Children's Book : The Millennium Squad 2: Mummy King and the Emerald Stone (Mysteries, Spy Kids, Cat Detective, Book for kids ages 9 12)

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Children's Book : The Millennium Squad 2: Mummy King and the Emerald Stone (Mysteries, Spy Kids, Cat Detective, Book for kids ages 9 12) Page 1

by Amma Lee

  The Millennium Squad 2

  Mummy King and the Emerald Stone


  Published in the United States

  Amma Lee & Salmon Peppers

  Published 2017

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  The Millennium Squad and Private Detective, who happens to be a cat, Thomas Fe’line is back in “The Mummy King and the Emerald Stone.” A month after their mission in retrieving the stolen amulet from scorned witches, the Millennium Squad and Thomas finds themselves in an even more complicated mission. When the Emerald Stone is stolen from a museum, Director Morris contacts the Millennium Squad for their help.

  Brave and courageous leader Leonne believes that the mission will be boring and a piece of cake, but when they learn that the Emerald Stone can resurrect sleeping mummies, the Millennium Squad and Thomas know that they must retrieve the stone as soon as possible.

  But what’s this? Thomas cannot shake the sneaky suspicion that there is more to this case than an evil mummy trying to take over the world. Perhaps having Director Morris join the Millennium Squad would help Thomas and the Millennium Squad find out what is truly happening. Will Thomas and the gang be able to stop the mummy king from causing destruction, or will they be blinded by their own doubts?


  It was dark, but the silhouette was able to navigate down the hall with ease. Coming to what appeared to be a door, the figure fumbled with getting it open for a few moments before stepping into the cold room. The footsteps were slow, but the light tapping against the floor made echoing noises. Stopping abruptly, the figure looked down.

  The unwavering body made no movements as a dark head could be seen looking down at something. Whatever this "something" was, it was apparent that it was important. The figure slowly started to tremble as emotions ran through its body. Whether it was emotions of happiness, fear, or one would be able to say for sure.

  Just what was this dark figure looking at? Why was this shadowy figure standing in the middle of the room in utter darkness? Whatever the case was, it was apparent that it was not planning to stay long. Reaching down and touching whatever it was in front of it, it turned around and walked away. The slamming of the door was all that could be heard and in the middle of the room stood an empty pedestal.

  Chapter One

  "C'mon, Theo," Leonne could hear Dylan, his comrade and one of the three members of the Millennium Squad shouting in the background.

  "Absolutely not," Theodore's voice resonated throughout the treehouse. Leonne sat there in silence and continued eating his sandwich. Without looking, the twelve-year-old detective knew what Dylan and Theodore were arguing about. Theodore had just made some top-notch device, and like always, Dylan wanted to be the first one to test it out.

  "You always do this Theodore," Dylan said, placing his hands on his hips. "Every time you invent something, you never want us to use it," the boy shouted. Leonne furrowed his eyebrow but continued eating. Dylan and Leonne knew what the taller detective said was not true.

  "I don't let anyone touch anything until it's been tested!" Theodore shouted with anger seeping through his voice. "What happens if it explodes? Poof! You're without eyebrows!" Theodore said, but even that logical response did not change Dylan's mind.

  "Humph, you're supposed to be all into high-tech merchandise and able to build anything, but I guess people are wrong about you," Dylan said, knowing all too well how to get under Theodore's skin. Theodore pushed up his glasses.

  "And you're supposed to be the strongest out of all of us, but who let a nine-year-old girl beat him up during our last mission?" Theodore said, and Leonne could feel the heat steaming from Dylan's body from across the room. Leonne had to admit that their previous mission, involving the Millennium Squad acting as bodyguards to an eight-year-old boy who was being tormented by a girl in his class, had been quite fun. As big and combat ready as Dylan was, he was one-upped by a girl who was even shorter than Leonne!

  "Both of you knock it off," Leonne said, growing tired of their back and forth banter. Their chatter amused Leonne, but they had work to do. "Instead of bringing up past missions, we should be looking at new missions!" Leonne heard Dylan and Theodore grumble as they made their way back to their stations.

  "Sir!" they both said in unison once they had gotten themselves back together. Leonne turned his head briefly and nodded at his comrades. Fun and play were over; it was time to get back to work.

  "When will you be done fixing the transporter?" Leonne asked. The device allowed the boys to ship evidence and material to the police station in no time, but it had recently malfunctioned.

  "Not too much longer, an hour… two tops," Theodore said and got back to work.

  "Dylan, what's the status of the fight at the underground dog playhouse?" Since business wasn't booming, Leonne had assigned Dylan with the task of stopping the activities at a stadium where people got together and placed bets on dog fights.

  "It's going well, Peaches is winning. I placed a lot of money on her." Leonne turned around quickly and glared at Dylan. Dylan grinned and raised his hands up in the air. "I'm kidding, Leonne. I went in and stopped it last night. The chief arrested the perps this morning." Chief Stewarts made it his duty to provide the Millennium Squad with as much backup as they needed from the police, so it wasn't a surprise that the chief was there when Dylan needed him.

