Eternal Fire - Book 3 of The Ruby Ring Saga

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Eternal Fire - Book 3 of The Ruby Ring Saga Page 20

by Chrissy Peebles

  “Nah,” I said. “Colorful silk, fur, leather, and luxurious fabrics are nice every once in a while, but for everyday living, it’s pretty much out the door.”

  “Where do you find this clothing?” Victor asked.

  “At the mall,” I said. “It’s something like a very large indoor market with several vendors.”

  Liz met my gaze. “Don’t worry. I’ll have Victor looking hot when we go to Club Z tonight.”

  “What?” I gasped.

  “After what we’ve been through, I could use a drink or two…and so could the guys.”

  “Liz,” my mom said, sounding disappointed.

  “Come on, Mom! I just wanna hang loose, let down my hair, and have some fun. I’m finally back home after a million years. It’s time to celebrate, and I’ll be back before midnight. Have you forgotten that I’m not a little girl anymore?”

  “But Sarah’s pregnant,” my mom said.

  “I know, Mom.” She smiled. “She’s pregnant, not dead. She can have just as much fun without drinking.”

  I grabbed my mom’s hand. “It’ll be fine.”

  My mom grabbed her purse. “No vodka shots. Try a virgin strawberry daiquiri or a piña colada.”

  “Aw shucks! Then I won’t have the guts to dance on top of the bar,” I joked.

  My mom laughed. “I’ll buy you an outfit while we’re out.”

  “Great, because she sticks out like a sore thumb in your clothes,” Liz said. My mom playfully shook her head as Liz continued, “Can you drop off Sarah at the club by seven?”

  I opened the door and glanced over my shoulder. “Mom will drop me off. See you there.”

  Victor kissed my lips. “We shall meet again soon, my love.”

  “I hope Liz doesn’t talk your ear off.”

  “It will be nice to get to know Charles and your sister better.”

  Liz looped her arm in Victor’s. “And I, for one, would love to get to know my warlord brother-in-law a little bit better.” She gave Victor a nudge. “When I’m done with him, he’s going to look hip, macho, and kingly, but in a modern way.”

  “We won’t be long,” Charles said to my dad.

  “Oh, honey,” Liz said, pulling him along, “it’s so sweet that you believe that.”

  I grinned. “Good luck.”

  “You’re gonna need it.” My mom chuckled.

  “Mom!” Liz laughed as we walked out the door.

  Chapter 19

  I squeezed through the crowd and strolled to the far end of the bar, where I opted to sit in a padded booth covered in black velvet. I tapped my fingers on the table to the bass tech-thump reverberating off the steel walls, echoing in my ears. My gaze shot past the round tables to the DJ in the booth. He was talking on a cell phone, and I could hear his conversation as he fought with his girlfriend. Turning my gaze to the bar, I focused on the bartender and could hear ice cubes crackling in a drink. In the dim light, I could see a diamond ring sparkling from across the room as a man proposed. My Immortal senses were amazing.

  I was dressed in a sexy little black dress and heels. It was expensive, but I wanted to impress Victor. Glancing down at my new watch, I wondered where they were. Through the flashing strobe lights, the most gorgeous man in California—or in the world, for that matter—walked toward me. A lucky black t-shirt was glued to every muscle of Victor’s powerful physique. It was tucked into a pair of tight blue jeans, showing off his ass in all its sculpted perfection. I had to admit that Liz had done well with my renaissance man, and I couldn’t stop smiling.

  “Nothing is more contagious than a beautiful smile,” he said, hugging me. He ran an appreciative glance over my sexy outfit. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks. You look pretty amazing yourself, Highness.” I playfully slapped his butt. “Ultra-stylish, killer denim.”

  He cocked a brow and opened his mouth to speak, but I wouldn’t let him.

  “The pants you’re wearing are hot.”

  “I don’t feel too warm,” he said, still confused.

  “No, silly! Hot means you are attractive and sexy.”

  “Oh! If only the people of Tastia could see me now. What would they say?”

