The Unlucky Viscount

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The Unlucky Viscount Page 8

by Emma Brady

  "Alex?" The sound of her voice was horse to her own ears and her throat ached.

  "Daphne said you weren't feeling well." He sounded concerned.

  "I must have had something that didn't agree with me."

  "Is there anything I can do to help?"

  Rachel could feel the tears filling hers eyes once again and the sob in the back of her throat. She didn't want him to have box seats to her misery.

  "I just need to be alone."

  She held her breath and listened to his footsteps go in the direction of the door. They stopped and she gasped as she felt the bed behind her sink from his weight. The warm length of his body wrapped around hers, and his arms pulled her in close. His face was against her cheek, and she knew he could feel the tears that were falling along them. She should have pushed him away but she nestled in closer.

  "Want to tell me the real reason you're upset?"


  "I can wait."

  The two of them lay there together in the dark, holding each other. Rachel struggled to remain calm, but her resolve quickly vanished. She was sobbing again, only this time, there was someone whispering comforting words into her ear and rubbing his hands over hers. Finally, she was able to gain control of her emotions, and she wondered why he had stayed.

  "How did you know?"

  "That it wasn't just an upset stomach? Daphne said you were both too busy to eat before dinner, but you retired before the meal was served."

  "I could have insisted you leave."

  "There was no way I was willing to let you cry alone."

  Rachel had to admit that it felt nice to be held like this. He was so strong and secure that she was coming close to falling asleep in his arms.

  "What happened?"

  Those softly spoken words against her ear in a tone that held genuine concern almost brought her to tears again.

  "I saw my father today." Her voice was shaking. "He saw me and he just walked away. He avoided speaking to me."

  Alex nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck, pressing soft kisses on her skin to comfort her.

  "I don't think he meant to hurt your feelings."

  "Why would he avoid me?"

  "I'm not sure, exactly, but you owe him a chance to explain."

  “What if he refuses to speak to me?”

  She felt his arms tighten around her. "I don't think he will, but you have never shied away from a risk."

  "This is hardly the same."

  "Don't be afraid."

  The deep, smooth sound of his voice soothed her, and she found herself thinking about the vibration of his chest against her back. Every inch of her backside was touching him, some in intimate places. He was growing hard against her. She couldn’t help that her pulse quickened.

  "Did you come to collect from me tonight?" Rachel asked, breathless.

  "No, I had given up that thought when I heard you were not feeling well. I wanted to make sure you were taken care of."

  "You are welcome to still redeem my marker."

  "Not when you are so upset. What kind of villain do you think I am?"

  He was the best kind. The kind that could tempt you with smooth words and a soft touch. Right now, Rachel would be willing to do almost anything if he suggested it with a whisper in her ear.

  "I want you to enjoy when I come to collect as much as I do. That isn't going to be tonight."

  "What will we do all night?"

  "This feels nice. More of this, I should think."

  She didn't need to say anything, because she was comfortable with that. She could easily spend the night wrapped in his arms like this. Her body was beginning to grow as tired as her emotions and she was falling asleep.

  "Did you enjoy meeting Eloisa and Sarah?"

  She had almost forgotten about her new friends. "They were wonderful. It was very considerate of you to invite them to the house."

  "I've known Thomas for a very long time. I met his wife last season, when the two of them were married. She's a bit unusual for a duchess."

  "Like I'm unusual?"

  "You are exceptional." He placed a kiss in her hair. "She knows what it's like to not be accepted at first. I knew she would know how to help."

  "She claims I should be receiving endless invitations tomorrow."

  "I have never known her to be wrong."

  Rachel wasn't convinced that one day of house calls with a duchess would be enough to turn her luck, but the possibility was enough to make her smile.

  "Tell me about your day." Rachel said.

  "Don't you want to go to sleep?"

  "Yes, but only if it is to the sound of your voice."


  ALEX HAD SPENT HOURS planning this evening down to the smallest detail. Not normally the type to give such thought to his activities, Alex found he couldn't stop when it came to Rachel. He wanted everything to be perfect, and he fretted about it all day. Now that the hour was approaching, he found he was nervous. There was always the chance for something to go wrong. Alex felt like bats were fluttering through his stomach as he waited for her at the foot of the stairs.

  One look up the stairs and he couldn't breathe. The air left his body and he felt nothing but the beating of his heart. The sound of it rang in his ears and matched her steady footsteps. Rachel was all smoke and fire as she descended in the smooth satin gown reflecting the light in soft shades of rose. It was cut to hug her body but fell loosely over her bosom. It moved as her body did, letting the fabric act as a seduction. Around the hips, it pulled back to a small flounce in the back and accentuated how narrow her waist was. It drooped from her shoulders to reveal more of that honey-colored skin. A piece of black satin was wrapped around her neck, exposed by the upswept mass of curls. There was no need for elaborate jewelry when she was so beautiful on her own.

  "You left very vague instructions for me in your note." Rachel stopped just a few steps from the bottom of the stairs. "You said to wear something I love. This is one of my favorite gowns, but I don't think it would be welcome in most ballrooms."

