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Tales From Christmas Town

Page 11

by Betty Hanawa, Roni Adams, Allie Standifer

  She lowered her arms and took a step towards him. “I'm being silly. What difference does it make?"

  Nick grinned and hauled himself at her as if he were a linebacker. He scooped her up and she laughed, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as he swung her around. “You had me scared to death, angel."

  "Oh Nick, do not ever mistake me for an angel. I'm nowhere near that good."

  "Is that so? How about we go inside and you can show me just how good you are and I can decide?"

  Chrissy dropped her legs from his waist and slid down his body, thrilled by the hard protrusion she rubbed past. “Are you asking to play hide the candy cane with me?"

  "That sounds like a Christmas game I can really relate to."

  Laughing they ran up the beach hand in hand and out of breath they burst into the lobby of the hotel. They tried to be quiet as they ran past the front desk but laughter exploded from them. They'd just reached the elevators when the desk clerk caught up to them. “Miss Starr, you have had several urgent messages. We were just going out to look for you."

  Chrissy took the pink note slips from the young man. Her heart plummeted as she scanned one from her sister asking her to call home as soon as she could, another one from another sister, but finally the last one from her brother Noel. “Where the hell are you? Call home now. Noel."

  "Is everything ok?” Nick asked.

  Chrissy shook her head and with a frantic glance at the crawling elevator lights, she ran for the door to the stairs. “I'm sorry, I have to call home. I'll call you when I know what's going on.” She yanked open the door and ran up the four flights. In minutes she was in he room and dialing home. She glanced at the clock on her nightstand while she waited for someone to answer. “Joy? What's going on? Ok, slow down, just tell me."

  Chapter Six

  Nick stood where she'd left him at the elevator, unsure what to do. The sheer panic on her face had told him something was seriously wrong. As the elevator doors opened he stepped inside and headed to his room. He'd give her some privacy to make her call, but if he didn't hear from her in twenty minutes he'd go to her room.

  Stepping out onto his balcony he marveled at how perfect a night it was. The stars were bright and the moon full. Just a few minutes ago he'd been holding her in his arms on the beach, anticipating a night of her in his bed and another day of starting all over again. He knew it was foolish to think Chrissy might care for him as much as he did her, but he hoped. Their discussion about Christmas and his dislike for it nagged at him. Would she hold that against him? She'd seemed pretty annoyed at his attitude. It wasn't like he would ever ask her to turn her back on the holiday. As long as she didn't expect him to help her trim any Christmas trees.

  Stop it. He had to stop thinking of a future with her. For all he knew she was only with him for a vacation fling, not thinking beyond the end of the week. It was only in his mind that he had already hoped they'd have something more. He glanced at his watch, knowing before he did that it was only a few minutes since he'd left her. He hoped everything was ok. What if it wasn't? Would she leave? He couldn't stand it any longer; he walked back into his room and headed up one floor to hers.

  He knocked at her door and heard her call out to hang on. She pulled the door open with one hand, the other holding her cell phone to her ear as she spoke. Tears were streaming down her face and she took several deep breaths. “I'll be there. Yes, I know. Tell him to hang on and tell him I love him."

  Nick frowned. Who was she talking about? A boyfriend back home? Chrissy folded her cell phone and raced across the room. He watched as she yanked her suitcase up onto the bed and frantically began tossing clothes into it.

  He shoved his hands in his pockets and disappointment settled in his gut. “You're leaving?"

  She nodded and sniffed. “I have to. There's a flu epidemic at home, everyone has it.” She glanced up at him and her lower lip trembled. “My father is really sick; he's never sick. This is horrible."

  "Your mother's with him isn't she? And didn't you say you have like three sisters and your brother at home?"

  She nodded and raced into the bathroom returning with an armful of toiletries that she tossed into her bag. “Yes, but some of them are sick too and some of them are already out filling in for those that are down with this bug. You don't understand. My brother says that three quarters of the production department is in bed with this thing. I have to get home and help or it could spell disaster for this holiday season."

