Abandoned Darkness

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Abandoned Darkness Page 27

by Kate Wendley

  His muscles briefly shook from the dizzying effect of having all his power rush into him so quickly. He focused on Cory as he as he forced himself to keep control, and was mildly relieved to feel, or at least sense a very faint heartbeat. But it wasn’t enough. Cory would be gone in mere moments if Anthony didn’t do something.

  In the suddenly quiet room, he focused on Cory’s energy, his life force, and on the thought of him being whole and healthy. He imagined over and over again that Cory was breathing and his blood was flowing through his veins and pumping through his strong heart.

  Anthony tried to shove power into him. He imagined his own life energy spreading out in Cory’s body, knitting his torn flesh back together and healing frayed vital organs and shattered bones. Anthony’s long hair whipped around him in the flurry of barely controlled power. He closed his eyes, imagining himself being one with Cory’s essence. He kept his thoughts on healing him, on making him whole and not letting his heart stop. It had to keep going.

  Anthony’s heart began beating in time with his. With each beat it felt… bigger. Stronger. More full. Confusion over the sensation suddenly made way for Anthony to realize he was feeling all his vampires’ energy bolstering his own. He hadn’t realized he’d reached out to them for help, something he’d never done before.

  He didn’t dare move as their power flowed through him like a force of nature, the steadily growing intensity nearly overpowering him. A welcome sound kept him barely tethered to his sense of self. Cory’s heartbeat.

  It beat faster, louder. Stronger. Anthony willed the wolf’s entire body to heal, but it was becoming difficult to focus. Using so much power, both his and his vampires’, was quickly draining him, and no doubt everyone else as well. Cory felt stronger under his hands for every second that passed, but channeling this incredible rush of energy had taken on a life of its own and the effort to stop felt overwhelming.

  He felt the wolf take some solid, deep breaths, and knew that was good. The wolf was moving on his own now. Anthony distantly knew that was good, but he was starting to feel confused about why it was good. This energy still flowing through him was good, too, wasn’t it?

  Cory was pulled out from under his hands and now another wolf was beneath him. Margaret. She needed help, too. She was in bad shape. Her breathing was raspy as she lie still, sweat and blood covering her body as well.

  He focused on her essence, on her heart, and on her blood. He pushed his energy into her and she cried out in pain, but he felt it helping her. He pushed again, unsure how much longer he could do this. It felt right to channel all this power, but it was also making him feel empty inside in a disturbing way.

  The harrowing feeling grew at an alarming pace, but Margaret wasn’t healed yet. He pushed and pushed, and pushed some more. Her agonizing screams of pain filled his head, but he didn’t stop until her heart was beating strong and sure.

  Hands finally pulled her away and he crumpled to the floor while the channeled energy quickly dwindled away to nothing.

  Anthony’s hair was in his face as he lie on the hard cement, barely able to move, and he had the awful feeling that blood wasn’t going to heal what he’d just done to himself.

  He still had humans to deal with tonight, too. He mentally sighed, then tried to think through what just happened. He always felt drained when he called on major power, but this time he’d pulled in a lot more, and in a different way than usual. He must not have taken as much from his vampires as he’d thought, though, because he heard voices and movement.

  He startled and realized he must have dozed off because he wasn’t sure what was going on anymore. He felt someone beside him, and then the welcome feeling of his hair being brushed out of his face. He tried to see who was helping him but could barely move his eyes.

  Echo moved into his line of vision. He tried to smile, but he wasn’t sure if it showed.

  “Master, how can I help?”

  It seemed too much effort to speak, but he desperately wanted to know if he could siphon some energy from another vampire. He didn’t like this empty feeling that wasn’t going away.

  Echo put her hands palm down on his chest. “Like this? Can you heal like this?”

  Echo wasn’t exactly telepathic, but sometimes it seemed like it. Her abilities were usually more like premonitions. If only he had the energy to take from her. She wasn’t very magically strong, but even a little might do wonders for him.

