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Bite Page 5

by Deborah Castellano

  Ghosts. Now the word had entered her conscious thought, Caitlyn took the time to think about it. There was no questioning the fact that that’s exactly what she was, given that she was standing there and her body was stiff and cold in a coffin across the room. Shaking herself, Caitlyn refused to get all maudlin about it. Like she’d already surmised, there was bugger all she could do, so she may as well get on with it. Maybe she’d find out why she was still here.

  Yes, that’s exactly what she’d do. She’d find out why she hadn’t “passed on”, as they say. Caitlyn had watched enough episodes of Supernatural to know that, according to the accepted lore on ghosts, the reason they hung around was because they had unfinished business. Sometimes it was that they wanted to get revenge on their killer. Smiling, Caitlyn decided she’d seen too many episodes of that damn show. In her case, there was no killer.

  Was there? Startled, Caitlyn realised she had absolutely no idea how she’d died. She’d had no illnesses that she’d known of, so why precisely was she dead? Rushing to her body, she examined it for any signs of anything untoward. Aside from the not moving and not breathing, there was nothing.

  Heaving a sigh of relief, Caitlyn fell to thinking about what was keeping her around. Then she had an idea. Perhaps it was her body! She was still around because her remains were. Fucking lore! Now she really wished she didn’t know all this stuff.

  After further pondering, Caitlyn was none the wiser. Just because her cadaver looked OK didn’t mean there had been no foul play, and equally it could just be that her spirit was hanging around until her body was laid to rest.

  With that in mind, Caitlyn made the decision to live every moment as if it were her last. She hadn’t had chance to do that when she was alive, so she was going to take advantage of the opportunity now. Plus, it’d be a good distraction from thinking about what was going to happen. Or might happen.

  In life, Caitlyn had been nothing if not imaginative. In death, she realised the potential of her position. She couldn’t be sure, of course, but she suspected that the fact she’d been sitting inside her body meant she didn’t have a corporeal form. In a roundabout way, that also made her invisible. She’d always thought that being invisible would be a brilliant super power to have because of all the mischief you could get up to, and all the things you wouldn’t normally be able to see. If she could also pass through things, all ghostlike, then she was onto a winner. Well, a winner for a dead chick, anyway. Caitlyn grinned. She knew exactly where she was going to go.

  When she arrived at Jacob’s house, Caitlyn actually felt a little nervous. She had no idea what was going to happen, after all. What if he saw her somehow, and freaked out?

  She knew she’d be able to get in, at least. On leaving the funeral home she’d discovered she could in fact pass through solid objects. There was no such thing as an obstruction for Caitlyn any more. Physically, at least. An emotional obstruction was currently preventing her from entering Jacob’s home. It’d been a while since she’d seen or spoken to him, but he’d never been far from her thoughts. The thought of seeing him, even if he couldn’t see her, made her sick to her stomach. She began to wonder if coming here had been a bad idea.

  Of course, all of this was completely irrelevant if he wasn’t home, but as Caitlyn drew closer to the house, she could see him through the front window. He was pacing up and down his living room, his mobile phone clamped to his ear.

  Caitlyn, though, barely registered that Jacob was on the telephone. She was much more interested in what he was wearing. Or, more specifically, what he wasn’t wearing. He looked like he’d just got out of the shower. He was topless, and his dark jeans hung low on his hips. Very low. Add to that the fact he had wet hair and was barefoot and you could excuse Caitlyn for gawping in such an ungainly fashion.

  As her gaze raked Jacob’s exposed skin, Caitlyn felt blood – or its spectral equivalent – rushing to her groin. It was no wonder, really. Despite their tumultuous on-off relationship, the one place Caitlyn and Jacob had always been compatible was the bedroom. Sometimes they’d even pick fights with one another on purpose so they’d end up having mind-blowing make-up sex. Moisture began to seep from Caitlyn’s pussy as she replayed some of their finer moments of passion.

  Caitlyn was soon interrupted from her erotic reverie as she heard a shrill sound coming from inside the house. She’d been so engrossed in her dirty daydream that she hadn’t realised that Jacob had ended his phone call. However, he was obviously in demand that day as his phone was ringing again. A puzzled expression crossed Jacob’s face as he looked at the mobile’s screen and he pressed a button before lifting it to his ear once more. He frowned as he greeted the caller; it obviously wasn’t someone he’d been expecting to hear from. As Jacob’s expression slowly turned to one of shock, Caitlyn realised she had an inkling of who the mystery caller might be. As he sat heavily on the nearest chair, his face devoid of colour, her suspicions were confirmed.

  Every cell of Caitlyn’s being ached to go and comfort Jacob and her gut wrenched when she remembered she couldn’t. Ever again. Suddenly, she was the one in need of comfort.

  Caitlyn moved into Jacob’s front room, hoping she’d get some just by being close to him. By now, he was listening to the caller, who Caitlyn could identify as her own mother, and muttering his affirmation into the phone as he was given details of the funeral service, which was to take place the following week. Jacob ended the call shortly afterwards and let the mobile slip out of his hand. It fell to the floor and he made no move to retrieve it.

  Minutes passed as Jacob stared into space. Then, as a single tear ran down his cheek, Caitlyn instinctively reached up to wipe it away. As her skin made contact with his, Jacob flinched, causing Caitlyn to do the same. He’d felt her! He shook his head, clearly dismissing what he believed to be a figment of his imagination.

  Caitlyn decided to try again. If he’d sensed her once, she could make him do it again. She moved her hand to his hair, brushing the wet, chin-length strands behind his ear. This time, Jacob simply stiffened.

