When Clubs Collide

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When Clubs Collide Page 24

by Jacqueline Sinclair

  “Yeah, we’re staying a night or so.” Tank glances to Blaze and they both look over at Pearl. She totally has no idea what they’ve signed her up for.

  “Heard you guys have a tractor set up in the middle of the place…” Blaze orders a round of drinks and looks at their chick again. Finally, Barely decides to add some of her Cajun spice to the party.

  “I see the way y’all lookin’ at each other…all sneaky snake eyes like a couple o’ cats who just snatched the canaries clean out of their cages.” I can’t even be mad at her. Sometimes dynamite just has to explode. At least this time she’s being playful.

  “You must be Pearl—cher…I heard the stories but wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen ya with my own baby blues.” She’s on a roll and pullin’ her new found friend to a seat closer to hers.

  “Do you dudes mind if my ol’ lady tells yours what’s up?” I laugh, swallow some beer, and shake my head laughin’ hard. “If she doesn’t she could explode and I’d really prefer her pressin’ up against my back than in pieces in the saddle bags.”

  Thankfully both dudes nod. I stare at Barely and move my hand tellin’ her to get on with spillin’ the beans.

  “So, as I was about to tell ya…you have to be crazier than me and that takes some doin’…which means you’ll fit in around the compound.”

  That little chick was chain-smokin’ and throwin’ back shots explaining the ins and outs of the club. For someone who’d been so against our ways she talks like a veteran of the lifestyle.

  “Yes, there is a tractor...in the middle of the dungeon…it can be a whole lotta fun!” She looks at me for permission to have another shot.

  “Last one, Voodoo doll…I don’t need to be bungee cordin’ your ass to the sissy-bar before lunch.”

  She crinkles her nose and orders up the last round, tellin’ Pearl about “the Post” and the compound.

  “Cher, are you into all this stuff? ‘Cause there’s a whole mess of it goin’ on around our place. If you’re the least bit prudish, just close your eyes on Ornament Row.”

  I continue, talking to the guys, “We’re about two and a half hours out, but the ride is fuckin’ beautiful dudes…all windin’ hills and canopied trees. The place is close enough to civilization to be convenient and secluded enough to not have to worry about shit… Besides—everyone knows us and leaves us alone.”

  “What time does your place open?” Tank looks stoked to check it out.

  I chuckle, “Anytime we want brother—you name it, it’s open.”

  When we mount up I hope the ride back to the compound will be fuckin’ stellar as usual. I don’t think these dudes get down this way much and it’s really somethin’ cool to see. I wanna cruise past “the Cattle Kar” and through the parking lot of “the Whipping Post” to show the Devil’s the place before taking them to meet Colt. I know he’ll wanna hang and introduce Tuesday as soon as those kick-stands go down.

  Devil’s Iron MC


  Making my way off of Tank’s bike—I take turns on their bikes at each stop we make—I look up to see a little whisp of a girl with a head full of dreads coming towards us, arm in arm with a big bear of a man who must be Kash. This must be some of the Masters’ that Gun has talked about a time or two.

  As I look between her and her ol’ man, I think of the stories that I have heard of this place we are going to, “The Whipping Post.” As I glance from Tank towards Blaze I am quickly cut out of my thoughts by a southern voice that has me purring to hear more.

  Stepping towards me, this little whisp of a girl goes on after tugging me into the chair next to her “You must be Pearl—cher…I heard the stories but wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen ya with my own baby blues.”

  Not knowing what she means, I look towards my men and see them engaged in conversation with her man, before turning back towards this little whisp (consider a different word for little—redundant. Possibly tiny, itsy, teeny—just a suggestion) of a girl I take a deep breath not wanting to fuck up this first impression. Exhaling, I plaster a smile on my face, before looking back towards this little Cajun Voodoo doll.

  Barely looks up at me instantly, with those baby blues she can’t help but speak of, and her voice is excited as she asks me a question I am not at a loss for. “Cher, are you into all this stuff? ‘Cause there’s a whole mess of it goin’ on around our place.”

