When Clubs Collide

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When Clubs Collide Page 28

by Jacqueline Sinclair

  “This is bullshit. You know how much I hate askin’ other clubs for help.” Lukas stormed through the room with an attitude from hell. I guess I couldn’t blame him there. The shit’s been brewing on the home front for a long time now. Devils have been inching their way into our territory for a little over a year now. Clearly, we weren’t the little pansy fucks they thought we were, but the closer they got, the more manpower we were going to need.

  “It ain’t shit, Lukas. I got a few guys with the Sacred Hearts MC over in Arizona that owe me a favor. They’re some good guys. I know we can trust them. Besides, Devils are comin’ in from that direction.” He knows I’m right. As much as the son of a bitch hates to admit it.

  I took a long pull from my beer before reaching for the cigarettes that lay on the table. Leaning back in the chair, I lit one up.

  “You for sure these guys aren’t bullshittin’ you?” Lukas ran his hand through his hair further aggravating me. If I said they’re good, then they’re fucking good, I thought.

  “Look, you’re my cousin and all but I’ve never given you a reason to fuckin’ doubt me, Lukas.” His long hair hung in his eyes as he glanced around the room.

  “You’re right. Round up the guys and let’s fuckin’ move on this shit. The Devils want a goddamn war? We’ll give them one they won’t forget.” Lukas climbed to his feet, heading towards the stairs.

  Blowing out a puff smoke, I shove out of my chair and head towards the garage. I know the other guys will be on board. Anything involving guns and blood, these twisted fucks will always love.

  “Prospect! Get the fuck over here.” I love watching the little shit jump and run when I holler.

  “What’s up, Vape?” Dangling the cigarette between my teeth, I take him in. Scrawny little shit.

  “We’re takin’ a ride out to Arizona to handle some shit. Figured you might as well get in on the action.” His eyes light up when he hears what I said.

  “Hell yeah, I’m in.” Nodding once, he rushes off to get his shit together. Who knew offering the little shit a spot on the ride would have him moving so goddamn fast.

  Dropping my cigarette to the ground, I snuff it out with the toe of my boot. This shit with the Devils has been haunting us for the last year. I want this shit over with. Lukas thought it would all smooth itself over but that hardly looked like the case to me.

  There’s too much at stake here. We were running a shit ton of product through Arizona, and we sure as hell didn’t need them intercepting any of it.

  Yeah, that was definitely something we didn’t need.

  • • •

  The ride to Arizona wasn’t as long as I expected. In fact, time seemed to just float away. That’s something I’ve always loved about riding. Ever since I was a kid I’ve been on the back of a bike. My uncle who used to be president took us all over on the back of his bike. I grew to love the rumble of the machine beneath me. It soothed all the wrongs in the world.

  Glancing around at the men that I called family, everything falls into place. This is where I belong. If I didn’t have this club, I’d have nothing. As much as I’d like to settle down and have me an old lady, I didn’t think it was in the cards. I hadn’t been able to find one that could keep my insatiable ass in pussy. Besides, the death and destruction side of club life called to me. It was like a fucking drug. I want to shoot it into my veins.

  Pulling into the Sacred Hearts clubhouse, my stomach tied itself up in knots. It’s been years since I’ve dealt with them. I can only hope the motherfuckers are still as welcoming as they used to be.

  Cutting the engine, I threw my leg over my bike before taking off my helmet. I looked around the area just to get a feel for things. You never could be too sure that you’re not walking into a shit storm. God knows I’d done that one too many times.

  “This it?” Lukas walked up next to me. I nodded before pulling off my gloves.

  “Yeah. Let me talk to them, Pres; they know me.” Lukas nodded. What else could he do?

  We all filed towards the door but there’s something nagging at me. There weren’t many bikes out here. That could either be a good thing or it could be a total kick in the ass.

  Pushing the door open, I stepped into another world. Cigarette smoke littered the air but still, their clubhouse was nicer than ours. Didn’t matter, though, we all called our clubhouse home in our own way.

  “Hey there, who you lookin’ for?” A sexy, big-tittied fake blonde stood in front of me; a grin on her face.

