Broken Soldier: A Lost Hearts Novella: Novella One (Lost Hearts Series)

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Broken Soldier: A Lost Hearts Novella: Novella One (Lost Hearts Series) Page 5

by Blue Saffire

  His intense eyes remain on me. His hands work magic, while he seems to be waiting out my response. I take a deep breath.

  I’ve learned Parker is very much like my big brother. When they set their minds to something they’re tenacious. The determined look in his eyes tells me his mind is definitely set.

  “I’m stressed. I have a lot on my plate and I have deadlines to meet,” I reply.

  “What has you stressed other than the deadlines,” he lifts a brow.

  I growl. “My deadbeat baby daddy,” I roll my eyes.

  “Some folks you’ll never be able to change. You’re a great mama. Isaac is well loved and taken care of. If Toni can’t get his act together that shouldn’t take away from your life,” he says honestly.

  I rub my temples. “All easier said. You know. He picks and chooses when he wants to be involved. Always at my inconvenience,” I pause and huff. “Can we talk about something else, anything else.”

  “Come here,” he responds, sending shockwaves through my system.

  I hesitate for a single moment, before shifting and crawling closer to him. His large hand tug me into his lap. I stare into his eyes, cupping my hands around his neck. It dawns on me that he’s not wearing his glasses.

  I tilt my head to the side, taking a good look into his eyes. Suddenly, I feel like I’m falling into them. Their depths are so deep. I almost feel like he’s telling me to dive in.

  “Show me,” I whisper, pleading for him to reveal himself to me.

  “It ain’t pretty, gorgeous,” he says almost sounding pained.

  “It never is. Show me.”

  The words are just barely out, before his lips capture mine. It’s the most passionate and demanding kiss I’ve ever experienced. My fingers slide up into his hair, curling into the silky strains. It’s been way too long, since I’ve been with a man. I can’t keep myself from rocking in his lap. His hands go from my hips to my backside. His grip is so tight, I feel like he might tear right through my jeans.

  “Damn, you tastes better than I thought you would,” he groans against my lips.

  “Please,” I plead, not sure what I’m pleading for, —more of his kisses or more of his voice rumbling through my body.

  I just know I need more. His hands move under my t-shirt cupping my breasts. When his thumbs flick my pebbled buds, I whimper with need.

  “I want to see you,” he rasps.

  “Mommy,” Isaac’s cry fills the air.

  I whimper and not in pleasure. I place my forehead to Parker’s and almost burst into tears. My son has been spending so much time at my mama’s, for a split moment, I forgot he was in his room sleeping.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  “Nothing to be sorry about,” he shakes his head. “I’ll be right here. We can hash out that story of yours when you get back.”

  My face breaks into a huge smile and my heart stutters. I’m falling for him. I’m falling for him hard.

  Chapter 9

  I Got This


  We’ve been up all night. Once Lakia started to talk about her book, her brain just took off. She’s been talking to herself and typing for hours. We’ve been sitting on the couch, her between my legs, while her fingers fly across the keys.

  I’ve inhaled her hair all night, savoring her scent. I have a class to teach this afternoon, but I can’t seem to pull myself off this couch. Not when I’d rather be here, watching her in her element.

  “Oh, God, Parker. Look at the time,” Lakia turns her face up at me and gasps, pulling me from my own musings.

  “Did you reach a stopping point,” I ask, kissing her temple.

  “No, but Isaac will be up soon. I’ll make him breakfast and then I can get back to it,” she replies, but I can see the longing in her eyes to continue.

  I peck her lips. “Keep working. Isaac and I will take care of ourselves. He can come with me today.”

  “What? You’re teaching today,” she wrinkles her brows.

  “And he can be my assistant,” I shrug.

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “That’s a matter of opinion,” I smile, pecking her lips, before reluctantly peeling myself away from her and the couch.

  “I owe you big time. Thank you so much. I think I can wrap this one up now,” she says, looking at her computer screen with bright eyes.

