A Canadian in Paris (Romance on the Go)

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A Canadian in Paris (Romance on the Go) Page 2

by Vicki Savage

  When he finally grabbed my ass and pulled me against his thick cock, I was more than ready for him.

  “Fuck me,” I whispered as he squeezed my backside.

  He responded by kissing me slow and soft, brushing his tongue over mine in a gentle caress. “No.”

  Panic sliced through me until he eased me back down onto one of the lounge chairs.

  “This is not about me, Maggie. This is about you.”

  I watched in fascination as he lifted one of my legs in the air. After placing a long, leisurely kiss on my ankle, he slowly made his way up, lighting my skin on fire with every brush of his tongue and teeth. I shivered and groaned as the desire pumped through my veins, and when he finally reached the top of my thigh, I was begging him for some relief.

  Smiling, he placed my leg on his shoulder and repeated the same, slow torture on the other side. The gorgeous Frenchman loved to take his time, and as I watched him savor the taste of my body, my need for him grew.

  “Please, Claude.” I gripped the arms of the chair to steady myself against my rising need.

  “Ah, you can’t rush perfection,” he said as he kissed my inner thigh.

  The scent of my arousal rose up between us, and I tightened the muscles in my core in anticipation. At long last he reached the top of my leg, and as he set my knee on his other shoulder, I cast him a pleading look.

  “And now for the main course.” Instead of touching my pussy, he reached over and grabbed the champagne glass. I tightened my grip on the chair as he took a long sip.


  Before I could finish, he tipped the glass, pouring the cold, bubbly liquid over my breasts, belly, and pussy.

  “Ah, I can see that I have arrived just in time.”

  I turned to see the American kneel next to me. He had removed his clothes and his pale skin glowed in the moonlight. I toughed it, fascinated at how dark my fingers looked against his chest.

  “Don’t be afraid, Maggie.” He cupped my cheek and smoothed his thumb over my skin. “We’ll take care of you.” Something dark and hungry flashed through his eyes as he lowered his gaze to my lips. “Always.”

  Chapter Two

  Brice brushed his lips against mine. They felt rougher than Claude’s, needier. Despite this, he held himself back, refusing to invade my mouth uninvited.

  Up until this point, my sexual experience comprised of self-absorbed men who didn’t give a whit about my needs. The men in my world had not wanted a partner, but a trophy wife who could serve and honor them in every way possible.

  Over time I had transformed into what they all wanted—a woman who lived to serve. It was in this constant living for others that I had forgotten to live for myself.

  Brice’s gentle kiss reminded me of something. Sex wasn’t about giving everything you had to your partner. It was about exploration and learning, about taking and giving. I honestly couldn’t remember when anyone had bothered to pay attention to my sexual needs. In focusing on my pleasure, Brice and Claude were giving me something special and precious. They were giving me back that part of myself I had lost all those years ago. Realizing this only made me want them more.

  “She’s a feisty little thing, isn’t she?” Claude asked from his positon in between my legs.

  Brice groaned and dragged his lips away from my mouth. “Just the way I like it.”

  I slid my fingers into his hair as he kissed my breast. At the same time, Claude slipped his tongue in between my folds, and I gasped as pleasure shot up through my center and fogged my mind with desire.

  For the love of— I grasped the arms of the chair and arched my back as the two men licked and laved my body, stimulating both my sensitive nipples and pussy in ways I never knew possible. First I focused on how Claude’s tongue expertly dipped in and out of my opening. He knew right were to press.

  Then Brice took my nipple between his lips, and I groaned his name as he sucked and flicked the sensitive tip with his tongue. The men took their time, gradually building my tension and need, until I felt myself hovering over the edge of something vast and amazing.

  “Exquisite,” Claude whispered from between my legs. “I don’t think I’ve ever tasted anything so good.”

  “Let me try.” Brice moved away and nudged his friend on his shoulder. Reluctantly, Claude let go of my legs and stood. He smiled warmly at me as Brice settled himself in front of my pussy.