  Cocking my head to the side I thought, yeah, pretty sure I’d fuck that given the chance.

  “Lookin’ for Grind. He around?” She licks her cherry red lips before shaking her head. Damn, the way her tongue runs over those pouty lips, I know she can suck.

  “He’s no longer with us. What can I do for you?” Isn’t that sweet. Now that right there is hospitality.

  “Archer around then?” Once again she shakes her head.

  “What the hell are you doin’ in my clubhouse?” Turning slowly, I take in the man that makes his way towards us.

  “Lookin’ for Grinder. Tried to call him the other day about comin’ out, guess his phone’s been shut off.” The man stepped in front of me, arms crossed over his chest.

  “That so?” Nodding once, his eyes roam to my cut before coming back to rest on my eyes.

  “Black Diamond, huh?”

  “That’s right, no disrespect, just lookin’ for my friend Grind or one of his brothers. Archer, Rush or Nox’ll do, too.” I wasn’t backing down. I could see the look in his eyes.

  “I knew your uncle,” finally, he speaks. “Good guy. Sorry shit went down the way it did.” I heard rumors about my uncle knowing some guys out this way but that’s as far as it went. We were a small town, still are, and that’s the way we liked to keep it.

  “He was. Anyway, I needed to talk with Grind about a little favor he owed me. Mind if we stick around?” I read his cut, Dom, the president of the chapter. He eyed me before looking at the guys behind me. He didn’t look too goddamn happy.

  “Grind’s dead. Archer, Rush, and Nox are in Kentucky, relocated over with the mother chapter there. You got a ride ahead of you if you want to collect.”

  “Shit,” Grinding the word out between my teeth.

  “Want I should call ahead for you?” Dom asked, raising his eyebrows. I gave him an unfriendly look but kept it respectful.

  “Appreciate that. Like I said, no disrespect headed out this way unannounced.”

  “None taken,” Dom said, pulling his phone out of his cut. “Sacred Hearts Arizona ain’t got no beef with The Black Diamonds. I meant it when I said nothin’ but respect for your uncle.”

  I nodded and waited for him to dial.

  “Yeah Dragon, it’s Dom…”

  • • •

  It was a long fuckin’ ride to The Sacred Heart’s mother chapter in Kentucky; real long. If we’d thought the clubhouse in Arizona had been nice… shit, this place was something else.

  “You the boys lookin’ for Archer, Rush, and Nox?” the president of this chapter, a Mexican dude by the name of Dragon, asked after all the formal introductions had been made.

  “Yeah, that we are, they here?” Lukas asked.

  “Yeah. You can wait them out. Beers over there, bunnies too. Take what you like. The party’ll be starting up soon.” That was easier than I thought it would be. Dragon seemed to be one mellow dude on the surface. His coal black eyes said he was careful, though, appraising all of us coolly.

  “I’m good with the beer!” The dumbass prospect moved past us all. I took a step back and watched Lukas as he joined Dragon to talk. Those two looked like they could cause a whole shit ton of trouble if need be.

  Turning my head, I spot the bar but I also spot what’s next to it. Sexy little redhead in those barely there shorts. Fuck that had my dick screaming. That pussy right there was about to be mine. Hey, Dragon offered it up, I had no problem collecting.

  Stalking towards her l
ike a hunter, that ass was about to be my prey. There was nothing I wanted more right then than to bend that sexy ass over and spank the hell out of it.

  “You leave little to the mind in those shorts,” I said, before asking, “You taken or you up for grabs?”

  “I’m not taken,” she murmured and once I had the green light that she wasn’t some brother’s ol’ lady, I let my fingers skim along the mound of her ass that was hanging out the bottom of those daisy dukes. Little Red sucked in a breath before turning to meet my gaze. Those lips of hers were painted red, but her eyes are what pull me in. Clearly, she’s wearing contacts but fuck me if that wasn’t a sight to behold.

  “What’s your name? You don’t look like you’re from around here.” I liked that mouth and her voice was all girly. To my knowledge, those little kinds of girls are always the sexiest when they moan and groan my name.