  “Barely, right?” Looking back, I see our men deep in conversation before turning back around towards this young thing. “I’m not sure what you have heard of me or us for that matter, or even what goes on up in Chicago, but I am sure that I can hang with you and yours, sweetness.” Reaching my hand out, I stop short of stroking down her cheek, knowing that I need permission before touching something that has not been given to me freely, and as my Master and my Sir have told me, best behavior gets rewarded. Feeling a hand run over my back, I pull my hand back quickly not missing the squeeze that my shoulder receives as I do so. I, however, don’t miss the flare that lights up her baby blues before I go on. “We have our own set of kink that gets us by each and every day of the year up north. My husbands give me more than my fill of cock, pain, pleasure, and everything in-between. But sometimes the Ma’am in me needs to come out and show her face helping to put a little brat in her place when needed.” Smiling up towards my husbands, I see that they have caught the last part of our conversation. Not wanting to overstep, I plaster the smile on my face again and lean into Barely before adding, “I, for one, wouldn’t be too hard up to show you either one of those sides of me, cher.”

  • • •


  Running my hand down Pearl’s back, I am finding it difficult to listen to the man in front of me. I am also finding myself hard at the thoughts of my woman and the little southern girl she is talking to. If I didn’t know my little one better, I would say that her Ma’am is coming out. That is something that neither Blaze nor I have seen with anyone other than Ember, and I for one am finding it absolutely hilarious. She is trying so hard to be respectful and follow the parameters that we have set for this trip, but failing oh so miserably.

  Pearl did ok, not touching Barely, even though I could feel her desire to do so. The words she doesn’t think that I can hear however, are on the edge of the disrespect and interfering that she has frequently been punished for. Looking over towards Blaze, I know that he is picking up on the way our girl is behaving as well. The grin that crosses his face lets me know that we are on more than the same wavelength and that he will be adding a little something special to the rest of this trip.

  Hearing Kash pulls me outta my thoughts of punishing our little one. “We’re about two and a half hours out, but the ride is fuckin’ beautiful dudes…”

  “What time does your place open?” I say looking towards not only my brother but Kash as well.

  Kash chuckles as he pulls a wad out and throws it on the bar top. “Anytime we want brother—you name it, it’s open.”

  • • •


  When I caught on to what was happening between Barely and Pearl, I knew that my kit was gonna get used before we even made it to “The Whipping Post.” As we finish up our drinks I head over to my bike and grab out a rather large purple plug. Walking back towards the group I hand the plug wrapped in a rag to Pearl, “Go ‘head into a port-a-john and freshen up for me, Pet, before we finish up this ride.” Slapping her on the ass only draws a yelp outta her throat, and I laugh as I see the registration in her face, when her hand tightens down on the plug.

  Barely is jumping around on her toes and looks towards Kash and lasts shy of two minutes before asking permission to go after Pearl. Looking to me, Kash raises his shoulders asking permission that I am only too eager to give. “Go ahead, little thing, she might be a little touchy about you, but just remind her that she is the reason for her discomfort.”

  Before we are able to turn and watch Barely disappear toward the line at the toilets, Pearl is h
eaded out with a little less of a bounce in her step. Smiling wide, I move towards our girl, and pull her into a tight hug. Whispering in her ear, “That was for your disrespect at the bar, Pet. You know better than trying to touch someone that hasn’t been offered to you.” Tugging her hair sharply I add, “And the way that you were letting your Ma’am out, was something that we will need to discuss when we are alone.”

  Looking up at me with her big brown eyes, I see the disappointment in them at our displeasure. “Sorry Master, I tried to do my best, and I know that I was not as respectful as I should have been, but I didn’t know what she was saying about us. I thought that she was trying to be disrespectful, and only after the fact did I realize that was not the case. That she is truly just awed by the fact that I have you as my Master and Tank as my Sir.”