  “You must be in pain,” I said as I nodded to his swollen cock.

  Claude glanced down and slid his fingers over his length. “It is inevitable when tasting a beautiful woman.” He shrugged and moved up toward my head. “I will live.”

  “No.” I grabbed his hand as he started to bend down over my chest. Moistening my lips, I focused on his cock. “I want to help you.”

  “My precious Maggie.” He brushed the hair from my face and smiled. “Tonight is about you, remember? Not me.” He nodded to Brice. “Not us.”

  As if to accentuate his point, Brice slid his tongue through my folds, sending a bolt of pleasure up through my middle.

  “Please.” I had spent so much of my life pleasing others, it felt too weird to just lay here while the men attended to me. “I want to taste you.”

  He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles. “Would it bring you pleasure?”

  I dragged my gaze away from his cock and up to his face. “Yes.”

  Brice groaned as he slid his tongue into my opening. I closed my eyes and tightened my legs around his head.

  “Oh, yes,” I whispered.

  “Very well, but only because it will give you pleasure.” I opened my eyes in time to see Claude grab the base of his shaft. He stroked himself once, twice, and I parted my lips as he directed the tip of his erection toward my mouth.

  He tasted salty and sweet, a perfect combination from the perfect man. I gripped the arms on the chair tighter as he eased his cock between my lips, pushing forward until it bumped the back of my throat.

  “Amazing,” Brice said from between my legs. “I didn’t think she could get any more beautiful.”

  “I know.” Claude eased back and thrust again, slowly filling my mouth with his masculine taste.

  “Damn.” Brice spread apart my folds and pushed his tongue deeper into my pussy. “She tastes even better when you do that.”

  I groaned and closed my eyes, completely focused on the moment. Tension filled the air as the men moved faster, harder. Claude grabbed the chair above my head and straddled my chest. The new position allowed him to thrust deeper, and as he bumped the back of my throat, I slid my fingers around his ass and dug my nails into his skin.

  “Oh, Maggie. Sweet Maggie,” he whispered.

  Brice exchanged his tongue for his finger, pushing deep inside my body and causing my need to spin out of control. He pumped me hard, touching a sensitive spot deep inside my core as he rubbed my clit with his tongue.

  A sense of urgency surrounded me, and I clenched the muscles in my core, trying to take the men deeper. I wanted more, needed more. Everything seemed so surreal, as if the men were wrapping me up in a cocoon of pleasure. The pressure grew inside my center until I knew I was close to breaking.

  “Fuck, yes.” Claude murmured something in French as he tilted his head back. “Yes.” He thrust faster, his cock swelling and tapping against the roof of my mouth.

  Then Brice shifted his hand, exchanging one finger for two. The extra stretch was just what I needed. I whimpered as my orgasm hit me hard, filling my core with beauty and light. Never before had I felt anything so magical or amazing. As the men slowed their thrusts, ribbons of ecstasy wrapped around my body, and I knew that I hadn’t felt anything quite so wonderful before. Each wave of pleasure brought with it an awakening. Now that I knew how good sex could feel, I was never going to settle for anything less. This was my right, my destiny, and I had these two men to thank for one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

  As I came down from my orgasm, the men withdrew
and kissed my skin, gently stimulating my body and keeping me from losing the pleasure completely.

  When the time was right, they switched places and started the process all over again. This time it was Claude’s tongue who tipped me over the edge while Brice thrust his sweet cock in my mouth. While Claude had been gentle with his thrusts, Brice was rougher, needier. I sensed in him a desperation that quickly matched my own.

  The tension built in the room once more, and it wasn’t long before a second orgasm had me floating on an ocean of ecstasy.

  “Ah, my little Maggie,” Claude said after I had come down from my orgasm. “You are such a treasure.” He moved over to the large table and picked up two condoms. He tossed one to Brice, then proceeded to put the second one on himself.

