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Every Pearl Has Its Oyster

Page 6

by India Lee

  “What are you doing?” Tyler laughed. Gemma smiled as she reached up to put her hands to his face. She could feel his jaw relax as she stood there, looking into his eyes. They were the same honey-brown eyes that had watched and adored her for years. She could still see the admiration and love that had been there since day one but to her surprise, she could still see the longing. Tyler looked at her as if he were still pursuing her, as if she was still just out of reach, as if they weren’t already together.

  “You know that I love you, right?” she whispered. Gemma let her hands drop to the back of his neck as she continued to look up at him, blinking the water from her eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Madison. It’s just… the thought of her still makes me shiver. Just because I made that speech about her doesn’t mean I stopped feeling anger whenever I thought about her.” Gemma tried to laugh at herself. “But that was high school. She’s not going to mess with me anymore. Not that I think she’ll have the chance to considering how badly she bombed today,” Gemma joked.

  Tyler laughed, touching his forehead to hers. “You’re probably right.”

  Chapter 5


  The Pop Source

  June 29th

  It’s official!

  Hollywood newcomer Madison Lennox has landed the coveted role of sexy daredevil Dakota in Sidney Willis’s upcoming drama, Carbine. The 20-year-old beauty rose to online fame weeks ago when she posted a video of herself performing pirouettes and plies on the edge of a rooftop – captivating viewers with both her elegance and bold risk-taking. The video, which garnered over four million views in a just few weeks, went on to soar in popularity after cameras caught popstar Queen Bee watching it. That, according to sources, was when Willis started paying attention to the buzz.

  “Sidney finally watched the video at the urging of a few associates. He immediately arranged to bring Madison into an audition,” a source reports. “Her audition performance actually wasn’t the best they’d seen, but both Sidney and the producers saw a ‘simultaneous toughness and vulnerability’ that they found absolutely perfect.”

  Lennox, who studies ballet at New York University, released a statement today about her new leading role. “I am honored and thrilled to be working with a legend like Sidney and a great talent like Tyler Chase,” Lennox said. “I am a born performer and I am so looking forward to this opportunity and all that comes with it. I absolutely can’t wait.”

  “Oh, thank God. I was about to faint.” Leah collapsed back into her lounge chair, clutching her heart in her bikini. “I was gonna say, he better have offered to quit the movie.”

  Kate squinted in the sun despite her heart-shaped shades and the fact that Andro and James were blocking most of the sun anyway. “I don’t get it. Why wouldn’t he just get Madison fired instead of quit? He’s Tyler Chase. He knows that right?”

  Gemma laughed as she tried to relax with Leah and Kate at the private cabana atop their boutique hotel. But relaxing wasn’t easy with Madison on her mind. It also didn’t help that she was in clothes that were a size too small for her, thanks to Perrin. Her outfit was just one of the many “assigned ensembles” for her to wear when there was a possibility of being photographed in public. Pieces of those ensembles included cropped t-shirts boasting expletives across the chest and transparent bodysuits for which no matching undergarments were provided. Not that Gemma would wear them. It was laughable – all a part of Oro’s attempt at adding some “edge” and “scandal” to Queen Bee’s and subsequently Gemma’s look.

  She had every intention of defying their wishes that morning by donning a one-shouldered maxi dress by Armand, but she was too exhausted from the news of Madison’s casting to risk facing Perrin’s wrath. Instead, she found the two least cheap-looking pieces from the assigned ensembles and paired them to create an acceptable outfit more her style than that of a hooker’s. The sheer cream tank top she’d chosen looked sexy but not crass over a black bandeau and high-waisted shorts. It was pleasing to know that she’d played by the rules but still beat Oro at their own game.

  “To answer your question, Kate, Tyler knows he’s Tyler Chase.”

  “Well, thank God.”

  “But that doesn’t mean he can get Madison fired,” Gemma said. Kate wrinkled her freckled nose in confusion, pushing her sunglasses up her face. “They’re the ones taking a chance on him,” Gemma explained. “He had to work his ass off and gain all this muscle mass to just get an audition. He killed himself for this role.” Gemma sucked in a deep breath, running her finger around the top of her bellini glass. “Which is why I told him to keep it.”

