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Complexity Page 2

by Maxene Novak

  "Unfortunately, I don't always play nice with others." Nikolas' tone could have made any girl drop to her knees, and Julian didn't seem to be any different.

  "I'm okay if you want it rough." Nikolas ignored Julian this time, focusing on me.

  "Cecelia, what do I need to do to gain your attention?" Undress in front of me right now. Let me crawl all over you. Come home with me. A million different options popped into my head, but I fought the urge, taking another large sip of my drink.

  "How did you find me, Nikolas, more importantly?"

  "Cecelia, I own nearly all these bars. It's hardly searching."

  "You wounded my integrity earlier," I admitted, still burned by his words, but he didn't take the bait.

  "Then let me make it up to you." His hand abruptly slid up my leg, edging on the hem of my all-too-slutty lace dress. "I can make you forget I ever said anything." He'd leaned into me, his voice humming in my ear. I was hyper-aware of Nikolas and Julian around me. One on either side. Oh god, I was melting for both of them in this moment.

  "Cece, you're done toying with these poor men." Ame's voice cut in suddenly, thankfully. "Time to go. Play with them later." I rose to my feet, Nikolas' hand falling away, like being freed from his chains. Julian suddenly leaned into me, kissing my cheek. While he did that, he subtly slid his business card into my clutch.

  "If you ever feel like … celebrating." He winked at me as he disappeared into the crowd. I didn't have time to think when Nikolas was on me.

  "We'll talk later, Cecelia." He handed me his business card with authority. "Until you're begging for me." My breasts swelled automatically, responding to his voice. Then he was gone, leaving me horny and alone.

  After Ame dropped me off at my luxury condo, I couldn't help but wonder about Julian and Nikolas. Nikolas had the power and force of a sexual wrecking ball; he could have any girl he desired. His magnetism was impossible to ignore, and just the thought of him made me wet. Then there was Julian. Everything about him was so relaxing and smooth. I could melt into him forever, tasting him for hours. How was I going to choose between them?

  Then another thought came to me. Julian was clearly into men and women, and he was very into Nikolas. I never dreamed I'd be able to have that kind of relationship again, but maybe. Would it be too much to hope for to not have to choose? To be able to have both men? My thoughts still considered the possibility when I curled into my king-sized bed, lured into a long and deep sleep.

  Chapter 2

  "I think we need to close the deal sooner rather than later." I'd been watching Jon with his presentation; nothing about his demeanor was impressive. His stature lacked authority. "If we wait too long, it could attract other buyers and the price would skyrocket." I stood, fastening the middle button on my suit jacket, tired of his spineless tact.

  "We wait." I held up a hand to stop Jon's retort, gathering myself. I refused to be interrupted. "StrideCorp is attempting to start a bidding war. Their company is worth a fraction of what they brought to the table. We wait for the other buyers to die down, then we come back to them." I adjusted my cufflinks, standing over Jon, daring him to interject. When he didn't, I moved to the door of the board room. "Table this deal for now. Wait them out. Revise the deal, then send it to me for approval." My energy was pent up, without any taxing business to work for.

  "Cancel my meetings this afternoon, Laurel," I commanded as I passed her, heading to my office, "I've got other matters that require my attention." She nodded, staring after me for too long.

  "Christof left a message for you. You'll also have to call back the investors from that gallery." Her voice was professional, but overly friendly. Laurel was clearly swooning over me; she had been for years. She was quite stunning in her own right, with waves of golden brown hair falling past her shoulders, highlighting her facial features. Still, the desperation in her actions hardly gave me any excitement. I wasn't interested in something I could have so easily. I was like that with nearly everything, for as long as I could remember.

  After closing my soundproof opaque doors behind me, I lounged back into my chair. Spinning it to face the floor-to-ceiling glass, I overlooked the city from my seat. Everything felt within my grasp, which should've been pleasing, but it only served to dismay me. Sighing, I straightened my shoulders to read Christof's message.

  Danke, Nikolas. Last night was an incredible night for Der Platz. I promise it will be well worth your while.