  Nick had no idea what she was talking about. Most companies were already done with their holiday manufacturing. It was only a few days to Christmas. “What kind of business is your family in again?"

  Chrissy yanked open all the drawers in the dresser and grabbed her shoes off the floor tossing them into another bag. “Toys. We manufacture toys."

  Nick frowned. “Wouldn't all the toys have to be made and shipped to the stores already? I mean even only lets you order until midnight tonight to ensure Christmas delivery."

  She gave him a strange twisted look and snorted. “Yeah, well we ensure delivery on Christmas morning so it is imperative it happens. You have no idea the magnitude of this right now. You have no idea what this could mean.” She waved her hand as if attempting to find the words she needed and she couldn't.

  "I think maybe your family has set themselves up for disaster trying to deliver on Christmas."

  She sniffed and closed her suitcase. “Never mind, Nick. I can't explain it and I don't have time to try. I have to go."

  "I'll take you to the airport.” He walked over and helped her zip her bags closed, not sure what to say or do. She was racing out of his life and he didn't know how to stop her.

  "No. Its fine. My, um, father is sending private transportation. It's on the way."

  "Where will this private transportation pick you up?"

  Chrissy stopped at that and looked at him. “Don't worry about that, I can get there. If you could make sure these bags get to the hotel manager, he has my address and will ship them for me.” She hesitated for a second before she walked over to him. With a sad look she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her mouth to his in a quick but solid kiss. He tried to hang on to her, but she jerked away and walked to the door.

  "Nicky, I'm sorry. Thank you for everything and I know that you'll make it all work out with your dream house and your work situation and well, everything.” She started out the door. “Damn it,” she came back in and yanked her purse and cell phone off the bed.

  Nick grabbed her hand. “I can't let you go like this. I need to know you're ok. How can I reach you; I don't even have your cell number?"

  She shook her head and grabbed her upper arms. “Please, Chrissy, don't walk out of my life. I can't stand it. I-I know its nuts, but I love you."

  "Ohhhh, Nicky, don't say that.” Her shoulders drooped, but she lifted up on tiptoe and kissed him. A hungry kiss that was full of desperation. His hands went to her hair to keep her close and he practically bent her over backwards with his need to show her how much he wanted her. But when she pulled away, he let her go.

  She pressed a card into his hand. “You can email me, but I'm warning you from now until the day after Christmas I'm going to be a bit nuts. You're going to be here until the twenty-fourth, right? I'll try to call, I promise."

  And she was gone. He watched her head down the hall and back through to the stairs. He glanced at the card in his hand.

  "Christmas Star, CFO, Claus Toys, Inc.” No other information except her email address."

  "North Pole?” What the heck? Then it dawned on him. She lived in North Pole, New York. No wonder she loved Christmas so much. He'd read about that little town. It dedicated itself to making children's dreams come true; it made them believe they really were in Santa's North Pole. He knew nothing about Claus Toys though, never heard of them. He'd have to Google them later on. But North Pole, New York wasn't all that far from where he l
ived. He could easily visit her. Granted she was going to be busy now, but maybe by the New Year. Yeah. That was a great idea. He'd surprise her for New Year's Eve. Feeling better, he picked up her suitcase and bent to get her smaller bag. He spied a photo lying on the floor. He picked it up, ignored the writing on it and turned it over.

  A couple dressed like Santa and Mrs. Claus sat in a very realistic looking sleigh with reindeer. In front of them sat several people including Chrissy. She looked so happy, her eyes glowed out at him from the picture. The others could only be her brothers and sisters. Although they didn't look anything like her; in fact, she was definitely the odd one in the bunch. But the one thing they all shared was the obvious glow that came from being happy. He looked again at the couple playing Santa and Mrs. Claus; they certainly looked the part. They were both round, and the suit was great. And the sleigh, it had to have cost a fortune, was outlaid in gold unless he was mistaken. He turned the picture over. “Mom and Dad, in the new sleigh. Joy, Noel, Krista, Holly, me and the reindeer."

