Tales From Christmas Town

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Tales From Christmas Town Page 24

by Betty Hanawa, Roni Adams, Allie Standifer

  Her cheeks were tinged pink, and her blue eyes danced as she smiled.

  He had met many a beautiful woman on the show who primped and dressed to the nines. None of those girls looked as incredible as Holly did at that moment. Standing in front of the setting sun, she seemed to glow, inside and out.

  Man, oh man, did he want her.

  Moving closer, he circled his arms around her small shoulders and drew her close. Her petite frame felt so right in his embrace. She smelled like fresh baked cookies, making his mouth water for just a taste of her sweetness.

  He pulled back, searching her face for some kind of sign. Was she still anxious about being away from her family? Did she want him to take the next step?

  The signal wasn't in her face, but everywhere else. Her heart pounded so strong and fast, he could feel the beats thrum throughout her body.

  She tilted her head, closed her eyes, and parted her luscious, ruby lips.

  She wanted him, too.

  Desire fanned the flames smoldering in his gut, setting his blood on fire. With rough hands he cupped her face and bent to kiss her. He pressed his lips hard against hers, claiming her mouth with his. Using his tongue, he further spread her lips, and sipped the flavors hidden there. Could there be anything more delicious?

  Holly broke the kiss and moved in closer, loosening each button on his oxford. Once she had the shirt completely unbuttoned, she opened the flaps and rubbed the palms of her hands over his pecs. “I love your chest. It's so smooth."

  The icy breeze chilled his skin, producing small goose bumps, but he was too hot for her to care.

  "You aren't too cold, are you?” She latched her fingertips onto one of his nipples and gently pinched.

  David moaned as a bolt of lightening flashed from his chest all the way to his jingle balls. His penis swelled to the size of a Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon. “Not a big .. I mean, bit."

  Little Miss Christmas elf had a streak of naughty in her, and he loved it. She had him so wound up he couldn't speak straight.

  His hands reached under the jersey, feeling their way up the sides of her curvy hips and tight, flat stomach. Her skin was like mink, warm and soft. “Let me help you out of this.” He continued up her body, dragging the shirt up and over her head.

  She stood still before him, giving him much needed time to take in her lovely body.

  "Do you like what you see?” she asked.

  David let out a long draw of breath that immediately crystallized in the frigid air. “I can't imagine anything or anyone more beautiful. You are a wonder."

  She smiled. “I can't imagine being anywhere else right now than with you."

  Like handing him a passkey, her words gave him permission to forge ahead and unlock her innermost passageways. By the time he was finished this evening, he would investigate every one of her winding paths and intimate corridors. No inch of her body would go unexplored.

  To gain a better vantage point, he moved to her side. With one hand he supported her back, the other slid palm side up beneath a generous breast. He gently squeezed and kneaded the heavy floating globes, doting upon the womanly flesh, which filled his hand completely.

  Holly closed her eyes and arched her back, thrusting her chest high. The hardened pinnacle of her nipples crested the alabaster mounds.

  David brushed the pad of his thumb over one rosy peak, making small circles. His hands busy, he employed his mouth, lightly sucking her exposed neck.

  She groaned and shuddered. The small quake reverberated down her entire body.

  Encouraged by her response, he shifted his position and lowered his head, covering her peaches and cream breast with his mouth. Like a ravenous man bent on satisfying his cravings, he sucked and nipped one swollen tip and then the other, but still wanted more. “I've got to have you, Holly.” His voice sounded raspy and urgent, even to his own ears.

  Her knees faltered and she fell into his embrace. She opened her eyes and flashed big baby blues. “Then take me, David."

  He didn't need to be told twice.

  David whisked Holly off her feet. With long strides he made his way from the porch to the bedroom. Though the log cabin was small, the journey across the short span was taking too long. He wanted her now.

  When he reached the bed, he laid her on the dark blue comforter. Before he had a chance to kick off his shoes, she sat up and grabbed the top of his jeans. With clever hands she ran down the row of metal buttons on his pants, liberating each fastening as she went. Pants loosened, he quickly pulled the garment off his legs and set it flying to the corner of the room. Having gone commando that morning, he now stood butt-ass naked in front of the girl who was turning his insides out.

