” I really was. He had been pretty decent to me. I was glad that he was going to be my personal dado again. The two of us walked up the staircase toward my room.

  “I wish I could say the same to you, Pendragon,” Fourteen said. “Why did you return?”

  “For the Grand X,” I said. “I’m gonna win.”

  Fourteen didn’t answer. If a robot could look worried, he looked worried.

  “What?” I asked. “Don’t you think I can?”

  “You certainly have the ability,” the dado said. “But Challenger Green does not win on ability alone.”

  “I know, he’s a rotten cheat,” I said. “Don’t worry. I’m ready for him.”

  “I do not think that is possible,” Fourteen said. “At least for you. I cannot see you lowering yourself to compete with his type of tactics.”

  “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’ve got some tactics of my own, but thanks for your concern.”

  Fourteen led me to my room and left me alone. When the door closed behind me, I looked around at the familiar space. I got the same feeling as when I’d jumped out of the car a while before. What had I gotten myself into? Why did I come back to this horror house? Up until that moment it had all felt like theory. Seeing the castle and this room made it real.

  The Grand X didn’t happen right away. Nevva was right. Veego and LaBerge wanted to whip up as much excitement as they could. When I did my training, there was always a dado there with a small handheld camera. They were beaming my image all over Quillan so that everybody got to know Challenger Red. I didn’t see Challenger Green much, but the few times I caught a glimpse of him outside lifting weights, or doing exercises, I saw that there was a camera on him, too. I guess it was like showing those “up close and personal” videos of athletes during the Olympics on Second Earth.

  Of course, there was no way that Veego and LaBerge could know that all this publicity was playing right into the hands of the revivers. Up until then, all anybody had actually seen of me were the Hook and Tock matches. Now they were seeing hours of me. I imagined my picture being shown on hundreds of screens lining the streets of Rune. It was kind of intimidating, to be honest. I found myself getting nervous. Not about the Grand X. I was more worried that I might not come off as the big “champion” that the revivers were building me up to be. I mean, I was still me. What if nobody was impressed? It would all be for nothing. I found myself trying extra hard during training to look worthy. I ran a little faster and did my best to impress during agility drills. I really wanted to do my part to build up the myth. I figured that was just as important as the actual training.

  I had no idea if it was doing any good, until one day when I got an interesting opportunity. Fourteen brought me to the platform where the Tato competitions were held. Waiting there for me were Veego, LaBerge, and Challenger Green. I had no idea what was going on, but tried to act cool.

  “Is this it?” I asked. “Are we starting?”

  “No!” LaBerge said with excitement as he scampered up to me. “Veego and I thought it would be wonderful if you two could say a few words to the people of Quillan. You know, to let them know how you feel, and how it’s going to be such a fabulous Grand X and all.”

  “It was my idea actually,” said Nevva Winter as she stepped up onto the platform. “What better way to let the people of Quillan know who they will be wagering on than to hear from the challengers themselves?”

  As Nevva said this, she looked me square in the eye, as if she were trying to tell me something.

  “We can say whatever we want?” I asked.

  Veego chimed in, “So long as it doesn’t embarrass us, or Blok.”

  “Oh, no,” I said sarcastically. “Wouldn’t want to do that!”

  Nevva said, “Just tell them what you’re about, and why it’s important for you to win the Grand X.”

  Nevva again looked right at me. I realized that she had set this up as a golden opportunity for me to tell the people why I was competing. Every person on Quillan would see this. I had to find the exact right words.

  Challenger Green laughed and said, “You mean, there are other reasons for winning besides not getting killed?”

  LaBerge was the only one who laughed. When he saw that nobody else did, he stopped. Idiot.

  “Let Challenger Green go first,” I said. “He is the champion, he should have the honor.”

  Actually, I wanted more time to think about what I was going to say.

  “All right,” Green said. “Let’s do this.”

  Veego and LaBerge stood together. A service dado appeared with a small camera and pointed it at them.

  “Let us know when we are online,” Veego said to the dado.

  Nevva stood next to me and spoke quietly, while looking at Veego and LaBerge.

  “How are you?” she asked.

  “Ready” was my answer.

  “You know this is an incredible opportunity,” she said. “The right words will put you over the top.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “And the wrong words might bury me. Stop talking and let me think.”

  The service dado nodded and signaled for the two to begin.