  “You what?” Leah and Kate both shot up from their chairs, ripping the sunglasses off their faces at the same time. Gemma sighed as she began the same reasoning that she’d given Mira and Gavin on the phone when they’d heard about Madison’s casting. And the same one she’d essentially given Tyler when he had approached her with his decision to quit the film.

  “It’ll force me to get over her,” Gemma had told Tyler simply, even though she knew it wasn’t as simple as it sounded. “You’ve been dreaming about what this role could do for your career so I’m not going to stand in the way because I don’t like this girl.”

  “You’re oversimplifying it,” Tyler said as he lay beside her in bed, watching her as she stared at the ceiling. “She tortured you.”

  “You’re going to be co-workers, not best friends. I’d be much more tortured knowing that I stunted your career somehow,” Gemma said, hoping Tyler didn’t detect the strain in her voice. She was putting on the bravest one she could muster because she obviously didn’t like the idea of Tyler spending every day of the next five months with Madison, forcing himself to believe that he was in love with her, no doubt filming with her the love scenes that were included in every Sidney Willis film. It wasn’t easy, but she knew it was the right thing to do.

  “And he accepted?” Leah exclaimed.

  “I made him,” Gemma answered plainly. Leah and Kate glanced at each other.

  “What did Damian say to all this?” Leah asked cautiously. She knew well about the tension between Tyler and Damian, but the question was fair – Damian had after all been Gemma’s only true ally against Madison in high school. Gemma shrugged, adjusting her bandeau bra as the motion made it slide down her body. If Damian hadn’t called, he likely didn’t know about the casting yet. Constantly in a gym or arena somewhere, he’d never been one to be up on gossip.

  “Well. You’re a good girlfriend.” Kate sighed, pursing her lips. “I’d be scared to let Madison near my boyfriend. I mean not that you should be threatened, I just… I wouldn’t. She’d end up seducing him one way or another.” When Leah elbowed her hard, Kate yelped and backtracked. “Ow! I mean… I don’t know! I’m sure it’s fine, just… make sure you visit the set to keep any eye on them. That’s all.”

  Leah considered it, surrendering to agreement herself. “She’s probably right, Gem.” She winced ruefully. “I’d Just remind Tyler that you’re his girlfriend. Show the whole set who’s boss. Especially Madison.”


  Gemma couldn’t help it. She had counted down to and prepared for the first day of production for Carbine. In her full-length mirror in the closet, Gemma eyed her body in her cropped tank top and saffron maxi skirt. The outfit showed just a peep of skin above her taut waist and more than a peep through the long slit up the side of the skirt. She’d even thought up an excuse to be visiting the set in such a sexy ensemble.

  “Oh, I just came from a meeting with my label,” Gemma told Tyler’s assistant as she led her towards set. “I wanted to drop by and make sure Tyler could come to a party we’re throwing soon.” It was a total lie – Tyler already knew about the boring dinner she and Oro Records would soon be hosting for her tour sponsors, and even if he hadn’t, there was no reason for her to tell him about it in person. But his assistant seemed not to notice.

��I see. Well, they’re just going over some notes but Tyler’s break will be soon and you can ask him,” she said, seating Gemma on a comfortable chair and nodding over at the other side of the room. There, Tyler stood in a huddle with Sidney Willis and the very handsome Liam Brody, his onscreen brother and Hollywood’s resident model-dating lothario. Despite the sight of the controversial Liam, Gemma’s eyes were glued to Tyler. With much of the crew still staring, she had to cover her goofy smile with her hand – it was from ear-to-ear because he looked so damned cute with his messy hair and distressed leather jacket, holding a matte black motorcycle helmet under his arm. Gemma scooted her chair forward to get a better look at him, and as she did, caught his attention mid-sentence. She grinned mischievously, crossing her leg so that the fabric of her dress fell aside, baring it up to her thigh for Tyler to see. His face froze for a moment, his eyes plastered to her. It took Sidney’s snapping for him to finally return to the conversation and even contribute a sentence or two.