  "Excellent," Leonne said and focused on his own task. He needed to find them a gig, not acting as a bodyguard for a little kid, but an actual mission that would make Leonne and his team sleep better at night knowing that they had made a significant improvement to the world.

  "Huh?" Theodore mumbled all of a sudden.

  "What's the problem, Theo?" Leonne asked looking over his shoulder towards the boy's station. Theodore pushed up his glasses and started pushing some buttons on his hologram screen.

  "Someone is trying to teleport here," Theodore said quickly, and Dylan and Leonne both jumped to their feet and ran over to Theodore.

  "What? Nobody should be able to enter here without our permission." Leonne said. The Millennium Squad's treehouse headquarters only allowed entry to the treehouse if a sample of one’s DNA was approved to come in.

  "You can interrupt their teleport though, right? There's no way they can just barge in here."

  "That’s a negative, they blocked out all of my security. There’s nothing more that I can do, they're here!" Theodore screamed. Leonne and Dylan didn't waste any time getting into a combat stance. Whoever dared to infiltrate their base was in for something else.

  The Millennium Squad expected a group of several people to appear and surround them; however, that wasn't the case. As soon as the body appeared, Leonne, Dylan, and Theodore visibly relaxed, but they were still confused. They were not expecting to see Private Detective Thomas Fe'line in front of them.


  The Millennium Sq
uad stared at Thomas and Thomas stared back at them before giving the three boys a wide toothy grin.

  "Well if it isn't the babies," Thomas said, immediately starting to tease the three young boys. The playful insult went over Leonne's and Theodore's head, but quickly infuriated Dylan.

  "Who are you calling ‘babies' you little fur ball?" Dylan shouted and made his way over to Thomas to grab his tail. Thomas dodged it with ease, and instead of answering Dylan, he moved his eyes towards Leonne and Theodore.

  "Keeping busy I hope? Solving missions instead of making them worse?" It had been a while since they'd seen Thomas, probably a month or so ago when he had assisted them with the stolen amulet case. Leonne still shivered when thinking about what the witches would have done with the amulet, but Leonne wasn’t going to let those memories get to him.

  "Of course," Leonne said and walked back over to his station and sat down. Since it was only Thomas, they had no reason to be on the defense. "So what brings you here, Thomas?" Leonne asked. Thomas hadn't made any effort to contact them, so why did he present himself in front of them now?

  "Oh, no reason," Thomas said and made his way over to Theodore's station, naturally interested in the transporter that the young boy was repairing. "I was bored, and I thought I'd have a little fun by getting under the tall one’s skin," Thomas said, adding to the fuel of Dylan's anger.

  "We don't need you here for that, we are very busy with our work, and you'll only get in the way," Dylan mumbled. Even though he said that, Dylan knew that the cat wouldn't just leave. Leonne scratched his head and thought about Thomas' response. To be completely honest, Leonne didn't really buy the whole "I was bored" story. There had to be something more to it than that.

  Ping! Ping! A loud noise resonated throughout the treehouse.

  "Incoming call, gather around," Leonne said and everyone, but Thomas, made their way over to Leonne's station. Most of the time when people reached out to them directly versus submitting a job over their job board, it wasn't that serious. However, Leonne had a feeling that this wasn't going to be the case since Thomas had unexpectedly arrived several minutes earlier.

  "Oh thank goodness, I feared that I connected to the wrong line!" A middle-aged man said as soon as he made contact with the Millennium Squad. Leonne and Dylan had no idea who this man was, but Theodore greeted him quickly.

  "Director Morris! What's the problem?" Leonne and Dylan side glanced at Theodore, but said nothing.

  "You must come to the museum now! It's something that you need to see. I am too shaken to adequately explain my… no… the entire world's despair!" Leonne, Dylan, and Theodore nodded their heads, but Thomas only narrowed his eyes. He knew that this call was going to make it to the Millennium Squad. A man has been asking all over the web about assistance at his museum for a theft of something that might ruin the world, and that's why Thomas made it his mission to get there as soon as possible.

  "This is going to be interesting," the cat said.

  Chapter Two

  "You sure this is a museum?" Dylan asked as he, Leonne, Theodore, and Thomas walked through a building that almost looked abandoned.

  "Of course, this is a museum!" Theodore shouted, slightly irritated. "The museum is going through some renovations at the moment and had to move a lot of their displays, so it doesn't get wrecked." Museums aren't as popular as they had been back in the twenty-first century, so it was no surprise that museums all over the world decided to include high-tech technology that fit in with the new world. In a few weeks tops, Theodore was sure that museums would be "in" again.

  "I thought they got rid of them a long time ago," Dylan said still not entirely convinced. Thomas broke his typical silence by chuckling.

  "No young one, just because you don't frequent museums doesn't give you the right to mentally close them down." Dylan turned around quickly and was about to say something to the bothersome cat, but they were interrupted by painful sobs.

  "Oh, boys! I'm so happy that you came." The Millennium Squad looked towards the direction of the voice and saw a rather short older man striding towards them. Leonne couldn't help but notice that he and Director Morris were the same height. Leonne was about to extend his hand out to the man and properly introduce himself, but Director Morris walked past him and embraced Theodore while still sobbing.