  “That you were born to wear jeans. You look better than a Calvin Klein model.”

  “A what?”

  I chuckled. “It means you’re hot.”

  “Then you may call me Calvin any time you wish. If he is a suitor of yours, however, I will have to dispatch him quickly. No one will take my queen from me.” He lowered his mouth on mine in a hungry kiss, then broke away. “How was your shopping spree, as your sister called it?”

  “Wonderful…and it’s official.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Our baby will definitely be spoiled. My mother must have bought out the entire baby store.”

  “She stimulated your economy.”

  “Very much so.”

  “She’s just as excited as we are. I can’t wait to spoil our prince.”

  “Me too. I guess I can’t fault my mom for going overboard. She’s one proud grandma. How was your day with Liz?”

  He shot me a dazzling white smile. “I don’t think words can even describe what I saw and felt today. Your marketplace is remarkable.”

  “Well, my love, that’s just the beginning. I’m going to show you everything, from chocolate-covered strawberries to riding a rollercoaster.”

  He pulled me close. “I am quite ready for you to share your world with me. I want to experience it all, as long as I am with you.”

  “Would you like to dance?” I asked when I realized the DJ had put on a romantic, slow song.

  He squeezed my hand as his gaze wandered over the room in awe. I was sure he was smitten by all the colorful lights and music, but he whispered in my ear, “It is not the lights that dazzle me, darling, but you.”

  My arms hooked around his neck and claimed his lips. When I pulled away, I asked, “Where are Liz and Charles? It was her idea to come here. Did she bail on us?”

  “She told me to tell you to wait. They are asking the barkeep for drinks.” He slid in next to me and reached for my hand. “Your world is amazing, Sarah, and this tavern is so very colorful and full of life. It’s nothing like where I come from.”

  A reddish glow bounced off his stunning face from the giant neon sign hanging above us.

  “I’m sure it’s quite the culture shock,” I said.

  His face lit up. “I enjoyed the meat patty you’ve always bragged about.”

  “The burger?”

  “Yes, that. It came with sliced potatoes that I dipped in a red sauce. The Pepsi, as Liz called it, tastes like sweet nectar filled with bubbles.”

  I smiled again at how excited he was. “And?”

  “I loved every single bite and every single sip.”

  “So the burger was better than the one I had our cooks try and whip up?”

  He laughed. “Yes! Our cooks didn’t come close.”

  “I told you a hamburger is to die for.”

  Liz and Charles approached, holding three bottles of beer and a glass of clear liquid. She handed one to me. “You get water, Mama. That leaves more of the good stuff for the rest of us.” She smiled widely.

  “Liz, you look fantastic,” I said.

  “That’s the magic of glamour, baby.”

  I looked up at Charles, and my jaw dropped when I noticed he was donning a super-short crop. “You got a haircut!”

  He smiled. “I wanted to fit in. The long blond ponytail no longer seemed appropriate.”

  “You look fabulous,” I said.

  His white teeth gleamed as he laughed with the others. He totally fit in with a stylish shirt, his preppy haircut and a pair of designer jeans. If I didn’t know any better, I never would have dreamt that he and Victor were from another time and place. I’d surely never guess they were Immortals with amazing powers at their disposal. Charles looked like any other handsome guy at a bar, drinking a few beers, and having a g
reat time. Many women turned his way, but he tuned out their ogling and kept his eyes on Liz, the love of his life. He was such a hottie, and I knew he loved my sister more than anything.

  Liz chuckled. “I tried to get Victor to get his cut, but he refused. The man’s stubborn, Sarah. Nothing I tried worked.”

  “He just knows how much I adore his black, silky locks.” I grinned as Victor and I clanked glasses.

  After chugging down a beer, Liz slammed her bottle down and slid out of the booth. She met my gaze, her eyes sparkling. “Let’s go dance.”

  Before I could say another word, she grabbed Charles’s hand and darted into the crowd. Her face lit up as she began dancing under the flashing strobe lights. My sister was not the least bit shy, but as long as she didn’t start dancing on top of the bar, that was fine with me. It was good to see her laughing and having fun.