  All the exhaustion from last night has disappeared. I know I’ve found what makes Lakia happy. Her books are a place of happiness for her. I lean to kiss the top of her head once more.

  “You can make it up to me at dinner,” I wink, when I straighten up.

  “Won’t you be drained by dinner?” She asks with concern.

  “I could go another seventy-two hours.”

  I grin when her eyes fill with lust. My own thoughts go to the taste and the feel of her. One taste and I know I want a whole lot more.

  “Get back to work, I got this,” I order, heading for the kitchen to make breakfast.

  I peek in the rearview mirror, at Isaac beaming happily in the back of my truck. I think I’ve enjoyed our day together more than he has. The students were taken with the little guy from the moment we entered class.

  My mind has been circling the thought of this being my life. A son, maybe a few more kids and Lakia as my wife. I once swore I’d never try to go there again. Now, it’s been all I can think about all day.

  I want a baby with those cola colored eyes and brown skin. I want to come home every night to watch my wife create stories she loves, while she rests against my chest.

  “Can we do this again?” Isaac calls from the back seat.

  Just as they say great minds think alike. I look in the mirror and smile back at him. The plea in his eyes hits me in my damaged heart.

  “We sure can,” I reply, looking back, as I stop at a light.

  “Yes,” he pumps his little fist.

  “Want to help me make dinner for your mommy tonight?”

  “Yeah!” he gushes. “We have to make her favorite.”

  “Oh, yeah? And what’s that,” I chuckle.

  “Curry chicken with rice and peas,” he says, I look in the mirror to see his serious face, as he nods at his words.

  “Well, then curry chicken it is,” I laugh.


  I wake to the house filled with delicious aromas. I crashed sometime after three o’clock this afternoon. Parker sent me a few texts with pictures of Isaac enjoying himself on the college campus and in the classroom. My heart swelled to see my baby having so much fun with a male role model.

  Missing my son and Parker the instant the sleep clears from my brain, I drag my body from the bed and jump into the shower. After lotioning my body, putting on some lip gloss and my favorite perfume, I get dressed. I make my way to where the mouthwatering smells are coming from. When I turn into the kitchen, I find Isaac and Parker sitting bowls down on the table.

  “Hey, cutie pie,” I sing to Isaac, when he runs over to hug my legs.

  “Hey, Mommy. You have to see what we made,” he sings.

  “Is that right,” I reply, allowing him to pull me the rest of the way to the table.

  Parker places the last bowl down on the table, before turning his attention to me. I lift a brow at him, with a teasing smile on my lips. He returns my look with a questioning one of his own. I smile and shake my head at him.

  “You made cornbread?” I try to keep the mirth from my face and tone.

  He narrows his eyes at me, but I see the smile playing around his lips. He pulls the chair in front of the last bowl he placed on the table. I bite my lip looking between him and the tasty looking food before me.

  “Just sit down,” he rumbles next to my ear, using his big body to block Isaac’s view to quickly nip at my lobe and swiftly pat my ass.

  I laugh, sliding into the seat. When he reaches for my shoulder to give a gentle squeeze, I feel a ping of disappointment. I was expecting him to kiss the top of my head, temple or nose, l
ike he did a million times last night. When I look across the table, I see my son watching us intently, understanding hits. Isaac’s eyes are so full of happiness and dear I say hope.

  I watch his eyes follow Parker as he takes his seat as if he’s watching a real live superhero in his home. I feel a sharp pain in my chest. It dawns on me that the last few times Isaac has seen his father he has become so disengaged.

  “So how did work go today?” Parker asks, pulling my attention.

  “It was great, I typed the end!” I gush.

  My exclamation is met by a chorus of cheers. Parker holds up both his hands for Isaac and I to give him five. Isaac slaps his hand, before doing a little dance in his seat.

  “Go, Mommy,” he sings. “We have to get you gold stars like I get when I do good at daycare.”

  I roll my lips and nod my head at him. He is too adorable. He looks to Parker for confirmation and beams when he receives a sage nod of approval.

