When Clubs Collide

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When Clubs Collide Page 8

by Jacqueline Sinclair

  Ghost sat at the bar and enjoyed his beer. He was going to see Moon in four days. Granted, he wished it was under better circumstances, but no way would he let that damper his thoughts of seeing her. Touching her.

  “I know where your head is, brother,” Flirt said as he sat down beside Ghost.

  “Damn, that obvious?” Ghost stared at the bottle in front of him, and Flirt slapped his back.

  “Yeah, but only to me because we’ve been through a lot of stuff together, so I know how you think,” Flirt said, then took a drink of his own beer.

  “True,” was Ghost only reply.

  “Since we have been to hell and back together, Ghost, I’m just going to say it. You want her, bring her back with you,” Flirt said, but never turned his head and looked at Ghost.

  “Moon’s been with the Ops and Lady Riders a long time. They have been her family, Flirt.”

  “Might be, but I know you, Ghost. We’ve seen a lot, done a lot, and survived a lot together. After you buried your wife and son and came back here with me, I’ve watched you grieve and barely living. I often wonder if the man I met when we went through BUD/S together and then on to the same SEAL team would ever surface again. In this last month, I’ve started to see bits and pieces of him, and I believe it is owed to Moon. The old Ghost would go after what he wanted. Is the old Ghost back?” Flirt waited through the silence from his brother.

  “I’m back, but she’s changed, Flirt. She’s more than the young girl I let down.” Flirt nodded and stood, and Ghost looked up to him.

  “So have you, brother.” Ghost watched as Flirt turned to walk away, but then he stopped and looked back at Ghost. “She might be part of the Ops and the Lady Riders, and you’ve both took different roads for a while. But remember, Ghost, she’s been yours a lot longer.”

  Ghost sat there and watched his friend walk away, then he turned around and finished his beer. By the time he headed to his place to start getting his things together, his decision was made. When he came back to Shades Valley from San Diego, Moon would be with him.

  Chapter Three

  Creed disconnected the call and placed his phone in his pocket. The other men in the room waited to hear any new information he might have gotten.

  “Well, we aren’t going to have to meet Black Hawk at the designated place with the trucks to bring them in under cover since the Black Hearts know they are here.”

  “How the fuck could they know that, Creed? We’ve been over every inch of this compound, checked the computer equipment, and scrubbed everyone’s phones. They don’t have shit of ours or the Furies bugged. Yesterday we caught the two that were sneaking around just outside both clubs’ perimeters,” Fork asked.

  “Those two are clueless to what they walked into. They were hired to watch us, and if we made any suspicious moves, they were to send a text to a number programmed into the disposal phones they were carrying. Data and Numbers ran that shit and what a surprise, it went to another disposal phone,” Maxi informed them.

  “Yeah, and when I called it, no one picked up. All we have is two unconscious assholes in our shed who know jack shit about where the man that hired them is hold up,” Ice said.

  “The man found them in an alley where they live. They’re just a couple of homeless men he walked up to and asked if they wanted to make some easy money. He was Native American they said. I asked if he had a cut or vest on with the name Black Hearts on it. One guy didn’t remember what the man was wearing because he was too busy counting the grand in cash he handed him, then he shoved each of them a disposable phone. He told them if they did good, the other four grand owed for their services would be paid. This was the interesting piece I got out of the other guy. He said he remembered the man had a leather vest on and when he turned to walk off, he noticed shit on the back. But the only thing he could recall was the first letter of each word. A D and an S,” Maxi finished and waited for the others to clue in. It didn’t take long.

  “Seriously? Sledge had his old club’s vest on?” Creed asked, and Maxi nodded.

  “The fucking shit gets more messed up by the damn day. When we think we’re getting answers and close to piecing it all together, more shit floats to the top,” Fork said and got a round of agreements.

