SEAL's Revenge (Alpha SEALs Coronado Book 4)

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SEAL's Revenge (Alpha SEALs Coronado Book 4) Page 11

by Makenna Jameison

  “Raptor. That’s Blake’s nickname, right?” she asked.

  She could tell Ethan knew she was changing the subject, but she didn’t care. She didn’t want to think about the man who’d held her down and hurt her. Reliving those memories earlier had been bad enough. He let the subject slide and began telling her the nicknames of the rest of his teammates. She was a little horrified to learn Jackson had lived up to his name of “K-Bar” when he’d thrown a knife and killed his girlfriend’s abusive ex-husband. She knew Ethan and his teammates would keep her safe until they got out of here though.

  And when they were back home?

  Hopefully she could move on with her life. Maybe she’d get therapy and have setbacks along the way, but the man who’d hurt her would be far, far away and out of her life forever.

  Chapter 14

  Ethan leaned back in his seat on the C-17 cargo plane, glancing across the aisle at Kimberly. She’d stretched across a couple of seats, sleeping. They’d been in the air several hours, and a couple of guys on the team were getting some shut-eye as well.

  Troy crossed over to him, grabbing a seat. “Hurricane’s zonked out,” he said with a chuckle.

  Ethan smirked and nodded toward Ghost. “Same with him. Man. I’m too worked up to sleep right now.”

  Troy raised his eyebrows, and Ethan leaned closer, speaking in a low voice. “That shit with Kim freaked out about the guy missing part of his ear has me worried. She was practically shaking when we boarded the plane. She was scanning the crowd, looking for him.”

  “You really think he was there? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I don’t think she’d make up something like that. She really thinks she saw him on base earlier. But she went through a hell of an ordeal. Her mind could be playing tricks on her.”

  “Yeah. She’s observant though. She wasn’t afraid of any of us.”

  “We’re not terrorists,” Troy countered.

  Ethan crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat again. “I don’t like it. We took out a couple of the men who kidnapped her, but he wasn’t there that night. We still don’t know who kidnapped her in the first place or how they even got on base.”

  “It could’ve been someone who worked there,” Troy agreed. “An Afghani or a fucking traitor.”

  “I think that’s part of the reason she’s so eager to see Hailey. They lived in the same building. Although I doubt Hailey saw anything suspicious. Ghost found her in her room during the fire.”

  Troy clenched his jaw, nodding. “Raptor said you offered to let her stay with you?”

  Ethan smirked, scrubbing a hand across his jaw. “I don’t even know where that came from. She wanted to see Hailey and maybe even meet Clarissa so they could commiserate. The words just popped out of my mouth.”

  “You like her.”

  “Yep. We’re on opposite coasts though.”

  “So? Hailey moved across the country to be with Ghost.”

  “Hailey already had plans to move after her stint in Bagram was up. Kim is a DOD contractor with a job at the Pentagon. I have to admit, I’m not fully versed in how the Army Reserves work either.”

  “I think she’d have to put in for a transfer. Normally that couldn’t happen while your unit is deployed overseas, but this isn’t exactly a normal situation. I think she was TDY over there, and besides. She’s a POW. She went through a hell of a lot. They’ll probably just medically discharge her.”

  “You’re right. It doesn’t really matter though. She might come to stay with me, but that doesn’t mean anything. I offered as a friend.”

  Troy smirked.

  “Thanks asshole,” Ethan muttered. “We’re not dating. I rescued her off a fucking mountain. She’s not in any position to be in a relationship right now even if I wanted that.”

  “If you wanted that,” he said with a chuckle. “We can all see those puppy dog eyes you make at her. You can’t take your eyes off of her. Before we’d even made it back to Bagram, we all knew she was yours.”

  “She was injured and scared,” Ethan said.

  “She was, but you sure as shit aren’t that protective over every woman we rescue. How many have you visited in the hospital, huh? Not a damn one.”

