Heart Breaker (Break on Through)

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Heart Breaker (Break on Through) Page 14

by Harper Kincaid

  “Hey, gingersnap, where’s your bag?”

  Jessica and I both turned our heads in Max’s direction.

  “Gingersnap?” Jessica asked.

  “Mad” Max was a character and giving my sister a nickname within minutes of knowing her was the least of it. His full name was Maximilian Korbin, but he’d earned his moniker during his time with the military, special ops, to be exact, and he’d kept earning it on the road, even after he was discharged. Out of all of Kyle’s friends, I knew the least about him. Which I did not like. Nope, not at all. Because I knew men, and the way he was looking at my sister? He was definitely into her. And with the way she read through romance novels, you’d think she’d have a friggin’ clue and pick up the many signals he was throwing her way.

  She was utterly and completely clueless.

  “You can’t stay here right now,” Max continued, ignoring Jessica’s annoyance with him. “And you’re coming with me.”

  “Wh-what?” She was bewildered, which only seemed to encourage Max even more.

  “Yeah, babe, I’m right down the street. Pack a bag for a couple of days and if you forget somethin’, we can come back for it.”

  She shook her head and looked over at Kyle and me. “Can’t I just come with you two?”

  “Of course you can, we—”

  “My boy’s place is sweet, but there’s no guest room. Means you’d be stuck on the couch, listening to the two of them fucking. You want that?”

  “Jesus, Max, way to paint a picture!” I was blushing and none too pleased with his graphic, albeit accurate descriptor.

  “Callin’ it how I see it, peaches,” he replied.

  “Peaches? Mind explaining how I got that nickname?”

  Max smirked, his eyes turning mischievous while giving Kyle a look I could only interpret as cryptic man-code. “Heard you’ve got a real sweet—”

  “That’s enough now,” Kyle interrupted, glaring at Max but turning his attention to Jess.

  “He’s right about my place, but you and Sam can have the bed and I’ll take the couch.”

  Jessica let out a sigh of relief. “That’s really nice of you, Kyle. Thanks.”

  She may have been happy about the arrangements, but the irritation emanating off of Max was evident. Didn’t help that he was a big guy as well, at least 6’4” and made of solid muscle and covered in tattoos. He had blond hair, always kept back in a ponytail, and scruff on his face. He didn’t look mean, per se. He was too gorgeous for that, but he was a formidable presence.

  “You’d rather get in between your sister and her man and have a bitch of a commute in the morning to get to the school than stay with me and my daughter?”

  “Wait a second, how did you know I worked at the school, when did you move into my neighborhood and you have a daughter?” She was getting riled up. I could tell. And considering the trauma I had earlier, I was grateful for the entertainment in some strange way.

  “Renting Lauren’s house for the year. Vienna’s too uppity for my liking, but your school is one of the best in the state, and my daughter needs that. She’s a pistol. Real smart, but doesn’t have a lot of friends. Just want the best for my kid.”

  That did it. Jessica blinked a couple of times in a row. I could always tell when someone was getting in there.

  “Heard about you when I went to register her for the fall. Asked if I could hire one of the teachers to work with her over the summer and they gave me your name.”

  “Really?” she asked, her eyes wide like a child’s at the window of an ice cream shop.

  “Called you the ‘pied piper’ for all the kids who don’t fit. My daughter’s name is Piper. Took it as a sign.”

  Kyle leaned in, placing his hand on her shoulder. “Your choice, but just so you know, Max has been one of my closest friends since I was seventeen years old. He’s a good man and I trust him, more than anyone, to keep you safe.”

  She took a sharp inhale of air and put her hand to her chest. Yep, she was a goner.

  “Of course I’ll help her over the summer, and you’re right. I should stay with you too. I really dislike driving in traffic and I really should, uh—” she eyeballed me and my man, “—give my sister and Kyle their privacy.” Then she gazed back—and up—at Max. “Are you sure I’m not putting you out?”

  He took a step into her space, making Jessica hitch her breath and pull her top lip between her teeth. I elbowed Kyle, and he gave me a knowing look in response.

  “Gingersnap, the only thing you could do to put me out is to deny me the chance to help you. And until I know for a fact that the judge is going to keep that goddamn piece of crap behind bars—and not let him out on bond—then you’re under my roof and under my protection. Now let’s stop dickin’ around, pack a bag and take you home.”

  Then a true first happened to the Lockhart girls. Jessica shut her mouth, walked out of the room and was packed in less than ten minutes. Without a snappy retort or argument of contention muttered the entire time.

  Chapter Ten

  Morning of dress rehearsal—two days before opening night

  “Is the building on fire?”


  “Is the country in a state of emergency or something?”

  He chuckled and sat on the bed next to me, his eyes smiling as much as his beautiful mouth. Looked like he was already dressed, but not for work. That merited me doing a double take from under my pillow.

  “What are you up to, Masterson?” My tone was wary because the sky was still dark.

  He brushed the hair away from my eyes and smiled down at me. Geez, he was handsome. Staying in his apartment over the last several days had been like a dream. We lived together so seamlessly that I had to remind myself—frequently—that this was temporary. It wasn’t us building a life together. It was playing house.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?”


