Home > Other > UNDERTAKER > Page 21

by Nicole James

  AJ stared out the windshield, her mind a blank. This can’t be happening again.

  They were half a mile away when they saw the thick black smoke rising from the above the trees, and her heart dropped.

  Derek spun the wheel, speeding into the neighborhood. There were several fire engines and emergency vehicles; fire hoses crisscrossed the street from the hydrant. He turned into the church parking lot across the street.

  AJ was unbuckling her seatbelt and throwing open her door before he even had the truck in park.

  “Babe, wait!” He jumped out of the truck and chased after her, grabbing her by the arm. “You have to stay back!”

  The building was totally engulfed, flames leaping up to the treetops.

  An officer approached, waving them back. “You have to move back, folks.”

  “That’s my building,” AJ told him.

  He looked over his shoulder at the fire chief, and then motioned her forward, escorting her to the man. “Says it’s her building, Pete.”

  The Fire chief glanced at her. “Was anyone inside? Do you know if anyone would be here before seven a.m.?”

  She shook her head. “No, there shouldn’t be.”

  “How many employees?”

  “There’s just Sharon, Diane, and Maryanne.”

  “Can you call and verify where they are?”

  She nodded, immediately digging in her handbag for her cell phone.

  Derek kept his arm around her while she made the calls. When she’d verified they were all fine, she stared at the building and murmured, “I poured my heart and soul into this center.”

  He brushed the hair off her shoulder and slid his hand to the back of her neck, squeezing and massaging and giving her comfort the only way he could. “I know, babe. I know.”

  “All that work we did… It’s all gone.”

  “We can rebuild.”

  She put her head in his chest and sobbed. He let her cry it out and just held her, running his hand over her back.


  That night as AJ slept tucked against him at the clubhouse, Undertaker had a dream about being back in prison.

  He found himself holding a shovel in his gloved hands. He peered down to see he was dressed in prison garb—jeans, white T-shirt, and a denim shirt with a number stenciled on it. He stared over at the men standing next to him, leaning on their own shovels.

  “Here they come,” one of them murmured, his eyes on the distance.

  Undertaker looked up and saw more prisoners carrying a wooden box. He knew right away there was a body in it. They lowered it into the hole in the ground that they’d just dug.

  The men all moved forward, himself included, and they began shoveling dirt on the box. It was a sound he knew he’d never wipe from his mind—the sound of that dirt hitting that wooden box.

  When they finished, he leaned on his shovel and asked the man next to him, “Did you know the guy?”

  “No, but I heard he got out, walked free for fifteen years, then got sent back here for a life sentence. Stupid fuck.”

  Two prisoners set the marker, a plain white cross with a name and number carved into it. They stepped away, and he saw the name.

  Derek Deschaine


  Undertaker surged up in bed, breathing heavy and waking AJ out of a sound sleep. She wiped her eyes and sat up as he swung his feet over the side of the bed, gasping for breath, feeling like he couldn’t breathe.

  Her hand slid up his back. “Baby, you okay? What is it?”

  Running his hand repeatedly through his hair, he muttered, “Just a bad dream.”

  “What was it?”

  He drew in a lungful of air and blew it slowly out. “I was back in prison. Goddamn. It was so fucking real.”

  She moved behind him, looping her arms around him and leaning to whisper in his ear, “That’s not going to happen.”

  He laid a hand over her forearm. “I know, babe. I know.”

  “What brought this on? The fire?” AJ asked. He could hear the psychologist coming out in her voice.

  There were some things he needed to tell her, things she needed to know for her own safety. Things he should have told her about before now. “Babe?”


  “Remember that guy we saw following us on the bike that day?”

  “I remember.”

  “He’s a bad dude, and him hanging around near me, that’s no coincidence. He’s up to something. I can feel it.”

  She pulled back a few inches, and he turned to look at her.

  “Up to what?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know, but I want you to be careful. You see anyone following you, or anything odd, you let me know, okay?”

  “Okay. You’re scaring me, Derek.”

  “Last thing I want is you scared. But I want you safe, and I don’t want to keep you in the dark about this any longer. I shoulda told you before. That’s why I want you here at the clubhouse, and I want to put a man on you—have one of the boys with you.”

  “You are not having one of them follow me around like a guard dog. Forget it. I won’t have it, Derek. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  He studied her, thinking he’d do it anyway.


  For more than a week, AJ was interviewed and investigated regarding the two fires at both her properties. Accelerants were found in both fires, and they were deemed to be arson.

  She was a nervous wreck—firstly because someone was apparently targeting her and secondly because the investigation was centered on her.

  On Saturday morning, it was quiet at the clubhouse, and she and Undertaker were lying in bed.

  Derek stared at the ceiling. “Cat found Holly a safe apartment right near the UNO. Classes start in a few weeks.”

  “Do you think she’s ready?” AJ asked him.

  He turned his head on the pillow. “Yeah, I do. Don’t you?”

  She nodded. “More than ready, but I still think she’s hung up on you. I still think this is her safe place. She’ll probably resist leaving.”

  “I’ve got someone lined up to look after her. He’ll do a good job.”