  “Kim was still under our protection,” Ethan countered. “Our mission was to get her safely home. She had a damn MP outside her door.”

  “Sure. That’s why you were the only one visiting.”

  “Nope. Ghost came as well.”

  Troy chuckled. “Only because he had a message to relay from Hailey. I’m telling you—you’re whipped. First it was Raptor, then Ghost and K-Bar, and now you.”

  Ethan shook his head. “I just want her to be safe.”

  “And that’s how I know,” Troy said, standing back up. “If you just wanted to get into her pants, you wouldn’t bother, because you’re right. She’s not ready for a relationship. But the way you’re with her every moment and inviting her out to stay with you? Just let me know when I can expect the wedding invitation.”

  “Jackass,” Ethan griped as Troy sauntered away. Goddamn. The last thing he was trying to do was get into a relationship with Kimberly. He was worried about her. He cared about her. And so what if she had pretty blue eyes and long, dark hair that he’d love to run his fingers through?

  She wasn’t his. And he had no right to act like she was.


  Kimberly awoke early the next morning, blinking as she looked around the plane. Most of the guys were asleep, although Ethan’s gaze from across the aisle was already on her. “Good morning,” he said, his husky voice making her stomach do little flips. She’d slept across from him all night, curled up across several seats. Someone had put an extra blanket over her, and she knew without even asking that it had been his doing.

  “Good morning,” she said softly. She yawned but kept huddled under the blankets.

  “You were out all night.”

  “Yeah. In the hospital I had nightmares and kept waking up.” He frowned, but she continued anyway. “I was so exhausted last night I just crashed. How many more hours before we land?”

  “Probably three or four. We don’t usually stop in DC, so I’m not sure. I’ll check with the pilot.”

  “No, it’s fine. I just wondered.”

  “You were tossing and turning a little at one point, so I put another blanket over you. You seemed to settle after that.”

  She flushed under his gaze. “Thanks. I don’t even remember having any nightmares. Hopefully I’ll do okay tonight.”

  “They might want to keep you overnight at Walter Reed for observation,” Ethan noted.

  “God, I hope not. I just want to go home and sleep in my own bed. I’ll probably end up staying with my parents though. They’ve got a house in Northwest DC. I’ve just got a small one-bedroom place. I’m sure none of them will want me to be alone. Honestly, I’m not sure that I’m ready to be alone yet either.”

  “You’re lucky you have family close by. I hope you’ll consider coming out to see us though. I was serious when I said you can stay with me, and of course Hailey will be thrilled.”

  “I know your offer was genuine, and I appreciate it.” The plane jostled a little from turbulence, and Kim’s gaze raked over Ethan when he wasn’t looking. He had dark stubble on his jaw and looked far sexier than any man should first thing in the morning. She was shocked she even had the thought. Dating a man was the very furthest thing from her mind right now.

  “It’s early. You should try to get some more rest while you can.”

  “You’re up.”

  His lips quirked. “That I am. But you can go back to sleep if you want. In another hour or so, I’ll make you some God-awful coffee from my MRE.”

  “Oh, that’s sounds heavenly.”

  He chuckled.

  “I’m serious. They wouldn’t let me have any caffeine in the hospital.”

  “That’s right, you did ask for a Diet Coke with the pizza last night,” he remembered.

d I definitely got used to going without any caffeine the past couple of months,” she said lightly. “But I had an awful headache after talking to those investigators.”

  Ethan frowned. “You should’ve said something. We’ve all got meds with us.”

  Kimberly shook her head. “I just needed some food and something to drink.”

  He still looked unhappy, and she resisted the urge to smile. Ethan was a total alpha male, intent on fixing everything and taking control of the situation. She appreciated that about him though. He’d gotten her out of hell and safely down the mountain. He’d been at her side every step of the way, including literally sleeping across from her on the airplane so she’d feel safe. They hadn’t even discussed it; he’d just taken a spot near her while the other guys spread out.

