Tales From Christmas Town

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Tales From Christmas Town Page 17

by Betty Hanawa, Roni Adams, Allie Standifer

  "Jingle my bells!” he cursed aloud while looking around.

  Nerves shaky from his near miss with Krista's skin, Jack wanted to be as far away from her as inhumanly possible. She was a temptation. He didn't know how much longer he'd be able to resist. But if his willpower gave out and he allowed himself the luxury of feeling her flesh then Krista would be in danger.

  As much as he longed to make a feast of her body, nothing was worth risking her life.

  The thoughts led him in mental circles, frustrating him further. With his enormous willpower, he shoved the distracting thoughts of his traveling companion away.

  Instead Jack focused his attention on their unplanned landing ground.

  There was nothing to see except snow and more snow. The stuff fell in blankets coating the ground and covering Jack's footprints almost before he made them.

  The cold wouldn't kill him or Krista. At least he was almost positive the freezing temperature wouldn't do her permanent harm.

  The elven blood that ran through her veins would protect her from the worst of it for a short time. It was the longer exposure he was worried about. Had she ever tested her magical limits?

  Swearing under his breath, Jack turned his back to their unknown location and went in search of Krista. As much as he longed to keep the physical distance between them, the mental images made her almost a part of him.

  When he reached the area he'd left Nick's daughter, the space was empty. Snow had gobbled and concealed whatever footprints might have been.

  "Krista.” Jack shouted into the stillness of the night.

  No answering cry or greeting reached his ears in return.

  Once more he raised his voice while trying to keep the panic leashed. “Krista!"

  This time his voice answered back in the form of an echo.




  "Rudolph's red nose!” The curse was carried into the wind and shouted back at him.

  "Where in the land of magic did the woman go?"

  There was nothing to show her location or even a direction where she might have ventured.

  "And did I not tell her specifically to stay here? Here in this location?"

  The snow gave up no answers to his questions.

  Jack reached the point where he would bury his pride and make contact with Nick when the sweetest sound in all eternity reached his ears.


  There was no way to tell where Krista's voice was coming from. The sound bounced from one snow pile to another before he could get a fix on her location.

  "Krista, show yourself so I may rescue you.” A rescue that wouldn't be necessary if she hadn't wandered off in the first place, he acknowledged to himself.

  A small head popped up over a tall mound of snow.

  "You bellowed?” she asked as the rest of her tempting body came into view.

  Jack gave a small shake of his head. “I don't bellow.” He informed her tersely.

  "Yeah, whatever.” When only a few inches separated them, she wrapped her hand around his upper arm and pointed to where she had come from. “Over that mound is a cabin. I didn't get that close before I heard you bell ... um ... calling my name.” She corrected quickly with a small smile playing across her lips.

  "Did it at least look secure?” He questioned her while trying to distance himself from the burning touch of her small hand.

  She gave him a duh look. “I didn't get that close, Jack. But it had a roof, and three walls that I could see."

  Every step Jack took back, Krista followed resulting in an awkward, jerky dance. Not only was it irritating to retreat from such a small woman, but also if the amusement in her eyes was any indication, she knew the game he was playing.

  "Fine, I'll go for a closer look.” Giving up on subtlety, he firmly pulled his arm away from her grasp. Then he moved quickly toward the direction she'd come from.

  "Wait.” She cried out to his retreating back. “You're not leaving me here. I'm the one who found the place."

  As if finding some abandoned shack in the middle of nowhere gave her rights, Jack mused. “You'll stay here until I know it's safe.” He shot back, not breaking his fast stride.

  "Oh, I sure as mistletoe will not."

  The quick steps of crushing snow that followed after him were the only noises breaking the night. But still Jack didn't feel comfortable taking Krista to a place he couldn't guarantee her safety.

  He made one last ditch effort to stop her. “Krista, I do not know what lies in the building. I will not be able to assure your safety until I assess it myself."