  "It's a good thing we won't be in a ballroom tonight."

  "Daphne is going-"

  "Daphne will be attending a ball, but with Her Grace as company. We will be enjoying a different kind of evening."

  He offered her his hand. She took it, and he tugged her down the final steps and against his body, let her slowly slide down to her feet.

  "Is this you calling in your marker?" The corners of her lips turned up. "Will I be taking the dress and scrubbing the floors?"

  Alex laughed.

  "No, I plan on you wearing the gown. At least most of the night."

  "Good, because I didn't put on proper undergarments."

  "What do you have on?"

  "You will just have to imagine."

  His imagination was already at work, thinking of every female undergarment he knew and how they would look on her. Also how they would look coming off of her. It was enough to make his skin tight under his evening clothes.

  "This is going to be a long night." Alex mumbled under his breath as the two of them left.

  He kept her blindfolded in the carriage so she couldn't see where they were going until they arrived. He had spent the entire day planning this and didn't want to lose the element of surprise. They rode in silence, letting the tension build between them. Alex felt confident she wouldn't find anything amiss with his appearance tonight. She was beautiful, and he enjoyed the time he was allowed to admire her. As the carriage stopped, his throat tightened in apprehension about her reaction.

  The Cremore was one of the last pleasure gardens still operating in London and it was easy to see why. The trees that lined the pathways gave shade to the light from the scattered gas lamps. Flowers in a variety of colors framed the walk, all of them in full bloom this late in the season. The warm breeze was filled with their scent. Rachel's eyes grew wide as he removed the blindfold and helped her step from the vehicle.

  "What is this pla
ce?" she asked as she tried to take in as much of the scene as possible.

  "I thought you might like to see a part of the city that isn't so strict." Alex said.

  "I'm supposed to become a lady."

  "Not tonight. Tonight you can be anything you like."

  Alex reached into his coat pocket and pulled a golden brooch from it. He carefully pinned it to the front of her dress, just above her left breast. The gold details flickered in the gaslight. It was a perfectly-crafted raven, poised to take flight with its wings open wide. The small ruby in its eye glinted back at Alex as he pulled his hand away to allow Rachel to see it.

  She examined the piece pinned to her in awe. "You would allow me to be bad?"

  "Only if you let me be bad with you."

  Color spread across her cheeks, but she didn't say no. He considered that a mark in his favor. Since the night was still young, Alex was in no rush. He was ready to let her take the lead in things between them. If it made her more comfortable to tease him, he would gladly let her.

  As they walked along the pathway, street performers were found every few feet. There was a juggler and a man with a dancing dog. The fire eater delighted Rachel enough that she clapped her hands and laughed. Alex had seen this all before, so he was unimpressed, but he was content to watch her all night.

  In between the acts, she talked while he listened. Mostly she told him about her life at the club, the way she grew up and the memories she had of her childhood. He waited for her to talk about her mother, but those stories never came.

  Alex knew that there was one part of the park that would be her favorite. A band of musicians were at one side playing lively music while people flocked to a large circular dance floor. The crowd was diverse but dressed in their finest clothes and brightest colors. They swirled around the dance floor in such an energetic fashion. There was nothing prim and proper about the moves; they were full of amusement. It was the complete opposite of a society ball in every way.

  "Everyone is dancing!" Rachel took one of his hands in her own. "That looks like fun. Will you dance with me?"

  "Thought you would never ask."

  Alex didn't know most of the steps, but they were easy enough to learn. Rachel picked up the lady's part quickly, and they laughed and moved with the others in the crowd. The music was fast-paced and joyful, making all the participants smile. Alex was enjoying it so much that they continued dancing through two more sets. Finally, Rachel pulled him from the floor in search of something to drink. A waiter with a tray passed them, and Alex paid him for two glasses of punch, made especially for the ladies with just a hint of sherry.

  "I would prefer brandy." said Rachel.

  "I will try to stock some in the house for a late night drink. Unfortunately, I think this is all we have here."

  "You don't mind if a lady drinks?"

  "Not any more than a man who drinks. As long as they don't get out of control."

  They strolled away from the crowded dance area. Alex wasn't sure who was leading, but he didn't mind as long as they were alone. He wanted her to feel comfortable around him, especially when it was just the two of them.

  "Did you ever imagine the kind of wife you would have when you got married?" Rachel stopped under the low-hanging leaves of a flowering tree.

  "No. Before the incident made it necessary, I never actually thought about being married."

  "You inherited a title, so you must have known it was expected."

  "I was good at avoiding most of my responsibilities back then."

  Rachel stood with her back pressed against the trunk of the tree. Her head was tilted, letting a long lock of hair fall against her neck. He reached up to brush it away and she visibly shivered from the contact. He moved closer, leaving just enough room between them for the breeze.

  "If I was going to pick my dream bride, she would probably be someone who kept me on my toes and never let things get boring."

  "Never a moment of peace."

  "Peace is dull."