  I read and reread his note before finally crumpling it in my hands. I'd looked into the sales of the show pieces from last night and every single one had sold well over their ask. By any measure, it had been a success thus far, but still, I found my thoughts being pulled to that night.

  Arousal overtook me, remembering Cecelia. From an otherwise unmemorable night, she was unforgettable. Normally, women fell all over me just like Laurel, but she had the tenacity to reject me. Reject me twice, in fact. I had to find her; the rising challenge excited me. Something about her told me I would enjoy working for her affections. I crumpled Christof's message in my hand, my attention focused solely on Cecelia.

  I'd spent the rest of the morning and a great deal of the afternoon looking into her lifestyle and background. I glowered, realizing I'd dug myself a hole from the starting point. Cecelia was currently one of the most elite artists in New York; her only other competitors were Christof Weber and Ame Sato. She'd spent her entire seven years in New York nearly inseparable with Ame. In addition, I'd learned she was practically an orphan. Her father was never in the picture and her mother had died young of breast cancer. She'd been raised by her grandmother until her death five years ago. Ms. Sato, in comparison, had been married to Mr. Oliver Aldo, a well-respected architect. The two were a force of nature on their own. Cecelia certainly didn't keep herself in second-rate company. Her pedigree enticed me.

  I was impressed by how self-made she was. She'd worked hard to build herself up, just as I had. Except I'd belittled her life's work, calling it a poor investment. I bit the end of my thumb, wondering if there was a way to still win her over. I'd always found physical acts and gestures to be the easiest form of forgiveness and sealing agreements.

  I could see that she was having her own showing tonight at her gallery. Iris Bower retained Cecelia and Ame; what a clever woman. Very well, I'd find a way to Cecelia tonight. For now, I needed to burn off all the sexual energy surging through me for Cecelia. The gym could always be relied upon to drain me.

  "You're more aggressive than usual," Scott, my trainer, commented as he slowed down right ahead of me. "I actually have to try to win now." His wicked smile spread, antagonizing me. Scott could always run circles around me, but I could always take him when it came to jiu-jitsu. I had an intuitive knack for putting people on their backs.

  "There's a bit of an uphill battle I'm about to face tonight," I said through breaths, readying for another set of sprints. He strode up beside me, his breathing already even.

  "A battle for you?" I ran at a dead sprint, pumping my legs until they burned. He handily beat me again. "I thought the only thing you struggled at was running," he goaded.

  "Well, this one is a first for me," I admitted. My thoughts drifted back to Cecelia. My chest heaved, the hunger growing. "Again," I said, panting. Scott eyed me sideways, curious but relaxed as he lined up again.

  I was on my way out of the gym, adorned in black sweats and a black soft-shell jacket, when I spotted the man who'd been fawning over Cecelia last night at the bar. Julian Horne. He'd had no problems making moves on both me and Cecelia. His own sexual appetite seemed as large as mine, feeling no shame in his actions. He must have sensed my gaze, because his head snapped up, curiosity turning into delight. Julian strode over to me in black yoga tights and a fitted red shirt, accentuating his sinewy muscles.

  "It's you again," he said, stopping in front of me. His hands rested on his hips; even his stance before me was leisurely. "How have I not seen you here before?" I f
ixed my gaze on him, unwilling to play this game with him.

  "Considering I could own any building in New York if I wanted to, I tend to have privatized time. I don't care for sharing." My arms crossed lazily, but I stood before him, overshadowing him entirely. I was not in the mood to see him right now. All the frustrations I'd burned off resurfaced with a vengeance. "I'd appreciate it if you were to leave Cecelia alone." There was no room for misinterpretation, but I saw a spark behind Julian's eyes when I spoke. He shifted his weight to one side, cocking one hip out and crossing his arms. I noticed his biceps flexed considerably.

  "Now why would I do that?" He could show his strength when he wanted to. So, he wasn't backing down, then. "It seemed like last night she rejected you more than once. Actually, she seemed to leave for the night shortly after you arrived." His brow arched sensually.

  "A mere misunderstanding; but let me be clear with you. There's no room for you." My black Lexus pulled up out front for me then, signaling it was time to attend to work I'd put off until now. Good, I didn't want to waste more breath on him.

