Amaranthine (Willow Shadows Book 1)

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Amaranthine (Willow Shadows Book 1) Page 19

by Lanie Jacobs

  “Oh, for shits sake! Will you two seriously just get a room? It’s making me sick,” Vega interrupted while giggling with Razi who playfully tried to quiet his date.

  “Razi, I believe I told you to keep a muzzle handy when you two started dating?” Luke looked at Vega with a playfully smirk spread across his mouth.

  “Khalida?” Vega whined.

  “Hey, Babes, you started it. If you can’t finish it, then don’t start it,” Khalida beamed revealing her perfect pearly whites.

  Each of them laughed as the night drew on, none of them mentioning the transformation that was about to take place. Tonight was about Khalida, and all she was concerned about was being with Luke and she felt stronger and more confident as the night wore on.

  Eventually, she no longer cared who saw and decided to stand on her tippy toes to give Luke a sweet and gentle kiss, confirming to everyone in the room that he was hers. She heard the snorts and disbelieving gasps that ran throughout the room. The gasping got louder as Luke returned her gentle kiss with more need. He wanted her, and everyone in the room knew it as well.

  “You had me a long time ago, Khally. You’ve always had me,” he said playfully trying to shake off the want that had suddenly overcome him.

  As innocently as Khalida could project, she managed a playful smile, “Why, Lucas, I just do not know what you are talking about.”

  “You are the only one I see in this room,” he grabbed her chin, softly sweeping his lips across hers, instantly sending shocks of electricity running back through her blood.

  “You always know what to say, don’t you?”

  “Oh, seriously! Now you two really need to get a room or at least some privacy,” Vega famously adding her two cents.

  Razi decided at this point to add his as well, “Seriously, Luke. Dude, you’re making me look bad,” he laughed.

  “You don’t need any help on that part, Raz, you make yourself look bad all the time. I’m just trying to make you step your game up,” a sly smile formed at the edges of Luke’s full lips.

  Luke grabbed Khalida’s arm, dragging him away from the crowd. Stepping outside under the moonlight, they swayed to the subtle tunes of Breath Me by Sia. “This is the most amazing night I’ve had in a long time,” she whispered.

  Luke just wrapped his arms around her tighter as they rocked back and forth. “I wish we could stay like this forever,” he said hoarsely.

  “What’s going to happen to me?” she asked nervously.“Will it be painful?”

  Sighing, he loosened the hold he had on her. “Everyone is different, Khally. Some experience pain while others do not, and some make it while others don’t. You have already started the transition and haven’t had much pain so I think it’s safe to say you’re going to be fine.”

  Ignoring the rest of what he continued with, Khalida found herself mesmerized by the sound of his heart. Pushing her ear to his heart, she wrapped herself around him, not willing to let him go. Suddenly, she shifted her attention to another sound that was drawing her in and drowning out the sound of his heart beating … his blood.

  The sound of his blood rushing calling her to the crease of his neck where his beat pulsated loudly, calling for her attention. Instinctively, she poised herself closer to his tall frame, placing her hand behind his neck, carefully pulling him to her. He let out a soft sexy growl as her teeth broke his skin and began to suckle what was hers.


  A soft whimper escaped from Khalida as he pulled her wrist to his mouth and possessively began to take what was his. He didn’t take more than he needed only a few minutes passed before he pulled away licking her marks, sealing them closed. He let Khalida take her time, holding onto her tightly not daring to pull away. Sliding her tongue over the wound she mimicked the sealing of the bite that Luke had done to her. Pulling away, she buried her face to hide the redness that was now flowing through her cheeks. She was embarrassed. For the second time, she took a bite out her boyfriend with no warning.

  Luke chuckled. “It’s natural, Khalida. You shouldn’t get embarrassed by doing something that comes to you by instinct.”

  “Never let me go,” she said, lifting her head to look into his eyes.

  “Not as long as I live,” was his only response.