  “Only thing we can do is take care of one issue at a time. First up is Sledge and the other Black Hearts. And we need to do it sooner than later. That was Crusher I hung up with. They rode hard and were on the outskirts of San Diego when he called. Told them to come on in since we caught the ones watching us, so they should be here at any time. Crusher said he had a little info for us when they get here, so after introductions, we’ll have a meeting,” Creed said, and he and the men headed out to wait on Crusher and the other Black Hawk men.

  As the door to the outside was opened and the men walked out, the sounds of pipes could be heard in the distance.

  “I think company is coming, Pa,” Kink said and laughed when Creed glared at him.

  With the sound of the bikes drawing closer, the more Ops members gathered to greet the other club. They watched from their spots in front of the main building as the motorcycles pulled up to the gate followed by a Ford 3500 Diesel crew cab truck with a trailer attached. As the gate opened the bikes began to filter through until finally they reached the group where kickstands were dropped, and men began to dismount.

  “Holy shit. What the fuck do they feed those men in Washington?” Shady’s words had her men turning to look at her.

  “I know, right? I told you about Moon’s man when we got back from picking up Jas. The other two with him that day weren’t anything you’d kick to curb either,” Harmony said as Creed and Fork moved beside her.

  “He’s not my man,” Moon said, and Harmony turned her head toward her.

  “Right, like you didn’t climb that tree and do some swinging.”

  “Harm, we are fucking standing right here,” Fork said in a disgusted voice.

  “Moon, I think—”

  “Freedom, I’d be cautious with what you think out loud,” Easy said, and Freedom rolled her eyes.

  “Not helping, Free,” Poke said when Easy growled. Freedom turned to reply to Poke but instead grinned ear to ear with the other Lady Riders when the old biker who was in the truck stepped out and started toward the Ops with the others.

  “Well goddamn, they got some prime women in this club! You men sure these women aren’t underage.”

  The Ops men moved until they had the women closed in between them as the group of men got closer.

  “Aww, I like him. I always wanted a grandfather.” Moon watched a huge smile spread across the man’s face at Shady’s words.

  “Darlin’, my thoughts are anything but grandfatherly.” Shady burst out laughing.

  “Fuck, Roscoe. Can you give us time to meet these men and their women before you start.” Moon noticed the one who spoke wore the President patch.

  “Sorry, Prez. Didn’t mean nothing by it. I just said what the other brothers were thinking.”

  “Don’t even bring us into your shit, Roscoe,” was said by a man standing next to the old biker, and it had some of the Ops men chuckling. Before anyone else could say anything, Jas ran around the building and straight into the middle of the men, not stopping until she was in the arms of the big man who had just spoken.

  “Dare!” Jas yelled as the big man held her up in the air and out in front of him with little to no effort. Moon looked at the large man and realized that he was the uncle to Trey, the Ops’ newest Prospect.

  Then Moon spotted Ghost, and though she heard what everyone was saying around her, she was totally focused on him. He winked at her when their eyes met. After introductions had been made and hands were shook, Ghost moved to Moon and before she could say hi, he had her in his arms and was kissing her. When he finally broke the kiss and set her back on her feet, everyone from both clubs stood silently watching them.

  “Well with that, Crusher, I think we should get you and your men squared awa
y and then we can have a sit-down and bring us all on the same page with what is going to go down. We also have a ton of food in the clubhouse kitchen to eat while we talk,” Creed said.

  “I agree. We haven’t eaten since breakfast, and if I’m lucky, the food may keep Roscoe’s mouth busy,” Crusher answered.

  “Awww, Prez. At least I didn’t walk up and stick my tongue down one of the women’s throat,” Roscoe said and waved a hand in Moon and Ghost’s direction.

  “Roscoe, how has Sue not killed you in your sleep?” Ghost asked.

  “Because I got what she likes and I don’t need a blue pill to help with it either. I’ve told you boys that women love them some Roscoe.” Moon assumed from all the groans at Roscoe’s words that the men from Black Hawk heard that frequently.

  “Yep, I damn like him,” Shady repeated.

  “You would,” Cajun said, and Shady elbowed him.