  He responded with a patient smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “Where did you go just then?”

  What was I going to say, that as much as I adored the home I grew up in, spending this time with him, under his roof, was like fulfilling a long-held wish I didn’t know I had? That I was madly and irrevocably in love with him? Was I supposed to tell him that I wanted to marry him someday? Have his babies?

  Fuck no. I’d scare the shit out of him. For real and for good.

  I mean, I never thought I would actually like living with a guy. I pictured toilet seats left up and stray hairs in the sink. I imagined him drinking straight out of the milk carton and leaving dirty socks and wet towels all over the floor.

  He did none of those things. Instead I woke up to my man going down on me almost every morning and my favorite brand of coffee suddenly stocked in his pantry. He made space for me in his drawers and even more in his life. And every night, he brought me to orgasm, sometimes to the point where my throat would close up, my nose stinging, using everything I had not to cry.

  I was that happy. And when I would be reading through a script or on my computer and I’d suddenly glance up to catch him staring at me? Euphoria scored through my veins like opium, surrounding my senses in a velvet bubble from which I never wanted to break free. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times over the last several days the words “I love you” were on the tip of my tongue, like something hanging off the edge of the cliff. Afraid to jump.

  So I didn’t. In my mind, I just stood there. Waiting for a sign. Hoping like hell he loved me back and praying even harder that he would be the first to say it. So I knew it would be safe to jump. Because then I’d be assured I would fly or he would catch me.

  “Nothing. I’m just tired is all,” I answered, rubbing my eyes and yawning. “May I go back to sleep now or did you want something?”

  “Good thing you’re so beautiful always and your charm returns o
nce you’re caffeinated,” he teased. “I’ve got coffee ready in the other room. Throw on something quick. Doesn’t matter what it is. No one will see you.”

  He was definitely up to something. He playfully slapped my ass and then went into the other room. I stumbled out of bed, into some jeans, slip-on shoes and a long-sleeve Henley and followed him out.

  He took my hand and led me to the rooftop of his building. It was obviously an area used for parties because there was swank lounge seating and a bar set up there. Then I took a closer look on the other side of the space and, right in front of the outdoor wood-burning fireplace, in the sunken pit, were countless soft pillows. And right beside was a silver tray filled with an assortment of fresh berries, juice, yogurt, and of course, coffee.

  I brought my hand to my mouth, covering it because I was so overwhelmed. I looked up at him, those sparkling, whiskey-colored eyes taking in my reaction.

  “You did all this?”

  I got another electric smile, the kind that lit me up inside like a million Christmas lights. God, I loved him. I loved him. I loved him. I loved him.

  “I’d do anything for you, Samantha,” he said, his voice still husky with morning and emotion. He gestured to his surprise with his chin and squeezed my hand, walking us over and having me lie down with him.

  “Okay, I’m officially impressed and wooed, Mr. Masterson.” I smiled between sips of coffee, leaning on one elbow while he relaxed with his arms behind his head. “What’s the occasion?”

  “Well, you’re about to start your play and a particularly noisy sparrow informed me you tend to get consumed when you’re in a production.”

  I knew exactly who he meant by “noisy sparrow”. “You mean my sister.”

  He gave me a warm smile. “You’re her family. Natural for her to want to look out for you, and since you’ve been holing up with me, she’s called to make sure I’m doing right by you.”

  Jessica was also calling and texting me quite frequently. She was still staying at Max’s place and something about him seemed to unnerve my sister. And in spite of her flustered objections, I was thinking that was all kinds of good for her.

  I just nodded in reply, putting my cup down, and as soon as I did, he took my free hand in his, threading our fingers together.

  “And this was my small way to check in with my girl. Make sure you’re really okay.”

  I looked around, grabbed a strawberry and fed him a bite. “Nothing small about this setup, honey. Although I always appreciate a grand gesture.”

  “Your sister said as much,” he replied between chews.

  “Kyle…” I warned.

  “Hey.” He stopped me, sitting up to take hold of me by the back of my neck, something he did when he wanted my undivided focus. It worked every time too. “What happened earlier this week was something that you just can’t sweep under the rug and pretend it didn’t happen.”

  “I know that.” My voice sounded smaller than I intended. “And I know I haven’t really dealt with what happened. Living in the bubble with you.” I rested my forehead on his. “Loved every minute I’ve spent here with you. Can’t blame me for wanting to soak this up instead of dealing with what happened at my parents’ house.”

  Instantly, he laid me down and put some of his weight on me, cradling my face in his warm and comforting hands. He was looking down at me. Hovering. Studying my face like I was an exam he was about to take.

  “What?” I let out a nervous laugh. He opened his mouth. Then closed it and gave a slight shake of his head.

  “Nothing, baby,” he said. I searched his eyes but couldn’t figure out what he was hiding.

  “Tell me,” I implored, knowing there was something.

  His jaw clenched and twitched while his mouth was pressed in a hard line. “Schiller’s bail hearing is this morning.”

