Flesh & Bone: An Inspirational Contemporary Romance (A Guitar Girl Romance Book 2)

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Flesh & Bone: An Inspirational Contemporary Romance (A Guitar Girl Romance Book 2) Page 12

by Hope Franke

  He whispered into Eva’s ear. “Here is our chance to practice English.”

  “Hello,” he said when the couple turned with tickets in hand. “We overheard you speaking in English. I hope you don’t mind if I ask where you are from?”

  “Not at all. We’re happy to speak English with anyone who’s willin’,” the guy said. “We’re from Idaho.” He said it like Sebastian and Eva should know where that was. “I’m Ben and this is my wife Emma.”

  She giggled when he said that. “We’re on our honeymoon,” she said. “It’s still weird to hear him introduce me like that.”

  “Congratulations,” Sebastian said. “I am Sebastian, and this is my girlfriend, Eva.”

  It was the first time he’d called her that, and he watched her expression carefully. Her lips twitched slightly, forming a little smile, and her eyes twinkled. He guessed she liked it.

  “Do you live around here?” Emma asked.

  Sebastian nodded. He was relieved that Ben and Emma hadn’t recognized him, especially after he gave his name. It didn’t surprise him though. He was well-known in Germany, but Hollow Fellows hadn’t made it across the Atlantic. Yet. A certain, unnamed pressure lifted off him. He could breathe and be himself without feeling like he was being idolized.

  “How long have you been in Germany?” he asked.

  “One week,” Ben answered. “We started off in Barcelona, worked our way through France and now here.”

  “We were so excited when we walked by this theatre and saw they were playing movies in English,” Emma said. “After three weeks of foreign languages, I’m just so homesick to hear my own again.”

  “I have never been to America,” Eva said. “I cannot imagine how it feels.”

  “Your English is very good,” Ben said appreciatively.

  “Thank you,” Eva said. “I wish it were better.”

  “We’re just so happy to meet people who even try,” Ben said. “The only other language I speak is redneck.”

  Sebastian and Eva stared at him blankly.

  Emma slapped Ben’s arm. “They don’t know what that is, babe.”

  “Just joshin’ ya. Anyway, we should go in before it starts. Nice meetin’ ya.”

  “Nice to meet you too,” Sebastian said, and Eva nodded in agreement.

  Sebastian bought their tickets and led Eva into the darkened room. It was long and narrow with only a scattering of attendees. Sebastian chose seats near the back, several rows behind their American friends, letting Eva have the aisle.

  “Did you want something to eat?” Sebastian asked, sticking with their commitment to speak English. “They sell candy here.”

  “No, I’m fine. I ate at home.”

  “Okay.” Sebastian wrapped an arm over her shoulders. “You’re sweet enough.”

  She giggled, a sound that was sweet music to his ears. “Am I really your girlfriend?” she asked.

  “I hope so.”

  “Then that would make you my boyfriend.”

  “That would. Are you okay with that?”

  She snuggled more deeply under his arm. “I’m very okay with that.”

  The lights dimmed, and the movie started. It was a light romance that barely kept Sebastian’s interest, and if it weren’t for the fact that he was using it to improve his English, he might have fallen asleep. Eva seemed thoroughly enthralled. She nudged him during a scene where the couple was riding bikes through a park.

  “I miss that.”

  “What? Bike riding?”


  There wasn’t much Eva couldn’t do, but the accident she was in had wrecked her leg to the point where she’d never run a race, or apparently ride a bike. She’d told him that her femur had broken through the skin and that her hip had also been fractured, but he picked up that she didn’t like to talk about it, so he didn’t bring it up. He just hoped he never met the guy driving the other car. He’d punch him in the face.

  Halfway through the flick, Ben and Emma started making out.

  Eva giggled. “Well, they are on their honeymoon.”

  “I think they have the right idea.” He twisted toward her and drew her chin up with his fingers. The bluish light flashing from the film reflected off her face, her eyes full of admiration for him. He couldn’t resist kissing her lips. If he were a kid again, this would be the part where he’d make a move, but he remained a grown-up and a gentleman and kept his hands to himself.

