Eternal Fire - Book 3 of The Ruby Ring Saga

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Eternal Fire - Book 3 of The Ruby Ring Saga Page 12

by Chrissy Peebles

  “Then we simply compel them not to touch our jewelry.” She playfully punched me in the shoulder. “Your husband is alive and in this castle, waiting for us to break him out, and so is my Charles.” She smiled. “Come on. It’ll be easy. These soldiers won’t know what hit them. We’ll use our womanly wiles and compel the hell out of them.”

  “I like it,” I said.

  Liz shook her head as she inspected me. “You don’t look anything like a peasant.”

  “What? I slept on ferns and dirt last night.”

  “We can’t have you looking all beautiful and regal now, can we?” She unloosened my braid, ran a hand through my hair, and smudged mud on my face.

  I laughed. “Well, what about now? Do I pass?”

  She ripped my dress, exposing my cleavage, and smeared dirt all over my dress. “That’ll do.”

  I grinned and turned my ring around. Knowing glittering gold would attract attention, I smeared mud on the band, and then more mud on my crystal necklace.

  With Immortal speed, we ran through the vegetation and easily caught up with the others. I glanced through the towering ferns as I tried to come up with a game plan.

  Liz glanced at me. “Ready?”

  “Shouldn’t we devise a plan?” I whispered.

  “How hard is it to get caught?” she retorted, then pushed up her boobs. “Especially with these babies falling out!”

  I knew she had a point, so I took a deep breath and tried to calm down, pushing up my own chest in the process.

  “Ready?” she asked again.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I nodded.

  Liz raced out of the vegetation and pulled on the arm of one of the girls. “Sanya? I can’t believe they got you, but don’t worry. I’m here to rescue you. Come on!”

  Sanya looked at her like she was crazy, but she seemed to love the idea of an escape.

  “C’mon!” I said, pulling another girl’s hand.

  A soldier grabbed me from behind and held a dagger to my neck, and in that moment, I knew that our plan was working perfectly.

  “Did you come to rescue your friends?” the soldier hissed. “What a shame, for now you will be joining them.”

  “No!” I yelled. “Please no! Please don’t hurt me.” I tried to muster as much fear as I could to deliver an Oscar-worthy performance.

  He put the blade down, and I slowly turned around meeting his big, brown eyes. It was the bearded man, and he towered over me with bulging muscles, but that didn’t matter. He was human, and I knew I could easily take him down in the blink of an eye. He rolled his lustful eyes over my sister, from head to toe, then did the same to me. A sickening, hungry look came over his face, and he asked, “Are you related? Always wanted me a couple a sisters,” he said, licking his crusty lips.

  I swallowed hard, flinching at his uncomfortable gaze. “Yes, sisters.”

  He tore his eyes away from my cleavage and reached for his whip.

  “Please don’t hurt us,” Liz begged sweetly, huddling next to me.

  My heart raced; I’d never contemplated being beaten. “We’ll do whatever you want. There’s no need to pull out that whip.”

  A sharp sting exploded across my cheek as my words were silenced by a loud slap. I wanted to throw him into next week, but I knew getting inside the castle was the only way to save Victor.

  “Do not speak unless I tell you to!” he roared.

  I nodded, wiping the blood from my lip. Playing humble slave was not in my blood, but I had to stick to my role for the time being.

  “Get in line!” he demanded.

  I looked into his eyes and vowed, “You will never touch me again. Once we’re inside, I command you to punch yourself with your fist…hard!”

  Liz hurried over and grabbed my arm, leading me into the long line of women. “Don’t give us away just yet, sis,” she whispered. “You’re Immortal, for goodness sake. You can take a little slap now, can’t you?”

  “Well he pissed me off!” I wanted to grab the whip that was now coiled on his waist and strangle him with it.

  “Save the compelling for when we really need it,” Liz said.

  Inside the castle, we were led down a whitewashed stone corridor that was dimly lit with torches. I could tell how scared the women were, and my heart went out to them. We would get out of the situation, but they’d be stuck. I wasn’t sure how, but I really wanted to help them escape and get back to their loved ones.