  A few minutes later, she motioned for us to join her. I pulled Victor’s hand and led him to the dance floor. I swayed my hips seductively to the beat, and everyone around me faded away, till there was only Victor and the music.

  “Man, did you see the way that chick threw that dude?” a guy in the crowd said.

  My first thoughts were Liz, but she was next to me, dancing away with Charles. Victor’s face grew serious, and I knew there could be an Immortal on our tail.

  I tuned in on the shouts coming from the south side of the bar. Victor motioned me to follow him. We rushed over to see what was causing the commotion, and my jaw dropped. A woman with long hair was arguing with a man. His friends suddenly appeared to back him up, but she didn’t seem the least bit fazed by him or his bodyguards.

  “I can handle all of you!” she said.

  “Della,” Victor said, grabbing her upper arm in his strong grip, “leave them alone.” He stared at her, his eyes blazing.

  She yanked her arm away. “Hello, Victor and Sarah. Fancy meeting you here.”

  Her hair was pulled back into a long braid. Her white half-top was stylish, and her low-riding jeans were tight, molding to every curve like they’d been painted on. She had perfect skin, perfect makeup, and perfect hair and looked like a modern-day woman. I could fathom what she was doing there, since she was married to King William. I knew she loved him deeply, but part of me couldn’t help but be jealous, since she’d dated my Victor once upon a time.

  Della’s gaze narrowed as she looked at the men. “Don’t ever mess with a woman like that again. Now go and forget this ever happened.”

  Without another word, they turned and disappeared into the crowd.

  “You cannot act like that here, Della,” Victor said.

  She frowned. “He started it by grabbing me in inappropriate places. What was I supposed to do? Let him get away with it? He and his friends needed to be taught a lesson.”

  “Not here,” I hissed. “How do you expect to explain your incredible strength, one woman taking on all those muscle men?”

  She glared at me. “Do not give me advice that you do not heed yourself. You caused quite a stir in the hospital when you healed Beth.”

  “We hid our powers better than you did,” Victor argued.

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “You’re flashing your powers right here in public.”

  “Were you followed?” Victor asked.

  Della snorted. “No! Do give me more credit than that, dear Victor. You know I am no fool.”

  “How did you find us?” I asked.

  “Wouldn’t you love to know?”

  I blew out a breath. “Enough with the attitude, Della. Quit playing games.”

  “Before you left, Liz told me of the location of your former home. When I visited that place, your mother told me I would find you here.”

  “Just like Mom, giving away my secrets to any enemy who asks,” I said.

  “I’m not your enemy,” she said. “Your mother is very thankful that I took care of Liz when she had no one. You’d do well to show me some gratitude.” Before I could answer, she cut me off. “I also kept Victor’s bed warm for you for hundreds of years. By the time you found him, it was nice and toasty.”

  I wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me back.

  “It’s best to ignore her,” Victor said.

  I let out a huff. “Fine.”

  “Where’s William?” Victor asked.

  Della put her hands in her pocket and looked away. “Don’t worry about my husband.”

  “Della, I need to know if he’s here,” Victor said.

  She sighed. “He sent me here so I would be safe while he fights to get his kingdom back.”

  He gripped her arms. “How did you know we were here?”

  “Helena told me Ethano would never look for any of us here.” She shifted her stance. “Ethano is only after me because of you. You did all those horrible things, not me!”

  “You were just as involved as I was.”

  They exchanged heated looks, and I knew they had secrets I knew nothing about. I wished, more than ever, that Victor would confide in me.

  “If you lost your kingdom, it is only because you deserved it!” she shouted at the top of her lungs, sounding like a madwoman.

  She was causing such a stir that everyone was staring in our direction, and I worried that she might be arrested for public intoxication.

  “Not another word, Della,” Victor said in a stern voice.

  She let out a huff, then backed down.

  “I’m going to do a sweep of the area and make sure it’s safe,” Victor said.

