No Regrets: a contemporary romance novel

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No Regrets: a contemporary romance novel Page 12

by Lexie Davis

  “Because I love him.” She grinned up at him.

  “Have you had one too many hurricanes tonight?” Jason grinned, wrapping his arm around his wife.

  “Damn. I can’t believe you two got married,” Jonathan commented.

  “Leave my poor wife alone.” Kaden cut through the crowd, rescuing Brianna from their friends. Ben stepped back as if Brianna was a live wire, and Kaden wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “Dude, I’m still trying to get over the fact you two had sex.” Kyle held the picture up of Shiloh. “She’s a cutie though, isn’t she?”

  The men mumbled their agreements each staring at the picture as they passed it around. When it came to Brianna, she stuffed it back in her wallet.

  “How can something that cute,” Ben said, pointing to Brianna’s purse, then to Kaden, “come from that?”

  “She gets it from her momma.” Kaden replied and kissed Bree’s temple.

  “Well, I will admit, Bree is hot, but that baby looks like you, and she’s cute. No fucking way could you deny her.” Jason tipped his beer back, taking a long drag.

  Brianna smiled. “Leave him alone.”

  “Or what?” Ben said, grinning ear to ear.

  “Or I’ll kick your ass.”

  “Brianna,” Blair called from behind them.

  “Hide me!” She ducked in front of Kaden who protectively wrapped his arms around her body.

  “I think she can still see you,” Kyle said singsong, rocking on his heels. The other guys laughed.

  “Brianna, there’s someone I want you to meet.”

  Feeling defeated, she stepped back from Kaden, who smiled just like the rest of them. “Some husband you are.”

  The grin only widened.

  “Hey, Bree, if you had married me, I would have protected you.” Jonathan wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “In fact, we wouldn’t even come to things like this. We’d be at home—“

  “Okay, enough of the visual.” Brianna held up a hand. She shoved her glass into Kaden’s hand. “You fill this up, and if I’m not back in thirty minutes, you’d better be heading up a search party.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “It’s just you and your hand tonight.”

  She walked away with her head held high as all their friends laughed and ooh-ed at her comment. Kaden shook his head, staring after her as she went to where Blair stood with a very official looking man.

  “Oh, Brianna. This is Judge Parker.” Blair looped her arm in Brianna’s and smiled at the man. “Judge Parker, this is my daughter-in-law Brianna. She married my eldest, Kaden.”

  Brianna stuck out her hand. “It’s a pleasure.”

  The judge smiled, though he didn’t take her hand. Feeling like a loser, Brianna dropped it wishing Kaden would come back with her drink at hand.

  “Well, thank you for the invite, Mrs. Riggens, but I must get home to my wife. Tell your husband I’ll see him in court Monday.”

  The judge left the two women standing there, and Blair looked utterly baffled. “What an ass.”

  Brianna chuckled. “Who is he?”

  “The asshole Greg has to go before Monday. He’s the new family court judge in Raleigh.”

  “Is he the one handling Kaden’s case?”

  “Oh, I forgot about that. Probably. They said he’s taking over a lot of the other judges’ responsibilities. He’s hardcore, they say, but fair. Just what this town needs.” She rolled her eyes and led her to the food table.

  After picking up more than enough food for one person to eat, she turned around and found herself in Kaden’s arms.

  “Saving your ass, I see.” She took a bite of a cream puff.

  “You look like you need this.” He handed her the drink, kissing her forehead. “What were you doing talking to Judge Perkins?”

  “Your mom wanted to introduce me. He’s a prick.” She took a drink of the slushy liquid handing it back to her husband. “Is he the one you’re going before?”

  “Yep. The new family court judge. Supposed to be hardcore.”

  “Well, he’s an ass. Wouldn’t even shake my hand.” Brianna grabbed the last cream puff and offered it to Kaden. When he refused, she stuffed it in her mouth and licked her fingers.

  “The guys want us to join them in the gazebo.” He shrugged. “Jason had to take Kendra home so it’s just the five of us.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think she likes us all that well.”