  “Claude,” I whispered as he returned to my side.

  “Shh, little Maggie. You have nothing to worry about.” He pushed my hair from my face and brushed his lips against mine.

  “We’ll take care of you,” Brice added. “Always.”

  The men didn’t understand. I wasn’t afraid, not anymore. I was excited. For the first time in my life, I was looking forward to sex. Tonight was a night of exploration, a night of no regrets. As the men began to pleasure my body once more, I welcomed them with open arms and hoped that this moment would never end.


  The next morning I awoke to the sound of my phone going off from somewhere on the floor. Groaning, I squinted against the light and reached over the side of the bed, searching for my clothes and purse.

  Last night had been amazing. After sex, Brice and Claude proceeded to eat their dinner off my body and hand-feed me some of the most delicious pastries I had ever tasted. When a chill picked up in the air, they wrapped me in a blanket and brought both me and our clothes up to a small bedroom above the café. There, they pleasured me again and again until we were all exhausted. It was the most intense, most pleasurable night of my life.

  The phone rang again, pulling me out of my erotic haze. Brice and Claude were nowhere to be found, but I didn’t find that all too surprising. I didn’t expect them to stick around to whisper sweet nothings in my ear all day. They had lives to live and a business to run. While the thought made me feel a little sad, I knew that young, virile men like them couldn’t possibly want someone like me for more than one night.

  I finally found my purse, pulled out my phone, and saw the call was from my sister. Rolling my eyes, I briefly considered not answering it. I didn’t want to talk to my perfect older sibling right now. Quite frankly, I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I just wanted to stay wrapped up in my fantasy for a little bit longer.

  That was being selfish, I knew. Not answering the phone would only make her worry, and that was unfair considering how she was always there to support me. Just last week I had confided to her about Robert. When I finished, she had vowed to help me fix the terrible mess, and made arrangements for the romantic vacation for Robert and me. My sister was a little clueless sometimes, but she had a good heart. And she was my only family. Sighing, I swiped the screen to answer the call.

  “Maggie. Oh, thank God,” she said after I said hello. “When you didn’t answer your phone last night, I tried calling Robert—”

  “Robert broke up with me.”

  “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. I mean, that guy was a first-class asshole, but I know you loved him.”

  “It’s okay.” I smiled and leaned back on my pillow. My body felt deliciously sore. Each ache reminded me of Claude and Brice and how they had worshipped my body in the most intimate ways. It was hard to feel sorry for myself after orgasming so many times.

  “You sound different.”

  “Do I?” I dragged my fingertips over my breasts, imagining Claude’s lips there hours before.

  “Yes. What happened?”

  I moistened my lips and stared at the ceiling, remembering how good Brice’s tongue felt against my clit.

  “Let’s just say I didn’t realize how bad Robert was for me until he left.”

  “The bastard didn’t apologize?”

  “No. He shacked up with a dancer instead.”

  “Of all the . . . well, you didn’t need him anyhow.”

  “I know.” I closed my eyes and remembered how Claude did this thing with his teeth on my breast that made me tingle all over.

  “Leave Robert to me. The only reason I kept him on at the firm was because of you. That no-good lowlife has a lot to answer for.”

  “It’s okay, Sheila, really.”

  Sheila sighed. “So tell me, when will you be coming home? I have this friend at the firm. Tall, handsome . . . you’d like him. We’d have to take you to get your hair done first. Get rid of that frizz and kink. Put some relaxers in or something. And the makeup. Girl, wait until you see the new colors my assistant found. I tell you. . .”

  I opened my eyes and frowned. My sister was amazing, but as she talked on and on about how she was going to fix things, how she was going to fix me, I realized that she was contributing to the problem. She was no better than the men in my life. All of them wanted to change me into something that suited their needs. None of them took into consideration what I wanted, or the woman I hoped to become.

  “I’m already paid up for the rest of the week, so I think I’m going to stay here for a few more days and do some sightseeing,” I said.