  "Now you, my dear.” He untied the bow of the sweat's drawstrings and tugged the elastic ends until her silky legs and feet fell out.

  She lie on the plush down comforter in only a pair of white panties. A shining lone star on a field of blue.

  For a ridiculous moment, he was reminded of the Texas flag. He was tempted to salute, and then realized he was. Little Elvis was paying his respects the only way he knew how.

  Starting at her toes and working his way up to her hips, he brushed his fingertips against Holly's velvety smooth skin. The muscles beneath his touch were lean and tone.

  A runner? Perhaps. Definitely an athlete of some sort. Had to be with legs like hers.

  When he reached the top of her cotton panties, he tucked his thumbs under the elastic waist and slowly pulled the material down. Inch by inch, the white undies revealed more of her flat abdomen until the dark mound of her hidden treasure was visible. Suddenly impatient to feel her warm, supple body next to his, he dragged the underwear off the remaining portion of her legs and tossed them over his shoulder.

  The melodious sound of her giggles sent ripples straight to his heart. There, an unfamiliar but pleasant warmth pulsated. He placed his hand on his forehead. The room filled with bright flashes of light, while an incredible sense of joy and happiness washed over him.

  "David? What's wrong?"

  He looked down, taking in this most marvelous woman. “For the first time in over a year, I can honestly tell you there isn't one thing wrong. Everything is fantastic."

  Bending at the waist, he spread her legs with his hands and leaned into the available space.

  She ran her fingers through his hair, and then held his head, preventing him from moving any further. “Just what did you plan on doing down there?"

  With a finger that he wet with his mouth, he spread the delicate folds of skin and located his target. Her glistening pink nub. She was wet and ready. “Give me just a few minutes, darlin', and you'll find out."

  His thumb circled her swollen clit, and she gasped and wiggled. Not wanting to give her a moment to stop him, he pushed himself forward and flicked his tongue up, over, and around her moist kernel. Her juices were tangy and delicious, like fresh tangerines, his favorite winter fruit.

  "Oh, David."

  Her angelic voice was little more than a breathy whisper.

  Hearing her call out his name in pleasure was incredibly satisfying. He felt hearty, powerful, and more than just a little bit sexy.

  He continued with his tender torture, increasing the pressure with each lick and suck. When the rate of his loving hit a feverish pace, she cried out. Her body quivered.

  Raising his gaze up the length of her naked body and over her twin peaks, he checked her reaction. Was he a stud, or what?

  For a moment, Holly covered her face with her hands, and then suddenly flung her arms wide. “That was incredible!"

  "Oh baby, you ain't seen nothin’ yet.” He stood, flexing both arm muscles until his less than spectacular biceps and pecs bulged. “I'm just getting warmed up."

  Taking a running leap, he jumped in the bed, landing next to her. He grabbed her and pulled until her head reached his chest. She was so petite her feet only touched his ankles. “Come on up here, little lady. We gots lots o'lovin to make this

  Holly obliged, wrenching and squirming until her mouth hovered over his.

  Like the flutter of a butterfly's wings, she showered his lips, nose, and cheeks with tiny pecks, while her breasts brushed against his upper chest. When she pushed herself forward to kiss his forehead, he lifted his head, latching onto a perky nipple.

  Just as he prepared to suck the hardened pebble until she begged for mercy, the sound of jingling bells filtered into the bedroom from outside the cabin.

  Every muscle in Holly's lithe body froze.

  David turned his head, pointing an ear toward the ceiling. What in the world...

  Something fell on the roof with a loud thud and then a scraping noise.

  "Holy moley.” Her eyes grew as big as dinner plates. “I think my dad is here."

  Chapter Six

  David's head fell back against his pillow. “You've got to be kidding me. Now?"