  “I’m Vape. Came all the way here from Cali to collect a debt from a few of your boys but you look like a pretty goddamn good way to wait for them.” Her eyes sparkle with interest, too bad. She was just one of their club bunnies, she wasn’t finding out shit beyond what I’d just told her.

  “I’m Moira.” Her little hand reached out to me. Apparently, I looked like the handshaking type. Not in this fucking lifetime.

  Grabbing her hand, I drag her body against mine. She’s so much smaller than I am but fuck if she isn’t the softest little thing I’d ever felt.

  “Well, Moira. You are the sexiest little thing I’ve seen in a while. When this little party starts up, why don’t we find a room?” Her eyes sparkle but there’s something more in them. She looks interested, that’s for sure, but something was holding her back. I wasn’t going to let that stop me.

  I didn’t wait for her answer. I lean into her, dragging my tongue up her neck. Her body shakes in my grasp causing my dick to become that much harder. Damn, this girl is going to be fun. Biting down on her shoulder, she moans slightly.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” I lift my hips slightly, letting her get a really good feel of what she’s going to get later. “Come back to see me.”

  I hear the bikes rolling in and I wonder if that’s Arch or the party that’s about to take place. Either way, I’m fucking game. I watch Moira’s ass as she walks away towards her friends. I bet that one right there could be a handful if she wanted to be.

  “You hittin’ that later, VP?” Mikey slaps my arm pulling my attention away from the sexy little thing.

  “You’re goddamn right I am. Free pussy was offered, brother. You know me, I never turn down free pussy.” Mikey chuckles before passing me a beer.

  “You think your boys are gonna be ok with all this shit?” The obvious question still sits in the back of everyone’s minds.

  “They owe me. I kept a lot of shit off them a while back. They ain’t much different than us, brother. We say we owe someone, we follow through on that.” Mikey nods knowing that I mean it. We don’t make bullshit promises. We have a code that we live by. We don’t say shit we don’t mean. We don’t back out on shit we said we’d do. It’s always been that way.

  A large hand came down on my shoulder. Glancing over I see Lukas with a shit eating grin on his face.

  “What in the fuck you smilin’ about?” Lukas drops onto the stool next to me.

  “Nothin’. Dragon seems like a good guy. He’s more than willin’ to give us some help with the Devils.” So the motherfucker did doubt me, isn’t that some bullshit?

  “I told you that already, Lukas.” Shoving off the stool, I needed to take a walk before I busted my own cousin’s head. Why would he doubt me after everything I’d done for this club?

  • • •

  Sitting in the back, I watched as the party picked up. Half naked bitches are everywhere, hot bitches that reek of stripper, but my eyes automatically find Moira. Even in a crowd, she stands out. Maybe it’s that fiery red hair. No, it’s more than that. She’s beautiful. There’s a hint of mystery that surrounds her, though. Something I’m not sure of. I suppose I didn’t need to worry about that since I was going to fuck her long and hard before we headed back. I doubt I’d be seeing her after this anyways.

  I drag the joint to my lips before inhaling. I must say that this was some damn good shit these guys had out here.

  “She’s not your type.” A brunette sits down at my table in an attempt to catch my attention.

  “Is that so? What is my type?” Looking her up and down, I wouldn’t mind pulling her into the back room and fucking her, too.

  “Someone that doesn’t have her eye on another man. One that can handle a man like you.” These damn girls are all the same. They think because they paint themselves up like clowns and suck club dick that they can have whatever they want.

  “Aside from her, I haven’t seen any around here that could do it for me.” Her eyes widen but she quickly recovers.

  “I’m Cherry.” Of course, she is. Isn’t every stripper named Cherry or Crystal or some shit?

  “Yeah, and I’m not interested. Go get on your knees for one of your own boys.” Flicking my finger around at the men that have littered the room, she groans.

  “Well, you won’t do it for her, big boy. She’s waiting on Lucky.” Throwing her long brown hair over her shoulder, she gets up and stalks off into the sea of brothers and whores. I can’t stop the chuckle that rips from my throat. Lucky must be a goddamn fool if he hasn’t staked his claim to that ass yet. Then again, it doesn’t rightly matter to me. I’d be getting a piece of that before I left.