  He felt a tingle and realized she was pushing her power into him. That surprised him, and also made him feel a little better. She sagged wearily after only a few moments.

  He tiredly whispered, “Stop. Stop. No more.”

  She looked into his eyes, then away, and the delicious feel of her energy replenishing him was gone. He didn’t want to drain her, but he was glad she’d given to him nonetheless.

  “Alistair, are you here? Come to me.”

  “I’m here Master Anthony.”

  He startled at the sound of his voice right behind his head. Anthony’s voice sounded tired, even to himself, when he said, “How are the wolves? And any word on the human at Cheryl’s?”

  “The wolves are fine. Cory and Margaret are both resting and looking very well. Their wounds are completely healed. A good night’s rest and they’ll be in tip top shape I daresay!” Alistair chuckled at that, making Anthony smile. Alistair was the epitome of an old world gentleman, conversations with him frequently reminding Anthony of the old days.

  “And the human?” He had to try really hard to keep his eyelids from completely closing. He was so tired…

  “Horacio called and said he’s all stitched up and on an IV. He lost a lot of blood, but nothing major seems to be wrong besides that. He’s got quite a few stitches though. Ethan’s put him in a deep trance. Oh, and he said Cheryl seemed to be in quite a good mood tonight. He said to tell you that, sir.”

  Anthony huffed sarcastically, or at least he did in his head. Of course she was in a good mood with Ethan around. Ethan was charming and congenial to everyone he came across. Everyone except Anthony. The bastard.

  “Thank you.”

  “Master Anthony, what would you like us to do with the other humans?”

  He tiredly blinked and tried to talk without slurring his words. “How’s the one that was bleeding?”

  “We tried to bandage him up, but the bleeding won’t stop. It’s not terrible, but someone should look at him. Soon.”

  He sighed out loud and tried to push himself up. A pair of steady hands helped him from behind. “Thank you.” He swayed pitifully. “Help me to a sofa, please.”

  Alistair ended up taking most of Anthony’s weight as he shakily stood, then staggered to the nearest sofa where he immediately dropped down into the cushions. He was actually starting to feel just a little better, though seeing vampires lying dazed, confused and bloody all over the floor was disheartening. Cory and Margaret sitting up on their own was good, though. It was very good.

  He forced himself to focus. “Do what you can to keep the man stable. Horacio will have to stitch him up. Call him and tell him we need him here, so no more socializing with Cheryl. And ask him how long before he gets back or if we should superglue the man’s cuts together.”


  “I read about it online. You’re supposed to be able to use it for that.” Anthony chuckled at Alistair’s horrified expression and waved him off.


  Anthony forced his eyes open when he felt Ethan in the building. He still wasn’t sure what to think of the rumor that he was trying to pull power to himself and that George was encouraging him to do it, besides the timing of George’s recent visit to the club. George had rarely been here in all the seventy or so years Ethan and his family had been in Atlanta, so combined with the gossip, it didn’t seem like a coincidence. Something was definitely going on, and if Ethan really was planning an attack against Anthony, well, right now would be the most opportune time for him to make his move.

sighed in exhausted defeat and watched Ethan cautiously walk in, looking more than a little curiously at all the dazed vampires scattered around. Most were either flat on their backs on the ground or propped up here and there around the club. They were drained with no shifters to feed from to revive themselves. Tomorrow night. They just needed to make it until then.

  Anthony didn’t move as he watched Ethan and calmly waited for whatever was going to happen next. He wondered if he still had the energy to turn to mist. He was in no shape to fight, but could he at least escape him for the time being?

  When Ethan’s eyes finally fell on the huddled up body of Cory under a mass of blankets, Anthony didn’t miss the instant look of fear in his eyes.

  Ethan raced over and shook Cory roughly awake. His relieved smile when Cory opened his eyes and sat up almost made Anthony ashamed for feeling so jealous and irritated with him earlier tonight. Almost. They spoke for a time before Ethan finally glanced around and noticed Anthony watching them. There was no particular expression on his face as he locked eyes with Anthony, though he still wondered if things would turn ugly between them.