  “How someone like her ended up with Jason will forever be a mystery.” He grabbed her hand. “Come on.”

  He led her to the gazebo out back and met up with their friends who were talking about the football games they used to play. Brianna shivered as she sat down and scooted closer to share Kaden’s body heat. Being a true gentleman, he took off his jacket and slipped it around her shoulders, holding her plate of food while she stuffed her arms in the sleeves.

  “Oh, whatever, Kyle. You didn’t have the balls to catch the ball. Brianna caught more balls than you, and she has boobs.” Ben shook his head leaning back against the wood of the gazebo. “Very nice, by the way.”

  “Leave my boobs out of this, Chandler.” She turned to Kyle. “But he is right. You squealed every time the ball hit you.”

  “So. Kaden picked me over you.” Kyle tried to defend himself, but it didn’t work.

  “Ah, that was before he nailed her.” Ben replied. “I bet you he wouldn’t think twice about picking her, would ya, Riggens?”

  “Guys, she’s already busted my balls enough about that. Don’t give her any more ammo.” His arm tightened around her. “But I would pick her first, not only because I’ve nailed her, but she has a damn good arm. And each one of you know I’m telling the truth.”

  “Thanks, baby.” She kissed him gaining groans from the others.

  “Kaden? Are you over there?”

  “Oh fuck.” Ben said just as Bethany rounded the corner.

  “There you are. You’re mom wanted me to come get you. Something about working the bar.” She smiled at the men, totally ignoring Brianna.

  “Go home, Bethany.” Kaden said, trying to avoid Brianna’s gaze.

  “Not likely. Blair invited me, so I came. Just because we aren’t fucking anymore doesn’t mean I can’t be friends with your mother.”

  Brianna stared in the pale light at the other woman’s short dress and thick makeup. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail of sorts. She still looked the same, after all these years, and she was still after Kaden. Wow.

  Brianna stood. “Um, excuse me.”

  Kaden finally worked up enough courage to look at her, and she turned her head away from him and walked away. She didn’t make it very far before an arm came around her shoulders. It wasn’t Kaden as she suspected, but Ben.

  “Is she still pining after him?”

  “Appears that way.” Brianna walked to the side garden and took a seat before Blair’s luxurious water fountain, which was lit by four lights underneath the water. Ben took a seat next to her, not saying a word.

  “You know I would have never even considered marrying him if it weren’t for Shiloh. His grandfather Tim died and arranged in his will that he be married or no member of his family gains their inheritance, and Shiloh stood to gain a lot. I didn’t do it for the money, but so my daughter would know a great-grandfather’s memory. He gave her the ranch in Texas, the one he loved so much.” Brianna wiped a tear from her cheek. “So I married him. We agreed to keep it short—only a year. Sometimes I wonder if he really cares. Sometimes I think, you know, he only sees me as a mistake. That he doesn’t care for me and is only with me for one of the million reasons possible. He told me he loved me for the first time ever just a few days ago. He says it often, but I don’t know. When he looked at Bethany, I could see the memories flood his face.”

  Ben pulled her to him in a tight hug. “If I know one thing about my best friend is that Kaden doesn’t say he loves anyone if he doesn’t mean it. He might show it, but he’ll never s
ay it unless it’s a true emotion he’s feeling. He never even told Bethany he loved her that I know, and if he did, it’s in the past, Bree. Yeah, you may have agreed to the year thing, but I can tell you make him happy. Hell, you make us all happy. Even when we were kids, he treated you like his wife, actually proclaiming to ask you before he made a decision about anything. And that shit was minor. He’s smart, and he knows a good thing when he sees it. You’re a good thing, Bree. A damn good thing he’d be fucking stupid to let go.”

  She sniffled, trying to keep from crying. “I’m going to tell him you said he was smart.”

  “Don’t make me kick your sweet ass.” As if to make his point, he swatted her behind.

  “Bree?” Kaden called, walking toward them. “Brianna, where are you?”

  She pulled back, wiping her eyes. Ben gave her an encouraging smile before tipping his beer to his lips.