  LaBerge put on his biggest smile and sang, “The time is growing near, the games are almost here; the challengers are ready, and now their words you’ll hear!”

  Veego added, “This will be one of the most difficult choices you will ever face. Who best to place your wager on? We’ve done our best to educate you about the two challengers, now it’s time to hear from them, in their own words. First we will hear from the champion, Challenger Green.”

  The service dado panned over to Challenger Green, who stood with his hands on his hips.

  “You know me,” he said brusquely. “You know I don’t lose. I’ve been watching the games my whole life. Blok has never seen a champion as powerful as me. I’m going to be the first challenger to retire undefeated, and then tour Quillan to promote the games for Blok. When you think of Blok, you think of power and you think of me.”

  He turned and jumped down off the platform. The service dado quickly panned back to Veego and LaBerge, who seemed surprised by Challenger Green’s quick exit. I couldn’t have been happier about what he said. Nevva looked as if she were holding back a smile.

  “That’s perfect,” she said. “He has totally aligned himself with Blok.”

  Veego said to the camera, “And now we will hear from Challenger Red, the only challenger in history who is so confident, he actually asked to compete against Challenger Green. I give you . . . Challenger Red.”

  The service dado whipped the camera to me as Nevva stepped aside. It’s a strange feeling to know that your image is being broadcast to millions of people. It was the biggest stage possible. I needed to make the most of it. I folded my hands in front of me and said, “You don’t know me as well as Challenger Green, but there’s something important you should understand. I didn’t come back to compete in the Grand X for myself. I could have disappeared and nobody would ever have seen me again. But I came here as a tribute to the people of Quillan.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Veego and LaBerge give each other concerned looks.

  “I’m here to prove that you don’t have to be big and powerful to triumph. I believe in myself, and I believe in the people of Quillan. And even though I know I will win the Grand X, I am asking each and every one of you to be brave, and as a protest against these brutal games, do not wager on the Grand X. Either on me or on Challenger Green. It’s the best way you can show Blok that you aren’t going to live by their rules any longer.”

  “What?” LaBerge screamed.

  Veego walked quickly to the service dado and pushed the camera off me.

  “End this transmission,” she hissed at the dado. “Now!”

  The dado hurried off the platform with the camera.

  “How could you say that?” Nevva asked, faking surprise. “That was not authorized! The trustees will
be very angry! I’m going to have to bring this up with them at once.”

  Nevva hurried off the platform. Before she stepped down, she stole a quick look back at me, and winked. I had just kicked some serious Blok butt. Veego stood there, glaring at me, while LaBerge paced nervously.

  “This is bad,” he clucked. “Very bad. We’ll be blamed, you know. How are we going to control this? Do you think the people will listen to him? What are we going to do?”

  “We’re not going to do anything,” Veego said without taking her eyes off me. “Challenger Red will no longer be allowed to address the public. Beyond that, we will do nothing.”

  LaBerge hurried off the platform, shaking his head fretfully and muttering, “This is bad; this is very bad.”

  Veego took a step closer to me and said, “What are you doing, Challenger Red?”

  “Just trying to get a little excitement going,” I said innocently. “That should get people talking, don’t you think?”

  Veego stared at me for another moment, then turned and left. I wasn’t sure if I had gone too far. I didn’t think for a second that they would cancel the Grand X after all the buildup, but I couldn’t be sure.

  There was one more event planned before the Grand X, and it was a big one. Challenger Green and I were to be paraded through the streets of Rune on the backs of two cars. The idea was for the people to see us in the flesh so they’d get all sorts of whipped up and excited . . . and of course make big wagers. Mark, Courtney, what happened that day was something I could only dream of. Up until that point, the idea of the people of Quillan seeing me and learning about me and believing in me as a symbol of their freedom was only a concept. It wasn’t real. I had to take what the revivers had said on faith. Though I had fully bought into the plan, somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered if the people were going to really care. What happened that afternoon shot those doubts to pieces. No, it vaporized them.

  There were three cars in the parade. The first held Veego and LaBerge, I was on the second, and bringing up the rear was Challenger Green. We stood up through an opening in the roof so we could be seen by all. A line of security dados marched alongside the procession in case somebody did something silly and tried to get at us. I figured that was a good idea, because the streets of Rune were pretty crowded. At the very least, the security dados would be able to clear a path for the cars to get through.


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