  Before everything got out of hand, Creed and Crusher worked together getting the men and women moving. It wasn’t the first time Moon noticed how everyone worked together as a unit. Sometimes it was easy for her to forget that the Ops’ men had been in the military and Ghost had told her the majority of Black Hawk had been too. They proved it with the organized way everyone worked, and in just over an hour they were back at the clubhouse eating. The women were allowed to attend the meeting if they swore not to interrupt, which left them sitting in the back of the large room while the men strategized on the best way to handle the Black Hearts.

  “So on your way in you saw a few of them?” Creed asked.

  “Yeah, we passed ten of the Black Hearts going the opposite direction on I5. We rode to the next exit, got off and circled back around when we saw them take the exit ramp. By the time we did, they were nowhere to be seen. We drove around some of the area, passed some park called Petco or something like that. Not being familiar with the area, we weren’t sure of any places around that would be big enough for them to stash bikes out of sight. I’m sure the president was with them because as we passed, he looked in our direction and I’m positive he nodded his head. The strangest encounter I’ve ever had, and shit, after serving in Afghanistan and Iraq gut feelings become the norm. Mine says Sledge wants you to find him,” Crusher finished.

  “Maybe the fucker wants to lure us to them because he knows this compound and the Furies is like a military armory. If they hit us on our turf, the outcome for them would be devastating. Could be they think we will leave just enough men here to cover, then they could send us on a wild goose chase and hit here,” Fork added to the scenario.

  “The area you were talking about is close to the Tenth Ave. Marine Terminal. It’s roughly only fifteen miles from the Mexico border so that would be convenient for them if they needed to make a quick exit,” Creed said.

  “Could be they are hold up in one of those warehouses the marina asked San Diego County to let them tear down. They’re empty and not serving a purpose like the open space would for more containers to be stored,” Boony said, and Creed looked at the man and smiled. “What? I read the paper.” A few of the men chuckled.

  “Boony, you never fail to amaze me. Maxi, take a few guys and check it out. If this pans out, it could be easier than we expect. Especially if we hit before daybreak.” When Creed finished, Maxi stood.

  “If it’s alright with my prez, I’d like to go with you. I have a new gadget I’d like to try out,” Coast asked, but looked toward Crusher for his okay.

  “Works for me, Coast.” Crusher looked toward Creed to see if he had a problem with it.

  “Might not be a bad idea for several to go, Maxi. On the off chance you run into a few of them while you’re looking,” Creed said, and Maxi agreed.

  Within ten minutes six of them rode out of the compound. Maxi, Easy, and Poke from the Ops. Coast, Tank, and Bull from Black Hawk.

  Moon was slowly learning the names of Ghost’s brothers. As she watched them interact with Ghost earlier, she thought he had definitely found the perfect place to heal himself after the loss of his family. She had even gotten to speak privately for a few minutes with Flirt who had been the one to convince Ghost to go home with him after they left the SEALs.

  Flirt caught Moon as she stared in his direction and he winked at her. She smiled at him while she thought about what he’d said when she thanked him for helping Ghost. His short reply of ‘That’s what family does,’ meant everything to Moon and showed her how much they cared for Ghost.

  While they waited for the ones who left to check in, they talked about how to handle everything if they found them at the marina. Moon caught bits and pieces as she and the women cleared plates and put the leftover food away.

  “So we all agree. Furies stay and cover both compounds, and your club and mine go. If they are there in the warehouses, we hit before dawn. Preferably around three a.m. That’s after the men check in with hopefully some good news for a change,” Creed barely finished when his phone chimed. Once he read the text and looked up, he smiled.

  “Sonofabitch, the assholes are in the warehouses,” Fork said, and Creed acknowledged with a nod.

  The room volume level went up as the men started to throw out suggestions. When they had a pretty solid plan, Maxi and the others walked in.

  “We might have to look at adjusting the plan. Coast’s toy was a beauty, and if it works as he says, this shit is going to be a fuck of a lot easier,” Maxi said and looked around the room until his eyes landed on Data and Numbers. “Gonna need you guys to hook a screen for us. Coast has the frequencies you need to tap into. If it works, we are going to have eyes and ears on the Black Hearts.”

