His Property (Book Two) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

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His Property (Book Two) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) Page 14

by Hannah Ford

  “If what?” she cried. “If I wasn’t a pathetic virgin?”

  Cullen shook his head. “You’ve misunderstood me entirely.”

  “No, I think I understand you all too well.” She felt like she was going to cry and she refused to let him see her sobbing, snot pouring out of her nose like a baby. “Pull over and let me out.”

  “Ivy,” he began.

  “I said, let me out of this fucking car!” she screamed. Her heart was pounding and suddenly she was having trouble catching her breath. “Shit,” she said, closing her eyes and grabbing her purse tightly in her hands.

  “What’s wrong?” he said.

  “I—I can’t…” she licked her lips, feeling her throat tightening. She took a breath but it felt like no air was entering her lungs. “I…I don’t…I can’t breathe…”

  “Calm down,” he said, and he pulled the car over and parked.

  She kept her eyes closed, because she was slowly losing her mind and terrified if she opened her eyes, she might somehow go crazy and die right there on the spot.

  “Just leave me…alone…” she managed, but her breathing was getting shallower, and her heart was racing faster.

  She felt Cullen’s hand on her back, rubbing gently, and then his voice close to her. “Listen to me. You’re fine,” he soothed. “Lean forward, put your head on your knees.”

  “I can’t breathe!” she said, panic rising inside her now. She felt like she might actually be dying. Was it some kind of allergic reaction to something she ate at lunch—a delayed response of some kind?

  “You can breathe, you’re just hyperventilating,” he said. His voice was calmer than ever, and he didn’t sound remotely worried.

  She leaned forward as he’d suggested, clutching the purse to her chest as her forehead touched her knees. Meanwhile, Cullen rubbed her back and spoke words of encouragement.

  “Breathe slowly, along with my instructions. I’ll count to three. You take a breath in while I count. And then you’ll hold for one second, and then we’ll breathe out to the count of three. Ready?” he asked.

  She nodded, trying desperately not to freak out. She felt like the air whistling through her throat was coming out of a straw. It was similar to being underwater, and someone refusing to let you up to take in a gulp of air, but you were somehow supposed to stay calm.

  Still, it helped that Cullen was talking to her, and he wasn’t afraid. He was a doctor after all—so if something was truly wrong, wouldn’t he know it?

  Cullen counted slowly to three, and Ivy inhaled along with his voice. Then he told her to exhale as he counted backwards from three to one. He started counting backwards and she did as he said, letting the air slowly out her mouth.

  Her body trembled.

  “Now we do it again,” he said. “Everything’s going to be fine. I promise.”

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  They ran through the process a few more times, and slowly she began to feel more herself. Her hands were tingling a little bit, but the panicky feeling had subsided for the most part.

  She took another minute or two to make sure she was actually okay and not just imagining it. Finally, she sat up straight again and looked at him. “I freaked out,” she told him.

  He gave her a slow, easy smile. “You had an anxiety attack.”

  “I’ve never had anything like that happen to me before.”

  “It’s nothing serious,” he told her. “There’s nothing wrong with you physically.”

  “I’m just an emotional basket case, is that it?”

  His gaze intensified. “You’re afraid of allowing yourself to let go,” he told her. “You’re afraid of losing control.”

  “Are you sure we’re still talking about me?” she said.

  His jaw set and she saw a twitch in his temple. “We’re most definitely talking about you.” His nostrils flared. “I haven’t forgotten about your disobedience, and the fact that you took Xavier Montrose’s business card.”

  Ivy sighed. “I don’t know what you expect from me. I was willing to give myself to you this morning, and you didn’t want me. But I suppose you don’t want anyone else to have me either.”

  “It’s complicated,” Cullen told her. “I’m no good for you. That much is very clear to me.”

  “Why not? Why are you so bad for me?”

  He smiled. “That’s like asking why it’s bad to put a scorpion in a cage with a sweet little rabbit.”