  But once Sidney spoke again, Tyler’s eyes returned to Gemma, trailing up her body starting from her toes, which she’d painted a bright poppy color. When his eyes finally met hers, he shook his head at her and mouthed, “That was mean.” Gemma giggled. She was off to a good start. Within seconds, Tyler slipped out of his meeting with Sidney to go over to her. He gave her a kiss on the lips before gazing down at her dress.

  “Hey,” he greeted her legs. She giggled as he took in her outfit. “You look…” He shook his head. “… like I should take you into my dressing room right now.”

  Gemma giggled. “So, how has your day been so far?”

  Tyler shrugged, looking off to the side. “Alright.”

  “Just alright?”

  He nodded. “Just trying on some wardrobe for the first time.”

  “Ooh. How are your co-stars?”

  “Awesome. We have a good group going on.”

  “I see.” Gemma narrowed her eyes slightly at his short answers. She couldn’t tell what they meant other than the fact that he wasn’t giving the full story. Too proud to openly grill him about it, Gemma tried to think of a stealthy way to question Tyler about Madison and her progress on set. She had bombed so badly during the screen tests and proven to be a totally undeserving actress, so Gemma was curious about how well received she could possibly be by the cast and crew.

  The answer to her question came quickly though, as she heard the chatter around the room fall to a hush. She looked up to see that one by one, the crewmembers were all turning to face the exit, their mouths falling open as someone strolled through the doors and onto the set.

  “Oh, look at you! You’re perfect!” Sidney bellowed over the stunned silence.

  It was Madison, of course.

  Her long hair had been wound into a messy bun at the top of her head with just a few loose pieces falling down to frame her face. She was wearing a distressed t-shirt cropped just below the Guinness Extra Stout logo and denim short shorts that looked even shorter on her lithe ballerina legs. Finishing the look was a small horseshoe tattoo at her right ankle and a pair of red Converse All Stars. She was like every man’s living, breathing American Dream and unsurprisingly, everyone had been rendered speechless – Tyler included. However within seconds, he gathered himself, looking over at Gemma to see if she’d noticed his momentary daze. She pretended not to, though she eyed him from the side as Madison made her way towards them, biting her pinky nail the entire way over.

  “Hey, Gemma,” she said, her usual megawatt smile looking unsure as she stood before them. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “Um… can I call you Gemma? Or is it Bee?”

  “Gemma’s fine,” Gemma answered, squinting at Madison. Was she still trying to act all sweet and coquettish like she had with Tyler at the screen tests? Sure it had worked then but now he was aware of what a completely evil person she was. She had to know that Gemma would have told him the truth about her.

  “So, um.” Madison stuck her hands in the pockets of her shorts but they were too shallow to fit more than the tips of her fingers. She looked awkward, but Gemma didn’t put it past her to use that as part of her shy act. She was the queen of manipulation after all. “So, how are you liking your costume, Tyler? Sidney said we look like we belong together based on wardrobe alone,” Madison laughed, though she stopped almost immediately when Tyler didn’t laugh back. In fact, he barely looked at her. The only acknowledgment he gave was a brisk nod. His coldness pleasantly surprised Gemma while it seemed to confuse Madison. “Um, anyway,” she mumbled, gazing at the floor before raising her eyes to look at Gemma. “I was wondering, Gemma, if we could talk for a moment. In private.”

  They stepped out into the hallway, wary but entirely too curious to refuse the conversation.

  “Listen,” Madison finally said, biting her lip as she stood across from Gemma in the echoing white hallway. “I, um… I know that you and I didn’t really leave off as friends in high school.”

  “And why do you think that is?” Gemma asked, tilting her head. Madison blinked, seeming thrown off.

  “Well. Okay, um, I was about to get there with the whole… horrible things I did to you back at Beauford.” Madison clenched her jaw a bit, loosening the bands in her hair. “So, yeah. I wanted to say that I’m sorry. For the rumors and the mind games and… everything. From the bottom of my heart, I really am so sorry. I was mean spirited and young and completely immature in high school. So please, please accept my apology for what I did to you that year – I was stupid then. Beyond.”