  “We’ll have to do something special this week while I wait on edits,” I smile at him.

  “First, you have to eat what we made you,” he replies excitedly.

  I look down at the bowl in front of me. It looks great. The sauce is not too runny and not so thick it looks like mash potatoes. Everyone thinks they can make curry, but not many have a clue.

  I peek out of the corner of my eyes to see Parker peering at me through his glasses. Just to be snarky, I reach for the cornbread first. Breaking off a piece, I pop it in my mouth.

  The flavors that burst in my mouth take me on a journey through my childhood. Church dinners, barbecues, celebration dinners, they all flood my senses. I moan, sagging into myself. All I need is a warm fuzzy blanket and I’d be thrown back in time, when Mama would make me soup and cornbread to make me feel better.

  “I think she likes it,” I hear Isaac whisper, causing me to realize I’ve closed my eyes and gone into my own world.

  “Amazing, you must have made it,” I tease.

  “Nope, it was all Uncle Parker. I helped stir the curry chicken and poured the coconut milk in the rice and peas. You have to taste it too,” Isaac says anxiously.

  I quickly lift my spoon and dig in. I take my first bite and it’s delicious. The right note of everything. My mouth salivates for more even as I chew.

  “I think we impressed her, Buddy. You won that ice cream,” Parker chuckles.

  “I told you we would,” my son says with his chest puffed up.

  “I couldn’t have done it without you,” Parker reaches to ruffle Isaac’s curls.

  “Ice cream will be my treat,” I chime in.

  They both cheer, bringing me to a fit of laughter. It’s than that I notice the stress is gone. I haven’t felt it since last night. I think Parker might be good for us. Yet, another reason I’ll have to handle Toni sooner rather than later.

  Chapter 10

  Here for You


  I’ve been on cloud nine for the last two weeks, but today is hitting me so hard. While others are out having fun at barbecues, this day brings me so much pain. I was flooded with memories of my brother from the time I woke up.

  I didn’t think a simple holiday would dredge up so much hurt. I can still recall the laughter in my brother’s voice the last time we talked. He’d been teasing me about my lack of adult life.

  Myles knew I loved to spend time with my books. I can get lost in them for days. When it’s not my books, it’s my son. I rarely go out. I never bothered to date, I just don’t have time for it.

  I remember Myles’ promise that day. He laughed his butt off when I told him I spent my twenty-eighth birthday, at Chucky Cheeses with my son. It took almost two full minutes for him to calm down.

  “Sis, when your big bro gets home, he’s going to teach you how to have a life. I’m going to drag Parker’s ass to Texas and we’re going to show you how to live. You had a kid, Kia. You didn’t die,” he chuckled.

  Another tear slips free, as I play the conversation in my head again and again. I know today must be hard on Mama. She came for Isaac last night, but it dawn on me this morning that she did it as a distraction. I should have known when she kept going on and on about the plans she had for them.

  I’m glad my son can give her the reprieve she needs. I’ve found my way into a bottle of wine. Okay, I may have found myself in the bottom of a few bottles. They have been my solace in the mist of my hurt.

  I’ve picked up my phone to text Parker a hundred times, but I’ve cut myself off from sending a drunken text each time. I’m still focused enough not to want to embarrass myself. Although, it stings that I haven’t heard from him today.

  I look out of the window from my perch on the bench seat. The lights are all off in my house, I haven’t moved since the sun went down. However, I can see the lights are on in Parker’s place.

  “What are you doing in there?” I wonder aloud.

  I blow out a breath, no longer wanting to be alone, —and I mean that in so many ways. Decision made, I get up to stumble to my room to freshen up. I change out of my jean shorts and tank top, into a strapless sundress. I look in the mirror and start to feel a little self-conscious.

  Before Isaac, I was a slim thick chick. Over the years, I’ve become more curvy thick, with some extra cushion. I don’t mind. Although, Toni has made comments before about me letting myself go. I frown at that thought and stick my tongue out at my reflection.