  "I wish I were.” Holly whispered. She jumped off David's chest and scrambled around the bedroom, searching for the clothes he had tossed aside. “Hurry. Get up and get dressed. He'll be down in a second.” Panic gripped her heart and squeezed. Daddy would kill them both if he found them like this.

  She scanned the wood floor. “I can't find my underwear."

  "Over there.” David pointed to the top of an old rocking chair. Popping out of bed, he ran to a corner where his jeans lay in a heap on the floor. “Man, oh man. And I thought my past Christmases were bad."

  Finding her sweatpants, she quickly pulled them up and tied the strings. “Just put your clothes on. It will be alright.” She hoped. Truth was, there was no telling how Daddy might react. She was two hundred and fifty years old, after all. Even in elf years she wasn't exactly a kid. Still, dads were always dads.

  The sound of heavy footsteps crossing the roof thudded from above.

  "Oh, crap.” Turning left then right, she hunted for her shirt. “Is your jersey still outside?"

  David stopped running around the room long enough to fasten his pants’ buttons. He nodded toward his dresser. “Look in the bottom shelf. There's a t-shirt in there."

  She threw open the drawer. At least fifteen shirts were stuffed into the little space. “Which one?"

  "It doesn't matter. Just pick one.” He thrust his arms through his oxford and frantically started buttoning.

  Holly grabbed a burnt-orange and white t-shirt from the pile and pulled it over her head. By the time she smoothed down the material and ran her fingers through her hair, a knock sounded at the door.

  Attempting to strike a casual pose, she rushed to the kitchen and leaned her hip against the table. She picked up a coffee cup left over from breakfast and slid her fingers around the cold ceramic. Sucking in a deep breath, she filled her lungs, and then slowly blew out the air. She was ready. Mostly.

  David stepped to the door, shook out his arms and hands, and then squared his shoulders.

  Poor thing. Not only was he preparing to meet her father for the first time, he was about to come face to face with Santa Claus—the real McCoy.

  When the second knock sounded, David opened the door, letting in a draft of cold air. Instead of Daddy's imposing, rotund figure filling the doorway, Noel's long and lean form stood on the welcome mat. As usual, he sported his trademark black leather jacket and black boots.

  "You David White?” Noel crossed his arms and raked over David with a steely glare.

  Big brother did not look happy.

  David mirrored Noel's showdown pose. “Who's asking?"

  Holly rolled her eyes. Did all men have to complete this ‘my pecker is bigger than your pecker’ ritual when first meeting? “I'm over here, Noel.” She put the cup down, strode over to the door, and gave her brother a heart-felt hug. “It's so good to see you. I thought you guys forgot about me."

  A smile stretched across Noel's handsome face. With his blond hair falling into his eyes in complete disarray, he looked more like a bad-boy surfer than Santa's troublemaking son.

  "I would have been here sooner, but the whole damned town is sick. I stayed back to take care of the reindeer.” He placed his hand on Holly's head and ruffled her hair. “Figured you'd be plenty freaked out by now, being off on your own. Mom's afraid you'll come back wearing a straight jacket."

  "Actually, I'm great. Never been better. David's been kind enough to care for me.” She linked her arm in David's. “After the initial shock and some rough introductions, I really started to like being here."

  Noel's smile faded. He narrowed his eyes and looked back and forth between David and Holly. “There's a glow about you, sis, that makes me want to wring this guy's neck."

  "Gheesh. Who came up with the notion the Claus's were a jolly, friendly bunch?” David dropped his arms and pointed a thumb toward Noel. “The man who wrote that Christmas poem was way wrong."

  These two were certainly hitting it off.

  Holly stepped in between the testosterone and raised her hands. “Okay, guys. That's about enough."

  David frowned, but made a grand sweep of his arm into the cabin. “Please, do come in. I'll make some tea and we can talk for hours about how you want to beat my face to a pulp."

  The side of Noel's lip rose. “If you've so much as touched a hair on my sister's head, I won't just stop at your face.” He curled his hand into a fist.