  Gemma stared, blinking. That was too easy. She hadn’t expected Madison to just surrender. It was hardly any fun like that.

  “I just want to make sure that we’re on good terms now,” Madison continued tepidly. “I know you’ve probably told Tyler all about our history by now and I just… don’t want there to be any issues on set because honestly, this is the opportunity of a lifetime. And I don’t want to lose it. I can’t lose it.”

  Gemma wanted to sneer. No wonder Madison had so easily surrendered. She was under the impression that either Gemma or Tyler could have her booted from production. As far as she knew, she needed Gemma’s approval. It wasn’t true, but she didn’t know it.

  “Anyway, I’ll let you get back to Tyler. I just wanted to say that I’d honestly love to hang out again, if you’re interested.” Madison smiled, looking at her shuffling feet for a moment. “I mean, before we were enemies, we were friends,” she said, giving a small laugh before her blue eyes grew serious again. “And I’ve changed from the person that I was in high school, so. I, um… I just want you to know that.”

  Gemma nodded slowly, a stiff smile spreading her lips. “Cool. Thanks, Madison,” she said crisply before whipping out her phone to check her imaginary messages, giving Madison her cue to return to set. Pretty good speech, Gemma thought sardonically. Good use of emotions and nostalgia. It was Manipulation 101. But Gemma wasn’t buying it. She had no doubt that Madison would drop the friendly act the moment filming had wrapped and she’d booked several other roles. She couldn’t deny it – it was bound to happen with someone who put such a spell on producers. And by then, she’d no longer need anyone’s approval and would feel free to throw herself at Tyler if she so wished, which she probably did.

  Gemma was simply grateful that Tyler felt enough anger towards Madison that he refused to even exchange friendly chatter with her. It was comforting to know that she wouldn’t be rewarded with his friendship let alone affections. With that thought in mind, Gemma pushed through the doors to return to Tyler, but she stopped in her tracks when she saw the scene taking place on set.

  It was Tyler. Sitting on a kitchen stool with Madison on his lap, his arms around her teeny tiny waist. They were both holding scripts but the tenderness still looked more real than Gemma appreciated.

  Only then did she realize that one way or another, Madison would get rewarded. She was playing Tyler’s love interest after all, and the movie was looking like it’d be getting an R ra
ting, and love interests combined with R ratings always meant lusty lovemaking, even if it was choreographed, lusty lovemaking. Gemma was sure Madison would enjoy it either way. As she watched Sidney move Tyler’s hands to Madison’s bare thigh, she realized that there was probably no physical way that Tyler wouldn’t enjoy himself either. After all, the slight smile on his face was probably not in the script, and neither was the way she actually bounced on his lap while laughing at someone’s joke. He could ignore Madison all he wanted when the cameras weren’t rolling, but it didn’t mean that they wouldn’t still be kissing and straddling each other once Sidney yelled “action.” Or that she wouldn’t improvise and throw in her own little flourishes of affection, which she seemed to already be doing by twiddling with the hem of his t-shirt while Sidney spoke to them. Well, she got comfortable fast, Gemma thought bitterly. A knot twisted in her stomach as her mind flooded with all the stories about co-stars who’d fallen for one another while playing lovers on set.

  “And it only gets worse when the dialogue starts,” a low voice said.

  Gemma blinked, turning to see Liam Brody’s tall frame standing behind her. She could detect his grin from behind the water bottle that he was drinking from. He was probably laughing at the look of horror on her face. As he started to walk away, Gemma called after him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean they did the read through of this scene this morning,” he answered over his shoulder.


  Liam stopped for her. He turned around. “And it went well enough for them to keep practicing for fun. In his dressing room too, if you’re curious.” He smirked, seeming to be enjoy Gemma’s disapproval. She could feel herself frowning hard. Tyler’s cold shoulder towards Madison must have been just an act for her then. He’d obviously had no problem with her before, going as far as to spend extra time with her in his dressing room. What the hell, Gemma frowned.

  Snapping her out of her thoughts was Liam, who laughed. “Don’t worry. The door was open.”


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