  A deep wave of weariness flooded over her all the sudden. Khalida could feel her knees buckling as sleep weighed heavy on her mind. Luke picked her up in his arms and carried her up the stairs to his room. Draping her arms around his neck, she yawned, struggling to stay awake. When he placed her in his bed, the last thing she remembered was Luke removing her shoes and pulling the covers over her as she drifted off to sleep.

  Khalida could hear Josephine enter the room but was unable to open her eyes. “How’s she doing?” she asked with such concern in her voice that Khalida wanted to respond, but she couldn’t force her mouth to part or voice to speak.

  “I think she’s doing okay, Mother,” Luke said, his voice sounded weary, “not too many signs of pain.”

  Khalida drifted into a deep sleep surrounded by darkness. Like before in her past dreams, she was in the middle of nowhere surrounded by the night.

  “I know you’re here!” she screamed into the darkness, “I can feel you. What do you want?” she bellowed into the night.

  “You,” a low repulsive hiss echoed through the air.

  “Well, that’s just not an option,” Khalida replied smugly.

  Braedon stepped out of the shadows with his coal black eyes eerily staring at her. Instantly sending chills throughout her body, her arms and legs quickly covered with goose bumps.

  “You took something from me,” Braedon said with grim confidence, “and now I want you. Her life for yours, and in return I won’t kill your lover.”

  Anger coursed through her. “We both know you’re no match for him,” she taunted.

  “I thought you might be resistant to my demands so I have a little back up. You either come to me tonight, or I kill your sister,” he snarled, snapping his fangs with a malicious smile.

  Chills replaced her anger. He found her sister, and she knew from the cold blooded look on his face he wasn’t playing. He had her sister.

  “She has nothing to do with this. Leave her alone,” Khalida growled loudly.

  “Oh, but you see, she does. She is simply a means to an end for me. You come take her place, and I let her go. If you do not show up, I will kill the last living family member you have.”

  As he turned to walk off, he looked back over his shoulder and with a snarl said, “You know where to find me,” he said simply as he slithered away into the darkness.

  Coming out of her sleep, she could hear voices in the distance. “We don’t know what powers she will possess,” Josephine’s voice was soft and fragile. “She needs her rest, and so do you. I’ll keep my eye on her. Why don’t you go lay down in one of the guest rooms? You’re no good to her worn out,” she commanded.

  Khalida heard the door creak open and shut quietly. She knew that Luke decided to check on her one more time before deciding to listen to his mother. She debated on what she was going to do right then. Luke was exhausted and wiped out, in no condition to fight. Neither was she. Her body hurt as pain shot through her chest making her cry out.

  It was a soft cry but loud enough the bedroom door flew open as Luke rushed in. Hurting and trying to ignore the pain, Khalida didn’t know what to say. She stared at Luke’s handsome face as she contemplated her next move. Should she risk it all by keeping secrets, again or tell him? She knew by looking into his eyes if she kept this from him, she risked the chance of losing him completely. If she wanted to be with him, she knew at that moment she had to tell him…and that meant telling him everything. Khalida took a deep breath and before Luke could say anything, she began to tell him about how Braedon can enter her dreams, how when her soul left her body she could talk
to her mom and the story she told about Ann Marie and her death. She kept talking, pouring her heart out about her biological mother, sister and her dreams. By the time she was finished telling Luke everything she had been keeping from him and blocking him from in her mind, tears were streaking down her face and she was sobbing.

  Luke sat there on the side of the bed, his face made of stone. He said nothing as he listened and when she started to sob, he did nothing. Khalida could tell he was in deep thought as he studied her face, looking at her from eye to eye. Khalida hesitated to touch him. She knew he was angry, but she just didn’t know how angry he was. Without any warning, a wave hit her as her shields came crashing down and her mind began being explored. Luke was tearing through her memories. Khalida threw her hands up on her head, crying out in pain. She could feel the ripping going through her mind and the sharp intense pain that was traveling through her head.

  “Luke, stop it! You’re hurting her!” Josephine snapped, “Her transition isn’t complete.”

