Hagen, Lynn - Hunter [Zeus's Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)

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Hagen, Lynn - Hunter [Zeus's Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove) Page 6

by Lynn Hagen

Tristan quietly left the room.

  Hunter prayed his rainbow saw how good it could be and would be willing to let Hunter and Quinn show him soon. His wolf whined for his other mate, to hold him in his arms and show him what it was like to make love to his mates.

  Quinn ran his hands over Hunter’s hair. “I think we made a good impression on him, you?”

  “He came when you did. I think he got the point.” Hunter crossed his fingers that he was right as he kissed Quinn, slowly, tenderly.

  His mate moaned as his legs lowered. Hunter hated to move. It felt too right to have Quinn underneath him.

  He sighed as he moved, hoping that soon, all three would be in a bed and no one would have to move.

  Chapter Five

  Toby walked over to Tristan. He had heard from Sidney that Tristan needed friends, and who better than him and Jasper? The Alpha’s mates would help to ease the man into his new life in Pride Pack Valley.

  “Hi.” He approached Tristan with bubbly exuberance. They were in Harold’s Deli, Tristan standing there with the hardware store owner, Hunter. Toby was warned not to comment on Tristan’s clothes, and he could see why.

  Tristan had a large straw hat on with a large fake daisy on the front of it. His clothes looked like a train wreck. He wore a flower print shirt and hot pink shorts that stopped at his bony knees. Toby’s eyes wandered further down to see he had on argyle socks, and…sandals with cupcake designs? He looked like he woke up on the wrong side of the closet and dressed in the dark.

  “Hi.” Hunter answered for Tristan, his body taking a protective step in front of Tristan. Toby wondered if they were mates, which meant that Quinn was possibly their mate as well.

  “I like your outfit, Tristan.” Jasper chuckled. “It’s unique, like a rainbow on bad medication.”

  “Jasper!” Toby pulled on Jasper’s sleeve when Hunter gave a low growl, but Jasper ignored him…as usual.

  “I wasn’t making fun of you, Tristan. Okay…maybe I was. But if I didn’t like you, I’d ignore you.” Jasper chuckled.

  What twisted logic was that? He and Jasper had been together for a few months now, but Toby still hadn’t figured the Timber wolf out. Toby wanted to crawl under a table. Sometimes Jasper spoke without thinking, and this was one of those times.

  “In that case, I like your shirt as well, Jasper.” Tristan grinned. “It reminds me of those ink blocks shrinks show their patients.”

  “Touché.” Jasper laughed. Toby growled, taking a step in front of his mate.

  “Mine,” Toby snarled.

  Jasper wrapped his arms around Toby’s shoulders, pulling his back close to his mate’s chest. “Isn’t he cute when he’s all Tarzan and shit.” Jasper kissed the side of his face. I’ll give Jasper Tarzan if he keeps flirting.


  Toby turned and smiled at the Alpha and his second mate, Zeus. “Jasper is flirting with Tristan.” He beamed smugly. Toby jumped when Jasper pinched his ass. “Ow.”

  “He better not be,” Zeus growled in warning.

  “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…” Tristan began to sing. Toby tilted his head and stared at the strangely dressed man. What the hell?

  “It’s okay, rainbow.” Hunter pulled the slim man into the folds of his arms and soothed him.

  “Did we say something wrong?” Jasper asked.

  “He’s a little nervous,” Hunter explained as he pulled Tristan impossibly closer.

  “Don’t be.” Zeus smiled at Tristan. “They’re quite harmless, somewhat,” he added on.

  Tristan was lost in the sauce. He hadn’t a clue what the very large Alpha was talking about. He just knew that making the man mad would be a very bad thing. Thank goodness Hunter had his arm around Tristan’s waist because he was five seconds away from dropping to his knees and bowing. Damn Xavier and his Pavlov’s dog shit. He needed to get rid of these triggers.

  “Hello, Alpha.” Hunter shook the Alpha’s hand casually, as if it were no big deal. Tristan wiped his hands on the front of his shorts and stepped out of Hunter’s embrace, shaking the large man’s hand as well. It swallowed his hand whole.

  Fuck, he’d never seen anyone this size before. He tilted his head, giving the shifter sign of respect an Alpha was due.

  “Hello, again, Tristan.” The Alpha chuckled, extending his hand and tapping Tristan’s neck. “I’m Zeus, by the way.”