  Blinking away tears, she meets my eyes again, before going on. “Sorry Master.”

  The ride is gorgeous just as Kash had said it would be. The trees and winding roads have nothing on the woman that is wrapped around me though. Her little moans and groans over the last one hundred plus miles, have given me pleasure beyond what I could have imagined.

  Pulling into the parking lot, I can only see glimpses of their Ornament Row and know that we have met some men that would do us proud to be members of The Dungeon back home. After meeting up with the Prez and his ol’ lady my mind is set further at ease that these guys are our kind of folks. The way that they both speak about the life they lead the more I can see the commonalities between us, and see why Gun has spoken so highly about these men.

  As we head into our cabin for the night, I know that Pearl’s mind has been racing at the things that we have seen and the people who we have met today. Tank and I have planned our nightly activities accordingly. I start running her a bath, and both Tank and I sit with her as she rambles off the numerous questions that she has accumulated throughout the day starting with the one that I knew would be quickly outta her mouth.

  “Pet, settle yourself into the tub, and you may ask only one of those questions that have been racing around that head of yours all day. Be aware, that you still need to be respectful to our hosts, if we find something that you are saying to be disrespectful you will be punished for it.”

  “I understand Master.” As her eyes race between me and Tank, she can’t hold back the flurry of questions.

  “Why did Barely seem so appalled by us being married? She was almost offended at the fact, and I find that very hurtful- when people have a problem or are against what we share between each other. I guess I could be overreacting, but she brought it up a few times as we were talking and it brought out my Ma’am each time. My thoughts of putting her in her place for what I perceived as disrespect, Sir. Master.”

  Tank reaches over, stroking a hand down her shoulder as he answers, “Little One, Barely is a different sort if you hadn’t picked up on that. She has not fallen into this lifestyle as easily as some have, and has different limits and preferences as far as her kinks go compared to yours, just like everyone does. From what Kash spoke of her, she has a pain threshold to rival that of our Heather back home. She is not the marrying type, and from how I took it, Kash could barely tie her to him and that was only using a barbed wire. The idea of having one man hold her heart is hard enough for her to wrap her little Cajun mind around, your way of living and loving both of us, giving both of us your heart just has her mind blown.”

  Pulling her foot up outta the bath, I slowly start stroking over it with the wash cloth. “Pet, she was not trying to be disrespectful, or I have a feeling Kash would have rained down some punishment for her misbehavior. She is awed by your ability to love and your desire to do so with two dominant men.” Dipping the wash cloth down into the water, I let the water soak in before pulling it outta the water and letting the water rinse her leg. Repeating the process, I go on, “Your Ma’am has no place anywhere near that little Cajun Voodoo doll. She will chew you up and spit you out, Sweetling. It would be one thing if you just wanted to fuck her, but you trying to take control of that would not be good.”

  “Ok, I understand and I am sorry that I misunderstood her questioning. I must have taken what she was saying completely wrong. Tomorrow I will make sure to do better to not jump to conclusions and hear her out.”

  Tank reaches for her and draws her mouth into his for a deep kiss. Losing themselves to the feeling I continue to run my hands further up our woman’s thighs, stopping only when I reach her apex. Slipping a finger inside, I wait until they have pulled apart before adding another finger and setting a rapid pace fucking her with them.

  Standing up, Tank undoes his buckle and makes to take his pants off, I know where his thoughts are going. He wants nothing more than to join our woman in the tub, just as I do. Shaking my head, I nod my head towards the bed, and the full restraint system I saw there earlier. The smile that crosses his face as he recognizes what I have seen, was close to the one I had plastered on mine when I first saw the restraints. Pulling her up outta the tub, we move her towards the bed, and lose no time losing ourselves in this woman that we love.

  The Masters M.C.

  Kash & Barley

  “We stopped to fill-up on the way back to Ocala and Barely was comin’ unglued. It was sorta cute to watch her tryin’ to hold back… through whispers… but you know she just isn’t the chick to do that.” I continued tellin’ Colt about what he’d missed in Daytona.