  "Why don't we let Cecelia decide?"

  I leaned in close to him, lowering my gaze. "As I told you, I don't care for sharing." Before he had an opportunity to reply, I marched out to my car with my bag slung over my shoulder. I was entertained by his subtle advances, but more so annoyed with his gall to still pursue Cecelia. I was a man who refused to lose; I planned to show Cecelia that tonight at her own showcase.

  I made quick work of the phone call earlier with Iris, securing a painting I felt would go nicely over my master bedroom headboard. When I finally had her, I wanted her to know she had been on my mind. My driver pulled the Lexus up in front of Cecelia's gallery; its doors beckoning me.

  I saw her almost immediately when I walked in. Her long blonde hair waved down her back, drawing my attention to her perfectly curved ass. I found it to be a miracle she was still somehow single; everything about her drew your eye, pulled you in. Her long legs could drive any man insane, never mind the satisfaction of watching her plump lips part. Yes, she would be mine. I approached her from behind, once the gentleman she'd been talking to had disappeared.

  "Evening, Ms. Garrison," I purred into her ear as I made my presence known. Just as I'd hoped, when she turned around her lips instinctively parted at the sight of me. Watching them open made me want to put my cock in her mouth, feel her lips against me. I needed this woman.

  "Mr. Beltran. Have you not had enough?"

  "Nikolas; I think you'll find I'm insatiable." I positioned myself between her and the artwork before her. "When you didn't call, I was forced to come to you."

  "Nikolas," she said pointedly. God, I wanted to hear her say my name again. "Maybe I didn't want to call you." Her arms crossed, her lips tightening. I glowered in response, my voice dropping.

  "I thought so. I admit defeat on the topic of beneficial investments. Der Platz performed spectacularly on its opening night." A smug smile ghosted across her face before she recovered.

  "You say that now, after realizing I'm among few who provide competition." She crooked her arm, resting deep blue painted fingernails against her cheek. She eyed me expectantly.

  "It gave me a reason to come see you again, Cecelia." I wanted those nails to claw down my back tonight. I steeled myself, willing control.

  "Are you incapable of giving up, Nikolas?" She said my name again; I swallowed hard, keeping my gaze level with hers.

  "I'm afraid I want you too badly to give up so easily." My words were finally enough to stir her. Her chest heaved and her lips separated so seductively again, sucking in air. "I don't entertain the thought of failure." She was clearly fighting against herself now. I could see her biting her lip, clenching her hands too tightly. Her legs squeezed together, rustling her aquamarine dress.

  "Do all women fall for this that quickly?" Her tone was sarcastic, but silky nonetheless. She gestured to all of me.

  "You're not just any woman now, are you?" I offered, playing her game. I softened my voice, appealing to her body. "Come with me for drinks later this week." She was gnawing at the inside of her mouth, trying to hide her draw to me. An equally alluring smile spread across my face, my hands withdrawing from my suit pants to look at my watch. Her eyes followed me automatically, not realizing she was entranced by me. I had her.

  "No. I'm not just any woman." Her gaze narrowed and her mouth formed a hard line. "Have a good night, Nikolas. I don't blindly bend for any man because he wants it." She smiled back at me then, rejecting me for the third time. God, where has this woman been for the past seven years?

  "I trust you still have my card?" Dammit, how had I given her the upper hand? To my satisfaction, she pulled the card from the clutch folded under her arm. My matte black business card was settled in between her fingers, staring back at me. I flashed an impish smile. "Then I expect to hear from you later this week, Cecelia."

  "Have a good night, Nikolas."

  I walked away, pleasured by the sound of her saying my name. Cecelia was a woman unlike any other; she made that painfully clear tonight. I certainly wasn't going to give up now.

  I woke up the next morning, feeling frustrated yet again. I checked my phone only to be disappointed not to see her number. I'd found her number easily enough when I'd done my initial research on her, but I wanted women to surrender themselves to me willingly. Where was the excitement if there was no chase? I decided that it would be best to spend a few hours in my home gym lifting weights before heading into work. The next time I had a release, it would be from Cecelia.