  We were herded into a large room, accompanied by the snap of a whip. There were no windows and no furniture, just a few blazing torches hanging on the wall.

  “Wait here. You be inspected and cleaned one by one,” a soldier said. “Anyone who refuses will be punished merciless.” He snapped a whip, and it echoed loudly, making all the women jump and gasp.

  “You will do as you are told.” The man pointed to Liz and me. “Take the twins first.”

  A nursemaid in a simple brown dress and with a long braid approach. “Come with me, ladies.”

  I followed her through the candlelit corridor and then through some double-doors. A sweet fragrance filled the air all around me. I darted my eyes around and saw sweet-smelling herbs: lavender, rose petals, daisies, fennel, and chamomile. They were placed all around the room to cover up the horrible stench from the bathroom and lackluster plumbing, but it only helped a little.

  Hundreds of colorful gowns, from velvet and silk to satin to chiffon were draped over dark wood tables. My heart jumped when I realized there was no way we were going to be scrubbing floors in those fancy dresses. I sucked in a deep breath as realization struck. They’re bringing in prostitutes, not slaves! The thought sickened me as my skin crept, and I was suddenly horrified that we’d put our cleavage on display.

  “Strip down so I can inspect you,” the woman said.

  “No way!” Liz said.

  The woman frowned, then continued. “Once you’ve passed inspection, you may choose a gown. We have all sizes,” she said, glancing at Liz’s ample chest.

  I looked at her, still disgusted by the fact that Ethano would kidnap innocent women and use them in such a horrible way, to entertain himself and his men. “We passed inspection. Now leave.”

  Her pupils dilated as I gave her the command. “I-I will leave you alone now,” she stuttered, exiting the room.

  Liz laughed, and I smiled mischievously.

  “What? You said to compel the hell out of them.” I grabbed one of the silk gowns. “Look at this.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “That’s definitely not your color.”

  “Liz, be serious for a minute. Do you know what this means?” I pointed at the dresses.

  “That I’m gonna be one hot concubine.”


  “We’re Immortal,” she said. “No one is gonna lay a filthy finger on us. Do you think I’d be cracking jokes if I thought somebody was going to have his way with me?” She touched the half-barrel to the right. “Are we taking baths or what?”

  “Unless you just want to fake it and wet your hair.”

  “Nah, I already picked the cutest gown. I may as well smell nice for Charles.”

  I rolled my eyes, wishing I could be as calm as she was. “This is a rescue mission, not a beauty pageant.”

  “Meh, we have to fit the part,” she said, stripping off her dirt-stained dress. She jumped into the water and squealed.

  I smirked. “Is it freezing?”

  “Not for long!” She pointed a finger, and a beam of red energy hit the water. Bubbles swirled around.

  I was sure she was going to get us in trouble. “Hey! You got on my case for compelling, and here you are making your own private Jacuzzi!”

  She laid her head back. “It’s hot and perfect, just the way I like it.” She then sent the red beam over into my barrel, and I watched as bubbles and mist swirled around.

  “You might as well warm up all the barrels so those poor girls don’t freeze to death.”

  She grinned and did just that, the
n glanced over at me. “I’ve got a romantic horror story for you, if you wanna hear it.”

  I placed my hands on my hips, humoring her. “Oh yeah? Go on.”

  “A queen finds her lost king, who she thought was dead. They hug and kiss, and then he faints from the stench.”

  I rushed over and splashed her as she giggled. “I get it,” I said.

  “Then what are you waiting for?” she retorted.

  I slid my dress off and hopped into the barrel next to Liz. The warm water felt good on my skin, and I closed my eyes for one minute. “Ah…”

  “You’re welcome,” Liz said.

  “Thanks, Liz. It feels wonderful.”

  “Did you ever think our lives would ever turn out like this?” Liz asked.

  I glanced over. “How did the Larker sisters take a left turn into Crazy Town?”