  He knew his face was set in its accustomed neutral lines so when Krista broke out in laughter, Jack was stunned.

  "What do you find so amusing about our situation?” He demanded, letting ice coat his words.

  "You.” She laughingly informed him. “Do you honestly think there's some terrorist group hiding out in the wilds of Oregon on the off chance Santa Claus's daughter will drop by? And if there is, what is their big plan? Hold me hostage until my father gives them presents instead of coal?"

  When she put it that way, his excessive safety measures did seem a tad extreme. There was no way he was letting her know that.

  "Fine, but you will do as I say.” He turned back to the mound, started the short climb, aware of Krista's every easy breath behind him.

  "You will do as I say.” He heard her mumble in a deep voice.

  Was she mocking him? He'd never heard anyone mock him to his face before. Sure, elves and pixies did it behind his back when they thought there wasn't a match's chance in snow, he'd hear them. Never would he have thought Krista so bold as to mock him to his face ... er back.

  "Something you wish to say?” he asked keeping a tight reign on his temper and hurt. Jack doubted Krista would repeat her softly issued words to his face.

  "I said,” Her voice grew louder. “You will do as I say.” Again she pitched her voice low in a poor imitation of his.

  "You mock me?” This couldn't be happening. He was the strongest, oldest and fiercest warrior in the community. No one mocked him directly.

  "I mock you.” She retorted in a strange accent.

  He could only stare at her, mouth wide open and catching the fast falling snow.

  "I mock you, I irritate you and most of all I annoy you. Yeah, I got that message a long time ago.” She assured him in a light tone.

  Annoy him, where in the twelve days of Christmas did she get that idea?

  He was about to ask when they reached the rise of the small hill.

  In front of them exactly as Krista had said, stood a small ramshackle cabin. There was indeed a roof with a chimney sticking out, along with the mentioned three walls. Jack was almost certain the fourth wall would be found in back. There was no way the house could be standing as straight and tall without it.

  As they walked closer, the snow no longer blinded his eyes to the cabin's true state. It was indeed a small structure. At a rough guess he put the dimensions around eight or nine hundred square feet. Not large enough for a family to live in but perfect as a hunter's weekend get-away.

  "Think it's safe to go in, double-oh-tinsel?” Regardless of what his answer might have been Krista pushed past him, up the steps and opened the front door.

  In a burst of speed, Jack rushed in front of her, willing to take whatever blow might come. There was nothing but the sounds of their breathing and the soft fall of snow.

  He peered cautiously around the frame. It was an open floor plan with stairs leading to what Jack assumed was a loft for sleeping, as he saw no bedding in the main area. With hesitant steps he tested the boards to see if they would bear his weight. When no creaking or groaning came from the wood he placed his full weight down.

  Turning to instruct Krista to use caution, he was shocked as she pushed past him and strode inside the small house.

  "Krista, perhaps some caution would be wise.” He tried to
advise her.

  Again she gave him a mocking smile. “Still afraid of those Santa sadists?"

  He did not like the battle light in her beautiful green eyes. But years of reserve kept his mouth closed.

  Understanding Jack wouldn't respond, she twirled around the room touching things here and there.

  "It's a nice place, don't you think?” she questioned without waiting for his reply. “Looks too nice for a hunter's retreat. I wonder if it's a lover's rendezvous."

  Krista seemed to give the idea some serious thought. Her brow puckered with lines, lips thinned out and one foot rhythmically tapped a pattern on the hardwood floor. He had no idea what she searched for.

  Then again ever since they had become stranded, Krista's attitude had been changing. She was more assertive and less happy-go-lucky. Jack wondered if it was the result of separation from the origin of her powers.

  "Yes,” she said nodding her head. “I think this is a place a man and woman would definitely sneak off to."

  "Or it is simply a retreat for a single person."

  In no way did he want to be stranded in some lothario's love shack with Christmas Claus. His restraint was under enough pressure just standing beside her. Throw in ideas of lovers and sex and Jack was a goner.

