The Tail of the Tip-Off

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The Tail of the Tip-Off Page 26

by Rita Mae Brown

  “I have a .38.”

  “You could have a bazooka. If you don’t know what or who your target is, he might get you before you get him. If this isn’t Anne it might be another lover. We might even know the woman. We’d be disarmed, off guard.”

  Harry dropped both arms over the side of the wing chair. “I still say we should stake out the place.”

  “I’ll bring it up to the boss but don’t try it—especially don’t try it without me. This one scares me.”

  That really surprised Harry and it reflected in her voice. “Why?”

  “If this is a crime of passion, then Anne Donaldson has more self-mastery than most of us as well as intelligence. If it isn’t Anne, it’s still someone who can dissemble with ease and who is frighteningly intelligent.”


  “Double damn.” Cooper sighed.

  They lapsed into silence, both staring into the fire, a blue edge surrounding the yellow flames.

  “Harry, carry your .38 on Tuesday.”

  “Are we going to do it?”

  “No, not exactly, but I’m going to call the people who sat behind H.H. to stay after the game. I have an idea. I’ll ask three department people to sit in for H.H., Anne, and Cameron.”

  “What if she’s given the tickets to friends, which I bet she has?”

  “Doesn’t matter. We’ll do this right after the game.”

  “Cool.” Harry beamed.

  * * *


  By Monday morning at eight-thirty, Tazio and Brinkley had already been at work for an hour. Tazio drove carefully to the office, too, because the roads were slick, the plowed snow on the side turning greasy gray.

  Her assistant wouldn’t be at work until nine on the dot. Greg Ix, always punctual, kept her in a good humor.

  She didn’t look up when the door opened. “How wasted did you get this weekend?”

  The door closed.

  Brinkley scrambled to his feet. “May I help you?”

  “Tazio.” Fred Forrest strode up to the opposite side of the drafting table.

  “Hello. I thought you were my assistant. I amend that, my young and wild assistant.”

  “I haven’t been either for a long time.” Fred showed a rare smile.

  “What can I do for you? Or what shall I fix?”

  “Nothing. I mean, everything is in order. I’m here”—he cleared his throat—“I’m here to find out if Mychelle spoke to you. I heard she approached you at—”

  Tazio interrupted, something she rarely did. “We never got to our meeting.”

  “I see.” He looked at the drawings on the drafting table but didn’t really see them. “Do you have any idea why she wanted to talk to you—in private, I mean?”

  “No. I wish I did.”

  “Guess you told the sheriff that.”

  “Sure.” She reached down to put her hand on Brinkley’s head. The handsome young dog was filling out a bit. Once full grown and well nourished, he would be quite gorgeous.

  “Mom, he’s upset.”

  Tazio scratched his ears.

  “Did you ever spend time with Mychelle?”

  “No. Why would you think that?”

  “Uh, well, you’re both colored.” Fred used the old polite word because he couldn’t keep up with the new ones and Tazio understood that.

  She smiled. “It’s funny that you bring that up, Fred. Our jobs put us on opposite sides of the fence, don’t you think?” He nodded and she continued. “And don’t get me wrong, I’m not touchy, but just because people are the same color doesn’t mean they’re going to get along. People in the same family don’t get along.”

  He blushed. “You’re right. I, uh, well, Tazio, I used to know how to act in the old days. I knew my place and so did everyone else, but now I get confused. Lorraine”—he mentioned his wife—“says people are people and don’t fret over these political fashions. She calls them ‘fashions’ but Lorraine doesn’t work for the county government. She works at Keller and George”—he named the town’s premier jewelry store—“and what she says isn’t going to get blown out of proportion or wind up in the newspapers. You can’t even say ‘Boo’ at Halloween without someone calling you a pagan.”

  “Mom, what’s a pagan?”

  “Sweetie, you’re vocal this morning.” Tazio smiled at her boy and wondered how she ever lived without a dog’s perfect love. “You know, Fred, I never really thought about how it is in a government job. I guess there are people out there just trying to set you up.”

  “You wouldn’t believe it.” He put his index finger on the smooth maplewood tabletop. “I apologize for my extended bad mood. Lorraine says it’s extended. Guess it is. You haven’t seen my good side. I have one, actually.”

  “I’m sure you do.” Tazio knew something was eating him. “Mychelle’s awful death has been a great blow to you. She was your student. I’m sure she was grateful for all you taught her.”

  “I still can’t quite believe she’s gone. And that’s why I wondered if she had said anything. I’m grasping at straws but I want to catch her killer as much as Rick and Cooper do, only if I catch him, I’ll kill him. I swear I will. Taking the life of a young woman. Leaving her to bleed to death. My God, Tazio, they’re more humane at the SPCA.”

  “Yes,” she quietly replied. A silence followed, then she spoke. “Have you had breakfast? Let me take you up to the corner. Scrambled eggs?”

