Sea of Aecor, (Geography): A toxic, super-saline, land-locked sea to the east of Sanctuary.
Seagle, (Animal): A four legged, winged bird native to Fulcrum Island. Used by the dwellers of Fulcrum and Protusia isles as mounts.
Seal of the Whisperers, (General): A seal burned on to the hands of those banished from Sanctuary.
Segregator, (General): A counterweighted and droppable block of stone, to hamper movement through the Circuit in the instance of an invasion.
Serican Maebog, (General): A military unit in the Imperial Red Army of the Empress of Serica. Renowned for their tenacity, strength and guerrilla tactics.
Seven Will Bearers of Ur, (General): Seven warriors chosen by an Ur, to undertake his Will. The right to bear his will and thus a ring of the Seven, can only be achieved with the death of the original bearer. Even if the Ur wishes a new blade bearer, they must defeat the Bearer in mortal combat. Disputes between Ur's are settled by one or all of their Bearers.
Shadefiend, (Shadefiend): A collective name for the aggressive and predacious creatures of Shayde. Entirely averse to the direct light of Lux, and to a lesser extent all other forms of light. Perpetually await the darkness of Tenebrae to unleash their assault on the docile and herbivorous creatures of Elysia.
Shadefiender, (Profession): One who has dedicated significant effort to the study and understanding of the biology and behaviour of Shadefiends.
Sharehold Mine, (Geography): A gold and Aurum mine owned and operated by the powerful Oligarchs of Aspiration. Operated by the Union of Extractors and Smelters.
Shayde, (Geography): The perpetually dark half of Aurania.
Shaydean Alliance, (Politics): An alliance of several factions of Shayde. Attamerus, Ur's of Ravthan, Frystia.
Shield Maidens, (Profession): See Eir Order.
Shield, the, (General): The outermost defensive wall of Sanctuary. Forty Spans high, dual walled and seemingly impenetrable.
Shield, the, (General): A protective wall the separates the grounds of the Sanctum from the Districts.
Shot, (Measurement): A standard form of Concordat weight measurement. The prototype and standard is modelled on the weight of a medium-bore Concordat Cannonade Shell. Also known as a Fist of Steel. See Concordat Weight Measurement Conversion Table.
Shrieker, (Shadefiend): A flying, fanged creature, with leathery wings and large talons. Screams in a frightening shriek as it rises and descends upon its prey from above.
Shroud of Unrepentant, (Cult): A gathering of Veiled Unrepentant. All members meet with veiled faces and never meet eyes.
Sigil, the, (General): A series of Aurum plates in the Sanctum Crypt.
Silencia, Necropolis of, (Geography): A large, stonewalled fortification for interning dead in accordance with an Old Ways custom. Long since disused.
Silent Citadel, (General): A citadel fortress located on Fulcrum Island.
Singularis, (General): The bright white, central star of the stellar system of Singularum.
Singularum, (Geography): A stellar system that exists within Existentia. Named after its central star, Singularis.
Sky-Fields, (Geography): A perpetually storm battered region of far south-western Elysia.
Sky-Ring, (General): A large, metallic, suspended torus that connected the four Focal Towers together.
Slavers Union, (General): A Union of Slave traders and hunters. Relocated from Elysia upon its outlawing, head quartering itself on Serica.
Sledge Cannon, (General): Cannons that fire a heavy metal pile-driving spike. Used for smashing through barricades.
Soldiers Fire, (General): A three by three battle cry of the Praetorium.
Song, the, (General): The Song of the Way, commonly known as 'the Song', sings of the duties all have to Sanctuary and the Consecrated Labour all are chosen to undertake, to the righteousness of hard work and labour and to the propagation of the Way. Recital of the Song was a duty of an Acolyte.
South-Way, the, (Geography): The main trade road that leads from the Southern Gate of Sanctuary to the southern provinces of Elysia.
Southern Steppe, (Geography): An expanse of lush grasses, prairies and the native land of the famed Flour-Stalks.
Southern Stream, the, (Geography): The Centre most stream that travels south from the Evergreen. Provides freshwater to Sanctuary by a Viaduct that crosses the Border Bridge.