  “And now we’re undercover on some dangerous mission.”

  “Just admit it. You love the danger and excitement.”

  She smiled, knowing how on target I was. Liz had always been that way, a risk-taker, ever since we were kids. That was why she’d been exploring Sabrino Cave, on the day she when disappeared out of my life.

  “You’re an adrenaline junkie,” I said, sprawling out my arms on the edge of the barrel.

  “Maybe, but we’re really doing this for love. Isn’t love grand?”

  I smiled. “I never thought it’d happen to me.”

  “Nobody deserves it more than you, and Victor is perfect for you. Who’da thunk it?”

  “I dated a lot of men before I found him. I can’t even begin to tell you about all the bite marks on my heart.”

  She splashed in the water and laid her head back again. “Yeah, I hear the dating world’s like that. Men will rip and tear your heart apart.”

  “You’re lucky you found true love on your first try,” I said.

  “I’m truly blessed.”

  I sighed. “It’s such a romantic story.”

  “It truly is. I was living an ordinary life, and then love struck and gave me a real live fairytale all my own—happily ever after and all that jazz.”

  “It’s amazing. I’ve learned that when it comes to love, anything is possible.”

  She glanced over at me. “I know you felt guilty for leaving me when I walked through the portal, but you shouldn’t. It was the best thing that ever happened to me, even if I didn’t realize it at first. I was in this strange land, all alone and scared, and the next thing I knew, I was being accused of being a witch because of my clothes and flashlight.”

  “I forgot about the flashlight.”

  She laughed. “Even I wouldn’t go into a cave without one. Charles happened to be in town and saved me like a real Prince Charming. The point is, I’d do it all over again to meet Charles. I don’t ever regret walking through that portal, not one tiny bit.”

  I smiled. “Me neither. Victor changed my life with just one kiss.”

  Liz smiled back at me. “Been there, done that. Charles rocked my world like that too—a kiss so hot and sizzling that I gave up everything I knew just to be with him forever.”

  “Some people search their entire lives to find what we have,” I said. Victor was the sweetest gift I’d ever received, and my world was a better place just because he was in it. I’d never thought I’d be able to love a man so much, but I did. I felt a jolt in my soul every time his lips sweetly touched mine, and I had to laugh at fate’s sense of humor.

  As I dreamt about my lover while the warm water soothed my aching muscles, the nasty bearded man walked in, leading the other girls to the barrels next to us. “Undress!” he ordered.

  “Where’s the nursemaid?” one of the girls whimpered.

  He pulled out his whip. “Never question my authority! Do as I say and remove your clothes!”

  As he lifted his hand to deliver the lash, I called him over. When he turned to look, I ordered, “Leave and don’t come back until we’re done bathing,” I said.

  “And don’t forget to think about what a sleaze ball you are,” Liz added.

  His arm lowered, and he slipped his whip away. “Please forgive me, ladies, for my rude and inappropriate behavior. I am, as this fine woman suggests, a sleaze ball.” And with that, he turned around and walked out in a rush.

  The girl I’d met in line turned to meet my gaze. She had long red hair and blue eyes. “Thank you. That was very brave, and I can’t believe he obeyed you! I’m Yolanda.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I said.

  “You called me by another name out there. I talked to the other girls, and no one knows you.”

  “Oh, yeah, uh…sorry for the mistake,” I said. “I thought I was trying to rescue a friend, but I guess I got captured for nothing.”

  Liz came over and tapped my barrel. “Clock’s a-tickin’. Get out of there before you turn into a prune. We’ve gotta go.” She handed me a white linen towel.

  “How did you get dressed so fast?” I asked, climbing out.

  “You like?” She motioned to the fabulous white and gold velvet gown with an over-layer of flowing silk chiffon. It was decorated with delicate ivory braids and laces. She spun around slowly. “Well?”

  “I do believe it’s a mite too small,” Yolanda said. “If you don’t cover your lady-parts, you will be offered to the men straight away,” she said, nodding toward my sister’s cleavage.