  “I’m over here.” She licked her lips wishing she had her lip gloss.

  Kaden rounded the corner stopping short when he saw Ben sitting next to her. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m leaving.” Ben stood, patting Brianna’s shoulder before he took off back to the house.

  Once he was out of earshot, Kaden turned on her. “What the hell were you doing back here with him?”

  “Oh, would you keep your voice down? I wanted some fresh air, and Ben didn’t want me to be alone. He’s like a damn leech.” She shoved her hands in his coat pockets trying to keep warm. How he stood here without a jacket, was beyond her. She froze just staring at him.

  “Brianna, I didn’t know she was here. I talked to Mom, and she said she came with a lawyer friend they invited. She didn’t invite her.” Kaden sat beside her, propping his elbows on his knees.

  “How much longer until we can go home?”

  “Two hours.” Kaden’s watch shined in the moonlight. “We can leave now if you want. Truthfully, I really don’t want to stay any longer.”

  “Will you answer something for me? Honestly?” Brianna folded her hands in her lap, waiting for him to answer.

  “Sure. What do you want to know?”

  She paused, took a deep breath then paused again, looking for courage to get the words past her lips. She wanted to know, and felt she deserved to know. “Did you love Bethany?”

  He blew out a harsh breath. “I cared for Bethany. We spent four years together, all throughout law school she was my girl. But I don’t really think I was in love with her. We had a connection from the start, and her parents liked my parents so there was the family thing. Her father was a judge, and my father was his best friend. Still is in fact, but I felt then and see more clearly now that that relationship was more forced than anything. Her family wanted her to have a husband and were convinced her that I’d be the best match.

  “I never fell in love with her though. She did her own thing, I did mine. Sometimes we’d meet up together, often not. And this lasted nearly half the length of our relationship. She wasn’t ready to get married, and quite frankly, neither was I. So that’s when I came home and found her in my bed with another guy. She didn’t even have the decency to stop when I asked her what the hell was going on. She completed her orgasm and then climbed off him to argue with me. I should have expected it, but I guess I was caught up in all the fairy-tale crap I’d seen in my family. Kristy getting married and having kids. Kevin finding a wife in Julia. I just wasn’t ready for it. I wanted to be, but I wasn’t.”

  Brianna slid her hand along his thigh to his hand. “So you came to my place got drunk and got me pregnant.”

  “That wasn’t intentional.” He turned her hand over and rubbed her knuckles with his fingers. “I wanted someone I knew would love me for me. Bethany used me. She wanted money, fame, and glory. I came to your house because I knew you’d understand and wouldn’t say, ‘I told you so,’ even though you were thinking it. But you broke up with Brett the same night, and both our good intentions got sidetracked.”

  Brianna laid her head on his shoulder. “I didn’t break up with Brett. He broke up with me because I wouldn’t sleep with him.”

  “Why did you save yourself for so long?”

  Brianna never thought about it. “I guess I just wasn’t ready. Or maybe I didn’t feel a sexual attraction towards Brett. I mean, he liked to gag me every time we kissed for sticking his tongue down my throat. It was awful. Maybe subconsciously, I knew that sex with him would be awful as well.”

  Kaden’s fingers made lazy circles around each of her knuckles going to the end only to start back again. He leaned his head against hers as they sat together in silence under the pale moonlight.

  “I’m glad it was with you, Kaden,” Brianna finally said, nothing more than a whisper.

  “I love you, Bree. I know you felt used when I got you pregnant and left you for the dogs, but that wasn’t how it was for me. I never doubted the baby was mine. I doubted myself more than anything.”

  Brianna knew this. She didn’t see it then, but being around Kaden, and getting to know him better she saw it. From what he told her about Bethany, she knew it.

  “Did you ever tell Bethany you loved her?”

  “Nope. You’re the first and only.” He pulled back and kissed her forehead. “I’m really glad you’re my wife, Bree. I never thought an arranged marriage would suit me, but damn it if my grandfather didn’t know what he was talking about.”

  She smiled. “I wish Shiloh could’ve met him.”