  “Is he anywhere near her age?”

  “Yeah. He’s one of my younger guys.”

  “And what if she falls for him?”

  “I already told him, hands off. He won’t touch her.”

  She chuckled. “You underestimate the male-female dynamic. Temptation makes it all the more enticing if it’s forbidden.”

  “Hmm. You may be right.”

  “Maybe it would be good for her to have someone to transfer the attraction to. Is he a good guy?”

  “Yeah. He’s a good guy.”

  “Maybe you should remove that restriction.”

  Derek huffed out a laugh. “We’ll see. If I think the boy’s been tortured over it enough, I may let him loose. But, for now, he stays on the leash.”

  “I suppose you’re right. She needs time to spread her wings.”

  “First, I’m always right. Second, there will be no wing spreading. I’m making sure he keeps close tabs on her.”

  “Oh, Lord. That’s a disaster in the making.”

  Derek laughed. “She’s vulnerable right now. Any jerk could try and take advantage of her. That ain’t happening. Not when Joker’s on the job. He won’t let anyone within ten feet of her.”

  The sound of boots running down the hall carried to them, and Derek was instantly alert, his body going tense a split second before he was vaulting from the bed and yanking his jeans on.

  There was a pounding on his door, and his name being called. He jerked it open. Bug was standing there, breathing hard. “It’s a raid. They’re coming through the gate.”

  “Put a call into Richardson. Now!” Derek closed the door and looked over at AJ. “Quick, babe, get dressed.”

  She sat up, her anxiety soaring her already frazzled nerves. “What’s going on?”

  He pulled on his boots and shirt.
“The police are about to raid the place. Get your clothes on! You’ve only got about thirty seconds. Hurry!”

  She jumped out of bed and scrambled into her jeans, throwing one of his T-shirts on over her head when she couldn’t find hers.

  He held his hand out. “Come on. I want to be downstairs when they come through the door.”

  She took his hand, and they ran down the hall toward the stairs, him in boots and her in bare feet. The building vibrated as several blows from a battering ram echoed through it.

  AJ and Derek were dashing down the steps when the door crashed open under the force.

  “Police! Hands in the air.”

  Derek stopped on the landing, stepped in front of AJ, and raised his hands. She did the same.

  About a dozen officers in bulletproof vests stormed in.

  There were only a few people in the clubhouse that morning, Holly having gone to stay with her sister Cat the night before. That left Mooch, Bug, Mama Ray, and the two of them. She was surprised to see Blood standing next to the bar with his hands up. He must have ridden up not long ago.

  Two officers with guns drawn approached them and pulled Undertaker off the stairs, pushed him down on the floor, and searched him. He was cuffed and hauled to his feet.

  “Derek Deschaine, you’re under arrest for arson,” one of the officers said. “Take him out to the squad and read him his rights.”

  AJ’s mouth dropped open. “Arson? Of what?”

  “The New Horizons Woman’s Center.”

  “What?” She felt time slow as a roaring in her head began. She watched things happening as if in slow motion. They hauled Derek toward the door. He looked back at her.

  “I had nothing to do with it, AJ. You know that.”

  She nodded in stunned shock.

  His eyes pinned Blood. “Take care of her.”

  “I got her. Don’t worry,” Blood reassured him.

  He gaze cut to Mooch. “You know what to do.”

  “Yep. I’m on it.”

  AJ couldn’t believe what she was seeing; the man she loved was being hauled away in handcuffs. They reached the door and then he was gone.

  She and Mama Ray were herded against one side of the room, and the men were ordered face down on the floor. One of the officers said they had a warrant to search the place. People were coming and going through the door and more vehicles arrived. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but she’d stared at the floor in a daze trying to understand how this could be happening.

  “Ms. Carter?” a voice that sounded deep and familiar asked in a stunned tone.

  She peered up.

  Detective Williams stood staring at her with a confused look on his face. “AJ? What are you doing here?”

  “Joe? What’s going on? Why is Derek being arrested?”

  “Derek? You know him?”

  She nodded slowly.

  Joe took a step back, his eyes sweeping over her and taking in the Evil Dead shirt she wore and her bare feet. “What the hell is going on here? Are you two in on this together?”

  She blinked. “In on what?”

  “The arson of your two buildings.”

  “What are you talking about? Derek didn’t start those fires. This is crazy. You have the wrong man.”

  He ran a hand over his jaw in frustration. “We’ve got evidence, AJ. Strong evidence that says we have the right man.”

  She shook her head. She’d never believe that. Never. “No. That can’t be. Derek would never have anything to do with those fires.”

  “How can you be so sure about that? And how the hell do you know him?”

  “He brought a client for counseling.” It wasn’t the entire truth, but it was close enough for what he was asking.

  “You have a reason for wanting someone to burn your building down? Did you hire him to do the dirty work?”

  “What? No! I’ve been asked all these questions a million times. I didn’t have any motive to burn anything down.”

  “Your being here puts a ton of suspicion back on you, AJ. You have to know that!”

  “What are you even doing here, Joe? You don’t do arson cases. You’re homicide.”