Span, (Measurement): The standard form of Concordat linear measurement. The prototype and standard for the Span, comes from any side of the Equilateral triangle on the Sigil of Existentia, in the Sanctum Crypt. See Concordat Length Measurement Conversion Table.
Spinner Moth, (Animal): A small insect from Serica that produces copious amounts of a thread like substance in the construction of its dwellings.
Stalwart Pillars, (Geography): Massive stone and steel pillars that block both mouths of the Partitio River, denying access to vessels large enough to cause any disruption to Sanctuary.
Stately Gates, (General): The four gates built into the Shield that provide entrance into Sanctuary.
Stelion, (Shadefiend): An eight legged, chitinous creature. Stands around 4 Spans high. Ejects acidic liquid from its carapaces.
Step, (Measurement): A standard form of Concordat time measurement. See Concordat Time Measurement Conversion Table.
Step of Origin, (General): The step and cycle of when an individual is born.
Stone-Tallow, (Commodity): A thick, tar like substance that exudes from the Jagged Ranges. Has excellent wound healing and deodorizing qualities.
Storm-Callers, (Hexen): A Hexen with the power to control the Wind and Storms. Will usually use a Naga intermediary.
Strength Serums, (General): Medicaments of unknown substances that greatly enhance the size and strength of its users. Has unsightly and undesirable side effects.
Strict Observance of Merusul, (Politics): A sect of the followers of the Old Ways. Its followers only revere the Beneficent Nine as stipulated and directed by Merusul the Unyielding.
Structuram Civilitatis, (General): A political and secular manifesto, written by the Wise and Noble Lumerus, on how Civilisation should be created and maintained. Places heavy focus on the removal of superstition and the maintenance of a system of morality, logic and ethics.
Sunsphere, (General): A weapon designed by the Machinists for the Attaran Alliance. Fires a multitude of small bolts in a cone formation that is devastating to unarmoured personnel
Supreme Overseer, (Profession): The most senior member of the Operarium. Oversees the welfare, administration, education and training of the Operarius.
Suppression Law, (General): Suppression Law places the Praetorium Under the control of the Ecclesiasts to undertake necessary measures to restore order and remove heresy.
Tabanidon, (Shadefiend): A foul insidious flying creature that preys upon anything warm blooded, using their impeccable thermal vision to track down their prey.
Temple of Labour, (General): The abode of the Labourial Clerics and Ecclesiastic Acolytes within the Districts. The temple is where the Clerics and Acolytes would undertake services and recitation of the Structuram Civilitatis, as well as dissertations authorised by the Ecclesiasticum.
Tenebrae, (General): The period of six Passes of uninterrupted darkness caused by the obstruction of Lux by Nox.
Tenebraen Feast, the, (General): A multistage feast held within Sanctuary, beginning from the moment that coloured light leaves the land during Tenebrae, climaxing at Umbra Orbis.
Tharlugia, (Geography): A free state in the far south-Eastern corner of Elysia. Known for living inside the remnants of Behemoth Clams
Tharlugian, (General): A dark skinned race of sailors and pearlers. Fine artisans and purveyors of exquisite shell cutlery.
Tharlugian Armada, (General): The maritime peacekeeping forces of the Tharlugian Realm.
Tiger Guard, (General): One of the Red Empress's elite bodyguard units.
Timberslane, (Geography): A logging township. A member of t
he Northern Brokerage.
Tithe House, (General): The Tithe House is where the levy was placed after each round of manufacturing. The tithes were collected several times a Pass to top up the storage facilities in Sanctum.
Toll, (Measurement): A standard form of Concordat time measurement. A Toll is comprised of 6000 Footfalls. See Concordat Time Measurement Conversion Table.
Tollspire, the, (Geography): A large and automated chronograph that generated a bell toll twenty-four evenly distributed times per Step. Strange automatons protect its interior.
Tool-Smiths, (General): A splinter faction of the Khyramic Order. Unlike the Machinists, the Tool-Smiths refuse to build devices of destruction.
Torino, (Commodity): A small fruit with a hard-outer shell, and soft inner pulp. Native to Serica - the first Torino Tree being planted by the great Lan'Tsa himself.