  Tristan couldn’t make up his mind if that was a friendly smile or if Zeus planned on eating him. He was going to go with the first choice, and if he was wrong, running like hell would be his only option. “I’m Tristan.” Tristan mentally smacked his forehead. Way to go, cornflake. Like he didn’t know that already.

  Zeus laughed, only it sounded like a rumble of thunder. Others must have thought the same because a few people scurried out of the door. So his first guess must have been correct. Still, Tristan moved closer to Hunter. Not like his mate could take this mountain on, but it made him feel safer. Hunter didn’t seem too fazed by it, so that gave Tristan a small wave of relief.

  “You’re scaring him, you big bully.” Jasper swatted at Zeus’s arm. “Play nice.”

  Zeus gave a low growl in Jasper’s direction. It was time to go. “We have to go. Quinn is meeting us at home for lunch.” Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. Tristan pressed Hunter’s back, trying to get the wolf moving.

  Thank goodness Hunter got the hint. “Nice seeing you guys again.” He waved, staring back at Tristan strangely. Whatever, get your gluteus maximums out of here already. Tristan normally liked meeting new friends, and he enjoyed having a variety of people to talk to, not that he trusted them all. But Xavier had taken that joy from him. Now Tristan feared meeting another just like his ex. And Xavier was his ex. He had to stop thinking that way. Not everyone was out to harm him.

  Once they cleared the deli, Hunter pulled Tristan from behind him. “Would you mind telling me why your ass was on fire to get out of there?”

  “Umm, Quinn is waiting, sir?”

  “Try again, rainbow.” Hunter hooked his thumbs in his front pockets and leaned against the telephone pole. “We just ate lunch, so how are we meeting Quinn at home?”

  Don’t say sir, don’t say sir. “Fine, the man intimidates me.” Thanks for making me confess that one. Why don’t you just kick me in the gonads?

  “Why? He’s the Alpha. His job is to protect the pack that lives here, along with the soldiers.” Hunter’s hand waved around, indicating the town.

  Tristan really didn’t want to have this conversation. His brain was being naughty as he stared at Hunter’s groin, remembering the scene that took place several nights ago. Man, what he wouldn’t give to witness that again. Although he was a bit frightened to join in, never having been with more than one guy at a time, he’d do it now if they offered. But for the last several days, they hadn’t made a move…and Tristan was hornier than the devil.


  “Yes?” Tristan asked Hunter’s cock.

  “My eyes are up here, rainbow.” Hunter’s hand came into view, disappearing under Tristan’s chin, gently lifting his head up.

  Good god almighty, the lust in Hunter’s eyes had Tristan ready to pant and whine right here on the street. He felt his leg ready to tap out a beat from the desire burning in them.

  “Maybe Quinn will be home after all.” Hunter let out a low, closed-lip growl and pushed away from the pole, pulling Tristan toward his truck.

  Goody, goody, gumdrops. Tristan may be hesitant, afraid to give his mates his full trust, but sex was sex and he was more than ready for it. His brain couldn’t function when the cock monster in his pants was doing all the thinking. He wanted to do that dance football players did when they made a touchdown. Instead, he followed obediently, willingly, and in a state of utmost arousal.

  “I can smell your arousal, and I’m about to drown in it.” Hunter squeezed Tristan’s hand lightly. “Let me call Quinn.” Hunter stopped dead in his tracks and spun around, staring down at
Tristan. His brows were pulled tight together as he studied Tristan’s face for a moment.

  Did he have some mayo left on his face? Tristan wiped at his mouth, but there was nothing on his hand when he pulled it back.

  “Unless you’d rather it be one-on-one. Whatever you want, rainbow.”

  “Two.” Tristan could feel his face on fire. How the hell was he going to have sex with both his mates when he couldn’t even be adult enough to talk about it?

  “Two it is.” Hunter extracted his cell phone from his pocket as they reached the truck.

  Tristan leaned against the tailgate for a moment. He needed to calm down. He was about to come in his pants at the thought of being with both of them. If the other night was any indication…breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. Not so fast, you’ll hyperventilate, you dummy.

  Tristan stared across the street as Hunter spoke into his phone. Maybe if he concentrated on the people walking by, he could get his runaway libido under control until they made it home.

  He blinked, and then blinked again when he spotted a familiar face across the street, and it was getting into a familiar car.

  It couldn’t be.