  “On it,” Data said, and he and Numbers left the room. When they came back in, it was with a large screen and laptop. Everyone sat patiently while the men hooked it all together. Data’s fingers flew on the keypad as Coast told him the frequencies and codes that would allow them to tap in. As the picture came up, the room fell silent when it filled with bikers. They sat or laid around in various spot of the warehouse.

  “Okay, how the fuck did you guys get a visual on them and sound?” Maxi smiled at Creed’s question.

  “Go ahead, Coast, tell them.” Maxi chuckled.

  “A remote control car, specially designed with camera and mic incased. I took the remote apart and designed it work with radio frequencies and to bounce from cell phone tower to cell phone tower so it wouldn’t lose a signal and stop in the middle of operating,” Coast explained, then end with, “I’ve got a couple more toys with me.”

  “Geez, sometimes, Coast, you scare me with the shit you come up with,” Crusher said and chuckled.

  “Oh, it gets better,” Coast said and preceded to tell them how he drove the silent running car through the partially opened door to the warehouse. He only needed to get it in and to a spot just out of sight of the men so they wouldn’t find it. As he continued to explain, the men watched the Black Hearts acting as if they didn’t have a care in the world. Confident the Ops didn’t know they were there. The only one missing as Coast moved the camera to span the entire building was Sledge.

  The Lady Riders, after hearing the new set of plans, bitched that it would be safe for them to go now, but it didn’t work. Moon couldn’t remember a time she’d seen absolute resolve in the men’s eyes. She even found herself a little disappointed about not being able to go. And from the expressions on Shady’s, Freedom’s, and Harmony’s faces, their men were going to hear about it.

  “Well, we are set. Everyone be ready to roll out at two-thirty a.m. The Furies will be here around two to take their post. I think we should all get some rest before we pull out. This looks like it’s going to be like taking candy from a baby, but anything can go wrong. We need to be prepared for that,” Creed said and stood.

  “In agreement with you. I know my men could use a little shuteye before we head to the marina,” Crusher said.

  The room started to clear out, everyone going their separate ways. “Come on, baby, let’s go to your place,” Gh
ost said as he walked up and held out a hand for Moon to take.

  Moon didn’t say a word, she just placed her hand in his and they walked out. Time, it seemed she was out of it. She couldn’t believe she’d spent the last hours focused on what the club was going to have to do and hadn’t thought of her own dilemma. Now they raced through her mind as she walked beside Ghost.

  Chapter Four

  Moon closed the door to her place, and when she turned around, Ghost stood in front of her. He pushed her back against the door, bent, and his mouth took hers. Ghost only broke the kiss long enough to pull her shirt over her head, then his lips were back on Moon’s. Her bra followed next, though her pants were more of an issue, which caused him to break the kiss and step back to push them all the way down. Moon’s boots were removed, and he not only relieved her of the pants but her thong too. There was something to be said for being naked while a man was completely dressed.

  Ghost stood back up and looked down at Moon, the expression on his face one she had never seen before. “Luna, you are as close to perfection as a woman can get.”

  Moon reached up and placed a hand on each of his cheeks, then went up on her tiptoes and closed the space between them until their lips met. She started the kiss, but Ghost took over and devoured her. It was the only word to describe his demanding and thoroughly dominating kiss, which left them both breathless. Neither could get enough as tongues dueled, and Ghost ran his hands over Moon until he reached her hips. Each area of skin he touched broke out in goosebumps.

  Ghost slid his hands behind Moon and grabbed the cheeks of her butt where he squeezed and caressed. Then when he lifted her, she wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing her bare pussy in contact with the material of his jeans. Moon’s clit throbbed when she shifted to gain a better grip with her legs, and it came in contact with his hardened cock. Moon rolled her hips, and he groaned and broke the kiss. The desire in his eyes had darkened his gray eyes. His nostrils flared and his arms adjusted until only one held Moon up, and the other moved between them to unzip his pants.


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