Transducer, Aetheric, (Aetherics): A convertor used to take energy from other sources, and output it as Aetheric Force.
Treatment, the, (General): A medicament used by those of the 1st Ultimus Cohort to treat the psychological disturbances they suffer caused by the effects of Gunnish mind shot.
Treaty-Line, (Politics): Virtual lines of which the Shaydean Alliance shall never cross.
Trial, the, (General): A series of physical challenges and sparring sessions undertaken during the Calling. Tests a Page for their suitability to enter the Praetorius.
Tribunal Magister, (Profession): A senior and retired member of one of the Four Focal powers. Serve as advisors on the Tribunal Council.
Tribunal Council, (General): The Tribunal consisted of three delegates from each of the Focal Powers – each Power’s leader and two sub-delegates, making a total of twelve. A Curator was selected from the Atrium of Kaiziers to preside over the Tribunal, guiding the proceedings and maintaining order. Unlike the other members of the Tribunal, the Curator had no decision-making authority, other than keeping due order, progressing the proceedings and enacting the greatest will of the Tribunal.
Tribune, (Profession): Senior officers to the Centurions, acting as staff officers, ensuring that the highest levels of discipline and integrity were maintained through the ranks. A Tribune reported directly to and acted as the arms, eyes and ears of the Praetorian Prefects.
Truce, the, (History): A truce was formed between Alliance and Sanctuary, and those lands which the Alliance had taken during the war, were handed over to the Concordat. Those lands now form the March Confederacy.
Tuftan Grass, (Plant): Thick, hardy grass that grows as a mound.
Twin, Right, (Apocrypha): The Twin of Destiny who represents the Righteous.
Twin, Wrong, (Apocrypha): The Twin of Destiny who represents the Unrighteous
Twins of Destiny, (Apocrypha): Twins born into the world - of different mothers. Their destinies are said to determine the fate of Existentia.
Ultimus Legion, (History): A Legion that was sent outside of Sanctuary, as peacekeepers of lands within the Concordat.
Umbra Orbis, (General): The moment of the full eclipse of Lux by Nox.
Unbreakable Guard, (Profession): A Vigilant Cohort responsible for protecting the Dome of the Decree and its interior, overseeing all who entered its walls and maintaining order.
Unbreakables, the, (History): Those objects that depict notions of the Old Ways, that remain unbroken or intact after the Idoloclasm. Remain deep within the Dome of the Decree.
Underborn, (General): Those of Sanctuary, either raised as Orphans or not of Sanctuarian birth. Will never lose the title of Underborn. The progeny of an Underborn shall be entitled to the title of Freeborn.
Unending Eighteen, (Apocrypha): Considered the actual embodiments of the Nine Virtues and Nine Iniquities. Deified and worshipped by the Attarans. The outlawing of the worship of the Unending Eighteen was a major contributor to the 1st Schism.
Union Army, (General): A technologically advanced army that protects the interest of the Union of Merchants and its lands.
Union of Extractors and Smelters, (Politics): A union of businesses focused on the mining and smelting of various ores.
Union of Merchants, (Politics): The over-arching Union of various sub-unions. The Union is headquartered in Aspiration and administered by the Oligarchs. A founding member of the Elysian Concordat.
Ur, (General): An Elder-Prince of a Ravthanian Horizon-Watch. An Ur inherits the Land and Will-Bearers of his father.
Ustrina, (Animal): The Epitome of Flame. A four legged and flaming bird when materialised.
Veiled Unrepentant, (Politics): A group said to revere the Malignant Nine. They offer human sacrifices in hideous ways to appease their masters and mistresses.
Veithred Djyntarf, (Apocrypha): The collection of stanzas and recitations of the Ormish Druids, that tell of old legends and superstitions. Is said to have never been recorded in writing, and only ever recited.
Ves, (General): A Colden tribe that dwell at the peaks of the Chasm Valley. Reclusive and known to be brutal towards outsiders.