  The movie finally ended, and they had to put on their sunglasses quickly as they adjusted to the bright summer afternoon light. They were walking happily hand in hand toward the park, not quite ready to say good-bye to each other yet, when Eva came to a sudden stop.


  Sebastian saw a girl with short dark hair approaching them. He didn’t recognize her, but Eva obviously had.

  Eva was tempted to untangle her fingers from Sebastian’s but stayed resolute. She was tired of hiding. And something more. A burning rope tangled in her gut, and she clenched her jaw. Sebastian was the best thing that ever happened to her, and she was going to fight for him. Starting now.

  She forced a smile. “Hi, Julia.”

  Julia’s dark brows arched, and her lips turned up in a wry smile. “Hi, Eva.” Her eyes moved to Sebastian’s questioning face, and then down to the couples entwined hands, prompting Eva to make formal introductions.

  “Julia, this is my boyfriend Sebastian. Sebastian, this is Gabriele’s friend, Julia.”

  Sebastian released Eva’s hand to shake Julia’s causing a blush to flush across her pale face.

  “I’m a fan,” she gushed. She seemed to have forgotten she’d just caught her friend’s younger sister with her forbidden beau. “I watch your music videos all the time.”

  Sebastian nodded and took Eva’s hand again. Eva noticed his smile looked tight and forced, a marked difference from when they conversed with the Americans who didn’t know who he was. She was starting to understand how being famous shaped you into something you weren’t meant to be.

  “Eva and I spent the morning helping her sister prepare for the wedding,” Julia continued. “Are you coming?”

  Eva almost gasped. Whose side was she on? Surely Julia understood that Gabriele wasn’t in favor of this relationship. And her mother had made her opinion clear during the bow-tying project.

  “I think I’m out of town that weekend,” Sebastian said, covering.

  Eva tugged on his hand. “We have to get going. It was nice to see you again, Julia.”

  Julia giggled and waved. “Nice to formally have met you, Sebastian.”

  Eva frowned. She was certain Julia would pull out her phone the minute she was out of sight and call Gabriele.

  “Busted,” Sebastian said.

  Eva stopped and stared questioningly at him. “Will you come to my sister’s wedding with me?”

  His eyebrows jumped above his sunglasses. “Seriously?”

  “Yes. I’m done pretending to my family. You are an important part of my life now and I can’t hide it. I don’t want to hide it.”

  He pulled her close and set his forehead lightly on hers. “I’d go anywhere with you.”

  Eva trembled at his touch, and his words fastened themselves to her soul. She believed him. And it was true for her as well. She was prepared to follow Sebastian Weiss anywhere if he asked.

  He kissed her tenderly and she responded in kind ignoring the passersby who gawked or brushed against them. He pulled back and grinned. “I guess I have to buy a suit.”

  Her parents were going to kill her.

  But she wanted him by her side at Gabriele’s wedding. She wanted to show him off. Sebastian Weiss was her boyfriend.

  As luck would have it, Eva’s mother exited the church at the same moment Eva and Sebastian reached the front door of their building. Mama’s eyes widened, and her lips formed a hard, thin line when she saw Eva’s hand in Sebastian’s. Sebastian started to tug his away, but Eva clung tighter.

e smiled at her mother, then turned to Sebastian. “I’ll see you later?”

  “Of course,” he said. His eyes rested briefly on her lips, but he left without kissing her. She was glad. Seeing them hold hands was already more than her mother was ready for.

  “Eva,” her mother said, “You’re looking for a world of trouble.”

  Eva braced herself for the confrontation to come. Her mother headed upstairs ahead of her and Eva could picture the emotional conversation soon to take place between her mama and papa. What had become of their sweet, compliant daughter?

  “Eva!” Papa summoned her to the living room before she’d stepped all the way inside their flat. She limped over to where he was sitting and collapsed into an empty chair. Papa closed the book he was reading and set it aside.