  “‘What does that chick wanna show me about two sides?’ Dude, you should’ve heard her… She paced all over that parkin’ lot, lighting her pocket torch for a quick smoke, bouncin’ like a little fireball. It was sorta like that déjà vu shit from the first time I fucked her.”

  Colt just nodded and dragged hard on his smoke with a wise-ass grin on his face.

  “She was all like, ‘I think she called me a brat…’ And that adorable ‘Cher, Sir, I may be a lot of things but brat is not one of ‘em!’It always makes my dick hard—the way she still can’t get that shit right.”

  “You just know you have an extra reason to light that little ass up later.” Colt tossed out his smoke.

  “Yeah, I knew we’d be talkin’ back at the homestead.” I’d run on adrenaline all the way home. “Ya know dude, I’ll let her dig the hole deeper before I take care of it.”

  “I’ll go meet our guests—do whatcha gotta do with that ol’ lady of yours.” Colt stood and walked out of the house.

  I go outside and whistle to Barely. She’s talkin’ to Tuesday and introducing her sister and Serenity to Pearl, but the little dreads whip back hard when she hears me. I crook my finger and she’s at my boots. As soon as she opens her mouth I put a hand over it.

  “Get it right this time Voodoo doll. I’m in no mood to play…” I’m totally in the mood, but she doesn’t need to know that. “And we have company.”

  “Sir…cher…can we go upstairs?” She buzzed around like a nervous little bee. “I need to talk with you…about our guests.”

  I grab her hand and lead up the stairs. I know the sound of my boots falling hard get the point across—I’m not a happy mother fucker—it isn’t we who needs to talk. Still, I wanted her to pick up the shovel and dig a little deeper.

  “Spill it, Voodoo doll…what’s got you so fucked up?” It’s hard for Barely to even reel herself in for me sometimes, so I know what’s got her all twisted.

  She grabs a beer for me and shakes the bottle of Southern Comfort in my direction. It’s her sneaky way of finding out if she’s getting punished or not. If I let her drink then she won’t be able to play or anything else, but so she’ll stay on her toes I decide to okay one small shot. I throw up a finger and she pours a drink and lights a smoke.

  “That girl…Sir…what in the Lord’s name does she wanna do to me?” Barely stomps all over the kitchen waving her hands as she tries to understand. “You know I don’t take kindly to women tryin’ to control me…Is that what Peal meant?”

  Barely doesn’t take to anyone tryin’ to
control or tell her what to do. I do it because I’m her Master, and I’m not afraid to push extra hard. I dig it like that, especially in times like this when I know she isn’t just trying to get a dose of pain.

  “So what if she did?” Pushing her buttons was fun and turned up the heat just a little more. “You’re mine, and if I said she could…then she could.”

  This was the way to light her up. It was getting ready to be fun.

  “Are you kiddin’ me cher…you’d let some chick put her hands on me?” Here it is…explosion time.

  “You know I don’t go that way, and you also know just how bloody my temper can get! I’ll fuck her up if she touches me…not kiddin’!”

  I jump from my chair and have her against the wall in a second. I feel the veins pumping as my hand wraps around her throat. “I’m the Master…not you…and you’ve trusted me with some fucked up shit…” I press her into the wall and kiss her hard and deep. “So trust that I wouldn’t fuck you up like that! Don’t you think I fuckin’ know you by now?”

  Picking her up I carry the wigglin’ wildcat to bed and rip the little shirt down. “These tits are mine…” I reach down and yank the tight pants to her knees and grab her pussy, sliding my fingers through the lips and squeezing. “This belongs to me…all of you…belongs to me, and I can do whatever the fuck I want with what’s mine.”

  Spinning her around to the bed I push down and yank the pants lower. “This ass…” I slap, getting both cheeks. “Needs reminding of who owns it.”


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