  “You’re so certain that I’m this innocent, fluffy, harmless creature. How do you know I’m really like that? Maybe I’m a closet slut, a bitch just playing at being innocent.”

  “If only it was that simple,” he told her sadly. “We both know you aren’t pretending to be something you’re not.”

  “But I’m not as fragile as you seem to think I am, either.”

  “I never said you were fragile,” Cullen replied. “I think you’re very, very unique, Ivy. You’re like a precious work of art—something to be treasured, respected, loved and tended to carefully. Not thrown away, abused, kept in the dark, treated shabbily.”

  The way he looked at her, the expression on his face as he said these things—it took her breath away yet again, but this time in a good way. She felt as though he truly meant it—he truly cared about her so deeply that he was concerned more for her well being than even his own gratification.

  “You send a lot of mixed signals,” Ivy said, after he’d gazed into her eyes like that for a time.

  “Is this a mixed signal?” he asked, and then he leaned across the seat, taking the back of her head in his hand as his lips made gentle, exquisite contact with her mouth.

  His lips were soft, warm, and unmistakably passionate. The kiss wasn’t long, but when he broke away and repositioned himself in the driver’s seat—Ivy was speechless.

  Cullen smirked ever so slightly, shifting the car into gear and driving quickly into traffic.

  They arrived at Cullen’s apartment building and he pulled into a parking spot almost directly in front of the home.

  Ivy hadn’t spoken much the rest of the way. Her mind was a whirl of thoughts, fears, excitement and lust.

  His kiss had once more awoken everything inside her, and she realized instantly that she was still far more attracted to Cullen Sharpe than any other man she’d ever met.

  She’d never even thought such a pull of attraction existed in anything but the movies. Yet here she was, feeling it, experiencing it as vividly as anything she’d ever gone through in her entire life.

  Ivy wanted to ask him why. Why was he so cold and distant one moment—so judgmental, cruel even—while the next he seemed to treat her with loving care and an almost parental compassion?

  She knew Cullen Sharpe wouldn’t have given her the satisfaction of an answer. The choice was clear enough. Either she had to quit working for Biomatrix Pharma, stop speaking with and seeing Cullen—or she needed to accept that she was powerless to resist him when he wanted her.

  Cullen came around to the passenger side and opened the door for her.

  “Come, Ivy,” he said, looking at her with the hungry expression she’d gotten familiar with. His cold eyes were unblinking, frozen and yet somehow burning like a thousand suns.

  She got out of the car and allowed him to take her hand, walking with her to the front door. He let them inside and then closed the door behind them.

  Ivy was aware that it was just the two of them and now they were in his home, in his environment, with nothing to stop him from ravishing her completely.

  Her nipples stiffened and she felt her most private center respond with a pulsating excitement.

  Cullen caressed her cheek with the back of his hand, and then he kissed her softly once more.

  “How can you be so gentle like this, and then turn around and be so mean?” she asked, her voice coming soft from her open throat.

  “Nothing I do is intended to be mean,” Cullen said. “But I’m a product of many things beyond my contro

  “I don’t understand,” she said, watching him closely.

  “It means that there are certain things I have to do,” he told her. “It means that everything I told you before remains true.”

  “You still want to…teach me? Discipline me?”

  He nodded. “That part of things cannot change.”

  “But why? Why can’t we just…be like this? The way we are right now? Soft?”

  Cullen turned his head. “Don’t ask me to change. I can’t change, not even for you, Ivy.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I do,” he said, still not quite looking at her. He finally looked at her once more. “That’s why I’ve tried with all my power to end what’s begun between you and I.”

  Ivy wasn’t sure what to say. She felt incredibly flattered by the notion that this powerful man couldn’t resist her.

  But she was also terribly frightened. Cullen’s eyes were haunted and bereft, like a frozen winter scape that had lain barren for a hundred thousand years.