  “Stop it, Luke, or you’re going to kill her!” she said louder as she went behind Luke and shook him, making him come to the reality of what he just did. Sitting back, Luke turned his head so that he wasn’t facing anyone.

  Khalida fell back against the pillow, unable to keep herself up. She heard the door close but didn’t even see Luke get up. Josephine softly caressed her arm with one hand with her other hand on Khalida’s forehead.

  “Your still running a little fever, but don’t worry though, that will pass. The most important part is over. You should rest,” she stood to leave but stopped, “Luke will be back when he can get his head clear. He shouldn’t have entered your mind in your weakened state. A bonded male is very protective over their mate. Some can get so mad when their other half has been violated in ways they shouldn’t. Braedon should have never entered your dreams. You should have told us the first time it happened. I can see your reasoning, but to Luke, you were hiding this from him. Lying to him. Don’t worry, get some rest. I will calm him down. He’ll be back in a few minutes,” she assured, gracefully walking out of the room. Khalida closed her eyes, and once again, she was asleep.

  Khalida awoke out of her darkened sleep. All her senses were magnified, and she could feel the differences in her body even as she struggled to open her eyes. She could feel the presence of others in the room before her eyes saw them. She could feel the emotions of Josephine, Luke, Vega, and Razi who were in the room, but she could also feel the emotions of someone she didn’t know.

  What the hell? Are these my new found powers?

  “She’s awake,” Josephine announced to the room.

  “How did you know that? I hadn’t even opened my eyes, yet,” Khalida croaked as the room fell under a silent laugh.

  “It’s about time you ask a question like that,” Luke continued, “she has the ability to sense the motives of others, read minds, alter their thoughts, and she can even heal people from injury. She is from the original generation of vampires which makes her one of the strongest ones of our kind.”

  “Yeah, I kind of figured that out. How else would she be the Queen?” Khalida winced as she sat up.

  Seeing the pain on her face, Luke raced to her side. “You okay, Khally?” the guilt on his face was suddenly replaced with worry.

  “I’m fine. I wish everyone would stop making such a fuss over me all the time. Geez.” she growled.

  The unknown presence moved around the small crowd and made his way to stand beside Luke. Khalida gloomily looked at this tall stranger with traces of familiarity, making it known to her that she once knew this man.

  “Who are you?” Khalida demanded, her nerves jumping with overwhelming feeling that she knew him. She had a connection with this stranger.

  He stood silent for a moment. His dirty blonde straight hair cut short, almost in a crew cut but longer on top. His green eyes sparkled with a hint of gray. Looking in his familiar eyes, she realized he held the same eyes as her. He was taller than Luke, standing at six foot five inches. That wasn’t the only thing Khalida could feel radiating from this man. She also knew he had feelings, strong feelings for Josephine and those feeling were returned. As Khalida looked at Josephine she noticed her cheeks flared with pink and she turned her face as to try to avoid contact with Khalida.

  Is she embarrassed?

  Luke looked toward his mother, looking at her for answers to what just happened. Trying to avoid his questions, she looked at the stranger before she finally decided to speak.

  “This is your Uncle Hayden, Ann Marie’s and Fatin’s younger brother, and yes, I do care for him deeply,” she spoke nervously.

  It was the first time Khalida had ever heard the hint of discomfort in Josephine’s voice. Something in her gut told her that Josephine kept their relationship away from Luke and the others.

  Luke looked to his mother for answers. “Khalida is perceptive to people’s feelings. She knew without being told about Hayden and me. She also has some other impressive gifts but I can only begin to guess at a few. We should find out where we stand with her over the next few days. I can feel the power from her. Like myself, she has first generation blood and has the powers of both Ann Marie, Fatin, and yes, even Braedon.” Fatin spoke assertively but Khalida knew she was trying to distract her son from the new revelation of her hidden romance.

  “Why?” Khalida interrupted the tension that seemed to be building in the room. She could tell that Luke was upset about the secret relationship his mother went to great lengths to hide from everyone, including him.