  He held up his hand, palm outward, “No, no, thank you. Hot oatmeal with honey this morning. That will carry me to lunch. I’m sorry to come in here and bother you.”

  “You haven’t bothered me. I wish I could be helpful. I’ve told Cooper all I know—which is very little.”

  “When Mychelle came up to you in line that day, was she frightened?”

  “Agitated. I thought she was mad at me but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why.”

  His eyebrows knitted together. “Wasn’t mad at you. No. Afraid. A bluff. Instead of showing it, she got angry. I knew her pretty good.”

  “Do you have any idea what she was afraid of?”


  “Fred, sooner or later, the person who killed Mychelle will be caught. I really believe that and I know that Sheriff Shaw and Deputy Cooper won’t rest until they catch him.”

  He sighed. “I hope so.” Then he turned for the door. “You be careful. Make sure no one thinks you know anything.”

  “Well—I don’t.” A small ripple of fear ran through her.

  “Thanks for your time. ’Bye.” He left.

  “I don’t know anything. Why would anyone think I knew something just because they saw us in line or out in the parking lot or on-site? Or because we’re African-American. Half. My other half is Italian. So what do I do, Brinkley, serve spaghetti one night and cornbread the next? I’m just me. Why is it so hard for people to let you be yourself?”

  “I don’t know but I love you and I’ll protect you and I’ll eat anything you give me.” He thumped his tail on the floor.

  Greg opened the door, skidding inside. “Yehaw!”

  “Must have been a great weekend.” Tazio smiled, her spirits somewhat restored by his rosy-cheeked face and lopsided grin.

  * * *


  Pewter, reposing on the arm of the sofa, opened one jaundiced eye. “She’s got that bounce to her step.”

  “Scary, isn’t it?” replied Mrs. Murphy, nestled just below Pewter on the afghan thrown on the sofa cushions.

  “Think she’ll take us?” Tucker hated being left home.

  “Even if she does we’ll be stuck in the parking lot. Doesn’t do us any good if we can’t get in the building to see what’s going on.” Murphy could think of better things to do than sit in the truck.

  “Now, you babies be good. No tearing up things. I am speaking to you, Miss Puss.” Harry walked into the living room to directly address Mrs. Murphy.

  “How do you know it’s me?”

  “You’re a b
ad kitty and too smart for your own good.”

  “Right.” Pewter opened the other eye.

  “Pewter, you go right along with her. I am still furious over those silk lampshades in the bedroom you sliced and diced.”

  “That was fun.” Mrs. Murphy recalled her evening of destruction much as old college chums recalled getting blasted at a fraternity party in their youth.

  Youth is more fun in retrospect.

  “I’ll go. Leave the cats at home.” Tucker wiggled in anticipation.

  “Brownnoser.” Pewter turned her nose up.

  “Sacrilegious cat,” Tucker called back.

  “You ate those communion wafers as much as I did.” Pewter was quick to defend herself.

  “You started it.”

  “Tucker, I’d be ashamed to lie like that.” Mrs. Murphy sat up. “Elocution started it.”

  “Sure was funny seeing the Rev stuck. It’s the unplanned, stupid things that get you. Like glue on the floor.” Pewter giggled.

  “People think life is going to be as they imagine it, not as it really is. That’s why murderers are caught sooner or later. They get stuck just like Herb. Somewhere out there, there’s glue.” Mrs. Murphy smiled.

  “That’s why we should be there tonight,” Tucker seriously stated.

  “She isn’t going to spend the night. Cooper will be there. So will other people. She isn’t going to be able to hang back or sneak in. Don’t worry, Coop will take care of her. It’s another night we have to worry about. The Sheriff’s Department will drop its guard or get called off and Mom will fly down there to the Clam. If she thinks she can get away with it,” Mrs. Murphy logically deduced.

  “Yeah.” Pewter backed her up.

  “All right, see you later.” Harry sailed out of the house, the .38 in a holster on her belt in the hollow of her back.

  “’Bye,” the animals called back in unison.

  They listened as the Ford truck coughed to life.

  “We have the whole house to ourselves. What can we do?” Murphy gleefully asked.

  “Sleep.” Pewter was tired. Traffic had been heavy in the post office this Tuesday.

  “U-m-m, we could open the cupboard doors and pull stuff onto the counter.”

  “If we do that we might break china,” Pewter replied.

  “We could pull out canned goods. We don’t have to open the china doors. Or we could sit on the floor and pull open the lower cabinet. A little Comet strewn over the kitchen floor will look worse than it really is.” Mrs. Murphy wanted to play.

  “No,” the other two replied.

  “Party poopers.” The tiger jumped down from the sofa and walked back to the bedroom. She pressed the On button on the television remote control. This would make Harry think she was losing her mind because she’d swear she turned off the Weather Channel before she left home.