Vespax, (Shadefiend): A four-winged flying insect, capable of being mounted with saddle and ridden when trained. Has powerful mandibles and a stinging barbed tail used for incapacitating its victims. The Attaran Dragoons who ride these winged steeds require significant strength to withstand the forward speed of the Vespax. Vespaxes had no emotion, and could readily be ridden by anyone courageous enough to mount the disturbing creatures.
Victor, the, (Apocrypha): The Victorious Twin of Destiny.
Vigilant Legion, (Profession): The Vigilant Legion is responsible for protecting the Sanctum and its grounds, overseeing all who entered its walls and maintaining order.
Villicus, (Profession): The Tribunal Conclave Bailiff. Responsible for overseeing physical order in the Conclave.
Vindicator, (Profession): The militant arm of the inquisitors and their inquisitions, enacting upon an Inquisitions concerns and requests. Although stationed within the Ecclesiasticum, they remain seconded from the ranks of the Praetorium
Vizier, (General): A senior member of the Attaran Council.
Void, the, (General): The infinite nothingness, in which Existentia concurrently floats and sinks.
War Ensemble, Attaran, Shayde: A Shaydean orchestra of War - as played by the Heralds Battalion. The ominous tunes from a War Ensemble strike fear into any opponent - and instil Valour into those who follow in the music's wake.
War of Sentience, (Apocrypha): It is said that in a time long lost forgot, a young Auranian race under the tutelage of the Unending Eighteen, claimed the Sanctum by ejecting its original inhabitants.
War-Sitars, (General): A long-necked stringed instrument, that sounds haunting notes through the air.
Watcher's Horn, (General): A very large spiralling brass horn blown as a sign of distress and danger to the Stately Gate, with a very deep and droning bass note.
Way of Lumerus, the, (General): The elucidated morals and dogma of the Structuram Civilitatis, as determined by the Ecclesiasts.
Western Stream, the, (Geography): A fast flowing river that begins at the Evergreen and ends at the Flying Waters of the Breach.
Whisperer, (General): A common name for anyone of the Nine Iniquities as it is they who speak to the hearts and minds of those listen.
Will-Bearer, (General): A Ravthanian warrior of impeccable skill in combat and intelligence in worldly affairs. A Will-Bearer is catered to financially, their Ur providing all their wishes if in their power to do so.
Wind-Talkers, (Hexen): A Hexen with the power to communicate and listen across incredible distances via the wind.
Winged Sentinel, (Profession): The mounted cavalry of the Vigilant Legion. Stationed within the Curtain, and wear metallic wings affixed to their backs to desensitise their steeds, and to distract the mounts of their adversaries.
Wolverbeest, (Animal): A creature that forages on sea grass along the Aecorian Cost.
Womb Realm, (Apocrypha): See Existentia.
Word, the, (General): See the
Writ, Enclavian, (General): An order given by the Atrium of Kaiziers to the Enclave of Excelators - for an Excelator to undertake required duties.
Wrůdin, (Apocrypha): A revered ancestor in the Ancestor-God pantheon of the Frystians.
Hexen'Darq, (Hexen): Those who shed the blood of others to draw power. Murderers and Assassins with untold powers.
Hexen'Layt, (Hexen): Those who shed their own blood to draw power. Only work in benign ways.
Xia, (Geography): The subterranean continent below the surface of Serica. Illuminated by Fire Opals and moonlight from the giant crevices in the continent above.
Zeth, (Apocrypha): The tenderer of the last garden. Witnesses the endless struggle between the Benignus and Malignus.
Zora, (Commodity): A fermented soup concentrate that gets more flavoursome with age. A favourite of long-distance travellers. A small amount of Zora added to flour and water, will seed further concentrate.
Tables and Figures
1: Map prepared by Magister Lothar Desgauliers for his travel guide, “Grinding Gears of an Aged Crank”, 159th Cycle of Purity.
2: Legend for Map
3: City Numbering Guide for Map
4: District Layout
5: Sanctuary Layout
6: Concordat Tables of Weight, Volume, Length and Time.
7: Toolsmith Design for a Time-Circuit Clock to measure Steps, Passes and Cycles.
Exhumation: An Epic of Existentia (Acts of the Sojourner Book 1) Page 44