  "Director Morris," Theodore said sounding a little choked up himself. "What happened? What has happened to this beautiful museum?" Oh boy, they're about to start talking in a language Dylan, and I don't speak, Leonne thought to himself.

  "Please follow me, I want to take you to the most precious place in the museum and maybe even the entire world." Theodore wiped a stray tear from his eye and followed closely behind Director Morris. Leonne and Dylan looked at each other in apparent disbelief.

  "Humph…humans are indeed weird creatures," Thomas mumbled low.

  It took Dr. Morris a while to take them to the "most precious place" that he had mentioned earlier. The man stopped every so often to explain what some of the artifacts that were still on display were. For a moment there Leonne was starting to think that this was going to be a typical ‘boring' mission. Maybe Thomas did suddenly arrive because he was bored, Leonne thought to himself.

  "Here we are," Director Morris said as he, Thomas, and the Millennium Squad approached a door. Out of everywhere they'd been in the building, this heavily locked and metallic door had to be the most high-tech thing in the place. "This is where the root of all evil has taken place." Leonne and Dylan weren't convinced that this mission would be of any interest, but the look on Theodore's face was the opposite.

  Director Morris walked to the door, typed in what appeared to be a code on the panel next to the door, and the door slowly slid open. They were surprised that there was nothing in the room, but a pedestal.

  "Director Morris, did someone steal everything from out of here?" Leonne asked, considering how bare the place was.

  "No, this room was not furnished with anything but the pedestal and…." Director Morris wiped at his eyes and walked over to the pedestal and rubbed the empty space. "The Emerald Stone."

  "The Emerald Stone?" Leonne and Dylan repeated and looked at each other.

  "Ah… I see the Emerald Stone," Theodore said and pushed up his glasses. Theodore looked down at Thomas to see if he had any knowledge of it. Oh, that's right. He doesn't let too many people know that he's a detective with the ability to use the human language, Theodore thought to himself. "Director if you don't mind, please allow me a brief moment to explain the Emerald Stone to my comrades."

  "Most certainly… they need to understand the power of the stone. I feel that I am too upset to adequately explain things." Theodore looked at Director Morris with sympathy in his eyes and then turned towards Leonne, Dylan, and Thomas.

  "Okay, I'll try to keep this brief," Theodore said and then he explained the Emerald Stone to them in an easy to understand way.


  "So let me get this straight…," Dylan said after Theodore was done explaining the Emerald Stone to them. "You're telling me that this rock…"

  "It's not a 'rock', Dylan," Theodore cut Dylan off quickly. "It's a 'stone.'" Dylan waved him off and continued.

  "So you're telling me this stone will set all the mummies in the world free from their tombs?" Dylan asked in shock. Leonne considered what Theodore had just told them. The story of the Emerald Stone sounded a little farfetched, but after everything they had seen, he couldn't throw the idea out the window.

  "Director Morris, any idea on who might have stolen the stone?" Leonne asked. This mission was a little more exciting than Leonne had initially thought, and if someone was indeed trying to awaken mummies from their tombs, it could be bad news for the world.

  "Yes…" Director Morris said and walked around the pedestal and kneeled. Thomas watched the man with great intensity. Even though Thomas wasn't talking, or even moving from his spot for that matter, he was analyzing everything that Director Morris was saying.
"Do you know what this is?" Director Morris held up what appeared to be wrappings.

  "Looks like some dirty rags. The cleaning crew left their trash around? Talk about bad service." Dylan mumbled.

  "Are those… wrappings?" Theodore asked, pushing up his glasses.

  "Precisely, and I am positive that these wrappings belong to a mummy!" Director Morris shouted, and Leonne moved closer and took the wrappings from his hand and examined them.

  "Of course," Leonne didn't study things like this as much as Theodore has, but the wrappings appeared to be ancient. The Emerald Stone, which has the abilities to awaken mummies, was stolen and some old wrappings were found at the scene of the crime. Without a doubt, in Leonne's head, this had to be the works of a mummy who has awoken from its slumber somehow.

  "Analyze this right quick." Leonne gave the wrappings to Theodore and Theodore took it quickly. Thomas moved over towards Theodore and climbed up his pants leg so that he could see it as well. This was when Director Morris noticed him.

  "Ah! I didn't even see this little bugger in here. No pets are allowed in the museum. I don't want its sticky paws ruining any of the merchandise!" Director Morris shouted.

  "Don't mind him," Dylan said looking over at Thomas. "It's well behaved, a little stupid, but it won't cause you any trouble. It just hates it when we leave it alone." Thomas was growing tired of Dylan referring to him as an ‘it' and calling him names, but he'd let it slide for now. Thomas didn't want to give away his identity.

  "Let's go back to the treehouse. I have some things I want to say." Thomas whispered to Theodore and Theodore nodded his head.

  "Boss, can we head back to the treehouse right quick? There are a few more things I need to look into, but I don't have the right tools."


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