  “Oh.” I could hear the disappointment in her voice. “Okay. You just call me as soon as you get in, do you hear? We have so much to do. I just know you’ll love Charles.”

  “I will.” I cut her off before she could continue. I really didn’t want to hear any more about Charles or anyone else. After Claude, Brice, and the way they treated me last night, I wasn’t interested in anyone else. With them, I had caught a glimpse of how good things could be. I wasn’t ready to give that up and return to my old life just yet.

  After hanging up with my sister, I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. Was that coffee downstairs? I supposed there was only one way to find out.

  I slid out from the silk sheets and slipped on my clothes. As I got dressed, apprehension rippled through me. Last night had been amazing, but I didn’t want to overstay my welcome. What if they didn’t want me to hang out? Perhaps they just wanted to get rid of me.

  Frowning, I brushed the lint off my clothes and pushed my fingers through my frizzy hair. It would have to do. As I walked down the stairs, I decided that I wouldn’t make a fuss. As much as I wanted to spend more time with Brice and Claude, I knew they had much better things to do than entertain an old lady. They had moved on, and I probably should move on too. I would just thank them and slip out the front door. Then I’d grab a cup of coffee from another café down the street before heading back to my hotel room.

  I squinted as bright light hit me from the front window of the café. Workers hustled this way and that, tending to patrons who had arrived for their morning coffee. After a quick glance around, I didn’t see Claude or Brice, so I shoved my hands in my coat pocket and headed toward the exit.

  “There you are, sleepyhead,” Brice said as he materialized at my side. “We thought you’d dream the day away.”

  “No, not the whole day.” I felt a little uneasy as he took my arm.

  “I hope you haven’t made any plans.”

  “I— No. No plans.”

  “Perfect.” He steered me to the back of the café. “Because Claude and I have a little adventure planned for you.”

  “An adventure?”

  He nodded and tightened his grip on my arm, as if he was afraid I might run away. “It’s going to be amazing. Just you wait.”

  Chapter Three

  “I don’t understand,” I said when we arrived at a small cottage outside of Paris several hours later. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Like I said last night. . .” Claude opened the car door and helped me to my feet. “You are special and need to be shown how wonderful you are inside.”

  “But how would you know t
hat I’m special? We’ve just met.”

  Claude exchanged a look with Brice, who came up on my other side.

  Brice looked as if he wanted to say something, but Claude spoke first.

  “We can just tell.”

  I wanted to question them more, but a small, pear-shaped woman with a kerchief on her head hurried out the front door toward us.

  “Boys! Boys!” She waved her hands in the air as a wide grin spread out on her face. “It has been so long.”

  “Yes, Colette, it has.” Claude let go of me and wrapped her up in a huge bear hug. She giggled, then moved over to hug Brice.

  “And who do we have here?”

  “This is Maggie.” Brice tightened his grip on my arm.

  “Maggie.” Colette dragged her gaze over my body in assessment. “She is different from the usual, no?”

  “She is special.” Claude took her arm and steered her away. As they moved toward the cottage, they spoke in hushed French that I couldn’t begin to understand.

  “Don’t worry about them,” Brice said as he let go and snaked his arm around my waist. “Colette is Claude’s sister. They are very close.”

  “She seems to know you quite well.”

  Brice’s smile was warm as he guided me toward the cottage. “Of course. She introduced us.”

  There was a story there, I was sure of it, but before I could question Brice further, Claude and Colette turned away from the cottage and started up a large hill.

  “Where are we going?” I asked as we followed him.

  “Colette makes some of the finest champagne in all of France.” He leaned in toward me and lowered his voice. “And Claude and I both insist on drinking only the best.”

  Images of him licking my pussy filled my head, and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I averted my gaze and focused on the large padlocked door. Colette didn’t hesitate, but instead walked right up to the door and took out a large key. Within moments the wood swung open and we were ushered inside.


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