  He tucked the picture in his pocket. It was the only one he had of her and while he knew he couldn't keep it forever, he as going to keep it until she got in touch with him to get it back.

  Nick reached the lobby and saw a flash of her as she disappeared through the front doors. He didn't stop to think, he followed her at a flat-out run. He watched her jog to the corner of the hotel and glance back. She stumbled when she saw him. “Nick, please. I can't do this right now. I have to go. Please go inside."

  "Why can't I wait with you? It's late, Chrissy. I don't want you out here all alone."

  She glanced behind her at the empty parking lot and then back at him. “Please Nick, don't. You won't understand. Please just go."

  As he reached her side, he heard a loud swoosh. Her face paled in the moonlight. “I have to go."

  She turned on her heel and ran to the far back corner of the parking lot. He chased after her, wondering if there was a car back there she was taking somewhere or a cab. But what he saw dropped his jaw.

  Chrissy climbed into a one-person sleigh, very much like the one he'd seen in her family photo only much smaller. In front of her were two enormous animals that looked every bit like reindeer. She settled herself, grabbed the reins, and looked out at him once more shaking her head. She was obviously mad that he saw her, but right before she slapped the reins together she pressed her hand to her mouth and blew him a kiss.

  Then, right before his eyes she literally took off into the air, soaring high above him, above the hotel, and up into the clouds.

  Nick just stood there stunned. Shocked. What the hell had just happened? Was he in a dream? Was he going to wake up and find Chrissy still next to him that it was only this afternoon and none of this had happened?

  He looked around hoping someone else saw what he'd just seen. But there was no one else there. Numbly, he walked back into the hotel. The clerks at the desk were doing what they normally did and seemed unconcerned that a woman had just climbed into a sleigh with flying reindeer and flown off. There had to be an explanation. He fingered her business card again. North Pole. Weird. This is just too weird.

  "Um, Miss Starr asked me to get her bags to you. She said you would ship them to her home."

  The manager punched some keys on the computer. “Yes sir, I have her information right here. We'll take care of that immediately. I do hope her family is ok, she said it was a family emergency."

  "Yes, her father I guess has come down with a bad flu. Would it be possible for me to get that address? I'd like to send her my condolences."

  "I'm sorry sir, that's against policy. I would be happy to include your note with her luggage if you'd like. It'll go out tomorrow morning."

  Nick pushed away from the counter. “She gave me her email; I guess I'll just send it that way.""

  "Yes sir, that's a good idea. Anything else we can do?"

  Nick gave a harsh laugh. “No, I can't think of anything. Good night."

  Chapter Seven

  Chrissy pushed through the enormous wooden doors of Santa's castle. Kicking her sandals off, she raced barefoot up the sweeping staircase and down several long winding halls to her parents’ suite. The doors were open and she burst through looking around frantically. Voices from the bedroom carried her over the thick emerald green carpet and into the next room.

  Her parents turned as she appeared. “Oh no, who called you home?” Her father scowled.

  Chrissy walked across the room to stand in front of both of them, inspecting her father's pale cheeks and listless eyes. His nose was as red as the famous reindeer's and her mother looked worn out and worried. “It doesn't matter who called me, they should have called sooner. Why aren't you in bed?"

  Her mother, Mary, shook her head. “He won't listen. He won't go see the healer and he won't rest. He still insists he's going out on Christmas Eve."

  "Of course I'm going out.” Her father bellowed. “I work one night a year, Mary! It's not going to kill me."

  "It just might. You know, even your powers might not be enough for whatever this bug is everyone has.” Turning to her daughter she said, “Go see the healer and get some medicine right away. We've had some good luck with those that have taken the healing powders before getting any symptoms."

  "How many are down with this?"