  Tristan rubbed his face, ground the palms of his hands into his eyes, and then looked up again. The car was gone.

  Maybe all the blood pooling in his cock left his brain oxygen deprived. There was no way he just saw Xavier.

  “Ready? Quinn said he’s on his way.”

  “Yeah.” Tristan stood and walked around the side of the truck, sliding in. He glanced back once more, seeing an empty parking spot where he could have sworn the blue Tahoe was just occupying.

  It had to be lack of blood in his brain. God, he prayed it was lack of blood to his brain.

  “You look a little shaken up. Are you okay? We don’t have to do this. We can take our time, rainbow.” Hunter tucked a stray hair behind Tristan’s ear and stared at him. The man was so drool-worthy it wasn’t even funny. All that dark hair cascading to his shoulder, with a naturally windblown look to it all the time, Tristan wanted to grab handfuls of it and yank as he came down Hunter’s throat.

  The arousal scent hit its peak in the truck, and there was no way for Tristan to hide it. He didn’t want to either.

  “We’re good.”

  Quinn danced around Dino, trying to stop him from walking. “I got to go. Uh, there’s an emergency at home.”

  Dino scratched his chin, giving Quinn that knowing look. “Does this emergency involve two cocks?”

  “Maybe.” As much as he wanted to lie, he and Dino went too far back for him to try such a thing. It wouldn’t even feel right.

  Dino licked his bottom lip, sighed, and then threw his hands up. “How can I say no when I’m leaving early for the same reason? But you better not tell anyone I let you go for that. Capiche?”

  “Loud and clear,” Quinn shouted over his shoulder as he ran for his vehicle. Time was a wasting here. He tore out of the makeshift drive, heading straight for the house. His cock was so full and angry, and it was digging into his zipper. He was finally going to have Tristan in his arms. Quinn’s foot pressed the gas pedal a little harder at that thought.

  The tires screeched to a halt in the driveway as Quinn slammed it into park. He jumped out and ran to the house, trying his best to rid his body of clothes on his way in.

  Quinn stopped so fast in the entranceway that he slid on the rug and slammed into the wall. Hunter had Tristan against the wall, Tristan’s legs wrapped around Hunter’s waist, and they were making out. What a gloriously erotic sight it was, too.

  “I’m just in time.” He unlaced his boots once he managed to peel his face from the drywall. “Give me a sec to get a shower.”

  “Take your time.” Hunter said once his lips disengaged from Tristan’s.

  “Not on your fucking life.” Quinn shot to the bathroom and took the quickest shower in his entire life. He stepped out of the shower soaking wet, ignoring the big fluffy towel on the sink and walked straight out of the bathroom.

  “Hmm, wet Quinn, let’s suck him dry.” Hunter lowered Tristan, an evil grin splitting his face. “Literally.”

  “I have an idea, sirs.” Tristan took off toward the kitchen.

  Hunter’s left brow rose high. “What do you think he’s up to?”

  “I have no clue.” Quinn looped over to Hunter, right into the man’s arms. Hunter wasted no time. His fingers ran up Quinn’s bare chest, gathering the water droplets along the way. His hand dropped and went around to Quinn’s backside, a finger probing his hole.

  “Do it.”

  Hunter pulled a tight-lipped half-smile up and thrust a finger in. Quinn tried to climb the man’s body. He managed to get one leg up around Hunter’s waist before he heard a clatter. Tristan stood there openmouthed and breathing heavily. A can of whipped cream rolled to a stop a few feet away. “I think he wants to eat us,” Quinn teased.

  “Come here, Tristan.” Hunter held a hand out. Tristan hesitated at first, looking between the two of them, and then took a step forward, and then another. Quinn didn’t wait. He reached out and pulled Tristan into the embrace.

  “I want to suck you off.” Quinn growled low in Tristan’s ear. His jellybean nodded, gulped, and then licked his lips.

  “That would be pleasant.” Tristan must have realized what he’d said. He began to laugh and cover his beautiful face with his hands.

  Quinn tsked, making Tristan blush deeper. “I would hope my mouth would be more than pleasant,” he teased.

  “Let’s find out.” Hunter set Quinn aside, pulling both their hands as he led them to Tristan’s room. Quinn wondered if Hunter knew that was the room with the biggest bed.

  Quinn pulled his hand free of Hunter’s grasp and dropped to his knees in front of Tristan, mouthing his pink shorts. The bulge was large. Quinn remembered the size from when Tristan walked around naked when first arriving here.