  Mrs. Murphy watched the curve of a low pressure system now in the Ohio River Valley. It was pointing Virginia’s way. More bad weather was due to arrive, tomorrow night most likely.

  She pressed the channel changer to the Discovery Channel. The program highlighted elephants. She settled on the bed to watch it. At least the program was about animals. The cat couldn’t abide sitcoms. Not enough animals. Many didn’t even have one. Heresy to her.

  As Mrs. Murphy watched elephants wallowing in the mud, Harry met Cooper at the main doors to the Clam and they walked inside together.

  “Anne didn’t give the tickets to anyone, so Rick, myself, and Peter Gianakos will be in front.” Cooper had met Peter at the New Gate shopping center when she questioned him about H.H.’s work on that project.

  “Peter, he’s pretty cute.”

  “Yeah, he is.”

  They entered the basketball arena, the crowd filling the seats, and the band already playing behind the goal. For all but the big games the band was a smaller version of the marching band, and they wore T-shirts of the same color. Being more relaxed made them play better, or so people thought because the band really got into it. They added a sense of heightened fun to the happenings.

  Everyone was in their usual seats. Harry, Fair, Jim, Big Mim, Aunt Tally on one row. Behind Harry sat Matt and to his right were Sandy, Ted, Matt, Jr. To his left sat Susan, Ned, Brooks, and to everyone’s surprise, Dr. McIntyre’s new partner, Bill Langston, a very, very attractive man. Behind that row were BoomBoom, Blair, Little Mim, and Tazio, whom Little Mim had invited since the seatholder was out of town for two weeks. Four rows behind this happy crew already swapping drinks and nibbles sat a glowering Fred Forrest.

  On the opposite side of the court were Tracy and Miranda. Josef P. was reffing with a very tall former college star, Moses Welford, called Mo. Tracy, off duty, wanted to enjoy the game.

  From the first whistle the game took off and never slackened. The Wake Forest team played defense like ticks, they stuck close and sucked blood.

  Tammy Girond and Frizz Barber, probably the two quickest players on the UVA team, rather than being rattled by the superior defense, rose to meet the foe.

  All the Virginia women played well, kept their cool. Isabelle Otey put eight points on the board in the first half. Mandy Hall added four and Jenny Ingersoll, despite being double-teamed sometimes, managed six. At halftime the score was Virginia 26, Wake Forest 24.

  The second half was even better. The fans screamed, pounded the seats, stomped the floor, waved pennants and pom-poms because the game was so close, so clean, and everyone in the arena knew they were watching one of the best games of the season.

  Coach Ryan would bound out of her seat from time to time. She had a commanding court demeanor without losing her cool. Andrew Argenbright paced on the sidelines. Every time the fast six-foot-three-inch Wake Forest forward rose up to block a shot, his hand would smack his forehead. She was beyond impressive. She was awesome. This year Virginia didn’t have one outstanding player. What they had was a team, all talented and well matched. Wake depended too much on that forward. The Virginia team could depend on everyone.

  The game went into three overtimes and finally Virginia pulled it out with a three-pointer off the hot hand of Jenny Ingersoll.


  Who was more exhausted, the teams or the fans?

  Finally, fans filtered out.

  The people Cooper had called stayed behind, and she asked Tazio Chappars and Bill Langston if they would mind filling in for the people usually sitting in their seats.

  Fred Forrest, although four rows behind, didn’t budge and Cooper didn’t ask him to leave. If he wanted to sit through it, fine with her. Maybe she’d learn something. She was suspicious of Fred.

  Tracy and Miranda remained on the other side of the court, as Cooper had asked them to stay as well. Tracy, who reffed the game the night of H.H.’s murder, took off his shoes and came out onto the court in his stocking feet.

  Rick sat in H.H.’s seat. Peter sat to his left, which was the side of H.H.’s neck that had been pierced. Cooper sat on Rick’s right but she stood up and turned around.

  “Think back. Does anyone remember seeing anything thrown at H.H.?”

  People shook their heads.

  Rick slapped the back of his neck.

  “Does anyone remember H.H. grabbing or rubbing his neck?”

  Again, negative.

  Cooper stepped back a row, standing next to Harry on her right. “Harry, you’re behind H.H., a little to his left, and Fair, you’re right next to Harry. Surely if he had been stabbed or hit with anything, you would have seen it.”

  “Nothing.” Harry shrugged.

  “What about Anne putting her arm around him?” Cooper pressed on.

  “No,” Harry said.

  “Our eyes were on the basketball court,” Fair concurred.

  “Well, yes, but sometimes we see things out of the corner of our eye. A flashing light, the buzzer, and it triggers that memory.” She rolled her fingers over a bit, a gesture of thoughtfulness. “Bear it in mind. And let the pictures roll in your head.” S
he then walked in front of Harry and Fair to stand before Jim, Big Mim, and Aunt Tally. “Anything?”


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