  I pushed against the strain of my muscles, enduring the last set of reps before finally heading to the shower. Once I'd efficiently cleaned up and was fastening a deep blue tie, I heard the heavenly ping come from my phone. Finishing the tie knot, I looked down with victorious joy to see a message from Cecelia.

  Hey, it's Cece.My eyes lit up. I tapped furiously on my touch screen.

  Good morning, Cecelia. Or rather Cece. I like that. Have you finally decided on when to have drinks? Her response was instant and exactly what I'd expect from her.

  Who said I agreed?

  Why else would you message me? You know I'm a driven man. This time, she made me wait for a reply, denying me the satisfaction of what I wanted. Then, finally, she responded.

  I wonder how long you play with your toys before you get bored?

  Of you? Never.

  Friday at 9. Provado Lounge.

  Hmm, she'd chosen the Portuguese lounge near her apartment complex. That boded well for me.I look forward to it. Enjoy your day, Cece. Think of me. After locking my phone, I slid it into the chest pocket of my black suit and took my private elevator down to my Lexus.

  I was eager to finally have time to properly seduce a woman like Cecelia.

  Chapter 3

  My eyes hurt, adjusting to the brightness of the sun, blazing in through my curtains. "Blackout curtains," my ass, I thought, as I rolled over in bed, finding comfort in the dark. As if a cruel joke was being played on me, my cell's alarm started blaring obnoxious ringtones. I let my arm fall on my cell, dragging it to me on the bed. I wasn't ready to get up yet; thank god it was Sunday. Normally I had Sunday brunch, but that was over now.

  My most recent girlfriend had wanted to get serious, but she was having trouble with me being bisexual. She couldn't handle the idea of competing with men and women, regardless of what I said. Sidney had ripped a wide-open hole in my chest, but I wasn't strong enough to fully break it off. She refused to accept me for who I was, but I still agreed to stay in touch even though we weren't together anymore. I had loved her.

  Once it was finally peaceful again, I laid lazily in bed, hoping to fall back asleep. After 20 minutes, though, I gave up and dragged myself, naked, into my kitchen. I didn't care about anything in the morning except turning on the coffee maker. My temples were still pounding from the previous night, knowing I drank way too much. I should know better at my age, but sometimes I just needed t
o let go and have fun. I headed to the shower, hoping the hot water would help with my tense muscles and my throbbing headache.

  The hot water hit my back blissfully as I tried to remember what exactly I did. I knew I drank – a lot. I also danced – a lot. Then I recalled seeing her, Cecelia. She was a living and breathing blonde bombshell. I wanted to do bad things with her as soon as I spotted her from the bar. Her skimpy red lace dress ran through my mind, turning me on all over again. She'd been super into me until that sexpot of a man showed up and cock-blocked me. Not that I could complain, he was just as sexy as she was, and I got hard standing in the shower thinking about having the two of them. I'd crawl all over them both; I loved anything that was sexy as hell. I suddenly felt like I'd been standing in the shower with an erection for too long, so I hopped out and dried off.

  Heading back into my room for some sweats, I noticed I had a text from a random number. I opened it up and a prickling excitement ran down my spine.

  Hey you, it's Cecelia from last night. A vision of her in that tight little red dress danced in my brain again.

  Oooh, I was just thinking about you. Morning ;) I was glad Nikolas the European sex pistol hadn't ruined my chances, although I wouldn't mind a chance with him either. My eyes rolled in wonder.

  Haha, morning to you too. Sorry about last night, my friends really wanted to get going.

  Don't even think twice about it. I totally get it.

  Well... Can I make it up to you? Oh, this woman knew exactly what to say to get me going. Honey, you are already perfect, I thought to myself.

  You sure can, haha. What did you have in mind?

  Drinks at Provadothis Friday? Maybe 9? Fresh excitement shivered through me. I felt like a giddy high school girl being asked out by her crush.

  Sure! Whatever you want ;) We can figure out details later.

  Great :) I dropped my cell into my sweats pocket and strolled back to the kitchen feeling refreshed. It was too bad about that other hunk, but at least I hadn't lost out on Cecelia. She was who I'd really wanted, and it seemed to have paid off.


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