Core Pronunciations
I have included some core elements from the various names used in the Phantammeron, which should help you in their pronunciation in this book and later ones.
a - most often a soft 'ah' in sound, as in Ana ('ah-nah')
c - almost always the hard 'k' sound, as in Celebreava (‘kel-e-bray-ah-vah’)
ch - can be a traditional 'ch', as in Cromwich (‘krom-ich’), or hard 'k', as in Durnach ('dur-nak')
dd - same as 'th', as in Breddwyn ('breth-win')
i - often used as a hard 'i', as in 'high'. Examples are Lilu ('lie-loo') and Iwu ('eye-woo'). Use the 'ee' sound at the end of a word, as in safni ('saf-nee')
u - often 'oo' in sound, as in Koredlum ('kor-ed-loom')
w - more often pronounced as hard 'w'. But sometimes silent, as in Cromwich ('krom-ich')
y - often pronounced 'eye' (hard ‘i’), as in Amandyas ('ah-man-die-us'), but also soft, as in Avalyr ('ah-vah-lir')
aia - pronounced 'eye-uh' when at the end of a word
ea - pronounced 'ay-uh' when at the end of a word
ia - pronounced 'ee-uh' when at the end of a word
ua - pronounced 'oo-uh' when at the end of a word
Special Pronunciations
Phantammeron - pronounced as 'fan-tam-ur-on' (or like fant-hammer-on)
Phantaia - pronounced 'fan-tie-yuh' (same as Gaia)
Iwu - pronounced 'eye-woo'
Uyl - pronounced 'oo-il'
lyr - pronounced 'lir'
Phantammeron Book One Page 17