  Those lips of hers perked up into a smile. "What else?"

  "I would want someone to challenge me."

  "You enjoy losing?"

  "I wouldn't always win, but when I did, I would know I earned it."

  She was peering up at him from beneath her lashes. Her hands were tucked behind her, but her gaze was caressing him. He watched the way she drew her bottom lip in with her teeth, wondering if she was having the same lascivious thoughts that he was.

  "What about her looks? I know you wouldn't want to be married to someone plain of face."

  "You think me so vain?"

  "It's not vanity to desire beauty in a partner." She touched his cheek, letting him settle his chin in her palm.

  "I have never been called beautiful before."

  "I'm not calling you that now."

  She took him by surprise when she pulled him down to her lips. He braced his hands on the tree on either side of her. He pressed his full weight against her, ignoring the thickness of his manhood caught in between. He knew there was no way she could miss it. If she pushed him away, he would go, but she didn't. Instead, he felt her part her legs beneath her skirt just enough to give him a soft place to fit against her.

  For a moment, it was just their mouths involved, nipping and teasing each other. She did not hesitate in her reaction to the kiss, did not act shy or unsure. The way her tongue slid between his lips to suckle him made his blood rush to other parts of his body. He allowed her to devour as much as she needed, holding back with what little restraint he had.

  The second stretched on in exquisite torture before he felt her hands on his hips. They slid up his chest under his coat. The fabric of his waistcoat and shirt still kept her hands from his skin, but he could feel the heat of them. That broke through his restraint and encouraged him to become more active in their passion. He reached for her hips, moving them so that he was rubbing against her in the most intimate way, swallowing the soft sounds of her moaning.

  He left her mouth and began to place gentle kisses across her face, then lower to her neck. He pulled a little on the strip of satin and listened to her gasp. Her skin was smooth and warm against his lips as they dipped lower to where her breasts were pushing above the neckline of her gown. His hands were there, pulling the red fabric down to release them to the night air. Her nipples were already peaked and tight against his fingers.

  He hesitated for a moment, not because he was unsure about his actions, but because he wanted to admire her. With her back arched against the tree and her hair falling from its pins to lie against her bare breasts, Alex was almost salivating. Her swollen lips parted to whisper his name, and that was the signal he needed to bury his face into her bosom.

  He nuzzled the silky skin between her breasts first, inhaling the sweet scent of her. He found one of those perfectly pert tips and suckled it until she moaned. He relished the feel of her tight nipple between his lips as he gave his attention to the other one. She jumped when he pressed his teeth against it. He had surprised her and that felt good.

  "My lord, is that you?"

  There was a voice from the pathway, and even partially hidden by the tree, Alex realized how exposed they were. He quickly pulled up the front of her gown and blocked her from view so that she could put her hair back into order.

  The person continued to move toward them, calling out his name.

  "Lord Andrews, is that you?"

  Now the man was close enough for Alex to recognize the voice, and he cursed under his breath. This was the last person he wanted to be running into while on a romantic evening with his wife. Perhaps if he refused to answer, the man would simply go away.

  "Lord Andrews, it really is urgent that I speak with you."

  Another curse. "I will be with you in just a moment, Gordan."

  "You know the man?” Rachel whispered.


  Alex didn’t want Rachel to be seen in such a disheveled state, so he emerged from the tree alone.
There were two men standing on the path waiting for him. He recognized them both as being creditors he had been dodging for a while. He had planned to meet with them soon, but he should have sent them word about his change in finances. Now they looked like they were determined to get the funds from him now.

  "Hello, gentlemen. Surprised to see you here." Alex tried to keep his voice calm and friendly to disguise how uncomfortable he was in the situation.

  "So are we. Didn't think you would be out enjoying yourself when you had hardly any blunt to spare."

  The two men were comical in their appearance. One was tall and thin, wearing a suit that was once beige had been worn so much it was now more of a yellow. The shorter one had a rounded body inside his dark brown suit and a long moustache on his chubby face. They both worked for shops in St. James that had allowed him to use credit at the beginning of the season to purchase his clothes. They knew he was hoping to land a wealthy wife and would pay them back two fold. As he’d had very little luck, they had begun circling for their money and he’d had no way of paying them. Now he could set that to rights.

  "I was planning to make an appointment with you soon. I recently got married, so I have been spending a great deal of time with my wife."

  "Married? I heard you weren't having much luck with the society ladies." The shorter one, Gordan, said.

  "My luck changed. I found the perfect bride and have been doing the best I can to be a good husband."

  "By avoiding your responsibilities?" Limpton, the taller one, spoke.

  "I wasn't avoiding you, but I could hardly show up on your doorstep same day as my wedding. I had a long list of things I needed to tend to, but you were next on it."

  "I'm afraid your word isn't as good as it used to be. We are going to need something to prove your good intentions."

  Gordan extended his hand to Alex, waiting for him to produce some kind of collateral. Alex had very little money and didn't even have a watch in his pocket. He didn't think he would need more than enough for a few drinks. Gordan read his expression easily and shook his head.


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