  I sucked in air and my whole body stiffened, hating even hearing his name. I closed my eyes. “Think there’s a chance for him to make bail?”

  He paused a few beats longer than I liked, making me open my eyes again to try and read his face. He let out a breath and furrowed his brow. “Would love nothing more than to tell you not to worry, but he has no priors. He has some friends in high places too. It can go either way.”

  I bit my bottom lip, my teeth sinking deep into my flesh. I wanted that bite just then because it kept me from focusing on the dread rising from my gut.

  “We’ve got the best prosecutor in the DC area representing us. And you don’t have to be there, as you know. I should get word by late morning.”

  I stilled. “Representing ‘us’?”

  “Damn right, ‘us’,” he said, his tone and expression instantly hardening. “Seeing what that pig did to you? It was worse than if it had happened to me.”

  We were new, so I couldn’t pretend to know all his moods. But I knew Kyle was taking this hard. And I also knew, with the way his mind worked, that the memory of that day—and what he found walking in my door—wasn’t fading in the least.

  “It’s going through a loop in your head, isn’t it?”

  He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. “Yeah. Only stops when I’m back with you.” He opened them again and I saw most of the whiskey in his eyes dominated by his pupils. Dilated and on alert. “But through the day, while we’re both at work? I go crazy thinking something’s going to happen to you. That I can’t be there to protect you. Tears into me that I wasn’t the one to save you from him.”

  “Baby,” I tried to soothe. “You were mere minutes behind Max. Either way, I was going to be safe again. My fault for not checking who it was first.”

  “You thought it was me. I would’ve done the same thing. But still…”

  “And seeing you mess him up?” I interjected, wanting to get my point across before the memory loop started spinning in his head. “I knew you were the kind of man who would always make sure I’m safe. The only reason why I stopped you was because I didn’t want to have to visit you in jail for manslaughter.”

  He let out a harsh laugh. “I could’ve killed him. Wanted to, Sam.”

  “I know, but he’s definitely going to jail. And then this whole thing will be over.” I paused and brought my hand to cup his face, smoothing his crinkled brow with the pad of my thumb. Immediately, his expression relaxed. “Are you okay?”

  “Never been better,” he answered immediately. “I got you.”

  Just then, rays of light peeked out, shining around his head, like a halo. I looked over his shoulder to see the sun starting to rise. I let out a laugh that sounded more like a cackle.

  “You couldn’t have planned that any better!”

  He laughed along with me. “Told you the sun rises and sets with you.”

  “Well, there’s only one thing that would make this morning even better.”

  He got a real turned-on look on his face and pushed himself into me, pressuring my core in the most delicious way.

  “What else can I do to service you this morning, Ms. Lockhart?”

  I cocked my eyebrow and gave him my most flirty smirk. “You can stop talking and fuck me so hard I feel you between my legs for the rest of my day.”

  With a wicked, Cheshire grin on his face, he leaned in and proceeded to give me a morning wake-up that, indeed, lingered between my legs, and every other part of me, for hours afterward.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kyle—at his office—11:00 a.m.

  “You’ve got Mr. Zeltzer on line one. He says it’s urgent.”

  “Thanks, Petra.” I immediately stopped what I was doing to get his call. He was the attorney assigned to prosecute that piece of shit—and a friend—so he was keeping me in the loop. And I was hoping he was calling me with good news.

  “Zeltzer, it’s Masterson. What’s happened?”

  “Schiller’s out on bond.”

brain almost short-circuited from the shock of what he just told me. “What the fuck, Zeltzer? Thought you had this under control!”

  “We knew this was a possibility,” he countered. “First offense, well-known figure in the theater world. Still, the judge ordered a million-dollar bond. Schiller had it. In cash.”

  I stood up, putting on my jacket while I was still on the phone with him. “How long ’til he’s out?”

  I was met with silence on the other line and my insides sank to the bottom of my shoes.

  “Don’t tell me…he’s already out? For how long?”

  “About an hour.” Then he said the rest in a rush. “This has been my first chance to call you. The judge ordered Schiller to stay away from the theater and to obey the restraining order.”

  “How long have you been a prosecutor?”

  More silence. He knew a restraining order didn’t mean shit to a sociopath like Schiller.

  “I called in a favor to some guys I know on the DC force. They’re on their way right now to the theater, to give your girl protection.”

  Well, at least that was something. “Okay, I can’t pussy around with you anymore. I gotta go make sure she’s okay for myself.”

  “Right. And again, I’m sorry, man.”

  I hung up the phone, grabbed my briefcase, and started jogging out of the office. “Petra, I’m out for the rest of the day. Only forward calls related to Samantha’s case.”

  She nodded, looking gobsmacked, but I didn’t have time to register anything. I didn’t care if I was being paranoid or overprotective. I had to get to Samantha and make sure she was okay.

  I was in my car and tearing through the city, quietly grateful there was no traffic this time of day. Sam was due there at 10:30 a.m. and it was now 11:10 a.m. She was probably safe with the cast inside by the time Derek Schiller got out on bond. But I didn’t want to take any chances.


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