cognitive biases
Colbert, Doug (attorney)
Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)
Dantes, Phil (Gutierrez’s lawyer, PCR defense witness)
Davis, Andrew (private investigator, defense witness)
testimony at second trial
DEA. See Federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
DNA evidence and testing
and blood-stained shirt
and Innocence Project
and investigation
and West Memphis murders
Dorsey, Charles (public defender at sentencing)
Echols, Damien
Enehey Group Investigative Services
cultural research memo
See also Johnson, Mandy (Enehey Group)
Enright, Deirdre (Innocence Project director)
Fear, Inc. (Center for American Progress report)
Federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Fitzgerald, Chad (FBI cell phone expert, PCR State witness)
Flohr, Chris, Baltimore Legal Aid attorney)
Forrester, Kevin (sergeant, State witness)
#FreeAdnan Twitter campaign
George, Justin (journalist)
Gill, Alfreda
Glendenning, Parris (Maryland governor)
Goldstein, Jemima
Gordon, Ja’uan (Adnan’s friend, PCR defense witness)
Gordon, Sean (private investigator)
Graham, Ralph (high school athletic director)
Grant, Jerry (cell phone forensics expert, PCR defense witness)
Gutierrez, Christina (Adnan’s defense attorney)
Adnan’s dismissal of
and alibi notice
and Asia McClain
background of
case files of
closing statement at second trial
cross-examination of Wilds
death of
discovery requests
disbarment of
and failure to request plea deal
and first trial
hiring of
opening statement at first trial
opening statement at second trial
and PCR hearing
and second trial
and Serial
trial preparation of
Hae Min Lee. See Lee, Hae Min
Hamiel, Michelle (public library manager, PCR defense witness)
Hasnuddin, Imran (Adnan’s friend, interviewed on Serial)
Heard, Wanda (judge at second trial)
honor killings
Hussein, Tayyab (Adnan’s friend)
Ibn Hazm
Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyya
Ineffective Assistance of Counsel (IAC)
Innocence Project
Intercept, The (digital news)
Irwin, David (criminal defense attorney, PCR defense witness)
and cultural norms
Shariah law
Islamic Society of Baltimore (ISB, Adnan’s mosque)
Jessamy, Patricia (State’s Attorney)
Johnson, Jeff (Krista Vinson’s boyfriend)
Johnson, Mandy (Enehey Group)
and cultural research memo
Kabbani, Shaykh Hisham
Kanwisher, Bill (Gutierrez’s assistant, PCR defense witness)
Kim, Elizabeth
Kim, Tae Su (Hae’s uncle)
Koenig, Sarah (producer, Serial)
Adnan’s correspondence with
and Chaudry’s blog
Chaudry’s initial contact with
preparation for Serial
See also Serial (podcast)
Korrell, Margarita (medical examiner, State witness)
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth
Lambert, Jada Denita
Lavoie, Rebecca
Leakin Park (where body was found)
Lee, Hae Min
breakup with Adnan
car license plate NCIC run
car of
day of disappearance of
diary of
discovery of body of
letter from Adnan to Hae
location of car of
memorial service for
missing-person’s reports
poem from Adnan to Hae
public vigil for
relationship with Adnan
relationship with Don
search for
See also State v. Adnan Syed
Lee, Young (Hae’s brother)
testimony at first trial
Lehman, Steven (sergeant)
livor mortis
Mable, Ezra
MacGillivary, Greg (detective, State witness)
testimony at second trial
Maher, Bill
Maryland Interagency Law Enforcement System
Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA)
Maryland v. Craig
Maryland v. David Hunter
Massey, Daryl (detective)
McClain, Asia (Adnan’s friend, alibi witness)
first affidavit of
and Gutierrez
letters written to Adnan
and PCR appeal hearing
PCR appeal testimony of
second affidavit of
and Serial
McPherson, Stephanie (friend of Adnan and Hae)
Merzbacher, John
Metro Crime Stoppers (MCS)
Meyers, Krista (friend of Adnan and Hae, State witness)
testimony at first trial
Michel, Cathy (LensCrafters manager)
Miller, Colin (professor of criminal law)
Mills, Steve (security guard, PCR State witness)
Misskelley, Jessie, Jr.