  “I’m here because I took a special interest in this case—because of my friendship with you. I wanted to be in on this arrest, maybe to make up for how we failed for you the last time. Now I’m wondering why the hell I bothered.”

  “Joe, they’ve got the wrong guy. He didn’t do it. He was with me at the time of the fire.”

  “Can you prove that?”

  “Prove it? My word isn’t good enough anymore?”

  “Considering where I found you, no.”

  “Are you kidding me right now?”

  “You’re standing in the clubhouse of the Evil Dead MC, AJ. Are you kidding me? So I’m asking again, what the hell are you doing here?”

  She lifted her chin, not about to feel ashamed by anything. “That’s none of your business, Joe.”

  His brows lifted. “None of my business? I thought we were friends. What the hell is going on here?”

  She turned away. “Am I under arrest for something?”

  “Not yet,” he bit back.

  An officer approached and told him they’d finished their search and were wrapping it up.

  “Find anything?” Joe snapped.

  The officer shook his head.

  “Thanks,” Joe said. When the man walked off, he turned back to AJ and moved in close, murmuring to her information about the MC that he probably could be thrown off the force for disclosing. Still he did it, apparently feeling the need to warn her of how dangerous these men could be.

  With every incidence he reeled off, she felt the knot in her stomach grow larger until she thought she would be sick.


  “You wanna tell me what that was about?” Blood lifted his chin toward the retreating back of the big black detective who’d been talking to AJ. The man had spent way too much time talking to her and Blood realized he needed to set her straight on how things worked within the club.

  The detective exited out the front door. He was the last to leave after Undertaker had been taken away and the clubhouse had been searched thoroughly. Damn assholes had ripped the place apart for almost two hours.

  AJ shook her head, ignoring his question, and wiping the tears in her eyes. “Why is this happening?”

  “Babe, look at me,” Blood growled, not about to be put off. “Who was he to you?”

  “He was one of the detectives on the case of my husband’s murder four years ago. He’s a friend. At least, I thought he was.”

  “Cops aren’t friends. Not around here.”

  “He was mine.”

  “AJ, you’re involved with the President of an MC. You can’t be friendly with him or anyone else on the force. Understand?”

  She nodded. “Okay. I get it.”

  Blood moved closer. “What’d he say to you? Tell me everything.”

  “He was shocked to find me here. Wanted to know why.”

  “What’d you tell him?”

  “That it was none of his business.”


  “And nothing.”

  “AJ, you talked for longer than that.”

  “He told me Undertaker was wanted for the arson of my building. I told him that was ridiculous. He pointed out to me how you were all criminals, not boy scouts, and that your club was involved in criminal activity—activity they’d been monitoring for years but hadn’t been able to prove. Said there were murders in the quarter and more down on the gulf that the club was suspected of involvement in, but that they hadn’t been able to prove it. He also told me how dangerous it was for me to be anywhere near here. He wanted to take me out of here, but I wouldn’t go.” She rubbed her hands over her upper arms and stared toward the door. “I need to go see Undertaker. I need to see him, Blood. Will you take me?”

  “Anything you’re not tellin’ me?” He pinned her with a don’t-fuckin
’-lie-to-me look.

  “No! I told you everything. Now take me to Undertaker, please, Blood.”

  “The club’s attorney is already on his way to meet them at the jail. There’s nothing we can do right now but wait.”

  “I don’t want to wait. I need to see him, Blood. He needs to know I love him…”

  Blood put his hands on her shoulders. “He knows, babe.”

  She looked up with pleading eyes. “Please take me.”

  He shook his head. “You can’t see him now. They won’t let you. He has to be processed. Eventually they’ll let Richardson in to see him. We have to wait until then. See what he’s able to find out.”

  “How am I supposed to just sit here and wait?”

  “Maybe you should go stay with Cat at our place, get some rest. I can have one of the boys take you.”

  “No! I’m not leaving here until we hear something. Don’t even think about it.”

  “Okay, babe. Okay. You want a drink?”

  “No, I don’t want a drink.” She fell against Blood. “I want Undertaker.”

  His hand moved over her back. “I know, honey. I know.” He lifted his chin to Mama Ray who stood near the bar, signaling her for help.

  Mama Ray walked over and patted her back. “Come on, honey. You’ve got to buck up, show some strength. You wanna be an Evil Dead ol’ lady, the ol’ lady of the club’s President, then you’re gonna have to toughen up. These boys find trouble all the time. You gotta hold it together and be strong.”

  AJ twisted out of Blood’s arms to look back at her. “Six months ago I led a boring life. Now everyone wants me to be queen of the bikers. And I have no idea how.”

  “Just love him, that’s what he needs from you,” Mama Ray advised. “Look, you’re never gonna be like anybody else here, and that’s okay. Hell, we were all shocked at first when you two hooked up, me especially, but you’re exactly what he needs.”

  “I do love him, but is that enough?”

  “If Undertaker didn’t think you were enough, believe me, you wouldn’t be here enfolded in this family the way you have been, the way he wanted you to be. Understand?”

  She nodded.

  “Now come on. If those idiots didn’t tear up my kitchen, I’ll make you some breakfast.”


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