  “Me too. Did I ever tell you he had a picture of her? My dad gave me a box of his stuff from the office, and he had a picture of her—one like the hospital took in his belongings. I never knew that until I saw it.”

  Brianna saw the confusion in his face. “He came to visit me. In the hospital. Tim stopped by to see the baby, and I gave him the picture. He was proud, you know, of you and the baby. He never held her, or got to see her other than through the nursery window, but I could see the love. Shiloh was definitely loved by more people than I can count before she even made her grand entrance in to this world.”

  He cupped the back of her head and pulled her to his mouth. She tasted the salt of his tears, though they fell silently as he thought about his beloved grandfather and his daughter. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him tighter to her. The kiss went from sweet and desperate to hot and steamy within a second.

  “I love you,” Brianna said, kissing his lips. “I’m proud of you too, because you’re truly an amazing person.”

  “Can we go home now?”

  Brianna smiled holding his arm up in the light. “Not too much longer until midnight, then we can go home.”

  He pulled her to him, pressing his face into her cleavage. “And when we go home, I get you all to myself, right?”

  She smiled down at him. “All to yourself.”

  He let her go. “Damn, I don’t think I’ve ever wished to leave alcohol and friends as much as I have tonight.”

  He stood, slipping his hand underneath his own jacked pulling her body close to his as they started walking back to the house. Kaden was perfect, in every since of the word, for her. If she took Ben’s words to heart, she’d be fucking stupid to let him go.

  “Before we go back in there, what did you and Ben talk about?”

  She smiled. “He gave me a pep talk, and actually complimented you on how smart you were for picking me and that you’d be quote ‘fucking stupid, to let me go.’”

  He kissed her hair, breathing her scent in. “He’s right. That’s why I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  Chapter Ten

  After weeks of searching for an answer, Kaden had to face the court again, and he hated being unprepared. His case was basically no different than the last time he came before a judge, and if what Brianna said about this one was true, he really dreaded it.

  She had called him earlier to wish him good luck, and boy, did he need it. He’d worked his ass off trying to figure out this case, spending nights awa
y from his family and with an uninvited house guest. Once he had time, she’d be out on her ass faster than he could say: Go. But he came in tired, locked himself away in his room, and studied until he passed out on his bed.

  For the most part, she never bothered him. She was too busy partying and came in at all hours of the night. She tried to get in his bed a couple of times, but he didn’t allow it so she gave up. She had plenty of other men she could play around with. She didn’t need him.

  He stood on the steps of the court house, waiting for his client. If he didn’t get her, her grandchild, she’d be shipped back to Cuba and the child will be tossed about ignored and discarded like an old dish rag. He’d seen too many of the cases his father handled and knew it to be true. He hated family law, which is why he had gone into criminal law instead.

  “Mister! Mister!” the young child shouted from a distance away from him, securely placed at a social workers side. “She’s gone! You have to help my grandmother! The bad people took her back to Cuba!”

  Kaden looked at his watched and pulled out his cell phone to call Tiffani at the office. He spoke after she answered. “I need you to pull up immigration files on my client.”

  He waited while she typed in a series of things then said, “Immigration shipped her back. Her visa expired yesterday.”

  “Fuck!” he shut the cell phone and climbed the steps to the courthouse. This little girl didn’t have a chance if he didn’t do something now.

  Once inside the courtroom the Honorable Judge Ryan Parker stood before him, catching his eye and making him cringe. Yeah, he could tell his wife hit the money on the head when she insisted he was a prick. He didn’t say two words but he could tell.

  Case after case went by, until finally they called Kaden’s case. He steeped forward along with the social worker handling the little girl’s case and waited for the judge to enter back into the courtroom.

  “This is adoption case 34560.” He looked over at Kaden and the empty space next to him. “Counselor, where is your client?”

  “Her visa wasn’t supposed to expire until two weeks after this hearing, but Immigration forced her back to Cuba this morning.” Kaden knew it was a weak argument, because if he didn’t have the grandmother, he didn’t have the case.


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