  Quick as a wink, Krista scampered up the ladder and yelled down to him. “I was right. It's a love nest. Only one big bed with a silk bedspread, not to mention a nice big fireplace."

  The groan Jack kept to himself but the rest he made sure Krista would hear. “I think it would be best if I placed a call to your father."

  Chapter Seven

  It would be a hot day at the North Pole before Krista let that happen. She didn't need Jack calling her Daddy in to save her.

  Free falling to a fast death really shakes up the priorities in a girl's life. Krista knew for sure she didn't want to miss out on the excitement of being stranded in a lovely, secluded mountain cabin with Jackson Frost.

  Sometime between imminent death and nearly wetting her pants, Krista learned life was short even for the long-lived. There were things she'd always meant to do but put off for a better time.

  Here was her giant kick in the ass wake up call. She needed to do all the things she'd planned later, now. And it just so happened seducing Mr. Jackson Frost was fast approaching the top of her list.

  "No.” She let her hips sway backing down the ladder. “You will not call my father. He has enough to do tonight. Plus, he's not feeling well. Why bother him?” Krista made sure all her reasons were valid and justified. No way was she letting Jack know her intentions until it was too late.

  Krista watched his amazing blue eyes narrow until she was sure her body was the only thing in his vision.

  "If I do not call your father, then how can I get you out of here? The wind refuses to heed my calls.” The tight clenching of his jaw let Krista know how much that bothered him.

  Out came the questions praying on her mind. “Why did the wind fail and drop us here? Has this ever occurred before?"

  It wasn't polite to ask and thirty minutes ago she would never dream of questioning the big bad Jack. Now she didn't see what the big deal was. Since she was almost turned into a permanent flat snow angel, Krista felt she deserved some answers.

  It was amazing. She watched as Jack thought of and discarded many versions of the truth. She could see him picking and sorting them out in his mind. His eyes squinted the slightest bit, his nose flared and those luscious kissable lips narrowed.

  "I have never experienced the desertion of the North wind before. I do not know what may have caused it."

  It was simple, to the point and Krista believed the truth.

  Brownie points for the snowman.

  When she brushed past him on the pretense of looking out the room's one window, shivers ran up her spine and heat flooded her veins.

  "So what do you want to do for the next twenty four hours?” Krista asked in what she hoped was an innocent voice and expression.

  * * * *

  The leather covering his raging erection would bust soon. Jack turned away. He made a useless adjustment to his pants, hoping something would calm his libido.

  The heat and hunger in Krista's eyes did nothing to slow his ardor. A vision of naked skin, hot mouths and greedy hands passed through his mind leaving him all but shaking with desire.

  It was wrong, these feelings he had for Nick's daughter. His number one concern should be for her safety and comfort. All his erection could think about was the comfort of her warm body surrounding him.

  Deep breaths and Jack's own internal cooling system allowed him to turn.

  Too caught up in internal warfare, Jack had missed Krista's movement across the floor. His body caught up before his mind.

  There she was, in his personal space, invading his senses with her smell and heat. All the previous minutes of deep breathing, cooling breezes and reasons not to touch this woman went down in the flames of his desire.

  Trying to back away without Krista knowing he was running away wasn't easy. “I think I'll check the outside for wood.” He told her lamely, neatly sidestepping her outreached hand.

  "Jack, wait.” She called after him.

  But Jack didn't want to take any more chances alone with her. Those eyes and lips not to mention her lush curvy body would tempt better men than he to cast aside scruples and take what he wanted.

  If only it wouldn't mean Krista's life, Jack would happily toss his scruples, honor and morals for one night in her arms.

  "Damn it, Jack, I said wait."

  Shock had him stopping.

  Christmas Spirit didn't curse. She didn't yell or lose her temper. Yet, Krista had done all three.

  What was happening with Nick's daughter?