  Moira’s eyes find mine through the mass of people. The look in them is a feral one of almost fear. She’s like a rabbit, ready to bolt at a moment’s notice. Not tonight, darlin’.

  I finish off the joint that’s in my hand before shoving out of the chair. She watches my every move. With a wink and nod of my head, her sexy ass is on the move towards me. I adjust my dick in my jeans as her eyes travel over me. Shit, this girl is about to get the ride of her life.

  Moira stops in front of me, so small and fragile. I want nothing more than to break that girl. After I get done with her, she won’t remember which brother she wanted in the first place.

  “Party is lookin’ hot. I bet I can make it hotter.” Leaning in, I press my lips to her neck loving the way her body responds to my touch.

  “The last room is empty.” Look at her getting all ballsy. She knew what was up the second she walked over here.

  “I hear there’s a guy here you’re waitin’ on.” It wasn’t a question. I’m just stating facts and the fact is, she won’t want him after I get through with her.

  “What? Who told you that?” She tries to pull back but my hands wrap around her waist, crushing her against me. My dick hardens, pushing into her belly.

  “Doesn’t matter now, does it? I never touch the unwilling but I can promise you that once these clothes are off, so is walkin’.” Shudders sweep through her. Her lowered head raises in defiance. Oh, I fucking like that.

  “He doesn’t want to settle, so I belong to the club. You’re a guest, you called dibs, so let’s go.” There it is. There’s that little spark that I knew was in there. Her eyes tell a story that my body likes.

  “Lead the way, sweetheart.” Slapping her roughly on the ass, she turns in my arms. Yanking her back against me, I suck my way down her neck.

  “Are you a man that likes to give the crowd a show?” Her head tilts to the side. She’s trying to gauge me. I’m all me. If I wanted to fuck her right here in front of the entire party, I would, and I know she’d let me do it. I liked that but…

  “Sometimes, but not tonight,” my lips keep moving along her silky skin, “I think I’d like you all to myself.” My hand travels over her stomach before dipping into the front of her shorts. Skating over her lace panties, I slide my fingers toward what they really want.

  “I’ll make you cum right here if you’d like,” she offers, but her breath catches when I find that wetness between her thighs. Goddamn!

>   “Let’s go to the room, I’m not sharin’.” I barely get the last word out when my fingers slide further into her wetness, making her whimper. I can barely control the raging hard-on in my jeans.

  Chuckling in her ear, I slide a finger inside of her. Jesus, this girl is tight! Slow gentle motions cause her head to drop back against my chest. Yeah, just like I knew she would. I have her in my grasp and that’s the last place she’s going to be tonight.

  “You like that, Moira?” My breath skates over her heated skin. The moan that falls from those beautiful lips is all I need to hear.

  I work another finger inside of her. Moira rocks her body against my hand, wanting that extra friction.

  “So fuckin’ tight.” Growling against her ear, her pussy clenches around my fingers. Shit, I need to fuck her and soon.

  “Please, Vape.” I knew she was a beggar. I knew she’d ask for it.

  Sliding my fingers out of her, I find her pulsating clit. Stroking it lightly, she rides my hand like a horse. A few more rough strokes and I slide a finger back into her. Keeping my thumb on her clit, I fuck her with my hand.

  Her pussy clenches as her hand wrapped around the back of my neck. I loved bringing her to her climax right here in front of the world to see, she explodes around my fingers. I slow the pace before pulling them free of her shorts. Straight to my mouth, I suck every last drop of her of them.

  “Now, show me to our room.”

  Moira shook in my grasp, her knees weak. With a grin, I lift her in my arms and head down the hallway she pointed out.

  “If you liked that, wait until I get inside you.” I watch her swallow hard, she didn’t know exactly what she was getting into, but I think she was getting a pretty good idea. I took what I wanted from women; she wasn’t any different. I’d have her every way imaginable when this night was through.

  Without a word, she points to the last door in the hall past a really fucking impressive media room. I stormed right on through it, kicking it closed with my boot, depositing her on the bed.

  Yanking my cut off, I glanced at her. “Naked. Now!” It’s a demand she quickly obeys; I like that. She knows how to listen.


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