  Her question remained unanswered. Hayden looked to Josephine for help, but she didn’t help.

  “Why dammit? Why now?” she screamed at her uncle who straightened with discomfort.

  “I was with Fatin the night we helped Ann Marie with your escape. We all had to disappear and stay hidden with no contact to try and keep Braedon from finding you. The only contact I had with anyone from that night on was Josephine. We did it to keep you safe. I called Josephine to check in with her, and that is when I learned what happened to my sister. With the Ubil’s knowing you exist, there is no reason for me to continue to hide.”

  Before anyone could say anything else, Khalida sprung out of the bed, “He has my sister,” she spoke with urgency.

  “We are aware of that, Khalida. Do you know where he wants you to meet him?” Josephine spoke, all uncertainty gone and once again, she held herself like the queen she was.

  “No, but I have this feeling that I just need to go. It’s hard to explain, but I feel like I’m being pulled to them.”

  “I don’t think she can handle this right now. She just woke up. We don’t know what she is capable of handling at this time,” Luke’s voice was firm as he spoke and he avoided eye contact with Khalida, knowing that she was going to argue.

  “To hell you say. This is not your choice, and you are not keeping me from going, Lucas,” Khalida stood her ground. “Either way, I’m going. I don’t care what you or anyone else has to say.”

  “Everyone out. Now!” Luke snapped angrily.

  Vega and Razi were the first ones out of the bedroom Vega turned back to look at Khally before she left. “I’m fine Vega. I’ll see you in a minute.”

  Vega nodded at her friend and exited the room quietly. When the last person exited the room, Luke moved just inches away from where Khalida stood.

  “I’m sorry for what happened earlier, but please don’t defy me just because you’re mad at me. You’re weak and need time to heal.”

  Keeping her eyes down, she sighed, “I’m not mad at you, Luke. You were upset when I told you about my dreams and Braedon. No, you shouldn’t have entered my mind the way you did, but you did and it’s done. I’m not weak. I feel strong and revived. And it doesn’t matter what you say or do, I’m going to find my sister with or without you,” she stuck her chin up stubbornly.

hat if we follow you, and when you feel you’re getting close, we take it from there and you get the hell out of there?”


  Luke hung his head in defeat. He knew there was no way she was going to change her mind, and it wasn’t in him to beg. He just wasn’t that person. Besides, he already knew that no matter what he did, he wasn’t going to get through to her and make her see his side.

  “I love you,” he spoke softly, gently placing his hands on her face and pulling her in for a kiss.

  She met his lips with her mouth slightly parted, returning his kiss hungrily. Pulling her closer, she threw her arms around his neck as he grabbed her, pulling her up, allowing her to wrap her legs around him. Completely dismissing the arguing that had just taken place moments before, they heard shuffling at the door making them pull away from their embrace. Placing his hands around her shoulders Luke laid his chin on the top of her head.

  “If you are going to do this, you damn sure aren’t going alone,” he demanded, not asking.

  “What if he knows you are there? I’m not too sure he can’t read my mind, and if he can, that would put my sister at risk.”

  “You just put up your block like you have done with me the past couple of weeks, and we will be fine,” he wasn’t budging on this.

  “You tore down my wall earlier. Who’s to say he won’t be able to?” she asked him honestly.

  “The only reason I can, my love, is because you’re mine. If I wanted to, I could have read your thoughts from the first day, but I wanted you to have your privacy and didn’t want to push you.”

  “So, he can’t read my mind as long as I have my wall up, then we just do the set up, and I act like I’m sneaking out, going through all the motions in case he has someone watching us.”

  Khalida looked up at Luke to see him slowly nod his head. She had to figure out a way to make sneaking out believable.

  “You can do it,” he said reading her thoughts.

  Khalida sighed, “Okay, if we are going to do this, let’s do it. I’ll move slowly to give you guys a chance to catch up to me, but I refuse to leave when this goes down.”


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