  Ethan turned his attention briefly back to Cory before letting him lie down and rest again, then took his time wandering around and making small talk with a few vampires. He seemingly unintentionally made his way over to Anthony.

  He nonchalantly said, “Looks like things are pretty quiet around here.”

  Anthony huffed and stared at him in disbelief.

  Ethan studied Anthony’s face, then casually looked away. “So what are we doing with the humans?”

  We? Maybe he wasn’t looking for a fight after all, though Anthony wasn’t going to take his chances. He shook his head, mostly to himself, and looked Ethan over in irritation. From his neatly tousled hair to his rugged, handsomely squared jaw, down his stylishly tailored button down shirt and trousers, all the way to his expensive shoes. Everything fit him perfectly. There had never been a time that he didn’t ooze self-confidence and charisma and it was completely annoying.

  He sighed wearily and tried to get his head together. “Where’s the one you brought to Cheryl’s?”

  “Next door in a patient room. He should sleep through the trance and sedatives all night. He’s on an IV and all stitched up.”

  Alistair appeared by Anthony’s side and he didn’t think it was coincidence. It was no secret to vampires in either family that Ethan hated Anthony, and many of Anthony’s own vampires unfortunately shared the sentiment, for varying reasons. Mostly because he was so much younger than many of them, yet so much more powerful. Alistair had always been a staunch supporter, though.

  “Sir. Should we bring the bleeding human over to Horacio? He’s in the patient room with the other hunter.”

  He nodded and Alistair immediately directed someone else to take the man off his hands while he continued to monitor the goings on in the club from Anthony’s side.

  Anthony turned his attention back to Ethan. With a wary eye, he said, “We should question the others.”

  Ethan nodded and took a step back to give Anthony room to stand. He didn’t know what he expected from Ethan right now, but his current agreeableness wasn’t it. It actually put him even more on edge as he gathered his strength and forced himself to stand on his own.

  The remaining two mostly unharmed hunters were in a room along the outer edge of the club, just a few doors down from his office. Two loner vampires and one of his own stood guard inside. He nodded at the three and gestured for them to stay in the room with them. If worse came to worse, hopefully they’d back him against Ethan.

  The humans sat on plastic chairs at one end of the barren room, two more chairs at this end. Anthony closed the door and hesitated to call on his power again so soon, but he thought it might be best to put up a sound barrier just in case. Ethan gave him a strange look, and before Anthony could worry too much about it, Ethan awkwardly said, “Thank you for saving Cory.”

  Anthony’s mouth hung open for a moment. It was plain on Ethan’s face that it was hard for him to say thank you, so Anthony finally just nodded.

  “Sit down. You’re weak.”

  Anthony gave him a hard look. He wasn’t going to let on just how weak he was, and didn’t like Ethan assuming it, though he could probably sense it.

  Ethan kept his eye on him and looked a little uncomfortable for once. “Relax. We’re not at war.”

  He dryly said, “We’re not?”

  Ethan gave him an appraising look before turning away to pull up a chair for himself. He turned it backwards and sat down before quietly saying, “The jury’s still out.”

  “What?” Anthony was always confused by his comments, no matter how many times they talked.

  “What’s your name?”

  It took Anthony a moment to realize Ethan wasn’t talking to him. He was talking to one of the humans. When he realized he was sitting down and didn’t remember how he got there, he startled and tried to focus harder. He wasn’t sure if his head was foggy, or if Ethan was acting weird, or if he was doing something to him with his power…

  “Earl, Master.” Anthony jerked his attention back to the hunters. People always called vampires Master when they were put in a trance. It didn’t matter if it was a human, a shifter, or a vampire. They all said the same thing when they were under a vampire’s spell.

  Ethan snapped, “Give me your full name and home address, Earl.”

  “Master, my full name is Earl Henry Gruenwald and my home address is 2516 185th Street.”

  “And what were you doing tonight, Earl, out in your hunting gear and hiding in the bushes?”