  "I said, that's enough.” Her words came out on a growl. What was going on with these knuckleheads? They were behaving like ten year olds on a rough playground. “Noel, why don't you come in? I would really like for you to get to know David. He's a great guy."

  "No time, Holly. I wasn't kidding about everyone being sick. They need us back, quick.” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out some spouted greenish-yellow corn.

  When the obnoxious odor from the germinated grain wafted up, Holly's eyes watered. She turned her head and pinched the end of her nose. “Get that nasty stuff away from me. Daddy should have outlawed that stuff years ago."

  David coughed. “What the heck is that? It smells like spoiled Limburger cheese."

  "Jet fuel for reindeer. Gives them a sugar booster.” Noel stuck his hand back in his pocket. “Also gives the deer a terrible case of the runs. Don't want to stand under those big flying babies after they've eaten a basketful of the stuff. Not pretty."

  "Yah, I'll bet,” David replied.

  "I'd love to yuck it up with you, but we gotta roll.” Noel bent, plucked Holly off her feet, and started walking. “Lot of sick folks needing our help.” With a twitch of his hand, they were standing near Daddy's sleigh.

  "Wait! Put me down.” Everything was happening too fast. Not more than ten minutes ago she was preparing to make love to the only man who made her feel comfortable being on her own. Now her brute brother was whisking her away, and she might never see David again.

  Her stomach churned. A lump the size of Yule log formed in her throat.

  Holly pounded Noel's leather armored chest. “I'm not ready to go. I didn't get to say good-bye."

  "Then send the dude a postcard.” He dropped Holly onto the red leather bench, and then jumped in himself. “We're outta here."

  Noel grabbed hold of the reins and flicked his wrists, causing the long leather strips to snap. The reindeer responded and leaped from the snow-covered roof. In a flash the sleigh was flying high.

  Before she could turn around and wave farewell, they were halfway back to Christmas Town.

  Chapter Seven

  Holly walked among the pieces of furniture in her family's home, dragging the pads of her fingers across the smooth damask upholstery covering the ornate Victorian couch. She leaned her head back as far as it would go, taking in all four floors of the vaulted ceiling. Like an intricate wood spider web, thick support beams spanned the entire length of the grand living room and criss-crossed each other at various points. From these junctures hung antique brass chandeliers lit with dozens of glowing candles, basking the room with a warm glow.

  Everything in this
room, this house, was familiar. From the savory smells of roasting turkey and baking pies floating in from the nearby kitchen, to the views of the frozen landscape outside the large picture windows, there wasn't a thing out of place or different. But, for reasons Holly couldn't explain, nothing here felt right. She had lived in the big old place for over two hundred years, and now felt like a stranger in her own home.

  One week had passed since coming back from her brief stay with David. The people who had fallen ill with the flu were back to health, and Christmas Town was up and running like clockwork again.

  Since her return, Holly hadn't been left by herself for more than a moment. Now that everyone was well, the house was teeming with family and friends, talk and laughter filling the air. Yet, even with the constant flow of people, she never felt so alone.

  Holly peeked into the yellow and white kitchen.

  New paragraphNoel stood next to the sink by Candice, tossing popcorn into her mouth. Chrissy and Nick were cooking together at mom's big old-fashioned stove, both wearing Kiss the Chef aprons. Jack Frost and Krista were sitting at the table, their hands linked together over the lace-covered top. Everyone had someone, and they looked so darn happy.

  An all-consuming emptiness panged in Holly's chest. Somewhere deep down, a piece of her was missing, like a big gaping hole. Though she had never noticed the void before meeting David, the ache throbbing there now was near unbearable. Her heart felt as though it had been torn in two.

  "If you keep wandering around this room like that, you'll wear the rugs thin."

  Daddy's deep calming voice sounded from behind.

  Holly turned and forced a smile. “Hi, Daddy."

  "What's wrong with my little girl?"

  She looked away, not wanting him to read her eyes. “I'm fine. Just a little tired."

  He tucked a short tuff of hair behind her ear and then smoothed a hand across her cheek. “I know your heart, Holly. You're a long way from being fine."


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