  ‘Cait?’ he said, using his nickname for her. He was the only one that ever got away with shortening her name that way. By way of a yes, she stroked his hair, relishing the softness beneath her fingers.

  He reached up, his large hand covering hers. His eyes searched the space beside him and as his fingers tightened around hers, his expression changed.

  ‘I … I can see you!’ he exclaimed, his eyes as big as saucers. ‘How is that even possible?’

  Still unsure if he’d be able to hear her, Caitlyn replied, ‘Trust me, I have no idea what’s going on. I don’t even know what happened to me. I just woke up earlier today in a coffin.’

  ‘You poor thing. That must have been awful.’ He replied, coping remarkably well for someone who was currently talking to his dead ex-girlfriend. ‘Your mum just called and told me the news –’ he paused ‘which is clearly why I’m now hallucinating that you’re sitting right here, talking to me.’

  ‘You’re not hallucinating, Jake. I’m really here.’

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous. There’s no such thing as ghosts.’

  ‘Jake,’ Caitlyn sighed. ‘It’s me.’

  ‘Prove it.’

  More through frustration than anything, Caitlyn cupped her hand over Jacob’s groin and squeezed so hard he yelped.

  ‘You bitch!’ he yelled, rubbing himself gingerly. ‘What did you do that for?’

  ‘Well,’ she tartly replied, ‘you wouldn’t believe your eyes, so I thought perhaps you’d believe your dick.’

  Despite his discomfort, Jacob couldn’t help but grin. Real or not, this was his Caitlyn all over.

  ‘OK, so us having had a disagreement, what would normally happen next?’

  Caitlyn took in Jacob’s grinning face and knew exactly what he was angling for. What’s more, in the spirit of living every moment like it was her last, she was going to give it to him. Shifting into his lap, she slipped a hand behind his head and pul
led his face to hers, crushing their lips together.

  Instantly, Jacob’s hands went to her face and he pulled her more tightly to him. Before long, she felt his cock pressing into her arse and her pussy dampened in response. This wasn’t the usual heated exchange that normally followed an argument. In fact, they were devouring one another’s mouths like it was the last time. Probably because, deep down, they both knew it could be.

  Pulling away, Caitlyn tugged off her top and was kissing Jacob again before he had time to protest. His heated skin against hers drove her crazy, almost heady with lust. Her hands roamed the planes of his chest, the hard muscle beneath her fingers reminding her of his immense physical fitness and how it had coaxed orgasm after orgasm out of her. She smiled and Jacob broke the kiss to look at her enquiringly.

  ‘What?’ he said. ‘Did I do something wrong?’

  ‘When have you ever done anything wrong?’

  He quirked an eyebrow.

  ‘When it comes to sex I mean,’ she hastily corrected. ‘I was just having dirty thoughts, that’s all.’

  ‘Glad to hear it. Though now I’m going to stop you from thinking altogether.’

  ‘And how –’

  Caitlyn never got chance to finish her question as Jacob engaged her in a spine-meltingly hot kiss while deftly undoing her bra. Tossing it to the floor, he palmed her tits and teased her nipples until they were hard little bullets beneath his fingers.

  Then he suddenly stopped his torment of her breasts, only to pick her up and carry her effortlessly to his bedroom. Dropping her onto the mattress, he had her completely naked within seconds. His own jeans were discarded quickly afterwards, joining the pile of her clothes on the floor. He’d been commando beneath his jeans, and his cock stood erect from the blond curls at its base. A bead of pre-come oozed from its tip.

  Before she had chance to sit up and taste it, Jacob crawled onto the big bed and was above her. Capturing her bottom lip between his teeth, he pulled it into his mouth and sucked, all the while rubbing his cock up and down her wet slit. Every thrust bumped against Caitlyn’s swollen clit and she was soon teetering on the edge of an orgasm.

  Then, just when she couldn’t take any more teasing, Jacob entered her. She was so wet that his shaft slid easily into her, right to the hilt. Unintelligible sounds and expletives poured from her mouth as he immediately began to thrust, fast and hard. He was clearly as fired up as she, as he was relentless. He fucked her mercilessly, and soon she was screaming and writhing beneath him as the first orgasm wreaked havoc on her body.

  Caitlyn’s earth-shattering climax didn’t slow him down any. If anything, it spurred Jacob on. Digging her nails hard into his buttocks, Caitlyn savoured the feel of his rapidly pumping muscles within her grasp.

  Soon, Caitlyn knew that Jacob wouldn’t be able to hold out for much longer. He had a sheen of sweat on his face, and his beautiful blue eyes were locked on hers. She knew what he needed.

  ‘Baby,’ she whispered, ‘come for me.’

  With that, he let go. His arse became almost as hard as steel in her hands and his cock twitched and jumped, spurting inside her. Caitlyn had the presence of mind to slip her hand between their bodies and stroke her tortured clit until she climaxed too, her grasping cunt milking the last few drops of come from Jacob’s shaft.

  Spent, he slumped next to her and pulled her into his arms. Caitlyn rested her head on his chest and sighed contentedly. Jacob stroked her hair absentmindedly and dropped a kiss onto her head. Twisting in his grasp, she turned and kissed him.

  ‘What was that for?’ he asked, his eyes sparkling.

  ‘I love you, that’s all,’ Caitlyn replied.

  ‘I love you too, babe.’

  Snuggling back into his embrace, Caitlyn felt herself nodding off. She wasn’t worried, though. She knew that even if she never woke up again, she’d spent her remaining time in the most perfect way possible. With the man she loved.

  She was never aware of the tears soaking her hair.

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