  “Mama says you were holding hands with that boy.”

  “That boy has a name.”

  “Don’t talk back to me, Eva.”

  She folded her arms and sat upright. She’d started this battle and she better be prepared to see it to the end. “I’m not talking back. I’m pointing out a fact.”

  “This Sebastian boy. He’s wild and worldly. He’s experienced.”

  Eva kept her expression blank. These were the exact attributes she liked about Sebastian. He brought her out of her shell. Couldn’t her papa see that?

  “He’s not like that with me,” she said, hoping to calm him.

  He softened his eyes. “What about our talk? Didn’t you hear a word I said?”

  “I did hear you. And I appreciate your concern. But it’s my life and my choice who I spend it with.”

  “Schatz, he will break your heart.”

  “It’s my heart, Papa. It’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

  Papa breathed in long and hard. His jaw clenched but he said no more, just waved her off with his fingers. She’d won this battle, but she wasn’t a fool. The war was still brewing and she hoped there wouldn’t be any casualties when all was said and done.

  Sebastian felt like he’d abandoned Eva to the firing squad, but Eva knew her parents best and knew how to handle them. The way she stared her mama down and refused to let go of his hand made him proud.

  He had to get going anyway. Dirk had scheduled a rehearsal, and Markus was picking him up in an hour. It would be the first time he’d faced Karl since Sebastian forced the band on hiatus. His stomach clenched at the thought of seeing his ugly mug again. If he could avoid another personal encounter with him, or with Yvonne for that matter, he would. As it was Karl was an occupational hazard. At least Sebastian had some new tunes to bring to the floor.

  His phone rang as he reached the steps to his building and he almost answered it without looking, thinking it would be Eva reporting back. Good thing he checked. It was his father again. Twice in one week? It made him think there was something wrong. It stopped on the third ring. Couldn’t be that urgent.

  Sebastian went straight to his fridge and grabbed a drink. The fizzle sound it made as he removed the cap ignited his thirst and he gulped back a couple swallows before settling on the sofa and putting his feet up.

  He turned on the sports channel to watch a soccer match to pass the time, but kept checking his phone every ten seconds hoping to hear from Eva. Finally, he texted her himself.

  Sebastian Weiss

  You still alive over there?

  Eva Baumann

  Yeah. It’s tense but it’ll be okay.

  Sebastian Weiss

  Sorry you have to go through this.

  Eva Baumann

  Me too.

  Sebastian Weiss

  Heading out to rehearsal soon. First time since…

  Eva Baumann


  Sebastian Weiss

  Nah. Well, a little. I just need to focus on my guitar.

  Eva Baumann


  Sebastian Weiss

  See you tomorrow?

  Eva Baumann


  She seemed all right. Definitely not very chatty, but…

  Not for the first time Sebastian questioned himself. Eva’s family was more important than he was. She needed them more than she needed him. He hated that they’d put her in a position where she felt like she had to choose. The thought of breaking up, even after this short time cut him. It just didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel fair. Besides, his heart was lassoed. He couldn’t walk away unless she asked him to leave.

  He really hoped she wouldn’t do that.

  The door chimed, and Sebastian startled. He ran a hand through his hair and told himself to get it together. His electric guitar was in its case, and he grabbed it and headed downstairs. Markus had returned to his car, which was idling at the curb.

  “Hey, man,” he said.

  “Hey.” Sebastian threw his guitar in the back seat and hopped in.

  Markus tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. “You’ve been keeping busy.”

  Sebastian cocked a brow. “What do you mean?”

  “You’re in the news. First with a brunette on your back and then eating out with a busty blond.”

  Sebastian shook his head. “What busty blond?” Then he remembered being accosted by fans at the Mexican restaurant. Someone had taken a picture? He let out a frustrated breath. “That was nothing. Just an annoying fan.”

  “And the brunette? Also an annoying fan?”

  Sebastian smirked. “No. That one I like.”