  * * * *

  Warm flesh met Krista's hand briefly before Jack pulled away from her touch once more.

  How could she seduce the man if he wouldn't stand still long enough to try? He didn't even like the feel of her flesh against him.

  "What is your problem?” she demanded.

  Krista was shocked at herself. Never before had she been able to get angry with anyone. To show something other than happiness, goodwill and kindness to others was literally out of her nature.

  Suddenly one small fall from the sky and Christmas Spirit was no longer. Long live Christmas Kick-butt!

  The transformation must have shocked Jack as well because he looked at her with a strange light in his eyes and no sharp retort on his sexy lips.

  "Yes, Christmas?” he politely inquired while moving back several steps.

  Oh, that couldn't be good, she knew. No one ever called her by her first name. Unless she'd done something wrong or her special brand of help was needed.

  She didn't think Jack was in the mood for a spirit lifting nor did he look in need of her help.

  "I believe you bellowed at me, Christmas?” The tone was cordial and even polite but Krista felt compelled to back away several steps.

  Oh yeah, she was in huge trouble.

  "Um, yes, Jack.” She stumbled over her words. How did one go about asking for sex? Should she come right out with it? Tell him his body made her mouth dry and toes curl?

  "Yes, Jack...” he prompted her.

  "I was wondering what we'll do for food?” she finally spit out.

  Mentally she smacked her head. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Without a doubt Jack would think Krista was the most ignorant elf in the pole.

  Asking about food for an elf was the equivalent of asking a camel if it needed water in the desert.

  Not her brightest moment.

  Instead of treating her like a refugee from the South Pole, Jack answered her. “If you get hungry, I can try and locate a town nearby to secure supplies."

  "NO!” That came out louder and harsher then she intended. “What I mean is, should we look in the cabin before you do something so drastic?"

  He couldn't leave. If he left then surely he'd contact her father and her one chance would
be over.

  Jack flashed a strange look and Krista wished she were better at reading people's faces.

  In all the years she'd known him, Krista had never once been able to see through that ice calm expression. And now, more than ever, she wished to know what was going on in his mind.

  "Why would we need to look through someone else's belongings when we will not be staying?"

  They had to stay, Krista's heart screamed. This was THE chance to get closer to the winter king.

  She tried again with fake calm. “I just mean it can't hurt to stay a while. I mean, Papa's not feeling so hot and tonight's his big night. I'd hate for him to lose time just to pick me up. Especially when there's no reason to. We have shelter and warmth if we need it. Neither one of us have to worry about food too much."

  As excuses went, Krista thought the ones she used were pretty valid. She hoped Jack thought so too.

  Expression still stuck in neutral, Jack gave her a long look. “Yes, I supposed it would be rude to have Nick stop his route for something so minor. I'm sure my power will be back before too long and I'll be able to finish our journey."

  Krista truly did feel bad about Jack's missing power but not guilty enough to change her plans.

  "Great,” she enthused, almost clapping her hands but stopping the motion just in time. “I'll take a look around here if you'll gather some wood for a fire."

  A nod of his head and Jack was out the door.

  Krista slumped against the counter in relief. She'd won the battle but now it was time to prepare for the war.

  * * * *

  If he had to put a label on it, Jack would say Krista was acting strange. He would normally put it down to nerves at being alone with the big bad of the North Pole. Except for the heat in her eyes when she thought he wasn't looking.

  Christmas Spirit Claus had looked at him, Jackson Frost, with lust in her eyes. The man every elf, human and other species avoided at all cost.

  The woods around the small cabin held a veritable treasure of broken wood and branches. He mindlessly picked up the various pieces while turning over the startling information in his mind.

  What would possess a smart, kind and loving woman to want him? He wasn't known for his social skills. Jack was as frosty as his name. Until Krista was around, then his body heated into flames. It was all he could do not to press his lips against hers and mold her lush curves against his hardness.


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