  His hole clenched at the thought of having that sausage-size dick in his ass. Quinn peeled away his shorter man’s shorts, Tristan kicking out of his cupcake sandals. When his jellybean reached down to remove his socks, Quinn shook his head. “Leave them on. I think they’re sexy.”

  Tristan gasped in surprise as Quinn took his jellybean’s cock into his mouth. For a slim and wiry man, Tristan was hung like a fucking horse. Quinn stretched his lips around the red and leaking head, moaning at the taste that was all Tristan.

  “Damn.” Hunter rubbed his cock up and down Quinn’s cheek as Quinn bobbed his head. The male physique had turned Quinn on since hitting puberty. The strong and lean lines, hard-packed muscles, and large cock on a man’s body were worship worthy.

  Quinn pulled back from Tristan’s prick and licked the pre-cum from Hunter’s. If Tristan wasn’t so large, he would try to take both into his mouth. Quinn growled when Hunter dropped beside him, licking the trail of pre-cum from his face and then dipping lower to lap at Tristan’s balls.

  “Good, googally-goo,” Tristan sang.

  His hands were fisted at his side, and his neck muscles pulled tight as Hunter and Quinn dined on him. “The train’s coming in, the train’s coming in…” Tristan sang as he rose to his toes, his hands landing on Quinn’s and Hunter’s heads as his eeked out his release.

  Hunter surfaced, lapping at Tristan’s cock, sharing the seed between the two. Quinn waved Tristan’s cock between his mouth and Hunter’s, catching every drop that he could that was pulsing from his jellybean’s orgasm.

  Tristan fell backward onto the bed, his body jerking and a sated smile on his face. Quinn slowly raised his eyes, giving Tristan his sexiest smile as he moved slowly onto the mattress, covering his redhead’s body with his.

  He planted his hands under Tristan’s arms, pulling his weightless body up and into his arms. He kissed Tristan’s slim throat, their cocks tapping and touching against one another’s.

  Tristan wrapped his legs around Quinn’s waist, locking his arms around Quinn’s neck.

  “I ca
n’t keep my hands off of you. You’re so damn beautiful.” Quinn ran the fingertips of his hands over Tristan’s back, making his baby shiver. He could feel the scars on Tristan’s back, and it only made him feel closer to his jellybean. It made Tristan even more special in Quinn’s eyes.

  “You’re like breathing heaven into my lungs.” Quinn leaned forward, taking Tristan down with him. “I want you. Tell me you want me.”

  “I want you,” Tristan whispered against Quinn’s lips. Quinn felt the bed dip, Hunter pulling Quinn away from Tristan.

  “Lay on your back,” he instructed Quinn.

  Quinn rolled, taking Tristan along for the ride until his man stared down at him. Quinn ran the pad of his thumb over Tristan’s lips. Tristan’s eyes sparkled as he smiled down at Quinn.

  Hunter grabbed the lube and prepared both Quinn and Tristan. Excitement mounted in Quinn as Tristan’s cock leaked onto his lower abdomen. The fire-red hair surrounding his jellybean’s cock was mesmerizing.

  Tristan leaned forward and then slowly lowered until Quinn was fully inside of him. Hunter had held Quinn’s cock as Tristan took the journey. Quinn’s legs trembled from holding back, his hands held Tristan’s hips lazily.

  “Lift up.” Hunter tapped his hip. Quinn arched his back, taking Tristan into the air. Hunter shoved two pillows under his ass, and then Quinn came back down. Tristan grabbed under Quinn’s knees with his arms and pulled Quinn’s legs forward, allowing Hunter to enter Quinn’s ass.

  Quinn had never been with two men, and the feeling was intoxicating. Tristan began a slow ride, his ass cinched tightly around Quinn’s cock while Hunter’s large manhood glided in and out of his own hole. Talk about dying and going to heaven.

  Quinn grabbed Tristan’s hips and thrust harder when he saw Tristan reach behind him, grab Hunter’s neck, and pull their lips together. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Hunter’s hands were all over Tristan’s body, worshipping his flesh.

  Hunter reached down and grabbed Tristan’s cock, playing with it as he fucked Quinn’s ass. What a way to spend the afternoon. “Harder, Hunter.” Quinn panted. Watching Hunter’s hand on Tristan’s cock was driving him mad.


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