  I love every inch of me and the next man to have the privilege of all of this, will do the same or he can kick rocks right along with Toni. I giggle at my thoughts sounding more like Dean than me. Her sassy New Yorker vibe tends to wear off on others.

  I brush my hair back into a ponytail, letting my twist out create a bushy bun on top of my head. Parker has seen it all. I don’t have anything to hide from him. I grin when that thought enters my mind.

  Forgetting everything else, I move quickly to get up to Parker’s apartment. I don’t stop to think about what I’m doing. I’m knocking at the front door before I know it.

  When he doesn’t answer right away, I knit my brows and turn to see his truck is in the driveway. My heart sinks, I never thought about him already having company. I mean, we’ve never discussed being exclusive or anything like that. I guess I’ve just been assuming, with the amount of time he spends with me and my son.

  I drop my head and turn to leave. Before I can get in two steps to lead me away, a large arm snakes around my waist, pulling me back into a warm firm body. I exhale and sag into the warmth of him.

  “Darlin’, I’m more fucked up than usual today,” his voice gruffly greets my ear. “I started not to open up, but I think I need you.”

  I can smell the alcohol on his breath. I guess I’m not the only one that found comfort in a bottle today. I turn in his arms; his eyes are red and his glasses are nowhere in sight.

  He’s still the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. I push my fingers through the front of his hair. He captures my palm, pressing his lips to it. My eyes flutter close, while my entire body starts to hum. The butterflies in my belly lift off into a wild frenzy.

  I feel more than see, when he wraps his arms around my waist, tugging me into the apartment with him. The door closes behind me, just before my back meets hard with the mahogany. My eyes flutter open to find him staring down at me.

  “I hope your brother can forgive me for this,” he murmurs, just before his lips lock to mine in a searing kiss.

  I feel my heart open up to him and pour out all my secrets in just a single kiss. My toes curl in my sandals. My panties are soaked to the point of ruin. I’m crazed for this man, I crave him with everything I am.

  I know it’s clear we are both aching inside, but I won’t be stopping to point that out. We need each other. I want to get lost in him for a few hours or days if I could. I want to be the one to help him with the demons I know are riding his back.

  I know he wants the same as I feel his hands everywhere, as if he hasn’t decided where he wan
ts to touch more. My breasts ache for his touch. I almost cry out with joy when he tugs down the top of my dress and strapless bra in one swift motion.

  My breasts bounce free, Parker has broken the kiss to watch the action. His big hands rise to cup my mounds, pinching my hardened nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. I shiver and whimper at the sweet torture.

  My heart races and my throat becomes dry, when I see the lust and hunger in his eyes. I reach to push the dress the rest of the way down, but he grasps my hands and shakes his head. Releasing one hand, he lifts my chin with his fingertips. I’ve wanted to undress you for so long. Let me savor this.

  I nod, reaching for his belt instead. His lips return to the sweet torture he’s creating, as he sips from my lips. I manage to tug his belt free and unzip his pants, while releasing moans of anticipation and pleasure.

  Parker’s lips move to my neck as his hands slowly skim over my skin, pushing my dress from my body. He leisurely squats down in front of me, hooking his fingers into my panties, peeling them from my body.

  I shyly rub my thighs together, as I shift beneath his hot gaze. I can feel my slickness coat my legs. Parker uses his hand to pry my limbs open at the juncture, encasing my secret place. I convulse, when his hot hand brushes my folds.

  I open for him, spreading my legs. Parker surprises me. In a quick move, he spins, placing his back to the door, sitting on his backside, and grasping the front of my thighs. Gently, he moves me forward. A hand slides around to the back of my thigh, gliding up over my butt cheek, then carefully bending me over at the waist. My ass is now fully in his face.

  “Parker,” I cry out, when his tongue takes a slow trip through my juices.

  I clasp the backs of my calves, peeking up at him through my own legs. His hooded eyes peer down at me. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. He opens his mouth wider and begins to really feast on me.


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