  Markus chuckled. “You don’t know how happy I am to hear that. Really, man. Glad you’ve moved on.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  Karl’s fancy new car was parked in front of the warehouse. Sebastian inhaled and steadied himself. He had nothing to be nervous about. Karl was the jerk in this situation. At least he had the decency to have the sound system set up and turned on by the time Sebastian and Markus arrived. Karl’s expression was guarded as he watched Sebastian cross the room to where his mic was set up and ready. Sebastian didn’t utter a greeting, just went directly to his amp and plugged in.

  “I got some new tunes to try,” he said.

  They made it through the whole rehearsal without bickering or throwing a punch. Sebastian didn’t know if Karl was still with Yvonne. He never offered the information and Sebastian never asked.

  Sebastian left Karl to clean up and at least for this time, he didn’t protest. His uncharacteristic amiability was a lame sort of apology. Sebastian wasn’t sure if he was ready to accept it.

  He and Markus picked up fast food on the way home, which Sebastian wolfed down before Markus dropped him off at his place.

  Sebastian gripped his trash in one hand and collected his guitar with the other. “Thanks for the ride.”

  He’d just finished brushing his teeth when the door chimed. He wasn’t expecting anyone. Especially not the person who identified himself.

  “It’s Herr Baumann. Can I come in?”

  Sebastian groaned. Eva’s father was paying him a visit. This couldn’t be good. He pressed the buzzer and braced himself for the worst. A quick scan of his flat confirmed that it was too messy to tidy up in the minute it would take the middle-aged man to climb the stairs. He was glad his roommates had taken down their posters of half-naked girls and that he’d removed his inappropriate wall hangings the first day he’d invited Eva over to write songs.

  Herr Baumann didn’t burst into his flat like the raging bull he’d imagined. Instead he looked tired and defeated. His thick shoulders hung forward as he clasped his hands in front of him.

  “Hello, Herr Baumann. Would you like to sit?”

  “Thank you, but I don’t plan on staying long.”

  Sebastian was glad to hear it. He slid back onto the sofa. “I hope you don’t mind if I sit.”

  “I’ll get right to the point,” the man said. “I want you to break things off with my daughter.”

  Sebastian snorted. Were all fathers the same? Egotistical and manipulative? “I expected as much.”

  “Will you?”

  Herr Baumann raised his palms. “Why would you want to hurt an innocent girl like Eva?”

  “I don’t think I’m the one hurting her.”

  “Surely you are aware how all the young women of Europe are in love with you. The celebrity you. Every one of them dreams that she could gain your attention and your affections. Eva is no different.”

  Sebastian frowned. He remembered the poster of him and Hollow Fellows on Eva’s wall. But that was then. She doesn’t see him like that anymore. She sees the real him. And she still wants to be with him.

  “Eva is special,” Herr Baumann continued. “She’s been through a lot. I couldn’t bear to see her hurt again. Please, would you consider it?”

  “You don’t want to see her get hurt again but you’re asking me to do just that.”

  “Yes, I know. But the pain now will be far less than the pain later.”

  Sebastian bristled at his words. The man was so sure that he would leave his daughter hanging.

  “I’ve already told her I’d accompany her to Gabriele’s wedding. Do you want me to rip her heart in two right before that joyous event?”

  Herr Baumann stared at him and pinched his lips together. “No, that’s not the memory I want her to associate with her sister’s happy moment. You can come to the wedding, but then the next day it’s time to say good-bye.”

  “What if I don’t want to say good-bye to her? Ever?” Sebastian stood and stared at Herr Baumann, man to man. “I think I’m falling in love with her.”

  Herr Baumann’s eyes widened under his thick eyebrows. He rubbed his forehead as if he could scrub the shock off. “If you love her you’ll let her go.”

  Sebastian returned his challenge. “If you love her, you’ll let her go.”

  Herr Baumann sighed. “Perhaps we should both let her go. Just think about it, that’s all I ask. Will you? Do what you know is best for her.”

  Sebastian Weiss


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