  It was strangely intimate lying across from him. They were thousands of feet in the air, his other SEAL team members were sleeping around them, but it felt private. Secluded. She’d miss talking to Ethan when she was home, and she’d only known the man for less than two days. He’d have to go back to his career as a SEAL, and she’d eventually go back to work at the Pentagon.

  His gaze caught hers, and she smiled. “Thanks for sleeping across from me.”

  “Sure thing, sweetheart. Now rest. It’ll be busy when we finally land.”

  “You’re right,” she agreed, snuggling further under the blankets. She wasn’t even sure when Ethan had started calling her sweetheart, but she liked it. It made her feel cherished and cared for. Maybe some women would find it condescending, but he was genuine. Ethan said something else, but she was already drifting back off into slumber.


  Several hours later, Kimberly walked off the plane after they’d finally landed at Andrews Air Force Base. The plane would refuel, and then Ethan and his SEAL team would go on their way to Coronado.

  Ethan carried the small bag she had with her. It only contained the clothes and few items she’d been given. The duffle itself wasn’t even hers. It was sad and scary as hell to walk back into her old life with nothing. Her apartment would have her own clothes, of course, but the things she’d brought on her deployment to Bagram had been ruined in the fire.

  “Kim! Kimmie!” her mom shrieked, and then her mom and sister were running toward her. Ethan remained at her side, the other guys hovering around as well. She didn’t have time to think or say anything, because in the next instant, both her mom and sister were hugging her fiercely.

  “Oh God, Kim,” Shannon said, tears streaming down her cheeks as she hugged her even more tightly. “It’s so good to see you! I can’t believe you’re really here!”

  Her mom couldn’t even talk she was crying so much. Kim clung to them, a few tears of her own spilling down her cheeks. She saw her dad and brother-in-law hovering back. Blake walked over and introduced himself, and the men shook hands and talked.

  Finally, Kim pulled away and glanced over, relieved to see that Ethan was still standing there right at her side. He introduced himself to her mom and sister since she was still crying a little herself. “Ethan’s the one who saved me,” she explained. “All the guys were there of course, but Ethan rescued me.”

  “Thank you,” her mom said, wiping away more tears. “I’m more thankful than you could ever know for bringing my baby girl home.”

  “I was just doing my job, ma’am.”

  “Oh, don’t give me any of that. We all saw the news footage with Kim’s videos. I know you can’t tell me exactly what you do, but I’m not an idiot. The Army wasted months with Kimmie in captivity. You guys flew in and got the job done.”

  Ethan nodded but glanced back at Kim. “Are you doing okay?”

  “Yeah. It’s overwhelming and surreal. I didn’t think I’d ever set foot on U.S. soil again.”

  “Will you be staying somewhere around here?” her mom asked Ethan.

  “No ma’am. The team and I are flying back to San Diego. We’ll refuel and be wheel’s up again within the hour.”

  “You’ll have to promise to come and visit sometime then,” her mom insisted. “I need to make dinner for the men that saved Kim’s life.”

  “That’s not necessary,” he assured her.

  “Of course it is!” her mom said. “I’ll talk to Kim about it when she’s feeling a little better. They’re going to take you right to the hospital, sweetie. Did you know that?”

  “Yeah. It’s probably better that way. Ethan and his teammates told me I might have to be on the lookout for the media.”

  “Those damn reporters have already been calling our house trying to get a story,” her mom said, looking annoyed. “You’ll probably want to stay with us a few days at least, although I’m sure you’re eager to get home and see your own apartment.”

  She exchanged a glance with Ethan.

  “Come on, Mom,” Shannon said. “I think Kim wants to say goodbye to her friend without us here intruding. Let’s go wait with Dad.” The two of them walked over to her dad and brother-in-law while Kim turned back to Ethan.

  The rest of Ethan’s team was standing off to the side, but she could see other officials walking around talking. They were giving her space while she’d reunited with her family, but she knew at any moment, they’d all descend on her. She’d have a million questions to answer and decisions to make.