  “Master, my buddies and I were looking for some fun. We saw some huge wolves out on that undeveloped land one night a couple months back and wanted to go gut some of them tonight.”

  Anthony felt the instant burst of rage from Ethan, and without thinking he raced in between him and the hunter. Anthony tried to brace himself, but ended up being shoved harshly into Earl, both of them hitting the wall behind them. Ethan’s hands were tightly around Anthony’s neck, his fangs bared and eyes glowing brightly through his rage. When he finally realized who he was strangling, he stared Anthony down for a handful of moments before slowly releasing his grip.

  Anthony’s nerves were giving way to crushing fatigue, but now wasn’t a good time for him to be weak. He looked Ethan in the eye and quietly said, “Everyone’s safe tonight. Let’s not make this situation worse.”

  He took a small step back and angrily fumed at everyone, then turned and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Anthony took a deep breath and shakily righted himself as the other vampires came to his and the human’s aid.

  Before he could decide what to do next, George joined them. Anthony went still, not really sure he trusted him anymore. Then again, he’d never known him well enough to give an honest judgment, but he still felt like he’d been manipulated by him somehow. He just wasn’t sure how, yet.

  George seemed unaware of Anthony’s unease as he walked right up to him and shook his hand.



  George shut the door with his power and looked briefly at the humans. “Any idea what’s got Ethan in such a huff?”

  Anthony sighed and gestured wearily with his hand. “My best guess would be the danger Cory was in tonight.”

  George regarded him thoughtfully, nodded in seeming agreement, and motioned to an empty chair. “Sit. I know you’re tired. You look beat, son, and I heard what you did for both Cory and Margaret. I know you’re Master around here, but we can help with these humans.”

  Anthony tiredly studied him and decided he didn’t have the energy to take care of anything else tonight. He dropped into a chair and let George take over.


  Anthony watched the rest of the night and early morning as everything and everyone was taken care of, then shakily made his way to his own bed for the day. Before allowing himself to fall into a thankful sle
ep in his room, he wrote a note for Zach and Sebastian, and guiltily hoped Sebastian was all right. Anthony thought he could still feel him through their blood link, but that might just be his hopeful imagination. There was unfortunately nothing he could do for him now, not with daylight so close. He fell into bed worrying about his friend.

  Chapter 34

  Jade startled awake and looked around herself. She was alone, thankfully, and laying naked on the hard ground under her neon flower blanket. It was a small victory that she’d learned how to wiggle herself under her blanket as her cat about a year ago so that she always woke up after her shifts, transformed back to human, completely covered up. She hated being naked in the woods, especially if other people were around when she woke. That had always seemed like the cruelest humiliation of her life as a shifter.

  Her teeth chattered while she found her clothes and slid into them as fast as she could, not wanting to press her luck that she’d have privacy for very long. She was close enough to the parking lot that she had no illusions that others wouldn’t be walking through here on their way to their cars soon.

  She gathered her things and headed to the lot, still feeling stung by the fact that Sebastian hadn’t shifted with her last night. He didn’t even answer her texts yesterday. That wasn’t like him unless…

  She tried not to think about it. He wouldn’t break up with her like that. He would at least do it to her face. Wouldn’t he?

  She frowned and tried to pretend nothing was wrong while she wandered up to the growing crowd by the vehicles. She spotted Ed, Zach’s second in the jaguar pack, and waved at him. He yawned and gestured her over. Finding a ride home so quickly, and with someone she knew and trusted, was one small relief to her morning. She climbed into the front seat and waited as two more took the back, then tried not to think about her problems as Ed drove them home.

  She wished she’d brought her cell phone with so she could see if Sebastian ever texted her back. A lot of people did what she did at full moon, though. They left everything at home and let more powerful shifters drive them to and from the ranch. She didn’t trust herself to drive home in the mornings, exhausted from being her overactive animal all night. The moon’s pull always kept her in her cat form until the sun finally rose in the morning to break the spell.


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