  “I’m trying to understand,” she said. “I want to understand you.”

  He came closer, his nostrils flaring. “There’s no understanding. There’s only submission.”

  His hands grabbed her wrists and squeezed. She gasped, and then his mouth was on hers, and he was sucking her lower lip into his mouth. His kiss was the most sensual thing she could conceive of.

  His body pressed into her body, and she felt his rock hard chest, his abs, his hips, and of course his hard cock, pushing into her center space between her legs.

  “Cullen,” she murmured between kisses.

  He pushed her towards the couch and then abruptly threw her down onto it. She was so confused, so torn in so many different directions.

  “Pull your pants down,” he said, standing over her. “Pull them down and kneel on the couch with your ass up in the air.” His chest was heaving.

  She swallowed. Did she want to do this? Did she really want to play his sick, twisted games?

  And then she realized that, yes, she did.

  Very much so.

  Ivy unzipped and unbuttoned her pants and then climbed onto the couch so that she was kneeling with her butt in the air. She slowly slid her pants down over her hips. Her panties were still on, but she’d only worn a small back thong, hardly covering anything.

  Almost as if you’d known this might happen. As if you wanted it the whole time.

  “Like this?” she asked.

  “Call me Sir or Mister Sharpe,” he reminded her.

  “Like this, Sir?”

  “Look at that big, juicy ass,” he growled, stepping behind her. “Do you truly think I’d ever in a million years let Xavier Montrose touch this gorgeous butt?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “That I’d ever allow any man to touch any part of you?” he asked.

  “No, Sir, I don’t think you want anyone else to touch me.”

  His voice shook slightly as he spoke in a breathless, excited tone. “And yet you had the gall to speak to my rival—flirt with him—in front of my face.”

  “I’m…I made a mistake—“

  His hand collided with her buttocks, hard enough to stop her mid-sentence. She made a small grunt.

  “You made a very big, very bad mistake. You defied me again and again. You were rude, impudent, insulting and immature,” he told her. “You agree that this merits punishment, yes?”

  “Yes, Mister Sharpe.”


  The palm struck her forcefully on the buttocks again and again, and she felt tears pop in the corners of her eyes. Yet, she also felt that her pussy was wetter than ever—and she was excited, not really scared at all of what he was doing.

  If anything, in this moment, she felt closer than ever to Cullen, connected to him in a way that was inexplicable.

  “I’m going to pull those little fucking panties down now, and expose your bare bottom,” he said, and she could hear just how excited he was by the sound of his voice.

  His strong hands pulled her thong down and now she was bare and her wet pussy was upturned as his fingers slowly stroked her folds.

  She moaned.

  “Stop it,” he scolded. “Did you mean for Xavier Montrose to have that delectable, tight pussy for himself?”

  “Of course I didn’t,” she responded instinctively.

  Cullen spanked her ass so hard she gave a yelp. “Cullen!” she said, shocked.

  “Remember what I said about manners,” he said.

  “Sir, that hurt.”

  There was a long pause. “You need to be punished.”

  “I thought you didn’t want to ever treat me badly, Sir.”

  “I want to make you mine, fully. I want to slide my cock inside your virgin pussy and fuck you until you come,” he told her.

  She gulped, hearing him say the words. “I want it too, Mister Sharpe,” she whispered.

  “But first I must punish you for how you’ve disappointed me. You have to be held accountable for every mistake. Every wrong step, every time you go against my wishes, I will make sure you know it.”

  “Yes, Mister Sharpe.” She was sweating, and she was aroused. Her buttocks hurt, stung, and a couple of his spankings had been crossing the pain threshold. But she knew that she didn’t want him to stop.

  Not now, not ever.

  “I’m going to spank you very hard, five more times. Those five times will cover your offenses. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Do you accept your punishment?”

  She nodded, closing her eyes tightly and hoping he’d make it quick.