  Although her hair was pulled back in a tight bun since she was in uniform, a stray piece blew free. Ethan reached out, his large hand brushing it back and tucking it behind her ear as she looked up at him. She felt brittle as she stood in front of him, like at any moment, she might shatter apart. Ethan was strong, and she’d barely left his side since she’d been released from the hospital. How was she supposed to go with her family when she’d come to rely on him so much?

  “I wish you didn’t have to go,” she said softly.

  “Me either. I meant what I said though. I want you to come and stay with me. I know Hailey will be thrilled to see you, but I have to admit, I will be, too.”

  “I…I think I will,” she finally said. “I’ll come to San Diego.”

  His face gentled. “It’s going to be tough to get back on that plane and leave you. We’ve got to go back and debrief with our commander though. And I know you’ve got to speak with officials at the Pentagon and get checked out at Walter Reed.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she gazed up at him.

  “Hey,” he said softly. “Don’t cry. You’ll come out and see me soon. I’ll get your cell number—shit. Was your phone ruined in the bombing?”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t have it with me since I was TDY. I figured I could email whoever I needed to, and it was just easier to leave it at home.”

  “Okay. Tell me your number then. Maybe your family can get it to you when you’re being checked out. Otherwise, I’ll just have to call Walter Reed when we land and demand to talk to the prettiest woman there.”

  Kimberly flushed. “I was a prisoner for months, Ethan. I know I look awful.”

  He reached out and gently caressed her face, his calloused fingers on her skin sending shivers down her spine. “You look perfect. And while this is by far the strangest way I’ve ever met a woman, I’m not going to let that stop me.”

  “Stop you from what?” she asked, her heart pounding.

  “Getting to know you better. Tell me I’m not imagining the connection between us.”

  “You’re not,” she assured him. “But what if it was just the situation? We were thrown together when you rescued me. We literally ran from bullets together What if none of it is real?”

  “It’s real. I’m not imagining how I feel when you’re with me or how much I want to protect you. I know you were in a horrible situation, and I’d never rush you into anything or push for something you weren’t ready for. I just want to spend time with you and see you again.”

  She blinked away more tears. “How are you going to remember my number? You don’t have any paper.”

  “I’ll remember,” he assured her.
r />   She recited her cell number, and he smiled, ducking down to quickly brush his lips across her forehead. It was entirely inappropriate given the circumstances. They were in uniform. There were high-level military officials all around. Even her own family was standing mere feet away. Her heart swelled and skin heated though, and she smiled as she looked up at him. Ethan was always so gentle with her. He was big and strong but made her feel safe. And the way her heart fluttered when she looked at him?

  She couldn’t be imagining that.

  “I’ll miss you,” she said. “I know that sounds crazy since we just met, but I will miss you.”

  “Not half as much as I’ll miss you.” He handed her the small duffle bag she’d been given. “I’ll text as soon as I can. We don’t have our phones on missions, so I’ll have to grab it from my locker before we debrief.”

  “I understand. I don’t even know when I’ll have my phone. Maybe my sister can bring it to the hospital. Have a safe flight home, Ethan.”

  “Be careful,” he said, and she nodded once. “Go on,” he said gently. “Your family’s waiting.” She smiled up at him but turned away, walking back toward her parents and sister and old life. It was harder than she thought to leave Ethan. She’d known all along they’d part ways once they landed, but walking away from him was painful. She’d see him soon, hopefully. But at the moment, it felt like she’d left a piece of her heart behind.

  Chapter 15

  Ethan grunted as he and his teammates jogged along the beach a few days later. They’d taken to jogging near Grayson’s apartment when they’d been watching over Hailey a few months ago. Even though the man who’d been after her was now in jail, they’d kept with that routine. And Ethan had to admit, with Kimberly planning to fly out soon and stay there, he was glad of it.


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