Moore, Michael
Murphy, Billy (attorney)
Murphy, Kathleen (prosecutor)
Muslim Leadership Initiative (MLI)
National Crime Information Center (NCIC)
Neufeld, Peter
New America Foundation
Nieto, Chris (co-counsel, PCR petition hearing)
Not Without My Daughter (film)
Obot, Emmanuel (crime lab technician, State witness)
O’Shea, Joe (detective sergeant, State witness)
and cultural research memo
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK)
and marriage
Parry, Amelia (journalist)
Patel, Maqbool (mosque president, defense witness)
Patel, Saad (Adnan’s friend, defense witness)
phone records
and AT&T fax cover sheet
Call Detail Records (CDRs)
subpoenas for
Pittman, Aisha (Hae’s best friend, State witness)
testimony at second trial
polygraph tests
of Adnan
of Sellers
post-conviction relief (PCR) petition appeal
post-conviction relief (PCR) petition preparation
Pusateri, Jennifer (Wilds’ friend, State witness)
police interview of
testimony at second trial
Quarles, Williams (judge at first trial)
Rahman, Shamim (Adnan’s mother)
Rahman, Syed (Adnan’s father)
testimony at second trial
rigor mortis
Ritz, William (detective, witness)
testimony at second trial
Robinson, Dennis (fund-raiser)
Rock, Dez (Kustodian internet security)
Rodriguez, William (pathologist, State witness)
Rorabaugh, Pete (digital writing and media arts professor)
Ruff, Bob (arson investigator and podcaster)
Russell, Gerald (high school track coach)
Safe Nation Collaborative
Schab, Hope (high school French t
eacher, State witness)
Scheck, Barry
Sellers, Alonzo (finds Hae’s body)
testimony at second trial
September 11, 2001
Serial (podcast)
Episode 1 (“The Alibi”)
Episode 2 (“The Breakup”)
Episode 5 (“Route Talk”)
Episode 7 (“The Opposite of the Prosecution”)
Episode 10 (“The Best Defense Is a Good Defense”)
Episode 11 (“Rumors”)
Episode 12 (“What We Know”)
impact of
media coverage of
public response to
Serial Dynasty (podcast)
Shalom Hartman Institute (SHI)
Simpson, Susan (attorney)
South Asian Bar Association of North America (SABA)
Southern Poverty Law Center
SplitTheMoon (Chaudry’s blog)
Stangroom, Melissa (forensic chemist, State witness)
State v. Adnan Syed
Ahmed interview
Ali interviews
anonymous phone tips
Application for Leave to Appeal
case remanded by Court of Appeals
crime scene sketch
crime scene report
direct appeal denied
first trial
grand jury proceedings
Meyers interview
note found in Adnan’s room
note found in Hae’s car
police investigation
post-conviction relief petition appeal
post-conviction relief petition denied
post-conviction relief petition hearing
post-conviction relief petition preparation
Pusateri interview
search of Adnan’s and Hae’s cars
search of Adnan’s home
second trial
Walker interviews
walk-in witness
Wilds interviews
writ of certiorari denied
See also Lee, Hae Min; Syed, Adnan Masud
State v. Payne
Stuckey, Bettye (high school guidance counselor, defense witness)
Sydnor, Marvin (detective)
Sye, Michael (Adnan’s high school coach)
testimony at second trial
Syed, Adnan Masud
arrest of
arrest warrant for
bail hearings for
car of
conviction of
on cultural/religious values
dismissal of Gutierrez
and finding of Hae’s body
on Hae’s disappearance
on imprisonment
indictment of
initial interrogation of
on jail visits
legal fund for
letter to Brown
letters to Chaudry
letter to Koenig
marriage to Kandra by Islamic ritual
moved to Maryland House of Corrections (Jessup)
relationship with Hae
sentence hearing of
sentencing of
transferred to North Branch Correctional Institute (NBCI)
See also Rahman, Shamim (Adnan’s mother); Rahman, Syed (Adnan’s father); State v. Adnan Syed
Syed, Tanveer (Adnan’s brother)
Syed, Yusuf (Adnan’s brother)
Talmadge, Sharon (latent print unit, State witness)
Tanna, Nisha (Adnan’s friend, State witness)
testimony at first trial
TheBlaze (website)
This American Life (TAL, public radio program)
Thomas, Romano (mobile crime lab, State witness)
Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar
Umar ibn Khattab
Undisclosed (podcast)
Undisclosed: The State vs. Adnan Syed (website)
Urick, Kevin (prosecutor) 128
and first trial
and PCR petition hearing
and second trial
Vargas-Cooper interview
Van Gelder, Daniel (Baltimore Police Trace Analysis Unit)
Vargas-Cooper, Natasha (NVC, Intercept writer)
Venceremos Brigade
Vignarajah, Thiravendran (Maryland Deputy Attorney General)
Vinson, Krista/Kristina/Christina (State witness)
testimony at first trial
Walker, Rebecca/Becky (Hae’s friend, defense witness)
testimony at second trial
Waranowitz, Abraham (ATT wireless engineer, State witness)
Warren, Debbie (Hae’s friend, State witness)
testimony at first trial
Wash, Vicki (prosecutor)
Watts, Sharon (high school nurse, State witness)
Welch, Martin (judge at PCR hearing)
West of Memphis (documentary)
WhenTheWorldsCollide (Reddit user)
Whitman, Zach
Wilds, Jay (Adnan’s accuser, State witness)
Adnan on
arrest of
and Crime Stoppers tip
criminal record of
cross-examination of
and first trial
Intercept interview
missed work for police interview
plea deal
police interviews of
and Pusateri interview
and “Sis” (boss at video store)
and second trial
and Serial
and taps in police interview recording
Woodlawn High School
Adnan’s coach
athletic director
athletic trainer
French teacher
guidance counselor
Hae’s memorial service
location and demographics
and police investigation
social circles
State witnesses
track coach
wrestling match/meet
Woodlawn public library
Woodley, Lynette (high school principal, State witness)
writ of certiorari
Zurawik, David
RABIA CHAUDRY is an attorney, a senior fellow at the U.S. Institute of Peace, and a national security fellow at the New America Foundation. She is the co-host of Undisclosed, one of the top-ranked podcasts on iTunes. She is a frequent public speaker, and her writing has appeared in numerous outlets, including, The Huffington Post, and the Chicago Times. You can sign up for email updates here.
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Title Page
Copyright Notice
CHAPTER 1: Star-Crossed Lovers
CHAPTER 2: Vanished: Missing Hae
CHAPTER 4: Living the Lie
CHAPTER 5: Murder in the First
CHAPTER 6: Witness for the Prosecution
CHAPTER 7: Life Plus Thirty
CHAPTER 8: Sarah Koenig
CHAPTER 9: Fifth Column
CHAPTER 10: Serial
CHAPTER 11: It Takes a Village
CHAPTER 12: Undisclosed
CHAPTER 13: Truth and Justice
About the Author
ADNAN’S STORY. Copyright © 2016 by Rabia Chaudry. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. For information, addr
ess St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.
The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data for the print edition is available from the Library of Congress.
e-ISBN 9781250087119
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First Edition: August 2016
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