  His palm crashed into her right buttock. She grit her teeth together as her face pushed against the couch cushion.

  “That was one,” Cullen announced.

  “Yes, Sir.”


  She withheld a moan, as this time her left buttock burned from the stinging strike.

  “That was two.”

  “Yes, Sir. I deserved that, Sir.”

  She could hear his labored breathing, and Ivy sensed that he was getting excited by her vocal submission.

  His palm crashed into her buttocks again, and this time his hand lingered, the tips of his fingers digging into her flesh.

  “That was three, Ivy.”

  “Yes, Sir. I needed to be reminded.”

  He spanked her again. “Four.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  The last one was the most painful yet, and it drove her face into the cushions, but somehow it was also the most pleasurable, as she felt a gush of warmth between her legs.

  “FIVE,” he said.

  “Thank you so much for correcting me, Sir, and not giving up on me.”

  There was a long pause. She kept her bare, stinging ass up in the air for him. Her nipples were tender and stiff.

  Now his fingers were sliding into her folds again, only this time they were more gentle. She gushed onto him, as the stimulation of his fingers on her pussy was such a turn on, she could hardly contain herself. “That feels so good, Sir.”

  “I need to fuck you,” he told her. “I simply must have you completely.”

  “I want you to, Sir.”

  “Stay in that position,” he told her.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  She heard him unbuckling his pants and then the unmistakable sounds of his pants dropping to the floor.

  “Don’t look at me,” he told her. Keep your head straight, eyes on the couch.”

  She felt the head of his engorged cock on her folds, pushing from behind. His hands grabbed her hips, his fingers squeezing her soft skin as he pushed harder.

  There was resistance and then she broke open for him, and felt the most exquisite sweet giving way inside her as he pushed into her.

  He’s fucking me. Cullen Sharpe is actually fucking me right now.

  It felt beyond amazing, even with the slight pressure, the hint of pain.

  It was dirty. It was wrong
. It was crazy and reckless and maybe the dumbest thing she’d ever done.

  But at the same time, Ivy had never felt so wanted, so taken, so possessed in all the right ways.

  His shaft pressed into her tight space, and she was dripping, as Cullen worked his way into her from behind. She felt his hips pushing up close to her backside and she tried to push herself into him.

  “I’m very deep in you now,” Cullen told her. “You’re very, very wet. I’ve never felt something so damn tight, so damn good.” His thighs seemed to tremble as he pressed deeper.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned. “I’m…I’m going to come, I think.”

  “Not yet,” he whispered. “Come only when I tell you.”

  He withdrew slowly and then pushed in yet again. His motion was becoming more fluid.

  Ivy smiled to herself as she felt him, felt his sweetness, and he was so good…so right inside her.

  She was a bundle of nerves that had been stimulated past the point of no return.

  She was going to climax, and it was just a question of how long she could hold out.

  Do I need to do anything else to make it good for him? She wondered. How do I know if I’m doing it right?

  He seemed excited, but she wanted to be sure that he enjoyed having sex with her as much as she was enjoying it.

  His cock slid into her and then slowly he would slide out, then press in once again. Each time, she seemed to get even more excited. He began pumping his hips, and now his lower belly was slapping against her buttocks as he fucked her from behind.

  He took his hands off her hips and pressed them on her lower back.

  He was fucking her, fucking her so good. She felt tears in her eyes again, but now they were tears of pure ecstasy as she bit her lower lip.

  “I’m coming, I can’t help it…” she moaned. And then it came, a wave of passion so big that she couldn’t help but scream. She was opening her mouth and moaning so loudly, completely out of control.

  Cullen seemed surprised by her passion, but she felt him respond, and then he was driving deeper inside her as she came, and he was groaning, as if he also was overcome with emotion.

  She felt him crashing into her, the wetness between them so unbelievably juicy and exciting and hot. “Your pussy is so tight,” he gasped, and then she could tell he was releasing himself inside her.


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