  “Be careful,” I said, kissing him on the lips.

  “Must you mark your territory?” Della seethed.

  Charles embraced her in a hug, trying to calm her down. “I’m going with you,” he said to Victor.

  Victor nodded, then turned to me. “We won’t be long.” He turned on his heels and walked out through the main entrance.

  Chapter 20

  Liz approached and screamed through the loud music. “Oh my gosh! Della!”

  “Liz!” She hugged her tightly and handed her a Budweiser.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Ethano wants to kill me too, courtesy of this one’s husband.” She pointed at me. “It appears I shall be here for a while. Is there room for me where you are staying?” She shot me a look, her eyes cold as frost.

  “Of course!” Liz said, handing me a glass of water. “I can’t deny my friend and mother-in-law anything.”

  I glared at Liz, wondering how she could possibly invite that woman to stay with us. Sure, she was Liz’s mother-in-law, but she was also an Immortal, and that meant she’d stay young and pretty forever.

  She pleaded her case. “Della was like a mother to me when I first walked through the portal. She helped me survive and was the best friend I could ever have.”

  Della smiled. “I knew I could count on you.”

  “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go sit at the bar and order some lemon shots. They’re to die for!” She let out a long squeal. “I can’t believe you’re here! I’m so thrilled.”

  My sister might have been happy about it, but the last thing I wanted was one of Victor’s sexy exes hanging around. We sat on the stool, and I watched Liz and Della bond over shots. Men around the bar couldn’t stop staring at them.

  Della turned to face me, the skin around her lips tight and drawn. “How do you think Ethano and Victor rose to the top and obtained the most coveted positions in King Taggert’s Immortal Court?”

  I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “I wouldn’t know. I wasn’t around.”

  Her eyes narrowed into slits. “They were both ruthless and brutal. I’ve personally seen the things Victor has done in his rise to power, how he managed to rule one of the most powerful empires in our world.”

  “I’m guessing it wasn’t pretty,” I said.

  “A feared ruler doesn’t obtain such a title by accident. Maybe you should have rescued Charles and left Victor in Ethano�
�s dungeon to rot.”

  Her statement stung, but just when I opened my mouth to retort, she continued.

  “When I backed out of our engagement and turned to William for comfort, Victor left a trail of devastation in his path. You see, dear Sarah, your Victor is a sore loser.”

  I met her gaze. “He’s changed, Della.”

  “Then a toast is in order!” She clanked my glass with her beer. “You must be quite the woman to tame such a wild beast.”

  “Well, you couldn’t, so somebody had to,” I replied.

  “You’re feisty, and Victor likes that in a woman. I can see why he was so attracted to you.” She cocked her head and smiled. “Your facial expression says it all.”

  I couldn’t resist engaging her, and I took the bait. “Says what?”

  “You want me to get out of town.”

  “Maybe you should, because—”

  “Because I made mad, passionate love to your husband for hundreds of years?”

  The stick-thin bartender ran a hand through her red hair. “Hundreds?”

  “She’s had a few too many,” I murmured, rolling my eyes.

  “Victor’s a very passionate lover, is he not? He used to straddle me, his voice rough with desire, positioning himself over me in the perfect position to kiss me passionately, with the intensity of a thousand suns. I—”

  I put up my hand. “I’m in no mood for a trip down Memory Lane, thanks.”

  “I’m not after Victor.” She drank a shot in one gulp and slammed it down, then sucked the lemon. “I broke it off with him 200 years ago, when I met William. Victor and I were over before you were even born.”

  “But you look the same age,” the bartender chimed in.

  She flashed the bartender a brilliant white smile. “You know what I love about this place? You have cars instead of horses, electricity instead of candles, and those things that flush.”

  “Toilets?” the bartender asked.

  “Yes! They are fantastic.”

  The bartender smiled. “If you say so, lady.”

  “And toilet paper,” she said. “How did I go centuries without that?”

  Liz’s voice cut through the air as she roared, “Okay, gals. Next round’s on me!”


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