  “I like to see them try,” Liz retorted.

  I nudged Liz and gave her a stern look, as she wasn’t doing much to help us remain inconspicuous. When I reached for my dress, I noticed it was gone.

  “Don’t panic,” Liz said, throwing me a black and white one.

  “What was wrong with the one I picked?”

  “I thought you might want to impress Victor.”

  “I do.”

  “Then go with this one. It’s way more romantic and fits your fairytale perfectly.”


  “You’re about to rescue your king and live happily ever after, right?”

  “Whatever they told you, it’s a lie! There’s no happily ever after here,” Yolanda said in a grim voice.

  I swallowed hard, knowing that in her case, it was probably true. I would have my king and my one-way trip to somewhere else, but she and the others were destined to live out her days as a concubine. If she resisted, she’d be beaten or killed, and I was sure Ethano’s behavior would be even more harsh when he was angered by mine and Victor’s departure, after his plans were foiled.

  Interrupting my thoughts, Liz handed me the dress. She had picked a long black dress swirled with ivory and silver. The scooped neckline, flowing layers of lace, and ethereal, billowy sleeves were amazing. The tri-colored corset covered in beaded lace, beaded trims, brooches, and delicate trim seemed a little over the top; it was clear that Ethano spared no expense for his concubines.

  A group of nursemaids came in to help us get ready. I slipped into the gown, which hugged every single curve on my body. A nursemaid came over and brushed my hair, then pulled it up into some elaborate hairstyle that would have made an eighties prom queen jealous. Another painted my face with thick makeup. We were given a choice of expensive jewelry to wear, and I was elated about that, because it meant I’d no longer have to hide the gold band on my finger. I did have to keep the ruby turned, hidden in my palm, as I was sure it would give away the fact that I was an Immortal.

  A tall, balding man walked in and divided the women, clearly separating the cooperative ones from the uncooperative. He approached and met my gaze. “Are you interested in attending a celebration?”

  I smiled. “I love parties. Will there be champagne…er, uh, wine?”

  “I assure you that you will enjoy yourself,” he said.

  “Then sign me up.”

  Liz and I were led to yet another room.

  After offering a speech for an hour, concubine orientation, of sorts, the man asked for volunteers. “If any one of you chooses to attend the event, you will be rew
arded handsomely,” he said. “You will be paid more gold in one night than you’ve ever had in your entire lifetime.”

  Liz raised her hand. “Gold? I want gold. I’ll do it…and so will my sister!”

  I elbowed her. She sounded so fake that I was sure they wouldn’t buy it.

  Much to my surprise, he fell for her false enthusiasm and motioned us to stand along the wall. After a few minutes, we were taken into a ballroom filled with rich noblemen and other women in fancy gowns. I stared up at the towering cathedral ceiling and dark mahogany cross beams. It was beautiful. Iron wrought chandeliers and dark stone walls made the room feel gothic. It totally fit Ethano’s character. Seasoned concubines in gorgeous gowns also worked the party, and I could tell that some of them didn’t mind being there, as they’d likely been lured with promises of gold, gems, and a better life.

  “Well, I guess I can add high-class concubine to my résumé,” I said sarcastically.

  “Don’t panic,” she said. “We’ll just slip out.”

  “How? Every guy in the room is ogling us like hungry dogs, watching every move we make.”

  “I guess the dresses are a little over the top,” she finally admitted.

  “A little?”

  “Stay calm. We’ll uh…we’ll just compel the doorman,” Liz said.

  “If we leave the room without being escorted by a man, it’ll look suspicious.”

  “Then the answer’s obvious.”

  “Liz, you can’t possibly suggest we—“

  “C’mon! Surely we can get one of these guys to try to take us to his room.”


  “Dead serious, and I’m going to tell him we’re twins, double the trouble.” She smiled.

  “Go for it. I’ll compel him so fast his head will be spinning.”

  She tapped her chin. “Hmm. Which one?” she asked, looking around at all the noblemen.


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