  Her father started coughing, his belly shook beneath his undershirt, and his eyes slammed shut. He coughed and coughed and her mother guided him to sit on the bed, but he brushed her off as soon as he sat down. “Stop fussing,” he gasped.

  Chrissy bit her lip. This wasn't good; she had to do something. “I'm going to go find the others. Then I'll go into the shop and see where we stand."

  She reached for her mother and hugged her, feeling her shoulders beneath her hands. It was unusual for her mother to be this thin and this upset. She glanced at her father once more.

  "I'm sorry your vacation got cut short, honey, did you have a nice time?"

  Chrissy couldn't stop thinking about Nick and how he looked as she flew—literally—away from him. Her heart squeezed, but she didn't have time to deal with those feelings right now. “Yes, it was nice, but I'm glad I'm here. You should have called sooner!"

  "Don't need you here, nothing you can do to help.” Her father wheezed as he collapsed against the pillows.

  "Jeez, thanks Dad, nothing like knowing I'm good for something.” She shook her head and tried not to let his words upset her. He didn't mean them the way he said them, but it was bad enough that she felt inept compared to her siblings who had elf powers.

  Her mother walked with her across the room and pulled the heavy double doors to the bedroom closed behind her. “I don't know what we can do if he insists he's going. Holly has already said she's going to ride with him, but I don't think he can do this."

  "Why can't he freeze time, you know, hold things off a week or so or until he's better?"

  Mary smiled and rested her warm hand against her daughter's cheek. “It's admirable that you think your father can do something that amazing, but even Santa can only freeze time for twenty-four hours. Only long enough to make sure the deliveries are made."

  Chrissy nodded. “Where are Joy and Krista?"

  "I think they're in the parlor, they were going over the lists once more. Your father finally gave them the password to the computer program so they could pull them down."

  "I'll go find them,” as her mother started to say something she nodded. “Yes, Mama, I'll go see the healer first."

  Her sisters were engrossed in a meeting with the Naughty and Nice lists and after talking to them for a brief minute she hurried up to her room to change. Twenty minutes later she walked out of the medical center, rubbing her arm from the shot he'd insisted on. She also had a handful of packets of powder with instructions to take them at bedtime every night.

  The factory was strangely quiet with only a third of the normally thousands of elves at their benches. In her office she pushed aside all the paper
s, opened the small refrigerator, and popped open a diet soda. Flying literally across the world last night had only allowed her a few hours sleep and she was trying hard to figure out where to start when her phone lit up.


  "I'm sorry to bother you Ms. Starr, but your brother has called a meeting in the large conference room with everyone."

  "That's fine, Missy, one of us needs to get this organized.” Chrissy set the phone back down and took a second to close her eyes and prepare for whatever lay ahead over the next several days. Grabbing a stack of files that she didn't know if she'd need or not, she took her diet pop and headed upstairs to the main conference room.

  * * * *

  Nick dropped his suitcase inside the door of his apartment and flipped on the lights. Tossing his keys on the table, he moved through to the kitchen and grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator. His apartment was as quiet as when he'd left three weeks earlier, but somehow now it seemed lonely and cold too. There'd been a time he'd imagined coming home and having Chrissy with him. It had been a crazy thought, but he pictured them in his living room sitting on the leather couch, talking about their vacation in Greece and making plans for when they'd go back again.


  For at least the hundredth time he took her business card out of his shirt pocket and fingered the letters. The sight of her flying away in that contraption and her email address had given him some very odd dreams. He knew there was a logical explanation, everything in life had a logical explanation, but he'd yet to come up with one. He'd already emailed her the night she left. But he'd heard nothing back.

  After unpacking his laptop and firing it up he checked emails. Nothing. It had been two days and no word from her. Even though he'd already Googled it several times already and turned up nothing. He still couldn't stop himself from trying once more. He keyed in Claus Toys. Same as before a long list appeared, but this time there was a completely new entry at the very top. He clicked on the link.


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